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The Promised Neverland
The Promised Neverland
2019 | Animation, Fantasy, Horror
6.7 (3 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
A Stand Out From This Spring Season Anime
The Promised Neverland is a 2019 dark fantasy/sci-fi/thriller anime directed by Mamoru Kanbe and written by Toshiya Ono, and music by Takahiro Obata. It was animated by CloverWorks Studio and originally aired in Japan from January to March. The series was streamed on Crunchyroll, Hulu, FunimationNow and Hidive by Animplex of America and aired on Toonami in April. A second season was announced and planned for 2020.

For Emma, an 11-year old orphan living in Grace Field House, life has never been better. Her and 37 other orphans enjoy gourmet food, plush beds, clean clothes, games, and the love of their "Mother", Isabella, the caretaker. The orphans are allowed complete freedom, except to venture beyond the grounds or the gate, which connects the house to the outside world. One night Emma and Norman (another orphan) find the dead body of an orphan who was sent away to be adopted at the gate. This is where they realize the truth of their existence in the orphanage and become determined to break out of Grace Field House and escape along with their other siblings.

This show was a welcomed change for me from the normal anime I watch and very different. I enjoy anime like this that make you think and have a bit of mystery to them. For those looking for something that doesn't involve fighting, powering up, blasts or transformations then this is something that you might want to check out. This anime intrigued me right away from the first episode by it's premise and what it alluded to. I really liked the characters and their personalities and they way they used their intelligence especially since they are all portrayed as children. I kept trying to figure out where the plot was going with it and happily surprised that I couldn't always guess where it was going. This is definitely one of the stand outs from the spring anime season. I give it a 8/10 and it gets my "Must See Seal Of Approval".
Suspect (Scott James & Maggie, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In this stand alone novel, Scott James is trying to return to the LAPD after being shot in the line of duty, losing his partner in the process. He's joined the K-9 unit and teamed up with Maggie, a dog who has also undergone trauma. Will the two help each other heal? And will Scott track down the men who shot him? This reminds me why I need to read more Crais. I loved the book, feeling for the characters and getting caught up in the story. I'm not a dog person either, so that tells you just how great the characters are.

<a href="">My full review at Carstairs Considers</a>.
Record of a Spaceborn Few
Record of a Spaceborn Few
Becky Chambers | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
"From the ground, we stand. From our ships, we live. By the stars, we hope..."
The lives of five people and their friends and family are followed on board one of the ships of the Exodus fleet. These are the descendants of those who escaped a dying Earth, not knowing if what they were doing would result in their deaths anyway. It didn't.
I loved reading about these people: they illustrated the different kinds of lives they had, and how they were regarded in the wider universe.
Becky Chambers books are so descriptive without being boring: I felt as though I was walking the corridors and sitting in the 'hexes' with the families. All three of these Wayfarers novels have had that personal feel to them, and this is something that has really appealed to me and kept me coming back for more. I can't wait to see where Chambers goes next. Whether she continues with the Wayfarers or not, I'll definitely read them!
The Big Heat (1953)
The Big Heat (1953)
1953 | Classics, Drama
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fun Classic
I can imagine that some of the cool scenes that happened in The Big Heat were well ahead of their time. One scene in particular was a car explosion created with strong sound, camera rumblings, and a bright flash of light outside of a window. Seems simple and subtle, but its impact was jarring at that point in the movie.

The film missed a few steps, wasn't perfect by any means. In fact, one can argue that there was one glaring plothole throughout just staring at you the entire time. I didn't realize it until there was about half an hour left, but it made me stop and say, "Wait...what? But why didn't they just...ok. Whatevs." Call me old, but I'm learning to let things go. Good doesn't mean perfect. The Big Heat falls well of perfection but it gets the job done.

There is a lot to digest throughout the film so make sure to keep up. This isn't a film you watch while browsing Google or folding clothes. I had to rely on protagonist Dave Bannion (Glenn Ford) to keep me on track. His screen time has a way of captivating you as you quickly come to love this character. In a town full of "yellow-bellied ninnies", Bannion wasn't afraid to stand up to the mob and what he knew to be true. Dude was so tough he gave others the courage to stand up as well. Props.

The film did lose me in spots and lost a few points as a result. At its core, though, is a movie that ultimately gets it right. In Bannion's efforts to get to the bottom of a cop committing suicide, the audience is taken on a thrilling journey that I hope to revisit at some point down the road. I give The Big Heat an 81.
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
359. Joker. A freaking phenomenal movie! A bleak look at society, health care, and a whole bunch of other stuff rolled into one. Starring Joaquin Phoenix an actor known for diving into his roles and he quite obviously dove into this one. All about Norman Bate-ish guy Arthur Fleck, an unfunny wanna be comedian, works as a human sign holder dressed as a creepy clown, society treats him like crap, and his state appointed head doctor has told him funding has been cut and doctor visits will be no more, and yes he lives with his mommy who is not well. And after being noticed by a famous tv talk show host, Murray Franklin, played by Robert Deniro, after being recorded doing stand up, and calling him out on his un-funniness, it seems a screw that may have been loose has now been lost. A fantastic movie!

Stop reading here if you don't want any more info... lol...

I heard Joker 2 of course is in the works. I wanna say boo to that. Tho the name Wayne is thrown around and all those connections... A lot of Arthur's reality was not reality. Is he really THE Joker? I think it works as a stand alone. A one possible scenario type thing. Maybe it's just me. Filmbufftim on FB

Noel Gallagher recommended Joshua Tree by U2 in Music (curated)

Joshua Tree by U2
Joshua Tree by U2
1987 | Rock

"I just love the songs on this. I’m not into the whole religious aspect of the band but I’ve been a fan since I saw them on Top Of The Pops doing ‘Fire’. The reason that I picked this over Achtung Baby - which is one of my favourite U2 albums from my favourite period of U2 – is that it’s just a massive album for me. When I get time to have a quiet moment on my own, I could sit and play all the songs off this on an acoustic guitar for ages. They’re just great. You don’t like it? I don’t give a fuck! Everyone that I’ve ever known – EVER KNOWN – apart from my wife – hates them. Me and my wife love them. It wasn’t the reason we got married… But everyone else I have ever met from my earliest memory in Manchester to right now talking to you has gone, 'They are fucking shit. They are what’s wrong with music.' For me it’s about the songwriting. If I could write a song like ‘Running To Stand Still’ and ‘Nobody’s Home’ by Pink Floyd then I could die happy with never writing another song again."


Merissa (11726 KP) rated Tigana in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another stunner of a book by GGK although this one is a stand alone book and is based loosely on Italy in the 11th and 12th centuries.

In so many ways similar to The Fionavar Tapestry series but so different too. A brief synopsis is that there has been a major battle between 2 wizards in which one of the wizard's sons dies. In revenge the wizard removes the name "Tigana" from the memories and vocabularies of its inhabitants so that eventually the name will die, just like his son did.

This story is so intricate and involved and it is not a clear black/white, good/evil book which is what makes it such a superb read. Everything about is well written, from the villains to the locations to the history that you are given.

This book is bittersweet and poignant and I'll leave it to you to see if there is a happy ending.

Certainly classed as a classic by me and a firm favourite.
Nights of Cabiria (1957)
Nights of Cabiria (1957)
1957 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This is my favorite Fellini film because it’s the one I identify with the most. On the surface, Cabiria has her act together. She insists on working for herself. She owns her own house and has savings. Even when she’s feeling awed by a big movie star, she stands up for herself and yells at him when he orders her around. But the instant she’s alone, vulnerability and self-doubt are written all over her face, and she is at the world’s mercy. Throughout the film, you feel everything Cabiria feels. For me, one of the most horrifying shots of all time is one in which Cabiria is sitting in a restaurant displaying her gigantic bundle of money to the man who is going to steal it. When I showed the film to my mother, she was traumatized by that image as well and kept saying, “I couldn’t stand to see her holding that huge money!”"

Kelvin (Tangled Tentacles #5)
Kelvin (Tangled Tentacles #5)
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
KELVIN is the final book in the Tangled Tentacles series and brings to a close this amazing series. Kelvin and Magnus (or FBI Guy) finally meet in person and realise they are fated mates. No fuss, no panic, just straight-up acceptance and happiness. I loved that, I really did. They don't allow their new bond to stand in the way of those they are trying to help though. By searching for others, they find Marvin. Be prepared for your heart to melt!

Wow! Just... wow!!! That's how I felt after I'd finished reading this. The overlying arc, the one that I've followed since Alexi, is now finished - in a way I never saw coming and that I love even more for that. All of the mates and their partners feature in this book which also helped with the general feeling of closure. There is also one moment in there that made my eyes leak. It's when Magnus is remembering his sister, with Kelvin by his side in the pool. There were a few scenes or sentences (usually by Marvin) that made me fill up. That scene? Broke me down. So emotional and perfect.

What I can't wait for, though, is the continuation. That epilogue!!! Man, it about killed me. I NEED MORE!!!

This pair of authors are simply outstanding - writing unusual and intricate stories with a skill second to none. I have loved the whole series and HIGHLY RECOMMEND every single one of them. What a way to end this series and to still leave you wanting more!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Malice ( Book 1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
56 of 220
Malice ( Book 1)
By Heather Walter

Once upon a time, there was a wicked fairy who, in an act of vengeance, cursed a line of princesses to die. A curse that could only be broken by true love’s kiss.

You’ve heard this before, haven’t you? The handsome prince. The happily ever after.

Utter nonsense.

Let me tell you, no one in Briar actually cares about what happens to its princesses. Not the way they care about their jewels and elaborate parties and charm-granting elixirs. I thought I didn’t care, either.

Until I met her.

Princess Aurora. The last heir to Briar’s throne. Kind. Gracious. The future queen her realm needs. One who isn’t bothered that I am Alyce, the Dark Grace, abhorred and feared for the mysterious dark magic that runs in my veins. Humiliated and shamed by the same nobles who pay me to bottle hexes and then brand me a monster. Aurora says I should be proud of my gifts. That she . . . cares for me. Even though a power like mine was responsible for her curse.

But with less than a year until that curse will kill her, any future I might see with Aurora is swiftly disintegrating—and she can’t stand to kiss yet another insipid prince. I want to help her. If my power began her curse, perhaps it’s what can lift it. Perhaps together we could forge a new world.

Nonsense again. Because we all know how this story ends, don’t we? Aurora is the beautiful princess. And I—

I am the villain.

This was a lot better than I expected. For a different spin on Maleficent this was pretty decent and different to what I thought it would be. You certainly fall in love with Alyce.