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The Man in the White Suit (1951)
The Man in the White Suit (1951)
1951 | International, Classics, Comedy
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Alex Guinness, to me is — forget De Niro, forget Pacino — he’s the man. Alec Guinness is such a quintessential English actor, but he’s also a brilliant actor. He’s just the best. And The Man in the White Suit is just such a beautiful, charming movie. It’s about a man who invents a suit that you don’t have to wash. It’s a whole movie about it! It’s something that some of the more flamboyant directors should think about remaking. [Laughs] It’s about this guy who invents this material that keeps white all the time. It’s directed by Alexander Mackendrick, a fellow Scot, and the opening title sequence is amazing. Mackendrick is a brilliant director. I just enjoy his work; I enjoy the pace of his work. I think he’s really overlooked. He did The Ladykillers and Whisky Galore, and The Sweet Smell of Success. A lot of really cool movies. Alec Guinness, to me — forget Star Wars and all that — he’s just the best. And to work with someone like Alexander Mackendrick, who really understood what a story meant…it’s funny, because on IMDB the movie is listed as sci-fi. It’s not sci-fi, that’s ridiculous! It’s actually a very nice tale, about inventing the thing that nobody wants. Like a car that doesn’t need petrol. The thing that people don’t want because of the money [the auto industry] could make off of you. If you say hey great, I’ve invented this car that doesn’t need petrol, and then there’s a silence, and then there’s a gunshot, and you’re dead. It’s that kind of thing."

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Effects work, visual flair, soundtrack (0 more)
Cast are unimpressive, characters all feel different, doesn't feel like a continuation of previous films (0 more)
Great visuals let down by meandering story
For those who are unaware, The Jast Jedi is the latest instalment in the core Star Wars series, and picks up from where Force Awakens left off. Rey (played by the decidedly average Daisy Ridley) is on an island with Mark Hamill (playing himself it seems as the mannerisms of the character bore no similarity to the one we saw in Episodes 4, 5 and 6). Chewbacca is also there, but you wouldn’t really tell aside from a few “comedy” moments with the creatures of the island shoehorned in to seemingly ignore the trauma of losing his blood-oath life companion in the last film (Han Solo….keep up people) and instead have him there to just growl at “The Most Annoying and Unnecessary Additions To Film Since Jar Jar”™ from time to time. Whilst there she seeks to recruit Mark to aid Carrie Fisher’s rebellion (again…something not quite right about the character, and another who seems to have gotten over a traumatic murder of a loved one….by a loved one…quite rapidly) and also train her up in the way of the Super-Jedi (seriously, the powers are far beyond anything we have come to know from Jedi before).

Meanwhile Finn wakes up so he can perform comedy pratfalls a lot, Poe has become a one-man-army who could possibly defeat the whole Empire if Carrie would just stop demoting him, and BB8 seems to have more internal mechanical abilities than Cyborg in the DC comics. Remember how much the paring of Rey and Finn worked in the previous film? Yeah, that’s not here. How about Poe and Finn…that bromance? Nope. Okay…what about….ah forget it.

So, on the flip-side Kylo Ren (Adam Driver who I genuinely don’t get the obsession some folk have with) is acting all emo at how Supreme Leader Snoke is seemingly in love with General Hux (Domhall Gleeson, who acts like he’s in a Carry On film). Snoke is no longer a huge hologram, but is now a physical entity in the film, played (rather excellently I must add) by CGI mo-cap legend Andy Serkis. Strange that a CGI character feels more real than any of the rest of the cast, but hey-ho. With his mighty fleet, Snoke leads the battle to wipe the last remnants of the Rebellion….

The film opens with a spectacular space battle, and certainly doesn’t skimp on set-pieces throughout, with land and space being covered in glory. But story wise there isn’t much going on, even though Rian Johnson clearly thinks there is. Not really a spoiler, but when the Rebel fleet are on the run, trying to stay out of reach of the First Order craft, you do wonder why a few of the first order fleet didn’t just jump to a short hyperdrive to pen the Rebels in, rather than just following behind like sheep. That minor niggle is the smallest of the film’s story problems.

The issue seems to be that many moments have been engineered purely to pull the rug out from under the fan-theorists, rather than being included to actually serve the story on offer. None of the reveals are particularly clever, and one moment in particular resonated in the same manner the “Martha!” moment did in Batman v Superman, so poorly presented that it was almost hilarious in the reveal. Shoehorn in a few cameos, and contrived scene set ups and the whole thing feels like it is trying to pack two films into one, and in order to do so decided to cut out all the bits that make sense to make room for ‘action…fights….explosions…and…..’

…PORGS! Damn those things to Hades! Absolutely unnecessary, irritating, and jarring enough when on screen to make you stop actually caring about the action going on. They are used at the most inopportune moments in a poor attempt to generate laughs! I’ve seen people argue that, “Star Wars is for kids, so of course some things would be childish!” A poor excuse, and it’s the same one George Lucas used for Jar Jar Binks. Still feel it’s a good excuse? They are a marketing ploy to sell cuddly merchandise, and they are awful!

It’s not entirely bad, though. As mentioned the action and effects work is stunning, and there are some marvellous visual feasts on offer. The score is, as expected from music maestro John Williams, enchanting, thrilling, and with plenty of echoes of previous themes morphed into the mix. It’s just that, overall, this feels less like part of the Star Wars series, and more like a fan-fiction. It’s a shame as Rian Johnson has a strong pedigree with Brick and Looper, and hearing he has been granted a new trilogy of films of his own design was exciting news. After this, however, all I can say is that I’m glad JJ Abrams is coming back for the final part – maybe the magic will return with him.

Better than the prequels, including Rogue One, but the weaker of the rest, The Last Jedi is overlong for no real reason, and not as sharp as it wants to be. All gloss and style, but with very little substance.
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Luke Skywalker (3 more)
Rey and Kylo Dynamic
Great Space Battles
Some of the Kylo evolution
Not enough Luke (4 more)
Finn romance and side story BLAH
Why Destroy your helmet Kylo
Not enough Light saber battles
Savage Review
Contains spoilers, click to show
I loved a lot of things about this movie and didn't like a lot. First off LUKE SKYWALKER BOOM and that cameo of Yoda was amazing. Second the dynamic between Rey and Kylo I really liked its gonna be great to see where they go from here with the good and bad. The space battle where some of my favorites and when their were light saber action it was top notch. I liked certain things about the evolution of Kylo him taking control and being the new top dog. Now to what I hated the Finn romance and side story I liked where they were going with that but they executed it poorly and made it a complete bore and took you out of the movie. Why did Kylo destroy his helmet if you want to be like your grandfather he wears the mask it made you bad ass and it makes you less whiny. I get your conflicted but your tantrums are sometimes too much. Dont get me started on Snoke he feels like a wasted character and I hope they redeem him in the next one somehow. There was barely any light saber action. I liked the small amount in the movie but this is star wars we need those epic Light Saber moments. Now Back to Luke I loved the ending with him it was absolutely brilliant but at the same time I wanted more from him he never left the Island which I understand from the story point of view but I wanted him to battle Kylo in a Epic Battle.
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
The best of the new 3 films
Contains spoilers, click to show
Episode 8 of the Star Wars saga is full of great characters, great moments & a great finale for Carrie Fisher. The film moves along Rey's story. Where did Rey come from? Who are her parents? Some people were disappointed with the reveal that her parents were nobodys. Well, nobody. I think we're going to find out Rey was born of the force. That's why she's so strong with the Force.

The scene with Leia & Luke is truly moving. Knowing this will be Hammil & Fisher's last scene acting together can bring tears to your eyes. And Luke's end sends chills down my spine. The sacrifice he makes to save what little of the Rebellion is left is a perfect ending for him. I'm sure he'll be back as a Jedi "ghost" in the future.

If you really pay attention, this film is a remake of Return of the Jedi, which is fine. There could be worse movies to copy & luckily, this film is so much fun, just like RotJ. The Porgs replace the Ewoks as the kid friendly merch for the film & although the Porgs don't do anything really, they're adorable. If I were a kid, I'd probably buy a whole bunch of Porg toys.

People did have problems with Finn & Rose's side story, with the excuse that their mission was useless & didn't accomplish anything. But it did. It spread the word of the rebellion to that part of the galaxy. We even see a young boy with force powers, who may be a future Jedi.

Everyone was wondering who was the last Jedi. Was it Luke? Was it Rey? Remember, Jedi can also be plural. It can be many people.

I feel this was a great addition to the saga & can't wait for Solo & then episode 9.