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A Knight's Tale (2001)
A Knight's Tale (2001)
2001 | Action, Drama, Romance
7.1 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
While the late Heath Ledger may always be remembered for his portrayal as The Joker in The Dark Knight, and speaking personally, that's actually NOT the first film I remember seeing him in.

This is.

Starring as William, the peasant squire of a Knight who partakes in the medieval sport of jousting - which is restricted to the nobility - and who, just as the film starts, impersonates said Knight (who has passed away), this is very (very) loosely based on Chaucer's 'The Knights Tale' in the Canterbury Tales.

Indeed, Chaucer himself is one of the key characters in this film, portrayed by a pre-Vision (from the MCU) Paul Bettany.

Yes, the soundtrack is completely anachronistic (Queen? David Bowie?) but also actually works in the context of the film!
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