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The Umbrella Academy - Season 2
The Umbrella Academy - Season 2
2020 | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Soundtrack (0 more)
This quirky show always seems to deliver!

I don't normally start out by mentioning soundtracks but from the get-go it packed an absolute punch, and became a living, breathing, essential part of the show.
There was a good range of old and modern, foreign language versions, and just a whole mix of genres - that had me looking up tracks and adding them to my playlists.
Adele's 'Hello' will never be the same again.

This season I genuinely sang, laughed, cried, cheered, and my jaw dropped. Watching programmes on my own means it is normally hard to elicit an actual physical, or emotional, response.

The show has definitely eased into a comfortable stride, and the characters were far more likeable, now that a lot of the angst is out of the way. All the characters have matured somewhat but retained many of their issues, it's what makes them them, and in any good TV show, it takes a bit of time to fully overcome these.
I have come to love and appreciate many of the characters differently from season one. Season one had a few more stand out characters, and they really pushed those ones on to the audience. Whereas this time, it felt more like an ensemble piece, with all the parts being essential (and did I mention more likeable 😅).

The show touched on some tricky themes, and resonates with the current political climate. I feel like the show dealt with these historically horrific times with an elegance and dignity that was in keeping with the feel of the programme.

A few more puzzle pieces fell into place but there is still plenty of mystery left to keep you wanting more.
The whole thing is over the top, messy, and utterly outrageous at times, but that is all part of the charm.
I am eager for the next season, and hope it isn't delayed too much.
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Sunshine (2007)
Sunshine (2007)
2007 | Drama, Sci-Fi
The sun is dying and the Icarus project is sent in to fix the problem. Robert Capa and the Icarus team go out into space in hopes of re-igniting the sun with a stellar bomb that's equal in mass to Manhattan island. It's been sixteen months since the team first left earth and they're about to enter the blackout zone...a bit earlier than expected. This means they won't be able to send or receive messages back home after they reach this zone. This is only the beginning of their problems as they realize that no matter how prepared they thought they were...things can and will go wrong in phenomenal ways.

I've got to say right off the bat that this is one of my favorite films to come out in recent years. I think it's an almost perfect film. The film had a science advisor and it shows as it's a very intelligent film. The Danny Boyle films I've seen have been good, but I think this one is my favorite thus far. It's another film that is beautifully shot. Every frame is just oozing with vibrant colors and Boyle's style bleeds through in every scene. Cillian Murphy is impressive, as always. He's another actor I feel deserves more credit than he's given as he impresses me more and more as his talent seems to shine that much brighter in each film he's involved with. Chris Evans was the guy who surprised me in this. It's not a role you'd expect to see him in after seeing him in films like Not Another Teen Movie and Fantastic Four. He's in top form though and he fits into this role in ease. This is also one of the few films that I really enjoy the soundtrack, as well. When a soundtrack enhances the movie experience instead of taking away from it, it only makes the film that much better. This is one of those soundtracks.

As great as the film is, it's greatest strength is its biggest flaw. They did have a science advisor and it helps make the film more believable, more intelligent, etc. The things that were changed to add suspense or for whatever reason other than to make the film more believable or as factual as possible make the film seem a little farfetched at times. It's really only a minor nitpick and it doesn't take away from how superb this movie really is.

Sunshine is a film any science fiction or horror fan should see. It's mostly a science fiction film, but the last half or so is pure horror. There's definitely an Event Horizon feel to this film. It's an interesting formula that pays off pretty well in the end. The film looks fantastic as every shot seems to jump off the screen in vibrant color. It's very well written and pretty believable(given the circumstances). The acting is top notch and it's a film I highly recommend to anyone I can.