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Leigh J (71 KP) rated Warlock (1989) in Movies

Nov 12, 2019 (Updated Nov 12, 2019)  
Warlock (1989)
Warlock (1989)
1989 | Action, Horror, Mystery
5.6 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Unexpectedly Good!
Contains spoilers, click to show
1691: a Warlock is captured and imprisoned by a Witch Hunter called Giles. On the night of his execution, a storm happens in which he mysteriously disappears, leaving no trace behind.
It transpires that the Warlock has been transported forward to 1988, and he lands in an Apartment with 2 roommates, one of which he murders. The Warlock then uses his power to get in touch with a Demon; who instructs him that there is a Grand Grimoire that has been split into 3 books. To become a true Son of Satan, he has to find the 3 books and put them back together to make the Grimoire. However, little does the Warlock know... Giles the Witch Hunter has been transported to the '80s with him, and is determined to take the Warlock down, with the help of a young Woman who was the 2nd roommate (who's rapidly aging thanks to a spell the Warlock put on her). Will they be able to find the Warlock before time runs out?
Warlock has really surprised me! I thought it looked like it was going to be really bad, and one of those Movies that I wish I'd never seen, and don't get me wrong there are moments that are unintentionally comedic and cheesy but I found myself strangely enjoying it, and actually thinking it's a very decent Movie that I'd watch again! Forgiveably cringeworthy, Horror fans should definitely give this one a go!

Jean-Pierre Gorin recommended Salesman (1969) in Movies (curated)

Salesman (1969)
Salesman (1969)
1969 | Documentary
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In many ways the perfect double bill with Young Mr. Lincoln. Democracy in America, Part II. There is a lot of carbon dating at work in this movie (how an interior, a suit, a gesture spell class—as in middle or working—and the historic moment, 1969, in which these classes function); but this unfurling of specificity is there to give us its metaphysical sense and resonance (the essence of labor, its afferent solitude, the pathos of success). A lot has to do with the amount of space the frame encloses and how resolutely off center it chooses to remain. For all its relentless attention to the matter at hand, Salesman is never a claustrophobic film. It is a film that often goes one (or two or three) better on what a long line of American writers (from Dreiser on) have tried to pin down. Which might explain why Salesman often feels like a valentine to a time in film (and society in general) when work defined character, registering the cusp moment after which it will cease to do so. One can look at Salesman and weep when what rules as “documentary” these days comes to mind; one can—maybe naively—take the film as a perfect illustration of what the genre might still produce; one can celebrate the film as definitively proving the inanity of the dichotomy between fiction and documentary. I tend to go for the latter."

Harry Potter Trading Card Game
Harry Potter Trading Card Game
2001 | Card Game, Collectible Components, Fantasy, Fighting, Book
Gameplay (3 more)
Variety of Characters
Variety of Card
Game Length
Potential costs (0 more)
Great game, but costs could add up.
Firstly, this is a great game, for seasoned gamers or beginners; very quick and easy to play and understand.

The aim of the game is a simple one, to empty your opponents deck. Simple as that. This is done by choosing a character (each with a unique special skill), and playing creature, spell and item cards to attack their deck.

The range of spells are superb, with everything from forgotten spells from the books, to flipendo, best remembered from the 2001 PS1 Philosophers Stone game. The range of beasts could be better, but as this is only based on the first book, the range could be considered excellent, including creatures including Devil's Snare, Fluffy, Fang, Hounds, Boa Constrictors, Wolves, Trolls and anything you can think of when it comes to the first film/book.

The only issue nowadays is potential costs. As this is out-of-print and nearly 20 years old, cards are a bit of a nuisance to find and expensive when you do find them. Small lots of cards can be found on ebay for a reasonable price, but if you're after individual cards, costs could easily mount up with cards starting at 99p and going up to £5 or more for some of the rarer cards.

Overall though, a great game, and well worth getting a starter set and a few extras :)
Collateral Damage
Collateral Damage
Jessica Wayne | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
79 of 200
Collateral Damage (Tethered book 2)
By Jessica Wayne

Paislee Adams possessed what one man craved: power. After being held captive for fifteen years, she manages to escape and spends the next year of her life pursuing the one who destroyed her. A gunshot heard one night in an alley changes everything, when she comes face to face with Timothy McGinley, a man harboring his own secrets. Ever since a spell left him frozen in time nearly two centuries ago, Timothy has harbored a hatred for all things magic. But when a witch saves his life, he is forced to confront his own mortality for the first time in two hundred years.A man trapped in time.A powerful witch on the run.A dangerous enemy on the hunt.As these two unlikely allies join forces, they have to put aside old grudges in order to stop a man harboring a deadly obsession with them both.

So I was in between 3 and 4 stars for this as I really did enjoy it ! There was a bit more bye to this book than Tethered. Both Timothy and paislee had a bit more character but it was also nice to go back to Aengus and Abby too. A few small inconsistencies but nothing to ruing the book and a lovely nod to Meg Anne who I absolutely love! Another magical romance and if you like romance you will enjoy this!!
Endeavor (Voyagers #4)
Endeavor (Voyagers #4)
Ava Olsen | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ENDEAVOR is the fourth book in the Voyagers series and I'm really hoping isn't the end! After all, as was pointed out, Charlie hasn't found love yet. Please tell me there is more to come!

Anyway, back to this one...

Jared, Alex, and Aiden are all characters we have met in the previous books. Alex is Jarad's bodyguard, and Aiden is his lawyer. The sparks have been there for all to see but they haven't acted on for numerous reasons. But then they stay on Now, Voyager and the love spell works once again.

This was a hard read in places, dealing with stalkers, sexual assault, depression and PTSD, to name just a couple of topics. However, they are perfectly written, with no quick fixes, just understanding and compassion.

It was also hot as hell, and not just because they're in Thailand for part of it! They may have a multitude of reasons, but once they decide to go for it, phew! Hold onto your hats! Hot and steamy and so full of feelings.

Once I started this, I couldn't put it down. Absolutely fantastic and HIGHLY recommended by me.

Just... please tell me there's another book. Please?!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 14, 2023
Aeon's End
Aeon's End
2016 | Card Game, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Excellent Deck Builder
Aeons End- is a excellent deck builder game that has a intresting twist. Lets talk more about it.

Aeon’s End is a cooperative deck building game in which you and your teammates are attempting to take down a member of The Nameless before it is able to destroy your home city of Gravehold. You do this by adding powerful spells, gems, and relics to your decks and strategically using them in a way that helps you defeat the enemies that come your way.

At the beginning of each game of Aeon’s End, you’ll set up your characters’ unique decks, put together a nemesis deck for the boss monster, and create a supply of cards that players can buy throughout the game. After all of that’s done, you’re ready to play!

Turn order is determined by the turn order deck. At the start of the game and after every turn, you’ll draw a card from this deck to see whose turn it is (the nemesis or a player).

On each turn, you can do one or more of the following actions in any order:

buy a card
play a card
charge up your special ability
focus or open a breach
prep a spell
react to a keyword on a nemesis card.

Aether is the currency in the game. You’ll use it to pay for new cards (spells, relics, and gems), to focus/open breaches, and to gain charges. You’ll start out with some basic cards that give you one aether apiece, but some of the cards you buy from the supply will give you more.

You cast spells in a unique way in this game. Open breaches allow you to prep a spell without paying a cost, while closed breaches need to be focused or opened in order to use them. When you focus a breach, you simply turn it clockwise and pay the “focus” cost written on the card. The spells you prepped can be cast on your next turn; prepped spells in closed breaches must be cast, while those in open breaches don’t have to be if you want to wait until a future turn.

Another unique aspect of this game is the way deck building works. Your deck is never shuffled, so you have to think about the order in which you put cards in your discard pile. When you cast spells or buy cards from the supply, those cards will go directly into your discard pile. When you use gems or relics, you’ll wait until the end of your turn and put them on top of your discard pile in any order. When your draw deck is empty, you simply flip your discard pile to create your new draw deck.

The main way to beat the nemesis is to take its life total down to zero, but you can also win if the nemesis’ deck runs out and there are no nemesis cards in play. You’ll lose if Gravehold is destroyed or if every player is exhausted (i.e. at zero life).

Its a excellent deck builder game. I highly recordmend playing it and owning it.
Sticks and Stones
Sticks and Stones
Jo Jakeman | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the debut novel for this author and, I think, a pretty accomplished one at that; a little unbelievable at times I admit but quite a satisfying read. Dealing with the difficult subject matter of domestic violence, this book is more about the subtleties of this abhorrent crime rather than the "in your face" violence although there is some violence.

The books starts with the funeral of a decorated Police Officer but thoroughly unpleasant man - Phillip - and "mourning" his death are 3 women; Ruby, Imogen and Naomi.

Ruby is the first wife who has never moved on and remains under Phillip's spell.
Imogen is the current but estranged wife and mother of their son.
Naomi is the girlfriend and soon to be third wife.

Phillip is an absolute a**hole; a master at manipulation and control, a bully and downright despicable person however, the tables are turned when Imogen manages to lock him in the cellar and so begins the story of the developing relationship between the three women, their growing strength and confidence and their common goal of getting revenge on the man that has caused them so much pain and heartache ... but, how did he die?

Well written with a good pace and well developed characters, this is a great debut psychological thriller and Jo Jakeman is certainly an author I will watch out for.

My thanks go to the publisher, Random House UK Vintage, via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review.

Courtney (149 KP) rated Foxlowe in Books

Nov 27, 2018  
Eleanor Wasserberg | 2016 | Contemporary, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Makes you think (2 more)
I really connected with pretty much all of the characters
Very good attention to detail making it easy to picture yourself in the story
Left some questions unanswered for me (1 more)
It could have gone on a lot longer and delved into the characters’ lives after the main plot came to an end
Brilliant read
Every so often I go through a spell where I can’t connect with the books I’m reading (through no fault of the books), yet this book snapped me right out of that. I was reading it at every available moment and found myself really thinking about it in the times when I wasn’t reading.

This book tells the story of a ‘family’, particularly focusing on three children; Green, Toby and Blue. This ‘family’ is a community of people who live together in an old, crumbling house and who indulge in very understandable superstitions and rituals to keep all things bad at bay.

As well as a thrilling, charming and downright unsettling premise, this book very cleverly looks at family ties and how love can be so closely related to what can be described as nothing less than torture and torment.

There is no way that I could possibly sum this book up in a few paragraphs, all I can do is wonder why this book doesn’t have more recognition and implore you to find out for yourself all about Green, Blue, the Bad and how much ‘silly’ superstitions can take hold and rule people’s lives.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The idea of The Austen Project is for six modern day authors to have a go do writing a modern day re-imagining of each of Jane Austen's major works. The first was Joanna Trollope's version of Sense & Sensibility, where the reviews seem to have been fairly lukewarm. This is the second offering, Northanger Abbey as re-imagined by Val McDermid.

Now, I've not read of of McDermid's works before, although I did think she was pretty smart when she won on Celebrity Mastermind. After reading this, I remain impressed. The novel tracks the original very closely and it's quite clever in how it does this. It is hard to imagine someone quite as naive as Catherine Morland in this day and age, but McDermind's 'Cat' Morland does pretty well. It's a very slangy novel ("amazeballs!"), sprinkled with 'txt spk', but then the original is quite slangy - especially the parts with Isabella Thorpe! I do think that to appreciate it you have to know the original quite well and have a passing knowledge of current popular culture. Catherine believing the General Tilney has murdered his wife or has locked her up somewhere is slightly fantastic, but rather more grounded than Cat's idea that the family may be Vampires.....! Still, if you can suspend your disbelief this is a fun and engaging read - in fact, a very 'nice' book... and with a very 'nice' hero. And I'm pretty sure this Henry Tilney would spell out all his texts properly - no want of grammar and total inattention to stops here!

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated the Xbox 360 version of Dead Space in Video Games

Oct 21, 2019  
Dead Space
Dead Space
Rachel is Dead
Contains spoilers, click to show
This game, is so great. The plot, the setting, the psychological, the horror, the twist, the ending. Lets talk about it...

The Plot: it puts the player in control of an engineer named Isaac Clarke who fights Necromorphs, monstrous reanimated human corpses, aboard an interstellar mining ship, the USG Ishimura.

The player controls Isaac Clarke, a ship systems engineer who must fight his way through a mining starship infested with an alien scourge. The crew has been slaughtered, and their corpses reanimated into creatures known as "Necromorphs". Various types of Necromorphs appear throughout the game, each with different abilities and requiring different tactics to defeat.

The game has a strong science fiction atmosphere and is set in a spacecraft. It is also set way in the future.

Lets talk about the twist:

This was nothing more than another hallucination from Isaac. He’s gone mad, and in his mind, has somehow turned Nicole into one of them. The real Nicole is still dead.

Finally take the first letter from each mission to reveal a secret message… and it spells out Rachel is Dead, which is a intreating easter egg, that comes true. No one really thought about that, until years laters. To take the first letter from each mission and spell it out.

It is a great twist and when you find out, later on in the game, like close to the end, you are surpised.

I highly reccordmend this game, it is great and horrorfying.