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I love the eye-catching cover and description of this book. Yours, Mine & Forever is a truly sweet story about the road through the adoption process. The book is complicated by two guys interested in a relationship with Norah, the ups and downs of adoption and second-guessing yourself. I truly loved getting a glimpse into the adoption process for a single parent. Joanne Markey developed her characters very well and I really felt Norah’s struggles and her heart for the kids very keenly. She also weaved in faith and reliance on God that emphasized talking to God like second nature to her characters, a fact I really liked.
If you like books by Denise Hunter, you would love this book! It has elements of faith, family, and happily ever after. A true Hallmark warm fuzzy feeling inside a book. I give it 4 out of 5 stars for the big heart Norah displays regarding the kids, the emphasis on faith and for having some bittersweet moments weaved in.
  I will say that this is the second book in a series and can technically be read as a standalone. However, I highly suggest reading the books in order to better understand the context of the story. I read the first book after the second (silly of me I know), and I totally understood more of the second story context afterward.
 *I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest opinion. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Soul Raging (The Book of the Wars #3)
Soul Raging (The Book of the Wars #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Soul Raging by Ronie Kendig was one of my most anticipated reads of 2020, and it did not disappoint. It is the third book in Ronie Kendig’s The Book of the Wars series. This book (really the series) CANNOT be read as standalone as it is highly intertwined with the previous book; I ended up rereading the last part of the previous book just to remember right where it left off.

It was a fast-paced, action-packed, hold on to your seat type of ending that was addicting. I thoroughly enjoyed the conclusion and the growth of the characters by the end of the series. Leif and Iskra are a couple I would love to have on my side if the world fell down around me. They complement each other well and Ronie Kendig really made them feel like a realistic couple through the many challenges that they faced. I have nothing bad to say about the book, only that you really do need to read them in order or you will have no idea what is going on.

Soul Raging definitely lived up to what I have come to expect when I pick up a Ronie Kendig book; that it will be one I won't soon forget. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the phenomenal curves in this book, the charismatic characters, and for being a series that actually ends on a high note!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
I absolutely loved this book! Suzanne Woods Fisher is a new to me author and I was excited to read her new book. The characters were all unique and personable, I laughed and was sad with them. I felt like the characters were friends whom I knew by the end of the book. Not many authors I’ve read can do that for me. There were several different sets of characters that I got to meet in this book; after finishing I found out that several of the characters are in other books that Suzanne Woods Fisher has written, but I would definitely say you could read this one as a standalone.

Other interesting things about this book were the topics; The Amish taking in kids from foster care, struggles between newlyweds, dealing with Gods calling on your life… So many great topics and Suzanne Woods Fisher did a great job in my opinion of weaving them all together in a believable way. I loved her use of something unexpected coming up in life that you are totally unprepared for and God showing you how to use it for His good. I needed that reminder!
I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for originality, the great sets of characters, and making me interested enough to get the rest of the series! I truly enjoyed this book and look forward to the next one by Suzanne Woods Fisher.
I volunteered to read this book from Celebrate Lit it return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Stolen Children (DCI Matilda Darke #6)
Stolen Children (DCI Matilda Darke #6)
Michael Wood | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh my goodness ... that was riveting!

This is the 6th in this excellent series and although, ideally, it would be good to read them in order, this is not absolutely essential as this works as a standalone but you do miss the development of the characters and some back story relating to previous cases. However, please do not let this put you off starting the series with this one because you will so kick yourself for missing out on this excellent book and then you can go back and enjoy the rest!

This book has a strong and compelling story line BUT it's also dark and upsetting so be warned that there are some sections that are very difficult to read. The pace is perfect and I found myself racing through the chapters desperate to find out what was going to happen next. The characters are excellent and believable with DCI Darke being one of my favourite fictional characters - she is strong, sensitive, likeable, loyal but with flaws that make her sensitive and not above making mistakes; this makes her believable and plausible.

I have read some good books this year but this has got be amongst the top so far without a shadow of a doubt and I have to give a massive thank you to HarperCollinsUK / One More Chapter and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.

I cannot wait for the next one especially if that ending is anything to by!!