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gayga (2127 KP) rated The Dead Zone in Books

Dec 11, 2017  
The Dead Zone
The Dead Zone
Stephen King | 1979 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (26 Ratings)
Book Rating
The ending is great (0 more)
A bit long winded compared to the (0 more)
Another awesome Stephen King book
I enjoy this book because even though the whole premise of someone who wakes up after being in a coma and finds they are psychic is a bit far fetched.

I found that the bits about Johnny and his mum were a bit long winded compared to the film but in general I thought it was a great film.

Possibly I should have read the book first as the differences between the two did jar a bit. Overall the majority of the film was true to the novel.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated It in Books

Sep 9, 2017  
Stephen King | 1986 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
8.8 (95 Ratings)
Book Rating
King at his finest
Epic, multi character novels are what Stephen King does best and It is a fantastic example. The characters are all well written, well developed, flawed but all loveable in their own ways. The plot itself is a mix between a coming of age and a horror story, and keeps you reading throughout this 900 page + novel. The finale does get a bit too bonkers in parts and there are a few aspects of the story that are a little unnecessary, but it's a sign of a great book when you get to the end and feel so sad that it's over.

Ameeka (131 KP) rated Arrow in TV

Jul 7, 2017  
2012 | Drama
Cinema quality action sequences (2 more)
Dark and realistic tone
Well-written characters
Melodramatic moments (0 more)
Appeals to viewers of all ages
Arrow, a superhero drama, has an appealing lead performance from Stephen Amell. This show's dark and realistic tone really brings on the suspense. It has a very compelling villain in John Barrowman's Malcolm Merlyn, whom is a pretty well-written character that makes you understand his motives. Sometimes the show includes The CW's melodramatic moments, which can be extremely difficult to get through. However, the show still manages to pull the audience back in with it's well-choreographed, cinema-quality action sequences and brilliant performances from very talented actors and actresses.
The Chalk Man
The Chalk Man
C.J. Tudor | 2018 | Thriller
7.7 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unnerving thriller with lots of different threads
While elements of this psychological thriller seem far-fetched, there's something ghoulish and almost Stephen King-like in its approach.

Following the narrative of Ed, the teacher recounts his childhood with his friends and the time they found the dismembered body of a young woman. In the meantime, chalk drawings keep appearing, and take a life of their own.

While the ending is startling and worth listening to the finish, at times the back and forth narrative from past to future becomes convoluted and can be hard to keep track, let alone concentrate. A good thriller, but with a lot of loose ends.

Jena (9 KP) rated Coming Home (The Toki-Girl and the Sparrow-Boy #1) in Books

Oct 20, 2019 (Updated Oct 20, 2019)  
Coming Home (The Toki-Girl and the Sparrow-Boy #1)
Coming Home (The Toki-Girl and the Sparrow-Boy #1)
Claire Youmans | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The feelings the author manages to invoke for the characters is brilliantly done without being over worded. The author portrays a great respect for the country and time period that many do not. (0 more)
The switching of locations can be a little confusing. (0 more)
Amazing details
The book was given to me free by Voracious Readers Only and Claire Youmans. I genuinely enjoyed the book, it was different to my usual genre of books generally of the Stephen King and Dan Browns like.
But Claire Youmans portrayal of the characters drew me in so I needed to know what happened to Azuki and Shota in the end