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Zach Smith (62 KP) rated Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) in Movies
May 29, 2018
The very best
The reboot of the reboot of our web slinger, this time around making Peter Parker with an actor who appears high school aged and not thirty something. It starts off without the origin which was a weird surprise but I think they believed the audience is well aware of how spidey got his powers so why not save some space and skip ahead to where he is experimenting being a superhero. Michael Keaton is cast as the Falcon but he is able to channel his badass side and make this character more than just a glider suite. The relationship between Tony Stark and Peter is cute and again the best part of this is Tom Hollands performance and youthfulness.

ashezbookz (32 KP) rated All the Crooked Saints in Books
Jul 5, 2018
This book was alright - it was an interesting read but the writing was strange. The Stiefvater books I've read have all been audiobook style (Raven Cycle) so it was strange to read a book on paper like this and it was rough at times to pick apart the context of the book.
The whole Saint aspect was well thought out I think and quite unique to things I have read in the past as far as magical realism goes. There was also a plethora of great characters to choose from to be your favourite from the start. The book doesn't generally focus on any one in particular even though it's about the three cousins I feel equal play time was given to the pilgrims so it was a joy in that aspect.
If it weren't for the difficult shift in head space, going from one character straight into another's thoughts I think this book would have been utterly joyful! But a solid 3.5 stars anyway!
The whole Saint aspect was well thought out I think and quite unique to things I have read in the past as far as magical realism goes. There was also a plethora of great characters to choose from to be your favourite from the start. The book doesn't generally focus on any one in particular even though it's about the three cousins I feel equal play time was given to the pilgrims so it was a joy in that aspect.
If it weren't for the difficult shift in head space, going from one character straight into another's thoughts I think this book would have been utterly joyful! But a solid 3.5 stars anyway!

Cori June (3033 KP) rated Zodiac (Zodiac, #1) in Books
Dec 3, 2018
It was an interesting read. Does it contain a love triangle? Yes. Does it have a heroine that is in over her head? Yes. Does it some times want you to take said heroine and shake her? Sometimes. Is it complete fantasy that has little to nothing to do with real science? Yes. Does it have anything to do with the Zodiac? No???? Sorta????? Does it have space travel? Yes.
I really liked the book. it is loosely based on the zodiac meaning it has all the 12 signs plus the 13th one no one talks about. And like astrology would have it each sign is aligned with an element and personality trait. And the leader or at least a very important political office is given to someone who can read he stars and predict the near future. Our heroine is unfortunate in that she is not only young and new at her job she is cursed to know that she will never be believed.
I really liked the book. it is loosely based on the zodiac meaning it has all the 12 signs plus the 13th one no one talks about. And like astrology would have it each sign is aligned with an element and personality trait. And the leader or at least a very important political office is given to someone who can read he stars and predict the near future. Our heroine is unfortunate in that she is not only young and new at her job she is cursed to know that she will never be believed.

David McK (3508 KP) rated Star Wars: Darth Vader, Vol 1: Vader in Books
Jan 28, 2019
The second of the two canon Marvel Star Wars comics I've read recently, this (I felt) is also somewhat unfortunately less impressive than the first ([b: Star Wars, Vol 1: Skywalker Strikes|24718416|Star Wars, Vol. 1 Skywalker Strikes|Jason Aaron||44342503]).
This time around, we're focusing on the titular 'bad guy' of the franchise, showing how he (begins) to move from being (virtually) a sidekick in 'A New Hope' to being the main menace in 'The Empire Strikes Back', and on how he discovers the identity of Luke Skywalker. As a large part of this is concurrent with that other story, we also get the occasional duplicate panel in this as in the earlier entry.
As before, this starts with the opening crawl before we get a panel shot of space, with (again) - all we're lacking is the ominous tones of the Imperial March playing out!
This time around, we're focusing on the titular 'bad guy' of the franchise, showing how he (begins) to move from being (virtually) a sidekick in 'A New Hope' to being the main menace in 'The Empire Strikes Back', and on how he discovers the identity of Luke Skywalker. As a large part of this is concurrent with that other story, we also get the occasional duplicate panel in this as in the earlier entry.
As before, this starts with the opening crawl before we get a panel shot of space, with (again) - all we're lacking is the ominous tones of the Imperial March playing out!

David McK (3508 KP) rated Star Wars, Vol. 1: Skywalker Strikes in Books
Jan 28, 2019
Flagship entry in Marvel's take-over of the Star Wars comics, this is set between the events of 'A New Hope' and 'The Empire Strikes Back' and, I have to say, is also a pretty enjoyable read!
It probably helps, of course, that the opening panels start with the iconic crawl, before moving to an expanse of space, with a spaceship then passing overhead - as close, in short, as you can get to the opening of the films in comic form! It also helps that all the main character - Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, C3PO and R2D2 all make a return, all looking pretty much as they did on the screen back then
OK, it's not perfect, with the reveal of Han's secret past (in particular) for me falling a bit flat, and with the story losing it's pace after the somewhat spectacular early pyrotechnics, but if this is anything to go on? We're in good hands.
It probably helps, of course, that the opening panels start with the iconic crawl, before moving to an expanse of space, with a spaceship then passing overhead - as close, in short, as you can get to the opening of the films in comic form! It also helps that all the main character - Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, C3PO and R2D2 all make a return, all looking pretty much as they did on the screen back then
OK, it's not perfect, with the reveal of Han's secret past (in particular) for me falling a bit flat, and with the story losing it's pace after the somewhat spectacular early pyrotechnics, but if this is anything to go on? We're in good hands.

David McK (3508 KP) rated A Little Rebellion (Crimson Worlds #3) in Books
Jan 30, 2019
Like the previous two entries in [a:Jay Allan|6477659|Jay Allan|]'s 'Crimson Worlds' series, this is probably more accurately called space opera than science fiction: set in a distant future where man has colonised the stars, this concerns itself with an act of rebellion, an act whereby the colony world's of the Alliance are seeking the gain their freedom from the autocratic rule of the latter.
Cue divided loyalties of Eric Cain and his compatriats in both the Marines and the Fleet ...
I found this to be an OKish read: it did keep me reading and turning the (electronic) pages, but it never really sucked me in all that much, never really hooked me enough to go looking for any further entries in the series. Don't get me wrong, I may read them if I come across them, just not actively search them out ...
Cue divided loyalties of Eric Cain and his compatriats in both the Marines and the Fleet ...
I found this to be an OKish read: it did keep me reading and turning the (electronic) pages, but it never really sucked me in all that much, never really hooked me enough to go looking for any further entries in the series. Don't get me wrong, I may read them if I come across them, just not actively search them out ...

Stephanie Neve (104 KP) rated Harry Potter: Wizards Unite in Apps
Jun 23, 2019
Literally Pokemon Go for wizards
I would like to start by announcing that I am a die hard Harry Potter fan, so I am going to have patience for this app whilst it's going through its early stages.
It's literally pokemon go. If you're happy with pokemon go and you aren't obsessed with Harry Potter then you don't need this app. Particularly as it takes up so much phone space.
However so far I have been pleased. I like that there is a mixture of challenges available at fortresses to take part in. The portkeys are an interesting addition. I still can't work out what to do with my seeds.
In conclusion I think this app has great potential but I don't think it's worth it if you don't have a really good phone.
It's literally pokemon go. If you're happy with pokemon go and you aren't obsessed with Harry Potter then you don't need this app. Particularly as it takes up so much phone space.
However so far I have been pleased. I like that there is a mixture of challenges available at fortresses to take part in. The portkeys are an interesting addition. I still can't work out what to do with my seeds.
In conclusion I think this app has great potential but I don't think it's worth it if you don't have a really good phone.

Vegas (725 KP) rated the Xbox One version of The Outer Worlds in Video Games
Oct 28, 2019
The writing (3 more)
The game play
The graphics
Lack of 3rd person view (3 more)
Drawing weapons by mistack when trying other tasks
Some conversations are a little long
The combat system could be tweaked
Like Fallout in space.
If you have played Fallout you will feel at home with this game from part of the team who made New Vegas and even though it isn't part of the Fallout series it does have the feel of a distant cousin.
Although I'm still only part way through, it is one of the best games I have played recently, it is colourful, fun, tough choices need to be made and feels like things you do actually matter to the world around you...
It would be nice to have a third person view choice as in Fallout and it is a bit annoying when attempt to do a task and you end up drawing your gun by mistake but these are not enough of a problem to ruin the game...
Although I'm still only part way through, it is one of the best games I have played recently, it is colourful, fun, tough choices need to be made and feels like things you do actually matter to the world around you...
It would be nice to have a third person view choice as in Fallout and it is a bit annoying when attempt to do a task and you end up drawing your gun by mistake but these are not enough of a problem to ruin the game...

Sarah Betts (103 KP) rated The Stars Now Unclaimed (The Universe After #1) in Books
Dec 31, 2019
I would like to thank NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book has three things I adore:
Snarky characters
Space battles
A group who becomes a family despite the odds.
Needless to say I LOVED this book.
It starts out with a soldier looking for one of many children who can stop the evil hypocritical fascists called the Pax.
There was an incident called the pulse that knocked out most of this verse's technology.
There are some really cool characters and some things that surprised me, which I found delightful!
There are only two complaints about this book I have:
I felt there could have been more cool alien species
This book comes out in about a week, which means it will probably take a year for the next one to come out.
(A more in-depth review can be found at
on August 14th at 6am pst)
This book has three things I adore:
Snarky characters
Space battles
A group who becomes a family despite the odds.
Needless to say I LOVED this book.
It starts out with a soldier looking for one of many children who can stop the evil hypocritical fascists called the Pax.
There was an incident called the pulse that knocked out most of this verse's technology.
There are some really cool characters and some things that surprised me, which I found delightful!
There are only two complaints about this book I have:
I felt there could have been more cool alien species
This book comes out in about a week, which means it will probably take a year for the next one to come out.
(A more in-depth review can be found at
on August 14th at 6am pst)

Lyndsey Gollogly (2893 KP) rated Who's Afraid Too? (Tommi Grayson #2) in Books
Dec 29, 2019
Contains spoilers, click to show
Tommi Grayson: all bark, all bite . . . and now she's BACK!
After the worst family reunion in history, Tommi needed some space. She's spent the last few weeks trying to understand her heritage - the one that comes with a side order of fur - as well as learning about her Maori ancestry and how she can connect to it. But she can only escape for so long. ...
Maria Lewis is so refreshing! I live Tommi Grayson she kicks ass and just keeps going! Maria is never afraid to kill characters off for impact and I truly admire that! This book see Tommi dealing with the loss of friends , the news of her best friends cancer being back, her troubled relationship with Lorcan and moving on to learn how to be a werewolf. So much and such little time before another mystery hits! Love the new characters introduced.
Can not wait to read the next installment.
After the worst family reunion in history, Tommi needed some space. She's spent the last few weeks trying to understand her heritage - the one that comes with a side order of fur - as well as learning about her Maori ancestry and how she can connect to it. But she can only escape for so long. ...
Maria Lewis is so refreshing! I live Tommi Grayson she kicks ass and just keeps going! Maria is never afraid to kill characters off for impact and I truly admire that! This book see Tommi dealing with the loss of friends , the news of her best friends cancer being back, her troubled relationship with Lorcan and moving on to learn how to be a werewolf. So much and such little time before another mystery hits! Love the new characters introduced.
Can not wait to read the next installment.