Steve McQueen: The Actor and His Films
Andrew Antoniades and Mike Siegel
Steve McQueen: The Actor and his Films, is the definitive account of every film that the iconic...
Steve McQueen: Le Mans in the Rearview Mirror
Don Nunley and Marshall Terrill
Le Mans is the most discussed, debated, and beloved auto racing film of all time. The author was the...

Lazy Ways To Make A Living
Have you ever seen the Thomas crown affair? Faye dunaway (sugar pink lips, fabulous nails, playing...

Twelve Years a Slave
Solomon Northup, Henry Louis Gates and Kevin M. Burke
Book Watch
This edition also includes: The illustrations printed in the original book; Contemporary sources...

When Football Was Football: Chelsea: A Nostalgic Look at a Century of the Club: 2015
Now in paperback, this is a fascinating collection of photographs of Chelsea Football Club dating...

Stay Cool: A Polar Bear's Guide to Life
Jonathan Chester and Patrick Regan
What does it mean to be cool? The quality has always been hard to define, but easy to identify....

The Cinematic Legacy of Frank Sinatra
David Wills, Nancy Sinatra, Tina Sinatra and Frank Sinatra
In this book, to be released for the centenary of Sinatra's birth, fresh archival evidence attests...

Mini: An Intimate Biography
From its birth in 1959, the Mini grew to become a national treasure and huge success: Princess...

Loose Women on Men
Men are from Mars eh? Well yes, you won't get any argument from us on that front. Sometimes it...