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Awix (3310 KP) rated The Quatermass Xperiment (1955) in Movies

Mar 4, 2018 (Updated Mar 4, 2018)  
The Quatermass Xperiment (1955)
The Quatermass Xperiment (1955)
1955 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The original Hammer horror movie; the studio did actually know how to spell 'experiment', but the title refers to the 'X' certificate that all self-respecting horror films had at the time this was made. Astronaut comes back from space a changed man; the rest of his crew mysteriously vanished - just what went on out there? Professor Q must figure it out before the mutation afflicting the astronaut reaches its final form.

Actually really, really tame as a horror movie by modern standards, obviously, but also of great historical interest as the birth of a legend in British cinema. One can't help suspecting the TV show was a lot more thoughtful, but this still works pretty well as an SF movie, and an influential one at that, and the juxtaposition of B-movie SF ideas and images with post-war Britain is interesting. Imported American star Brian Donlevy is not very good as Professor Q (original writer Nigel Kneale claimed he was on the sauce all the time); Richard Wordsworth is mesmerising as the doomed astronaut.
Star Wars: Imperial Assault
Star Wars: Imperial Assault
2014 | Adventure, Entertainment, Fighting, Miniatures, Science Fiction
Star Wars: Imperial Assault: The Kotaku Review
Imperial Assault is a board game that was released in late 2014. I only got around to playing it over the weekend, and I already count those months between as wasted.

Having made a ton of money off their excellent X-Wing game before moving onto capital ship battles, Imperial Assault is Fantasy Flight’s shot at moving Star Wars into more traditional tabletop territory.

If you’ve ever played HeroQuest, Space Crusade or even XCOM, you’ll be familiar with the basics here: players take control of a character and take turns to move about a grid-based battlefield, using terrain as cover as they battle enemies and complete objectives.

It’s designed for 2-5 players, but shines brighter the closer you get to the latter. A single player—basically the dungeon master—takes control of all Imperial forces, while everyone else selects a single Rebel character, choosing from a stable of RPG class stalwarts (support, sniper, etc).

Reviewer: Luke Plunkett
Read the full review here:
Xia: Legends of a Drift System
Xia: Legends of a Drift System
2014 | Adventure, Exploration, Fighting, Miniatures, Science Fiction
So Much Sand in Space
A board game billing itself as a ‘sandbox’ is always going to be a little bit clunky, and Xia Legends of a Drift System is no exception. There are plenty of different systems for new players to learn and you will have to be patient when teaching the game. Xia Legend sof a Drift System isn’t particularly heavy, but there are many moving parts. A smarter person than me might have been able to figure out a way of sanding down Xia’s rough edges to make a more elegant experience, but I can’t honestly recommend better ways to implement its systems.

Ultimately, Xia’s dice rolling and the inherent meanness of blowing up your rivals and disrupting their turns, will be deal breakers for some. But if you invite people into your sandbox that won’t take themselves too seriously, there are plenty of toys to go around. I highly recommend you pick up Xia Legends of a Drift System.

Original Score: 4.4/5
Reviewer: John Severn
Read the full review here:
The Astronaut's Wife (1999)
The Astronaut's Wife (1999)
1999 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
5.8 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Turgid obstetric-horror SF movie from the days before Johnny Depp rode his Keith Richards impersonation to global superstardom. Depp goes off into space, comes back (maybe) possessed by aliens; on his return Theron is unsettled by his odd behaviour, especially when it turns out she has been impregnated by this guy.

Basically Quatermass meets Rosemary's Baby, only not as good as that sounds. Not very much happens for long periods of time, apart from regular close-ups of Theron's toes; vague atmosphere of stately menace doesn't make up for the lack of real scares, thrills, or ideas. Charlize Theron, at the age of 24, carries the movie as well as can be expected in the circumstances, Depp is all over the place. In the end the plot turns out to be a cigarette paper's width away from being total gibberish; the DVD has two alternate endings, neither of which is much cop. Gynaecologists with an interest in foot fetishism will probably love it - everyone else, not so much.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
1968 | Classics, Sci-Fi
Beautiful and frustrating
2001: A Space Odyssey is one of the most frustrating movies in the world for me. It has everything I should love but for some reason while I can admit it is a good movie I just don't care for it very much.
 I have watched this movie a few times in my life and every single time I think I'm going to like it and every single time I just don't I can't even really tell you why I don't like it I just always walk out of it feeling unsatisfied. I've read all the fan theories I read all the hidden meanings and it just frustrates me so much because I want to love this movie but I just don't.
 The one thing I will give this movie is it is absolutely breathtaking the cinematography is arguably one of the best out there and it's just not something that you see very often but as I've said I just don't care for the movie and as a Sci-Fi fan it kills me to admit it.

Andy K (10823 KP) Feb 21, 2018

It's an acquired taste for sure!


BobbiesDustyPages (1259 KP) Feb 21, 2018

Oh definitely, sadly it's just not one I can acquire.


Awix (3310 KP) rated Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) in Movies

Feb 13, 2018 (Updated Feb 13, 2018)  
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
1982 | Action, Sci-Fi
A Mid-life Crisis, but Not as We Know It
Easily the best of the Trek movies. Made with half-an-eye to concluding the franchise, it ended up revitalising the series for another quarter century.

Old enemy from the TV show is rediscovered, vows revenge on Kirk; many rousing space battles and well-handled character moments ensue. Ricardo Montalban really goes for it as Khan; William Shatner gives a proper movie leading man performance. Relatively low budget is artfully concealed.

Benefits considerably from being willing to acknowledge that everyone has aged since the original TV show; Kirk has to confront the consequences of choices he made as a young man (later movies disregarded the fact the crew were becoming increasingly geriatric). The essential Trek philosophy of optimistic liberal humanism somehow gets a bit lost along the way, but you really don't care as the rest of it is so much fun. Almost unreasonably well-written when you consider the script was done in less than a fortnight.
The Coral Kingdom
The Coral Kingdom
Laura Knowles | 2018 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Coral Kingdom by Laura Knowles is a beautifully illustrated picture book about coral reefs, as well as a pretty strong call to save them.

The story part of the book is a nice sing song of the animals and colors of the reef. The back matter is all about what is coral, how we can save it, and how we can save our planet. Told in a loose rhyming scheme, the reader is brought into the wonders of this undersea world. The watercolor pictures illustrate with beautiful colors of the reef and the life around it. There are lots of sea creatures to find as well as unusual things like boats that have become part of the reef over time. A call is made to save this beautiful space.

The book ends with some action ideas for sustaining the reef and how it is losing it's color. The message is clear, but I never felt like I was being beat over the head with it. The case is made gently and with beautiful art.
Apollo 13 (1995)
Apollo 13 (1995)
1995 | Action, Drama, History
No problems here!
Everyone was waiting to see what Tom Hanks would do next after winning his back-to-back Oscars for Philadelphia and Forrest Gump. It ended up being another wondrous film about the true story of the doomed space mission and the many people who banded together to help save the lives of the three astronauts.

Everything about the film is fantastic including the acting, screenplay and special effects. If this film were made today, I think filmmakers would have tried to go too high tech and CGI when this is a human story and a triumph of the human spirit vs. something more savvy.

I really miss Bill Paxton most of all. His performance in the film was magnificent and hilarious, just like all his memorable characters. I truly miss him every day.

Through my melancholies, I was able to enjoy a perfect film like this. You know you are watching something truly awe-inspiring when you know how it's going to end and it still chokes you up.
Infinity: Volume 1
Infinity: Volume 1
Jonathan Hickman, Jim Cheung | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Warning - not a Thanos-heavy book as described
The builders, a race of beings who created the universe, have decided they want a change and have begun to destroy it and start again. And there are numerous species that decide to try and stop them for obvious reasons. And there are other things with pointy things on their heads and no clothes on and there is Thanos being Thanos and there is sexual tension between Namor and Black Panther and .... just so much going on.
The scope of this story is epic, as you might expect given the recent Infinity Wars part 1. However, it really is not very accessible - there is a lot of gobbledigook and pseudoscience trotted out. And most of the action takes place in space, or inter-planetary politics.
Some parts of this neverending book were excellent, but they were few and far between.
To cut a long story short, I never truly felt like I had much of an idea of what was happening, and only enjoyed the final few issues to any great extent. Some decent artwork.
The Last Starfighter (1984)
The Last Starfighter (1984)
1984 | Action, Sci-Fi
Guilty 80s pleasure still sparkles!
I have made several "Andy's Guilty Pleasures" lists in my life and Flash Gordon, Krull and this film are always at the very top. I'm sure it's because this movie was a childhood favorite, but also because it hits everything just right. It's not complicated, scary, or deep at all. Just a campy good time.

When local teenager trailer park handyman Alex Rogan finally beats his favorite video game "Starfighter" he gets more than he bargained for when it's owner comes calling and invites Alex into outer space to help the star league defend itself against its enemies.

It was one of the first movies to use any sort of CGI images as we think of them today. I'm sure nowadays people would say it looked a bit dated, but I would argue the characters and story are what keep it relevant.

There have been many stories and attempts to remake or reboot this film, even from Steven Spielberg, and thus far it hasn't happened.

Keeping my fingers crossed it never does.
