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Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure
Chris evans (1 more)
Haley atwell
The first true captain america movie after several failed attemps. chris evans plays steve rogers brillantly with support from tommy lee jones and haley atwell not keen on the design of the red skill good film but not my favorite of the movies
L.A.M.F. by Johnny Thunders / Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers
L.A.M.F. by Johnny Thunders / Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers
1977 | Rock
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I went to see Walter Lure [Heartbreakers guitarist] play L.A.M.F. a couple of weeks ago. I went to this by myself in downtown LA. There's five dollar parking across the street, and I parked my car. I went in and saw Pirate Love, Born To Lose, Chinese Rocks. That's all I needed. It was great. This record made a huge impact on me. Johnny Thunders' playing and Jonsey's [Sex Pistols' Steve Jones] playing: I've played guitar ever since, and that's who I fashion my guitar playing after. I got to play in a band with Steve in the 90s [Neurotic Outsiders], and it was like a dream come true. I started playing guitar and he immediately recognised where I got all my riffs from!"

The Condemned (2007)
The Condemned (2007)
2007 | Action, Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good premise (0 more)
Been done a lot of times before (0 more)
Last man standing
A pretty decent if violent action film with backing from the WWE. Featuring Steve Austin and a few other faces from the wrestling scene. The story is pretty good, although it starts to get a bit repetitive as it goes on. Reminded me slightly of the @The Running Man (1987) and Battle Royale. Overall a lot better than I expected and Vinnie Jones is good as the bad guy, as always.
Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
1977 | Punk
8.9 (15 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"In my book this isn't a punk record - it's a fantastic rock album. I mean, it's produced by Chris Thomas for goodness sake. Cookie (Paul Cook) is a fantastic drummer: I know him because he plays in Phil Collen's other band, The Manraze Then you have Steve Jones - fucking amazing guitarist. Matlock had gone by this point, I think he was on 'Anarchy…' and Sid was on 'Bodies' but apart from that Jones did all of the guitar and all of the bass parts as well. And he probably did more overdubs on that than we did on bloody Pyromania - it took nine months to record. It's a real album: it represents punk, but in many ways it doesn't. The Pistols record is as planned out as a Genesis album. And that's why it works: it's fucking brilliant. Nobody snarls like Rotten: his 'we mean it, man' on 'God Save the Queen', it puts the hairs on my arm up to this day."

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure
Our introduction to Captain America withing the MCU gets a bad wrap.
I see it labeled fairly regularly as weak entry into the ever expanding saga and I just don't think that's the case.

It's got a solid narrative for a start as we watch Steve Rogers go from frail Regular Joe to bonafide hero who truly believes in fighting for the good of humanity over the course of two hours.
The WWII setting provides a touch of historical reality, collided with the fantasy of the Tesseract, our first glimpse of the now infamous Infinity Stones, and in this narrative, providing Red Skull with cosmically charged weapons the gain the edge in the war with Allied Forces.

The First Avenger has a fantastic cast. Chris Evans is pretty much perfect in the titular role and has played the character solidly for the last 10 years.
Hugo Weaving as Red Skull is an undeniable highlight. He plays the villain with evil glee, and looks so comic book accurate that it hurts. It's a real shame that he has never returned to the role.
The supporting cast is strong as well. Hayley Atwell, Toby Jones, Tommy Lee Jones, Sebastian Stan, Dominic Cooper, and Stanley Tucci are all great, and relish in a tight screenplay.

I do think that the film feels over long at times, although the story being told is undeniably important in the run up to The Avengers.
The effects are mostly decent and still hold up, with an exception here and there, primarily before Steve Rogers goes all buff, but these are small gripes with an otherwise solid origin film.
Damned Damned Damned by The Damned
Damned Damned Damned by The Damned
1977 | Punk
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The first Damned record is a classic. These were some of our influences and bands that never really got a wider appeal and should have. Rat Scabies was on that record and was like a rebirth of Keith Moon, Brian James’ guitar playing was second to none, suddenly punk rock had our own Eddie Van Halen - sort of [laughs]. Just a shredder. Then there was Captain Sensible and Dave Vanian... everyone was a unique character, not just personally but as a player. I don’t think anybody could have beaten the Damned at that point in their carer. It was short-lived but maybe it was too ferocious to last with that line-up. After we did that record I was playing a gig in ‘94 with Steve Jones, we were playing the Viper Room every Monday night as the Neurotic Outsiders and Rat Scabies came to one of the gigs. Steve introduced us and Rat said, ""thanks for covering that song, I got the biggest publishing cheque I ever got"". But I didn’t know what to say, I was terrified of The Damned man, these are my heroes. I mean it was Rat Scabies, what the hell do you say to Rat Scabies?"

Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
1977 | Punk
8.9 (15 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I have an argument with people who say that the punk scene changed their lives. Nearly everyone I speak to says that the Clash were the most exciting and the most important group of the era. But without the Sex Pistols there wouldn't have been any Clash: end of story. And people claim that Chris Spedding played on the album [as uncredited session musician], but really it was Steve Jones, and he is one of the great rock & roll guitarists. And Lydon was streets ahead of everyone else. The Clash made great pop records and the Sex Pistols were a great punk group. And for me this is year zero, you can go back to the Stooges if you like but if you were a kid waiting for someone to kick against bands that I have listed like Genesis, then the Sex Pistols were it. They lit the touch paper. It's a cliché but it's true."

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure
Chris Evans as Captian America/Steve Rogers The cast Cap and Bucky's bromance Cap and Peggy's Hugo weaving as Red skull The action sequences Ties to the greater MCU (0 more)
Cgi skinny Steve Rogers Third act is a tad rushed (0 more)
"i'm just a kid from brooklyn"
"I'm just a kid from Brooklyn"

A rip-roaring homage to old fashioned serials and comic books. Joe Johnston somehow pulls off the tone and look, firmly planting me into the 1940's time period. As fantastical as it is I still feel the real world within the picture.

Protagonist Steve Rogers makes for an easily likable guy who at the start is a smaller guy, who stands up to bullies even if it means getting his ass beat. His dream is to serve his country and although not meeting physical requirements for the army, he proves the heart and courage to become the specimen of a super soldier syrum. With this experiment, Steve's size, strength and conditioning is greatly enhanced and becomes the face of WW2 propaganda. His desire to fight however gets him involved with the battle against a division of the Nazi's known as Hydra, headed by Johann Schmidt, the "Red Skull".

Red Skull is one of the best villians of the Marvel cinematic universe. I couldn't imagine him played by anyone other than Hugo Weaving who brings such gravitas and personality to the role. Red Skull is an experiment of the soldier syrum himself which gives him a certain connection to Rogers, but chooses to use his power for the service of himself and his evil desires. The film includes the element of Nazi fascination with science and experimentation, taking it a step further. Red Skull discovers other worldly magic, the Tesseract of Asgard, which he utilizes for the use of weaponry. Thus, blending historical events with an exciting dose of imagination. A Nazi more powerful than Hitler? That's pretty scary.

The action comes swift and mighty, combining the fleshy violence of war with creative comic book thrills. It's some of the most entertaining action I've ever seen. I love that the presence of Hitler can be felt even though he is not on screen. It seamlessly connects the future with the past, makes the looming threat of the entire world felt, and contains elements of other Marvel films past and present that only adds to the movie and never detracts. Tony Stark's father has a direct influence on Captain America which adds a layer to the proceeding films. Thor and Loki's place in future events are tied in perfectly. Steve's friendship with Bucky and presumed death is one of the emotional cores to the film that also plays into the sequels. Unbelievable.

Can I just mention the charming romance between Peggy and Steve Rogers? It's so natural and plays out over the duration of the film without anything ridiculous. When Peggy tears up as Steve is speeding toward the unkown in a downed plane, I lose it. I lose it every time. They never got that last dance and my heart is broken.

When Red Skull calls Steve a "simpleton with a shield" I'm like YES!! that's why I love him. I could be Steve Rogers. I could be Captain America. Well, not really, but he's one of the most relatable on screen super heroes. I'd even say he's the one I can see myself in the most. Consider me #TeamCap.

I must make mention of the wonderful musical score and songs written for the film. Very important piece to the puzzle. I listen to "Star Spangled Man" just about every time I take a walk. The costumes and production design deserve all the love in the world as well. Tommy Lee Jones is great and makes me laugh as usual. All performances are great. Points for finding a use for Captain America's vintage comic book costume and re-enacting the punch to Hitler's face from Captain America issue #1.

Who taught Cap how to fight like that though? Guess that's one of the perks of the syrum too.
Fresh (2022)
Fresh (2022)
2022 | Horror, Thriller
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Mimi Cave's feature debut is a delightfully slick, quirky, and gruesomely entertaining thriller that dives head first into the perils of dating in the modern world. Its first 30 minutes are pretty light hearted, with a whole bunch of funny moments, and a relatable and likable protagonist in Daisy Edgar-Jones' Noa. The chemistry she shares with Steve (Sebastian Stan) feels natural and the two of them make for an enjoyable couple to watch onscreen, and exactly the same can be said when it goes full horror suddenly. If it wasn't for the fairly aggresive advertising campaign that heavily focused on the cannibal side of the plot, one could be forgiven for thinking that Fresh was a straight up rom-com. The sudden change in vibe is executed nicely, complete with a title card 30 minutes in, and I'm a sucker for that shit.
What follows is a sometimes fun, sometimes grim, fight for survival. Edgar-Jones is a solid Final Girl, and Sebastian Stan is picture perfect as the suave psychopath that we've seen a fair few times before at this point, but he's clearly having a blast. It helps no end that he's so well known as Bucky Barnes, ensuring that his sinister role here hits even harder.
The last 40 minutes or so suffer from being quite predictable in how the narrative unfolds, but the films cast and some nice camera work ensure that it crosses the finish line without too many hiccups.
Horror comedy is a sub genre that shows no sign of dying anytime soon, and films like Fresh make sure of that. Definitely worth your attention.

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated Finding Steve McQueen (2019) in Movies

Oct 29, 2021 (Updated Nov 2, 2021)  
Finding Steve McQueen (2019)
Finding Steve McQueen (2019)
2019 | Crime, Romance
The film stars Travis Fimmel (Raised by Wolves), Rachael Taylor (Jessica Jones), William Fichtner (Armageddon) and Academy Award winner, Forest Whitaker (Last King of Scotland) and is directed by Mark Steven Johnson (Daredevil, Ghost Rider).

Based on the true story of the Youngstown mob, President Richard Nixon, the FBI, and the biggest bank heist in US history! In 1972, a gang of like-minded thieves plan a heist to steal $30 million in illegal campaign contributions from the President’s secret fund.

When it comes to a heist movie Finding Steve McQueen is undoubtedly one that is fun to watch, the true comedy element comes from Travis Fimmel’s Harry Barber character who was obsessed with McQueen hence his look and name change, the film takes on the journey of the heist as series of flashbacks as Harry tells Molly (Rachel Taylor) “the truth”, this is how we get introduced to Enzo Rotella (William Fichtner) the boss of the heist, I have to say that when it comes to Fitchner he always pulls off a great performance and he plays the character great as he tries to hold the mismatch of a team together.