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The Death Of Stalin (2017)
The Death Of Stalin (2017)
2017 | Comedy
Steve buscemi (1 more)
Michael Palin
Not enough Jason Isaacs (0 more)
Just watched on Netflix rather good comedy rather dark political comedy about the communism and the death of Stalin with a cast of well known actors a who's who of British and American greats to watch the likes of Michael Palin and Steve buscemi sharing screen time just great. needed more Jason Isaacs still good film

Danny Trejo recommended Animal Factory (2000) in Movies (curated)

Animal Factory (2000)
Animal Factory (2000)
2000 | Drama, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"There was a movie called Animal Factory; it was [written] by Eddie Bunker, and it was directed by Steve Buscemi. It’s probably the best prison movie that’s ever been made. It’s unbelievable. I actually helped produce that. Eddie had the script, was running around with it for a while, and then gave it to me and said, “See what you can do with it.” I remember handing it to Steve Buscemi on Con Air, and I said, “Here, Steve. Read this or I’ll kill you.” [laughs] And he read it. He loved it, but he said, “Danny, there’s nothing really in it for me,” and I said, “No, no, no, we want you to direct it.” So he got Willem Dafoe, and when he got Willem Dafoe, everybody else kind of jumped on it."

The Death Of Stalin (2017)
The Death Of Stalin (2017)
2017 | Comedy
Acting (0 more)
A satirical look at the events surrounding the death of Stalin
I enjoyed this satirical look at the events surrounding the death of Stalin in 1953. It was superbly acted especially by Steve Buscemi and Jason Isaacs, both made me laugh at many places I probably shouldn't have been laughing. The scary part is that most of the more unbelievable parts of this film very likely happened in real life.
The Wedding Singer (1998)
The Wedding Singer (1998)
1998 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
7.1 (29 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I love this film so much. Adam Sandler is toned down as a genuinely good guy and wedding singer. The soundtrack is solid, and every time I hear the song 'True', I remember the last scene with Steve Buscemi singing it.
I loved both of the 'original' songs that Robbie wrote, and the 'Somebody Kill Me' song is hilarious.
Overall, this is probably one of my favorite movies, and definitely my favorite Adam Sandler movie.
Fargo (1996)
Fargo (1996)
1996 | Drama, Mystery
Francis mcdormand (2 more)
Steve buscemi
William h Macy
Finally got to watch this movie another of my never got to watch originally but none I have what can I say about its brilliant movie very dark movie and less said about the woodchipper. The cast is top notch but the standout for me is Frances mcdormand as the pregnant cop who is chasing the kidnappers not knowing that yet. anyway good script good direction from the choen brothers to make the perfect movie I should watch more often

John Hawkes recommended The Big Lebowski (1998) in Movies (curated)

The Big Lebowski (1998)
The Big Lebowski (1998)
1998 | Comedy

"I could go with Shadow of a Doubt, any number of Woody Allen movies, Paul Thomas Anderson, Wes Anderson — The Royal Tenenbaums I love — but I’m going to go with The Big Lebowski because it’s such a fully realized, beautiful film. John Goodman is amazing, [John] Turturro, [Steve] Buscemi, Sam Elliot — and then Jeff Bridges was fantastic. Julianne Moore. Just really, really, really, really such a satisfying film to watch, and so quotable, and something that I could have on a loop 24 hours a day in my home and never be bored with. Fantastic film. I’ll say no more."

Fargo (1996)
Fargo (1996)
1996 | Drama, Mystery
Who remembers The English Patient? No one!
This is probably the first time anyone noticed The Coen Brothers. They had directed a few good movies before Fargo, but this one really put them on the map.

When this movie first came out, I told multiple people they should go see it, but I had a hard time explaining what it was about. It has a simple premise of a kidnapping gone wrong, but the characters screenplay and their accents are really what make the movie most memorable.

Frances McDormand, William H. Macy, Steve Buscemi and the rest of the cast are amazing.

I still can't believe this movie did not win. This film certainly has endured way better than The English Patient.

If you haven't seen, you must.

Show all 4 comments.

Awix (3310 KP) Jun 5, 2018

Did you see Kumiko the Treasure Hunter? You might find it interesting.


Andy K (10821 KP) Jun 5, 2018

No I haven't but I definitely will check it out thanks a lot.


Jane Lynch recommended The Big Lebowski (1998) in Movies (curated)

The Big Lebowski (1998)
The Big Lebowski (1998)
1998 | Comedy

"The Big Lebowski. Jeff Bridges – I almost put Starman down, too, but I really think I kind of don’t remember the movie so much because I haven’t seen it in so many years – but I love Jeff Bridges, and I love the movie he just did. What was it called? Crazy Heart, he’s great in that. But, I mean, there’s something about The Big Lebowski and that combination with the Coen brothers sensibility, which, he nailed that down. I don’t know exactly what you’d even call that, but brilliant. I loved his performance in that, and I loved John Goodman, and I loved Steve Buscemi. And you know who else was great in that, was Philip Seymour Hoffman. He was really good in that movie, too. Yeah, great, great, great fan of that movie."

The Death Of Stalin (2017)
The Death Of Stalin (2017)
2017 | Comedy
Several Russian politicians desperately attempt to solve the question (by scheming, plotting and conspiring) of who is to assume leadership of the Soviet Union after the death of dictator Joseph Stalin in 1953.

I'm amazed at how many films that come out I haven't heard of in advance. This being one of them. It's not my sort of film, and yet it is, all in one go. The trailer was amusing and intriguing, and I knew I had to see it. Then, as if by magic, it appeared as an Unlimited Screening.

With such a varied cast I honestly had no clue what to expect. From Michael Palin to Steve Buscemi... come on! But I, just like everyone else in the screen, was amused and left laughing. I'm not entirely sure we knew what we were watching though, not because it was confusing, but because it is a weird combination of all sorts of different things. You leave and you wonder what you really watched. One thing's for sure, I really want to read the graphic novel now.
The Running Man
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
First and foremost, if you think this is anything like the Arnie movie, think again! That movie only shares the title, a few names, and the idea of a game show with the book.

Written by Richard Bachman (aka Stephen King), this is set in a future dystopia where the gulf between the rich and the poor has widened even further, to the extent that, while the rich have access to new gadgets, medicine and groceries, life is a daily struggle to survive for the poor (who are now treated as vermin by the rich).

The top TV shows are all game shows (OK: like the movie); in all the poor are more-or-less tortured (the shows have names like 'Swimming with Crocidiles' or 'Treadmill to Fortune') to earn money. Of these, the most popular by far is 'The Running Man', which is - basically - a televised manhunt.

This is a pretty quick read - only took me about one day - with the Ben Richards of the novel far more sickly and wasted than the muscular Arnie of the film (Steve Buscemi, perhaps?), with the novel also covering a wider area of land than the Running Man set of that movie (which, remember, is only set in four zones - here, it's more-or-less right across America). The ending is also far more downbeat!