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The Dead Don't Die (2019)
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
There is a certain style to a Jim Jarmusch fictional film and it remains to this day. His newest film "The Dead Don't Die" with its own theme song by Sturgill Simpson is no exception. In and of itself, this seems a satire of recent films that exist to sell soundtracks and not movie tickets. The town of Centerville is experiencing an existential crisis. It seems that all the dead are becoming reanimated and slowly attacking the town. The three police officers are overmatched and all the living are running out of time. Imagine seeing your dead grandmother, would you be able to take her down if you were the only line of defense? In the end, The Dead Don't Die becomes an indictment of government inaction and human inefficiency.

Matthew Fox recommended Drive (2011) in Movies (curated)

Drive (2011)
Drive (2011)
2011 | Crime, Thriller

"I loved Drive. Drive is one of my favorites, actually. Yeah, I would put that down. Stylistically, it was like nothing I’d seen in a while. The soundtrack is one of the best soundtracks ever — I loved the soundtrack — and the way that he directed that; there are so many interesting directorial choices there. Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan — their falling in love with each other, the kiss that is in that movie in the elevator, and then the violence that proceeds right after that. And it’s one of the most amazing movie kisses ever because you kind of sense that this thing is coming right afterwards, and it’s so, so brutal. There are so many elements of that movie that I think are really, really well done. Great movie."


Dork_knight74 (881 KP) created a post

Jun 25, 2019  
Does anyone else have an issue with sound on movies? It always seems like they can't mix it right or something. I watch most of my movies on my tv. When I watch shows they're fine. People talk, you can hear them, yadda yadda. When I watch movies and someone is talking I can barely hear them so I have to turn up the volume. Then when something happens(like suddenly) is so loud it almost blows my ear drums out. So I turn it back down- then I can't hear them talking... again. This happens a lot. It's like Hollywood can't get the soundtracks mixed right. I've been tested so I know it's not my hearing. Drives me nuts. Ok, rant over. Please tell me I'm not alone in this, friends. Smdh.
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Ross (3282 KP) Jun 25, 2019

It is a nightmare, especially when the kids are sleeping, you have to watch a film with your fingers over the volume controls, constantly adjusting it.


Dork_knight74 (881 KP) Jun 25, 2019

I'll check my tv settings. I'm glad it's not just me though. Lol


Awix (3310 KP) rated Horror Express (1972) in Movies

Mar 14, 2018 (Updated Mar 14, 2018)  
Horror Express (1972)
Horror Express (1972)
1972 | Horror, Sci-Fi
7.3 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Unexpectedly winning Anglo-Spanish horror movie, with low budget and lo-fi production more than compensated for by strong cast and inventive script. Initially looks like caveman-on-the-rampage schlock, but turns into something much more interesting and intelligent; to some extent this is yet another version of The Thing, with a mini-zombie apocalypse dropped in for the climax.

Benefits enormously from the old Lee-Cushing magic; Telly Savalas turns up at the end and manages to upstage them both (no mean feat). Decent production values, once you get past the dubbing (movie was made without sound and had multiple different soundtracks added for different markets). Maybe it can't quite make its mind up whether to be a supernatural horror movie or sci-fi, but the genre mash-up is at least distinctive and interesting. Great fun; deserves to be better known.
Entertainment, Lifestyle
8.0 (2 Ratings)
App Rating
I love the selection of old & new TV/films & the option to stream disney channel live. The music selection is good & I love that the new soundtracks appear quickly. (0 more)
The option to make a playlist would be so useful. Also sometimes things are a little clunky & don't work as smoothly as other apps. Some films/TV shows take a while to appear on there after release. (0 more)
This app is life!
It's a great app & I love the easy access to all things Disney! As a huge fan of the films, tv & music there is so much to get my teeth into & I love rewatching old favourites. There are a few gaps- things that haven't appeared on there yet, but I'm hoping they'll keep adding to the old library of 90s cartoons! I just wish that new film/TV was more up to date with the releases on other mediums.
On the Waterfront (1954)
On the Waterfront (1954)
1954 | Classics, Drama, Romance

"Every aspect of the movie is excellent. There isn’t one wrong move — from the script, to the acting, to the music. It’s such a beautiful human story about an individual struggle set against the corrupt unions screwing over the dock workers. So, you have this social background for the situation, and then you have the personal human journey of the brother of one of these union mobsters, who has to sort of turn on his own people. Marlon Brando pretty much rocked the cinema with this new style of acting, and you can never go back to Cary Grant. As wonderful as Cary Grant is, Marlon Brando changed the game. Karl Malden has one of the greatest movie monologues of all time as the priest in the docks, encouraging everyone to take a stand. He was like the first Norma Rae. I have the soundtrack on my iPod. I love great movie soundtracks, and I consider that one of those."

Small Craft On A Milk Sea by Brian Eno
Small Craft On A Milk Sea by Brian Eno
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This has some of the really beautiful ambient stuff that he's known for on his earlier records, and I'm a big fan of that, but there's also some really interesting beats on it. I think for someone who's been in the game for as long as he has to still be making music and beats that are unorthodox and matching that with music that's still serene, that makes for a very dynamic record. Of course, we'd love to work with Eno one day. Some of these tracks were rejected from a film score, and I love to put on visuals when I'm making music. I collect old films, from the turn of the century or the 60s or whatever, I'll put one up on a monitor and start writing, to me that's one of the most fun ways of making music. One day I hope to utilise that talent in some way and work on making soundtracks."


Rachel Lambert recommended Jackie Brown (1997) in Movies (curated)

Jackie Brown (1997)
Jackie Brown (1997)
1997 | Action, Drama, Mystery

"Since I love Quentin Tarantino, I went with Jackie Brown – that’s my favorite Quentin Tarantino film. I could go on and on about why Tarantino is a master of dialogue and writing — I mean I love The Hateful Eight; I think that’s sort of genius of him as a director — but Jackie Brown is such a perfectly contained piece. It’s exciting but also has these perfectly human moments where characters are talking about growing older, and they ally themselves in this plot not because of… I mean there is gain financially and there is gain for personal reasons, but there is also this sort of camaraderie that’s born. It’s also incredibly clever and funny. I just love that. I love the soundtrack as well. You can’t love a Tarantino film and not love the soundtrack. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve strutted down New York City streets to Quentin Tarantino soundtracks! That’s for real. But I mean Jackie Brown is amazing, centered, and [has] these unexpected characters. Samuel Jackson gives the performance of a lifetime."

A Bittersweet Life (2006)
A Bittersweet Life (2006)
2006 | Action, International, Drama
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sweet as
Number 2 in my #top10 favourite films of all time is 'A Bittersweet Life'
Without a doubt the greatest revenge #film ever made #abittersweetlife is a jaw dropping, beautifully shot, meticulously choreographed & accompanied by one of the most alluring soundtracks I've ever heard in a film. To look at this film as simply a #revenge film is missing out on why its so great, its a film about #freedom, innocence, loyalty & power with so much intricacy/depth to each if your willing to open your mind & delve deeper into its characters/themes. There's also so many absolutely stunningly #crafted, memorable, creative & tense set pieces here too that make almost every #action film look sub par in comparison. #Leebyunghun gives the performance of his career here , he's just so #cool, #stylish, dedicated & #charming that theres not one point your not #emotionally attached to him & engaged in the film. If you #love foreign films you can not miss out on this one its utter perfection & for me nothing will ever come close to how flawless it is. Make sure you watch the directors cut as the theatrical misses out a few extreamly important plot points.
#jeewoonkim #buddist #korea #korean #revenge #blood #violence #thursdaythoughts #martialarts #fighting #gangster #mob #fight #beauty #art #filmbuff #filmcritic #artsy
Midnight Cowboy OST by John Barry
Midnight Cowboy OST by John Barry
1969 | Compilation, Pop, Rock, Soundtrack
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"John Barry is probably my number one, I got him to play Meltdown when I did that. I was trying to get him to play more obscure stuff from his catalogue but he wasn't into it at that point in his life. I like this album because you've got his soundtrack stuff and then you've got songs like 'Old Man Willow' that sound like Broadcast. Soundtracks don't always work as albums because they tend to repeat the theme so much that they're not that exciting to listen to, but this one doesn't do that. I think there's one song I'm not that bothered of, 'He Quit Me' at the end of side one, but it just works as an album. There was a record shop in Sheffield called Rare & Racey that only closed down a couple of years ago, you could get pretty cheap second hand records and I picked this up there and played it to death. It probably did have an influence on Pulp, I really liked the sound of it. It's not so much on this record but he used a dulcimer on The Ipcress Files soundtrack, and that definitely influenced the Pulp song 'I Spy', there was a definite attempt to make it sound like that in the background. "
