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Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Superman! (0 more)
Messy introduction (1 more)
A really pleasant surprise
PRE-MOVIE THOUGHTS: Up until very recently, I'd been cautiously optimistic regarding Justice League. I enjoyed Man of Steel, despite some faults, and I thought that Henry Cavill was perfectly suited to the role. I didn't mind Batman V Superman so much either, despite Jesse Eisenbergs Lex Luthor constantly trying to ruin it. The best thing about Batman V Superman though was Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, which is why her standalone origin movie deservedly did so well earlier this year. But the characters of Superman and Batman were beginning to get a bit of a raw deal in my opinion, and that was starting to piss me off. The original Superman movie with Christopher Reeve, along with Christopher Nolans Dark Knight trilogy, are among my favourite films and these latest movies just weren't doing them 'justice'. Suicide Squad showed that DC couldn't do an ensemble movie, which cast a lot of doubt over just how good Justice League was going to be. And when reports came in of re-shoots and a change of director, it wasn't really looking good. But some of the more recent trailers and teasers actually didn't look so bad, so maybe there wasn't too much to be worried about. Until a few days ago that is, when about 90% of the reviews I read didn't give it higher than two stars! And those that gave it higher were still highlighting some of the weaknesses I've already mentioned here. So, I headed into the cinema, expecting to be pissed off again. But seriously, genuinely hoping I wasn't.

POST-MOVIE REVIEW: Justice League doesn't start things off too well. The world is still mourning the death of Superman, and a few pointless scenes try to highlight that loss and despair. Batman and Wonder Woman appear in a couple of standalone battles to remind us what they're capable of, but those scenes also seem rushed and out of place. We have three new team members to be introduced to as well, along with the big bad of the movie. Whereas Marvel's Avengers took the time to introduce their team over a series of standalone movies, we've had no such luxury in the run up to Justice League, aside from some brief glimpses in previous movies. It all just seems like a rush to get things to the point where the team are together and can start having some fun. Everything up until that point just seems cobbled together. Lacking coherence, and just a little bit dull.

Talking of dull, once again the big bad of the movie is a bit of a let down. Steppenwolf appears on Earth in search of three powerful cubes which when combined together will give him the ability to forge the Earth into something more appealing to him, or something like that anyway. He's accompanied by thousands of flying zombie man-bug type creatures and the whole thing just reeks of supervillain plotlines we've seen many times before. Steppenwolf himself is entirely CGI, and at times the CGI just doesn't look that good.

Onto the league themselves. Well, Wonder Woman is still the most impressive of them all, proving to be a real natural leader. Batman, although greatly improved on his Batman V Superman appearance, just seems like he can't be bothered. Tired and uninterested at times. This might be partly down to Ben Affleck, who never really seemed suited to the role in my opinion. If the rumours of him being recast in the next standalone Batman movie are true, then it may well be for the best. Even if the thought of yet another actor taking on the role so soon already is extremely frustrating.

The two biggest surprise for me were the two characters I was initially least interested about when heading in to the cinema. Cyborg, from his introduction in BvS and glimpses in the trailers, just seemed pointless. But, despite that we gloss over his back story somewhat, actually proves himself to be a valuable and interesting member of the team. And as for The Flash, he manages to get many of the movies better lines and scenes while he tries to come to terms with what he can actually do with his power ("Up until now I usually just run really fast and push people").

Slightly disappointing though was Aquaman. Not the character himself, just the fact that we barely get a glimpse of his undersea world, before he finds himself thrust into the league, reduced to just being some extra muscle. His is a role which would have greatly benefited from a standalone origin movie before appearing in this one.

When the team eventually do come together is when the movie really steps up a gear. They work really well together and I really enjoyed the battle scenes. It soon becomes clear though, that they cannot defeat Steppenwolf on their own, and need somebody even more powerful to help them out.

It's no secret, despite his absence from the trailers, that Superman returns to become part of the league. I felt that this was handled really well and the team helping to overcome his initial disorientation was a really fun scene. When he is fully recovered and battling the bad guys, it's the kind of Superman we all know and love and everything involving him is just hugely enjoyable.

If it wasn't for the rushed, incoherent introduction to the movie, I would have rated this a lot higher. For me, the rest of the movie is right up there with this years Wonder Woman, and is a serious step in the right direction for DC. A really pleasant surprise...
    Axon 2

    Axon 2


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    Axon 2 is a drum synth driven by artificial intelligence. (Well, "intelligence" might be a strong...

Secrets of Cavendon
Secrets of Cavendon
Barbara Taylor Bradford | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you enjoy History or Historical fiction. Secret of Cavendon may be one of the books to pick up. It is book #4 in the series, I think you read it as a standalone if you want to. The plot bring out quite a few romances. One may be dangerous.

We see who the woman of Cavendon are and work together. We seem to learn more about history of the Swanns and Ingram's life. Well as we know we have Alicia, Cecily and Miles and their children. Get action and adventures. We also meet Cecily friends and or business partners.

There change coming and will they be able to stick together though it all? There a murder, heartbreak, drama. Bradford does it all in one book. There seems to be several story lines going on though out he book. They all seem to be teeming from Cavendon. What are secrets of Cavendon that seem to be everyone is worried about. It seems that is in record books.

If you are into British history or want learn a little bit about Britain and London this book is set in that area. You got Earls and Countess in this book.

Dana (24 KP) rated Soundless in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
7.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I very much enjoyed this novel. The story was so fresh and different than what I have been reading recently. Plus, it's a standalone!!

I enjoyed how Mead attempts to put words to gaining the ability of hearing after coming from a society that has been deaf for centuries. It explored how a person would be able to deal with suddenly being able to hear out of nowhere.

Though I enjoyed this novel, it was not my favorite of hers. There were moments, especially at the end, that I would have liked to see expanded and explained more. I felt like there wasn't enough build up to it for the ending she gave it. It was very reminiscent of a fairy tale where everything gets resolved very quickly.

I wished that more of the magical aspects that were introduced into the story were both introduced earlier and worked into the story more.

That being said, I loved the relationships between the characters, especially between the two sisters. Fei's relationship with Li Wei could have been built up and explained a bit more, thought.

Overall, I enjoyed it, but, like I said, it wasn't my favorite.
No Fear (No Shame #3)
No Fear (No Shame #3)
Nora Phoenix | 2017 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
No Fear (No Shame #3) by Nora Phoenix
In No Fear, we meet Aaron, Josh's brother. He gave Josh a hard time when Josh came out, so you can understand where Josh's feelings towards him come from. However, he stays at Blake's house, and gradually learns just who he is and where he wants to be.

This is probably the hardest book so far for me to read, simply because it talked about 'puppy play' which I've heard about, but never read about until now. The thing I love about Nora Phoenix's writing is that none of it is written for shock value. It all plays a part in the whole story, and nicely rounds out the story arcs that continue through this book.

All of the characters are different, so you won't get confused between the differing voices. This IS part of a series though, and definitely can't be read as a standalone. As with the previous two books, it was excellently written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading. I am absolute loving this series, and the way the characters and their lives intertwine. Highly recommended by me.
The Obsidian Chamber
The Obsidian Chamber
Douglas Preston | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
While some of the Pendergast books can be read as standalone thrillers, whether or not you’ve read the rest of the series, you really do need to have read a lot (if not all) of the previous books to appreciate this one. While it’s very hard to say much about it without using spoilers, I can say that this story is very much character driven, and you need to understand the relationships and motivations of the characters in question for the story to make sense. While there is more action than usual for Proctor in this installment, overall the style of the story makes it move along a little more slowly than most books in the series. While I did like the book, I can’t say that I was completely happy with the way things were wrapped up, or with the amount of page-time Pendergast actually gets in this novel. It left me wanting more, but I guess that in itself is a good thing!

Longtime fans of the Pendergast series should enjoy this one, but I’d recommend starting back with Relic if Pendergast is new to you!
Erik Henry Vick | 2018 | Horror, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
AMAZING horror novella that introduces Blood of the Ysir saga.
In this book "Wendigo" is a term used by the indigenous inhabitants for demonic creatures who eat human flesh and are always ravenous. In other folklore the wendigo nature is a curse visited as a punishment on human cannibals when they first taste human flesh.
In this fictional world that we enter with Erik,
the curse is triggered by the same crime, but there are genetic requirements and the cursed can transform into powerful werebeasts. At one time, these creatures were treated as gods and fed by their neighbors, but the native peoples abandoned this practice and the creatures, who had human intelligence, shape shifting powers and massive strength and could not be killed, turned in anger to preying extensively on humans.
This book is well worth the read as a standalone novella if you prefer but if like me it snags from the beginning and you to continue following the journey so remember to check out the Blood of the Ysir saga to continue on the path. Highly anxious for the third in series now!!
The Quiet Year
The Quiet Year
Gorgeous illustrations (5 more)
No prep needed
Good inspiration for post apocalyptic settings
Great first TTRPG
Cheap! ($6)
Replayable for different communities
Fantastic Post-Apocalyptic Story Gaming
Absolutely gorgeous single-session GMless story centered game. Players must navigate a year in a community after an apocalypse. Each week is represented by a card from a standard 52 card deck, each suit a season.
   When a card is drawn it introduces a new choice to be made by a player about your community, with limited organised discussions about these choices replicating failures in communications in real communities. This choice is then represented on a map of your community that you build as you play.
    This game is absolutely brilliant as a first TTRPG, a first session to build the setting for a post apocalyptic game in another system or just as a standalone one shot. It only takes one 2-3 hour session, some paper, pens, 6 sided dice, a standard deck of playing cards and the PDF. The questions it asks prompt very interesting ideas about your community to build somewhere that feels alive and fully fleshed out. A great buy!