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The Forgotten Girls
The Forgotten Girls
Owen Laukkanen | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Received an ARC from First To Read for an honest review:

First, I like many others it seems, did not know from the blurb that it was book 6 in a series. That scared me just a tiny bit when I started it, but as I read the book I realized it definitely also works as a standalone.

Second, I'm not big on crime novels that are not of the "cozy mystery" variety. That being said, the more violent scenes in this book were not...bothersome. It worked it's way up in intensity, but there was nothing that forced me to step away from the book and take a breather.

That being said, though, the book was full of amazing scenes beautifully described that you couldn't, as a reader, NOT picture, even if you didn't want to. Lines like: "Even the sky seemed static, just a blank wall, a paint swatch, 'chronic depression gray'." were scattered throughout, and they place you in the wintry, desolate, desperate situation of the characters so that you are right beside them, experiencing what they are, for better or worse.

Overall, I really enjoyed the book, even though the content was not a topic of my normal choosing (sorry, serial killers hunting women freak me out).

Extra bonus for the techy geek stuff I didn't know about the "cloud" that I had to double check with the more "techno-advanced" member of our household about. Definitely makes me think twice about the idea of even donating a used phone.
The Black Book
The Black Book
James Patterson | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
7.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Detective Billy Harney comes from a family of cops. His dad is a cop, the head of detectives and his twin sister is a cop. Billy likes to play by the rules, he's a good cop. When he takes down a brothel in the middle of Chicago filled with the city's most prominent people, the mayor, the arch bishop, etc., he is faced with a few difficult situations to get him through this arrest and trial. With the help from Goldie, a family friend and the head of Internal Affairs, Billy will get to the bottom of this case one way or another. But then those involved in the case end up dead, including himself, briefly, and his memory leading up to the trial is erased. Will he be able to find his memory before he is charged with the deaths?

James Patterson has long been on of my go-to authors. His books may be long(100+ chapters), but they are always a quick read. I've been making my way through his standalone books this year and I have to say that his is one of the best he's written in a long time as well as one of the best I've read this year.

This book had me on the edge of my seat and as soon as I though I knew who did what, I quickly found out I was wrong. The end was unpredictable and enjoyable.

I hope James Patterson continues to give us books like this.
Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)
Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)
Kendare Blake | 2011 | Horror, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>Anna Dressed in Blood</b> is a good book but I wasn't blown away by it. I was interested in it because the synopsis reminded me of Supernatural (the television series), aside from the obvious differences, so along with the awesome cover art I was all for the book. It's unfortunate that I didn't enjoy it more. The characterizations are fine, just detailed enough to give an impression of who they are and why they act as they do, I just didn't feel much of a connection to any of them. The plot worked until the focus shifted away from Anna about two-thirds through, which is a shame, and some of the dialogue was a little iffy and forced, especially in the beginning. I can't quite say why else the book didn't totally work for me, other than there were a few moments that felt off somehow, but either I was really into the story or I wasn't. Sorry I can't be more specific. Although the author writes some mean scenes that have the perfect creepy atmosphere, so those stand out as a big pro. Now I see that this might be the start of yet another YA paranormal series, though it's perfectly fine as a standalone and as I'm not all that interested in reading more with these characters, I think I'll pass if there are any sequels. With all that said, take this review with a grain of salt, I think others, and definitely teens, would like this book more than I did.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not totally romance, not exactly chick-lit, not altogether a mystery, so what is it? A bit of all of the above really. ALL ABOUT EVIE is a fluffy read that's fairly quick and utterly harmless. Evie, at 41, is a nice change from the 23-year-olds that run rampant in lighter fiction. Yes, her age does come into play since she's an old geezer in the world of show business, but it never became overbearing or unnecessary and added another dimension to her character. Evie narrates in first person, while when it cuts to another character it is written in third person, a bit jarring at first, but I didn't have any problems with it. The plot was fine, as was the pace, there's not much to rave or quibble about, the book was just nice. I think the most irritating thing about the book was the excessive mentioning of Evie's TMJ (temporomandibular joint, which should actually really be called TMD - temporomandibular joint disorder/dysfunction), I really got sick of her bringing it up and then confusing it with lockjaw. We got it, you have a problem with your jaw, move on. But on the whole, I wouldn't say there was anything earth-shattering about the book but it's a perfectly good beach read. One thing, this is the first of three books (not sure if they'll be more), so it's not a standalone, which was unfortunate for me. At this time I'm not sure if I'll be on the look-out for the other two.
Little Black Lies
Little Black Lies
Sharon Bolton | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Catrin Quinn is still reeling from the loss of her two sons nearly three years ago. Her grief and anger is exacerbated by the fact that Catrin blames her (now former) best friend, Rachel, for their deaths. Catrin lives on the isolated community of the Falkland Islands, where people generally know one another - and everyone's business. When several children go missing over a short period of time, even the tight-knit community must admit that something is going on. Catrin finds herself drawn into the search for the latest missing boy, despite the fact that she just wishes to wallow in her grief as the third anniversary of her sons' death approaches.

This was a great book - I love all of Bolton's Lacey Flint novels, but this standalone is excellent, too. It's told from the varying viewpoints of three people - Catrin, her ex-best friend Rachel, and Catrin's acquaintance, Callum, a former solider who was once stationed on the island. Bolton goes back and forth over a short time period, slowly unraveling events, first from Catrin, then Callum, and finally Rachel. It's a mesmerizing approach, as we try to decipher how much to trust each of our narrators. During each character's turn, I found myself completely enthralled and wrapped up in their life. I eventually stayed up far too late the final night, frantically finishing the book to find out what happened. Bolton has created yet another fascinating mystery that will have you guessing the entire time.

(Note: I received an ARC from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.)
Stone Cursed: Taurus (Highland Gargoyles #6)
Stone Cursed: Taurus (Highland Gargoyles #6)
Lisa Carlisle | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stone Cursed: Taurus (Highland Gargoyles #6) by Lisa Carlisle
Stone Cursed is the sixth book in the Highland Gargoyles series, although it can be read as a standalone being as it is part of the Zodiac Shifters set too. Some references are made to the other gargoyles - where they live, why they left, the war, etc, but nothing you need to read for this to make sense.

Alec is one of the shifters who left the Isle of Stone to move to the Highlands of Scotland. He misses the sea though, so takes every opportunity to fly near to it. On one such flight, he hears voices and goes to investigate, where he finds more than he bargained for. With one wizard rapidly going dark, and a witch who believes in the light, Alec is confused given his history with witches. However, when the witch, Veda, saves him, he will do all he can to save her in return.

This is a fast-paced and smooth story that nevertheless gives you all you could want. There were no editing or spelling mistakes that disrupted my reading flow, and I was able to read this book in one go as it kept my attention. This is part of two great series, and I can highly recommend either one. A wonderful read, and recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Venomous Hunger (Eok Warriors #2)
Venomous Hunger (Eok Warriors #2)
Mary Auclair | 2018 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Venomous Hunger (Eok Warriors #2) by Mary Auclair
Venomous Hunger is the second book in the Eok Warriors series, but it can be read as a standalone. I would recommend you do read book one first, but only because you'd be missing on a great story if you don't.

Aliena was one of the free humans living on earth, but became very sick. So when the Eoks arrived on earth, one of inhabitants of their village placed her where they knew she would be found, in the hope of getting her the medicines she needed. Kamal has been a pirate for ten years, ever since he left the Eok nation in disgrace for an action he would do again without hesitation. Working together to rescue the humans, these two face danger and betrayal.

Once again, this is an exceedingly well written story, with plenty of action, both in and out of the bedroom. A different cast of characters this time, with only a few mentioned from book one, they are nevertheless well thought out and fully rounded. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and I was thoroughly engrossed with the story.

An excellent addition to the series, and I look forward to reading more. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Infinite Blue in Books

Oct 19, 2018  
Infinite Blue
Infinite Blue
Natalina Reis | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Infinite Blue by Natalina Reis
Infinite Blue is a standalone story (as far as I can tell), which tells the story of soul mates, and what happens when it is between a shifter and a human. Shahin has been told for years by his mother that it can never happen, but finds his own soul mate in the very human form of Cai. He spends time watching him from afar (admitting to himself how stalkerish his behaviour is!) before actually meeting up with him. Unfortunately, things don't go quite as smoothly as he hoped for. Will he live to see them bond, or will he die to have Cai in his life?

This was a great story, with plenty of humorous moments, as well as heat between the sheets. The "mystery" behind Shahin's illness wasn't too difficult to figure out, but the fun was in watching them figure it out, and what they would do next.

Whilst Cai doesn't have that big a family, Shahin does - and I would love to see more of them. This was a brilliantly written story, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. I found the pacing to be spot on, with plenty of intrigue and humour from one page to the next.

This was a great shifter story, and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11935 KP) rated We Still Live in Books

Dec 11, 2019  
We Still Live
We Still Live
Sara Dobie Bauer | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
We Still Live is a contemporary, standalone book that deals with some hard-hitting issues - mental illness and violence at school being just two. John is classed as a hero for his actions in the summer, but it affected him in ways even he doesn't fully understand. Isaac is a new teacher, running from his own past. John isn't Isaac's type, he tells him often enough to begin with, but there is an attraction there that he can't deny.

Although to begin with I wasn't 100% behind Isaac and John, they both managed to change my point of view so I can't see either of them without the other. If I'm being completely honest, I wasn't sure about when Simon turned up. So much emphasis had been made on Elizabeth that when Simon turned up, it almost felt jarring.

This is very well-written, with plenty of emotion and soul-searching to be found. Sara Dobie Bauer showed in so many ways how something like this will have an effect on everyone, and will affect how they view their surroundings in the future.

This is a deep and meaningful book, definitely not one to be read lightly. This does not stop me from highly recommending it though. In fact, I think this is something everyone should read.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Two Steps Forward (The Deacon&#039;s Family #3)
Two Steps Forward (The Deacon's Family #3)
Suzanne Woods Fisher | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Have you ever been caught off guard, that you got emotional from a book? Well if you did not know Suzanne Woods Fisher books. This one made me get emotional in a good way. Though I was in tears trying to read a few chapters. I would wipe them away and try and continue reading the book. Well, this did not help. It just keeps happening. Though I can say they were happy tears over sad ones. What triggered them I do not know.

It was something that the author wrote in the chapter that made me start the tears. This book “Two Steps Forwards” is written well. The storyline behind Issy in this book is done well. Sylvie King and Jimmy Fisher's storylines were decent. It was not that much that it made me emotional. That does not mean that it was written well.

I do enjoy it when there is a repeat of characters that come from previous books. The storylines do flow well. You can read these books out of order. They can read as standalone. The background does get explained a bit as you read.

I have read “Mending Fences” which is the first book of this series. Two Steps Forward is better than the first one only because it got me a bit more emotional. I would still read the first book as well of this series as I would love to pick up the second book of this series which is called “Stitches in Time”. If you would like to you read my review of Mending Fences.