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Johnny English (2003)
Johnny English (2003)
2003 | Comedy
6.2 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Rowan Atkinson (0 more)
Not the best action packed movie, but if you're here because of Rowan Atkinson, you will definitely not be dissapointed.

Imagine James Bond. Now imagine a guy that thinks he is James Bond, but actually, he is a below-average anything, let alone a spy. And when all the other spies somehow end up not available (perhaps due to his inability to do his job properly), now he's the only spy they have left. Good luck to us all with such a guy protecting us.

This is like watching an average person be a spy, with the humour that follows Mr. Bean. Definitely a movie that will have you in stitches (from laughing) and will leave a positive mood after it's finished.
The Scarlet Code
The Scarlet Code
C. S. Quinn | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
These books must surely at least make it on to TV? They read like a film - I absolutely love them! I don’t know whether there were all-action, female spies around this time (I know there were female spies during the time just after the English Civil War, so why would they stop?), and frankly, I don’t much care. Well, I do, but what I’m hoping to get across here, is how much I LOVED this book! It’s rich in historical detail, the character development is equally good.

I’m really enjoying following Attica Morgan’s exploits (see what I did there? That’s not even a hint that I want more, that’s a “let there be more!”). Attica’s love of Paris, even at this really uncertain time between the fall of the Bastille and the actual start of the Revolution, is so well described that I felt that I could be there. I love a book where I can learn something. I’d always thought that the people released the prisoners from the Bastille (or in fact they didn’t, because it was virtually empty - or so I’ve been told), and then BAM! Voila la Révolution française! Well, by the sounds of it there was a bit of a tense hiatus between one thing and the next (we won’t discuss the fact that I was a French teacher in a former life - sshh!).

Anyway, if you enjoy a well written, historical romp, with an opinionated, strong female lead character - then this is the book for you! I can’t wait for the next one (not even hinting)!!

Many thanks to Readers First for sending me a copy of this book.
This is another one that I probably wouldn't have ever read if it hasn't been free, followed by an occasion some time later when it seemed the most interesting-sounding thing hanging around on the Kindle when I happened to be bored. The plot reminds me if Dan Brown to some extent, although I know he certainly wasn't the first to write novels along such lines. Religious secrets, conspiracies, secret societies, competing spies, and a great deal of violence are all tossed together. I wanted the answer to a couple of questions just barely enough to keep reading, but I figured out all the big mysteries long before the last chapter. I think the book would have been much better if it had been edited down to be much shorter.
The Cruel Prince
The Cruel Prince
Holly Black | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second book is lined up and ready to go!
I really enjoyed this, contrary to a lot of reviews I've read. Perhaps it's because it was so hyped in the lead up to it being published, and I left it a year before I read it? I don't know: perhaps I'm easy to please? Stick in some fairies, magic and a bit of danger, and I'm happy. Entertain me, help me to escape from real life - we've all wanted to be a fairy or elf haven't we? Well, maybe that's just me then...
Anyway, I loved this story of human sisters abducted after their parents were murdered, and brought up in Faerie by the murderer. Lots of intrigue, fairy Princes, Kings and spies. And the ending was pretty unexpected too. I'm looking forward to reading the next in the series!
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Cumberland (1142 KP) Jan 16, 2019

@Amy Christmas I might wait until book 3 is out to lol


Amy Christmas (170 KP) Jan 16, 2019

@Cumberland might be the way to go to be honest. Could be another gruelling gear of waiting. I haven't licked up the second books yet so I'll have a shorter wait. ??

Bell-Bottom George (1943)
Bell-Bottom George (1943)
1943 | Comedy, Musical
George Formby vehicle in need of a tune-up. George, who as ever is playing a good-hearted Lancastrian simpleton ukulele master, joins the navy by accident, stumbles across a nest of Nazi spies, and saves a new submarine from being sunk, while getting the girl and doing a few comic songs along the way.

These days I suspect most people only watch George Formby films for the one-liners and the musical numbers - but the script here is thin, and Formby doesn't play the uke in half the songs (which mostly aren't that good either). All the usual elements turn up - chases, slapstick, unlikely romance, etc - but the movie feels padded even at only 97 minutes long and it's just not consistently funny enough. Still, the second world war saw some terrible disasters, and this is far from the worst of them.
The Queen's Assassin
The Queen's Assassin
Melissa de la Cruz | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantasy/romance for the younger YA reader
The Queen's Assassin is a fantasy romance geared toward the younger YA reader. It is told from the first person perspective of Shadow, who has grown up with her aunts and wants to join the Guild, an association of assassins and spies, and the third person perspective of Cal, the Queen of Renovia's assassin, dangerous, feared and highly trained. When Shadow is told she has to serve as a lady of the court to fulfil her duty, she rebels, runs away and liberates Cal, who has been imprisoned. She tells him the Queen has ordered her to become his apprentice. Together they work undercover in a neighboring kingdom to identify a dangerous enemy of Renovia. The story and characters were enjoyable, but I wish there had been less emphasis on the romance and more on the magic system. It was good, but not great.
White Rabbit, Red Wolf
White Rabbit, Red Wolf
Tom Pollock | 2018 | Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great YA book about a teenage boy (Pete) who has an extreme anxiety disorder. Oh, and he's a maths prodigy too. His mother is a very well-respected scientist. His twin sister, Bel, seems to be just your run of the mill teenager, who gets in to a bit of trouble as she's a bit handy with her fists (usually sticking up for Pete). The three of them go to the Natural History Museum in London to collect an award for their mother - and this is where it all goes horribly wrong. Their mother is stabbed, Bel disappears, and Pete is kidnapped.
Some very likeable main characters (particularly Pete and Bel), some typically 'mean' spies, a fair bit of maths (which I admit to skimming over: maths isn't really my thing, I'm afraid!), and lots of action.
A great book, which I'm sure adults and teenagers alike will enjoy!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for their serialisation!
Maggie is trying to deal with what she saw and learned in Berlin while training future spies to help England during World War II. But when a friend gets in trouble, Maggie snaps out of her depression to help. Meanwhile, Japan and the US are not finding any common ground in November of 1941.

Fans of the series will appreciate the character development we get here with Maggie and some other series regulars. It feels like a slower book than normal, but it was needed and I never felt my interest waning. Maggie and the others take a back seat to the lead up to Pearl Harbor at times, but I found that part just as interesting, and I don't know how the author could have played it any differently for this series.

NOTE: I was sent an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
The Last Plane out of Paris
The Last Plane out of Paris
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story starts out slow at first. Though once things get going it non stop action. It felt like what going to happen to these two agents. Though it was something. British Airmen have a mission to do but we are not told until they reach the France Resistance Though though out the whole thing they spect one person and they hold the spies with them think it the other person.

Things to got from bad to worse but how are the German getting the information Though things are getting more execting has the book goes on. Their original mission is failed though they get a new mission. The new mission is to save a person that is to land in England. I am so in to this book for it give you sence of what happening before the United States enter the WWII.

I am looking forward to find out more about this even though it part fiction and part fact. I am waitting to see if there another book to follow.
Top Secret! (1984)
Top Secret! (1984)
1984 | Comedy
Silly visual gags. Val Kilmer’s babysoft skin. (0 more)
There are so many quick one liners and puns it’s easy to miss some. (0 more)
Indiana Jones meets James Bond meets Airplane
Having watched this many, many times in my youth, it was a bit of a delight to revisit this and still find myself thoroughly entertained.

Like Indiana Jones, meets James Bond, meets National Lampoon, meets Rocky Horror. Only this time its spies that are being spoofed.

In fact this viewing probably revealed more jokes that I wouldn’t have even fully understood before.

Daisy’s careful infiltration of the German stronghold was wonderfully ludicrous. With her welly-boots and polka dot hide, the guards stood no chance of spotting her as different to the rest of the herd.
One of the most memorable bar-room-brawls ever tales place towards the end between Nigel and Nick... under the surface of a lake.
Not only do we get treated to chairs smashed over heads we even get a glimpse of the Ali Shuffle, all fully submerged.