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Carpe Corpus (The Morganville Vampires, #6)
Carpe Corpus (The Morganville Vampires, #6)
Rachel Caine | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
These book just keep getting better and better. With book six, the series ventures into the world of steampunk with a special Morganville twist. With the very little I have actually read in the genre of Steampunk, I had a hard time visualizing what Ada looks like, but I am hoping these eventually become movies and someone creates this fascinating machine for the movies! Ada's quirkiness and creepiness fit right in with the rest of the Morganville residents, though, so I know that she/it will grow on me, too.
With this book, it is also a relief that Claire has finally turned seventeen. The build-up between her and Shane was driving me crazy. I also like how the author was much more realistic about her first time with Shane than many romance novelists, with much awkwardness and naivety. Her parents' response to the knowledge of this was quite humorous and charming and lent some much-needed humor to the extent of fear with which Morganville is saturated.
Even though these books have much fantasy, they still move along with a certain believability. The one major exception that I found in this book - that I simply had a hard time believing possible - was when Claire almost dies at the end. With the amount of blood loss she suffered from, there is simply no way she could stay conscious for the amount of that she did or stay alive as she did. When books are as entertaining as these are though, I don't mind a little "writer's license" to keep the main character alive and resolve the loose thread of who is responsible for the random murders of girls in the previous books. I am surprised, though, that Claire never made the connection to who Dean is, since I saw it coming quite easily.
Mynin gets more and more entertaining and fascinating from book to book - he is probably one of my favorite characters for his unpredictability. I am thrilled that the disease can no longer get the best of him - it means he could play a more central role in future books. Many of the characters are easy to like, even if their morals often verge into gray area, such as Amelie.
Even though the "book" has suffered its final demise, the bookworm in me still wonders what else was in that book, so I hope future books can tell me more about it.
The Girl in the Steel Corset (Steampunk Chronicles, #1)
The Girl in the Steel Corset (Steampunk Chronicles, #1)
Kady Cross | 2011 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
My paperback copy of this book contained the prequel, <i>The Strange Case of Finley Jayne</i>, as well as <i>The Girl in the Steel Corset</i>.

2 stars for The Strange Case... and 3 stars for The Girl in...

I wasn't sure what to expect with this. It isn't my usual sort of read, though I have read quite a few steampunk books (Lindsay Buroker mainly).

Some aspects of this book I really liked, like the different abilities of Griffin's friends, the storyline was also quite intriguing although I figured out who the bad guy was by about half way through.

Things I wasn't so keen on: the steel corset only came into play after the half way point; I was expecting it to be part of Finley from the start. And the romance. I know that in Victorian times it wasn't acceptable to be left alone with someone of the opposite sex without a chaperone and to just be all in your face with love and romance but I read for the romance and although you know they have feelings for each other, nothing actually happens.

I don't think I'll be continuing the series.
Sing Down the Stars
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have no words. I absolutely loved this book. It had a sympathetic protagonist who grew throughout the book, a unique world, fully-fledged characters, and great pacing. It's part fantasy, sci-fi, Techpunk (my term for a modern-type of Steampunk), thrown into a modern or slightly futuristic world. I'm sorry, but I cannot be objective about Sing Down the Stars. It's probably not perfect but I don't care, the only thing I can even remember is the action at the beginning felt muddled to me. That's it. Otherwise, I whipped through the book whenever I had the chance and was riveted. <b>Riveted!</b> I tell you! And maybe a bit rabid as well. I want the next book now. I NEED the next book or I feel I might have a coronary. The book is so fantastic and the world so different than anything else I've come across that I just want to shove it in everyone's face and tell them to read it! I don't know when the last time that's happened with a book. Even if you're iffy about the synopsis, try it, sure maybe you won't like it (what are you? Crazy?!), but what do you have to lose? Besides money, but than there are libraries.
Wild Wild West (1999)
Wild Wild West (1999)
1999 | Action, Comedy, Western
I hate the late 90s blockbuster, man... I really do. This era's tongue-in-cheek manufactured spectacle coated with pause-for-laughs cringe 'jokes' and standard-to-crappy action makes my skin crawl. This is actually much, much better than 𝘐𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘋𝘢𝘺 but otherwise they're the exact same formula in tiring popcorn slogs though this one dared to actually have a bit of fun sometimes unlike ID so truthfully I have no idea why this one is more reviled - it just seems random to me. Yeah I have no idea why this source material was turned into confusingly sexual, boring one-note tripe but the last twenty minutes is actually kind of exciting and the effects are top-notch. Don't even lie, you think that giant steampunk spider is fucking cool too and the gadgets/costumes/sets/makeup are eye-catching too - I only wish they were all in a better movie. The two perfunctory performances from Smith and Kline are canceled out by the religious scenery-chewing of Ted Levine and this movie's MVP Kenneth Branagh but besides the title song that I'm tired of pretending doesn't slap -because it *does* - that's about where the positives end. Its only personality traits are being dumb, looking cool sometimes, and misogyny.
I am a huge fan of the author and have read all of the books in her Emperor’s Edge series and all in her Flash Gold Chronicles to date. I will read anything she write so when I saw her blog post about this book I was instantly thinking, “I need this now!”

Lindsay is a genius at blending action, steampunk and romance into her books and they are easy to read and very addictive. (I read the last four books in The Emperor’s Edge series back to back so I could find out how it all ended.)

This is set in a prison and centres around it’s new head, Ridge Zirkander, after he caused some political problems back in the city with his attitude. To me, he sounds like a laugh. The female lead, Sardelle, has just awoken after 300 years and finds herself within the prison walls. There is a sort of instant attraction between them which Ridge tries to ignore as he doesn’t believe it a good thing to get involved with inmates.

If you’re a fan of the author, this isn’t to be missed. If you’ve never read anything by her the first books in her Emperor’s Edge and Flash Gold Chronicles are free on Amazon.