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Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Talisman in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
The Talisman
The Talisman
Stephen King, Peter Straub | 1984 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (30 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great read
Whenever I pick up a door stop of a Stephen King novel, I always expect great things as most of his epic novels are fantastically good. And for the most part, The Talisman definitely meets expectations.

It's a great fantasy story filled with all manner of concepts including alternate worlds, werewolves, wizards etc and it does well to blend all of these together into a cohesive story without becoming too convoluted. Jack is an endearing main character and develops well over the course of the story, and all of the other characters too are in their own ways intriguing, even Morgan Sloat as the bad guy. This story really reminds me of The Dark Tower series, which isn't a bad thing as it had a similar quest type theme. My only criticisms are that it seems to drag a little towards the very end, which isn't good for a 700 page book. And also I've never read any Peter Straub, but I could tell reading this the parts that weren't all King, and I think the story might have been worse off for it. When you've read as many of King's books as i have, you can tell his narrative apart and whilst it's still a very good book, I would've been interested to see how this book would've turned out if it had been written by him alone.

That said, I feel like I need to read the sequel now in the hope it's just as good!
A detailed look into the world of forensic pathology.
I don’t read a lot on non-fiction and when I do it is rarely an autobiography or memoir but when I happened to see Unnatural Causes I decided to jump in and hopefully get a better understanding of a profession so often touched on in my beloved crime thriller books. I didn’t regret it for a second.

Dr Richard Shepherd, as one of the UK’s top forensic pathologists, has performed over 23,000 postmortems; that’s a lot of dead bodies! Fascinated by cracking the puzzle of what killed each one this book covers a whole host of unusual cases. Clearing up many misconceptions of the world of forensic pathology we get a great insight into a job few people could stomach.

As he covers many interesting cases we get a unique behind the curtain look into some famous murders and disasters. Shipman, Stephen Lawrence, the Hungerford massacre, the Marchioness disaster, he is even involved in Diana’s inquest. The look into the very difficult area of the death of babies shows a complicated area where everything is not as black and white as we’d like it to be.

His single minded quest for the truth and the very distressing nature of his work takes a toll on his mental health and family life. Although not as fascinating as the cases themselves it’s important to cover this, bring into sharp focus the debt society owes to those willing to surround themselves in such a grim profession.
Jack of Spades
Jack of Spades
Joyce Carol Oates | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was certainly a page turner and a quick read, although I really just wanted it to be over. Andrew J. Rush is a successful mystery author -- married with a wife and three grown children. He also secretly (not even known to his wife and children) writes under the pseudonym Jack of Spades - and these books are dark, violent thrillers.

The book starts with Rush receiving a court summons that a woman in nearby locale is accusing him of stealing - basically plagiarism. He feels threatened and slowly, the unbidden Jack of Spades within Rush starts coming out.

The book is peppered with Stephen King references and I don't typically read King's more dark novels, so I can't say if there's a comparison here. Overall, I didn't find the book scary, or even that psychologically interesting, but a bit stupid. While a character in a novel like this shouldn't be likeable, per se, you should have some sort of admiration for their cunning. Instead, I just found Rush annoying and stupid.

Oates provides us with a back-story that is supposed to explain Rush's pathology, but it seems thinly constructed. The whole premise just seems off. I can't imagine someone not picking up on this guy and his behavior, his wife not just walking out, his kids not just taking their mother away, etc. It was just not my cup of tea.

(Note: I received an advance ebook copy of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.)

The nerdy birdie (67 KP) rated Loot Time Podcast in Podcasts

Oct 17, 2018 (Updated Oct 17, 2018)  
Loot Time Podcast
Loot Time Podcast
Games & Hobbies, TV & Film
7.9 (17 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
They have great personalities!!! (0 more)
Nada (0 more)
Listened to episode 27
I listened to episode 27 all about curses, which I thought was a perfect theme for October and Halloween! For some reason when it comes to anything scary I am all ears, any time of the year ! I try to attend any haunted attraction that I can. The two guys Steven and Kevin discuss two highly popular movies Evil Dead and Gremlins. First and foremost, they mention Stephen King which is my main man when it comes to authors! I can’t wait until the second part of the movie “It”is released. Thriller and horror books are my jam! Secondly, they bring up Beetlejuice which is another fave. Beetlejuice, Gremlins and evil dead are all similar types of the genre comedy meets horror. I have heard of loot crate before because of all of my booktuber friends that subscribe to the box. I love watching the unboxings and would really appreciate the opportunity to receive one and review it! I plan on being a booktuber in 2019. I would put the different themed Items in the box with my beetlejuice and gremlins funko pops because that was the episode that helped me win!! I even have gizmo on my keychain ! I also like how the guys bring in a brother , Rob, to interview as well. Makes me wonder what future guests they will have. A third opinion brings a whole new element to the podcast. Great job! Ps-loved Idle Hands too!
1408 (2007)
1408 (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery
The original story (1 more)
John Cusack is a fucking God
Drawn out near the end... But... Meh (0 more)
John.... Sam.... Stephen.... What could go wrong??
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages... Well... Not all... Kids should definitely not watch this one.
John Cusack stars as a writer who specializes in debunking alleged haunted locations.
He heads into the city to stay at the famed Dolphin Hotel. One room has had more deaths in it since the place cracked its doors nearly 100 years before.
The writer heads in with a skeptics attitude. But within minutes his attitude changes. And so does the viewers.
Sam Jackson is phenomenal as the manager of the hotel... All but climbs inside Cusacks head and fills him full of personal doubt and failure.
What follows is one helluva roller coaster ride that takes you from the past to the present to all points in between.
And just when you think you have it figured out... The room turns on you and tries to swallow your soul whole.
King left an easy road map to follow for a successful film. And the crew took the ball and ran through the defense for the easy score.
A good little film that leaves you impressed and amazed... All be it a little bored during the second act. But the climax is worth the payoff.
Talk about your mind fucking psychology damaging portions of the ending.
Good job ladies and gentlemen... You left me sasified