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Bai Ling recommended Roman Holiday (1953) in Movies (curated)

Roman Holiday (1953)
Roman Holiday (1953)
1953 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It’s a very personal choice because when I came to America from mainland China, I was an actress, but I never knew about Hollywood. I had heard of Hollywood but we didn’t have access to see Hollywood movies. A photographer was taking pictures of me and said, “You remind me of this actress named Audrey Hepburn.” I said, “Who is that?” He said, “Bai Ling, you have to watch her films,” and he found me Roman Holiday. That was the first Hollywood movie I’d ever seen. And it’s still one of my favorites, because it first introduced me to Hollywood — beautiful, romantic, very graceful, and elegant. I would like to remake it — I hope some director can help me, maybe Steven Soderbergh or Wong Kar-Wai. [Laughs] What I remember about those old Hollywood films is that when a leading lady and a leading man meet, they don’t have to say anything; you already know they’re in love. You root for them; you want them to be together. That’s the magic of Hollywood. I think somehow today we’ve lost a little bit of it, and you don’t care as much if two characters get together. But Roman Holiday makes you smile, makes your heart smile, makes your heart sing for these two people. Gregory Peck is gentle and elegant, the kind of tall leading man that I like. I think we should remake the film. Everybody in America, in Asia, and in Europe, would appreciate it. The beautiful, pure, romantic story — I wish I would play a role like that, because I have a romantic soul. I’d like to bring that purity to the audience, to have their fantasy fulfilled."

Revenge of the Green Dragons (2014)
Revenge of the Green Dragons (2014)
2014 | Mystery
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Revenge of the Green Dragons starts as we follow the two young boys that immigrated from China to America and New York City, in a neighbourhood that is run by the Chinese gang known as the Green Dragons.

Recruited at a young age Sonny (Chon) and Steven (Wu) have grown up as part of the Green Dragons under the leadership of Paul (Shum Jr) a businessman that uses the gang to get what he wants. We get to see how the two rise through the ranks in the Green Dragons that even grabs the attention of the FBI.


Thoughts on Revenge of the Green Dragons


Characters – Sonny is the quieter of the two friends that gets taken in by the gang, he is the one that would like a life outside the gang which isn’t as easy as it seems, even when he falls in love. Steven was built for the gang, even after he gets seriously injured in the battle between the gangs, he becomes the one that won’t hesitant to pull the trigger. Paul is the leader of the Green Dragons, a businessman on the outside, that uses his intelligence to make sure he can stay ahead of the game in the gang battle.

Performances – The performances in this movie are fine, nothing is great or bad, we get to see the different ranges of emotions that the two friends must face during their decisions. We don’t have any of the performances that stand out though.

Story – The story follows the gangster storylines we have seen before, two young men or in this case boys get recruited to a rising gang to become big players in their gang in a war against another gang, until they step out of line. This time we follow Chinese immigrants in New York and it shows how they would never hold back on anybody of any age or gender. This does give us a brutality in the story, but in the end it is just more of the same.

Action/Crime – The action is just gun battles and brutality to the people who get in the way of the crimes being committed by the Green Dragons, as we see how they try to stay off the radar while conducting their business

Settings – New York will always be a great choice for settings for crime movies, this is unlike any other showing us how gangs had neighbourhoods and always want more.

Scene of the Movie – Put the gun down, it brings a clever kill.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It offered nothing new to the genre.

Final Thoughts – This is a by the book crime movie, it shows the rise of two in a gang and just where they would go onto be in the gang, but otherwise gives us nothing we haven’t seen before.


Overall: Been Here Seen This.
Miles Ahead (2016)
Miles Ahead (2016)
2016 | Drama, Musical, Documentary
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If you’ve ever found yourself in a coffee shop, bookstore, or perhaps even a jazz club in the 21st century you can’t NOT have heard either the name ‘Miles Davis’, his music, or perhaps both. If you’ve been living under a rock your whole life and by some miracle you have a smartphone, computer, or a radio find a jazz station and it’s almost a sure thing you’ll here his music within minutes. The man is no myth although the man and his music are so legendary there is almost a mythical presence to him. He is one of the greats. No question. No argument.

‘Miles Ahead’ is a biopic about the legendary jazz musician directed by and staring Don Cheadle who also co-wrote the film with Steven Baigelman, Christopher Wilkinson, and Steven J. Rivele.
Emayatzy Corinealdi, Ewan McGregor, Michael Stuhlbarg, and Keith Stanfield. Rather than focus on the entire life of the great jazz musician which could encompass several films and take up an entire archive, the film focuses mainly on a period in Davis’s life where he is living in relative seclusion in his home in New York City after having retreated from the public spotlight five years previously. Miles endeavors to begin recording and playing music once again after combating addictions to alcohol and cocaine which he indulged in to deal with his wife leaving him and the heavy stress brought upon him by a loss of inspiration to compose music. At about this same time ‘Rolling Stone’ reporter Dave Braden (McGregor), a borderline paparazzi of the time but not quite, calls upon Davis begging him to let him write about Davis’s great comeback. After several futile attempts on the part of Braden, Davis reluctantly agrees after Braden introduces him to a new dealer willing to supply him with high-grade cocaine. What follows is something thats almost out of a Hunter S. Thompson book as the two attempt to recover a demo tape of Davis’s most recent recordings from a low level gangster/manager/agent who stole the from Davis’s home. Amongst the drugs and the booze and the gun fights and car chases there are brief flashbacks into Miles’s past where he relives times good and bad with his wife Frances (Corinealdi). How they met, how they lived, and how she inspired some of his greatest works through her graceful dancing and their mutual love for classical music like Eric Satie, Chopin, and Stravinsky and how he eventually lost her due to his addictions and indulgences.

For such a brief glimpse into the life of one of music’s greatest, the movie was quite well done. It was clearly a labor of love for Mr. Cheadle who had his hands in nearly every aspect of the movie and went so far as to learn to play the trumpet so he could actually play the music himself in the movie. The actor, who is amongst the best and most underrated of our time, reportedly spent six years making this film. The background music is mostly comprised of tracks from arguably one of Davis’s best albums ‘Sketches Of Spain’ and selections of his work is played by Cheadle himself. It’s sometimes difficult to tell whether the movie is more about the music or the man himself. Does it honestly matter though? In many ways, they’re one in the same are they not? The movie is rated R for scenes with violence, adult language, and intimate scenes. I’d give it 4 out of 5 stars. The only negative thing I have to say about is that I wish there had been more about the life of the man. His beginnings. Like when he was accepted into the Juilliard School of Music in New York only to drop out. His days spent jamming with Charlie Parker. Again, that would encompass far more time than one would consider ‘feasible’ for a movie.
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Excellent visual effects, nice changes to the story to fit with the cinematic (plenty of sections of the book would have fallen a bit flat in a short form film) and lots of Easter eggs (0 more)
A fair few bits missing from the book, and sometimes felt like a mad dash to finish the movie. (0 more)
A decent adaptation of a great book
Contains spoilers, click to show
From the get go, I think I'd best say I came to this with a pre-concieved notion that I was going to enjoy it, having read the book several times and having a long term love affair with Steven Spielberg (child of the 80s, so most of my formative years were spent sitting worshipping at the alter of Spielberg and Lucas) so I was aware that I was going to enjoy this film regardless, that said, there are moments in the film that fell flat for me, but on the whole....its a very enjoyable little action/adventure romp....with plenty in it for film lovers (the whole shining sequence had me grinning from ear to ear) and gamers too ( the whole film is deeply rooted in gamer culture and there are more gaming Easter eggs than you can shake a stick at) there's plenty of heart to this film too, and by the time the credits rolled I left the theatre thoroughly entertained, had this film come out a few years back, it would have been lauded as a sci-fi/adventure classic, however we now live in a post marvel world where every film they release seem to raise the bar very high, and films like this get lost in the shuffle a little, does this make it a worse movie....not at all, but it probably didn't get the acclaim it deserved because of being released in a sea of blockbusters.
So in closing, if you're looking for that perfect Sunday afternoon adventure could do a lot worse than giving this a watch....see how many movie/gaming references you can spot
A Heart Revealed (Winds of Change, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*This review is from my blog and originally published in 2011*

Okay. Let me take just one moment to reflect on this book. *Reflecting* Okay. That’s better. WOW. I don’t even know where to begin. There is so much to say about this novel. Let me start off by saying if you’ve never read a Julie Lessman novel, stop what you are doing right now, and grab a copy. You won’t be sorry. The first novel I read by her was last September, entitled A Hope Undaunted, book 1 in this Winds Of Change series. I couldn’t believe how much I fell in love with her work! I was then lucky enough to win all three novels in her first series, The Daughters of Boston. Though they are still sitting on my shelf to be read, they are definitely calling my name and I can’t wait to go back and read them.

Now, on to the rest. In the first book in this series, I fell in love with Luke McGee. In this novel, I think I love Sean O’Connor even more. I really enjoy Snickers bars, so see, Julie? You could send SEAN my way, and I’d be forever blissfully happy. I LOVED his character. He was great in his role in A Hope Undaunted , but reading his story with the focus on him, was absolutely amazing. His past wasn’t perfect, and there were times when he went wild with anger, but he overcame that. There was one thing from his past that he holds inside though. No one, not even his nosy sisters, know. That is until, he finds himself drawn to his best friend Emma in a way that he couldn’t imagine. He opens up to her….with everything.

Emma Malloy. Bless her soul. She was a wonderful character, flawed and sweet, and wanting everyone close to her to be happy. Including Sean. When she finds her self falling in love with him, when she’s still married to the man who beat her 11 years ago, she’s determined to push him off on Rose Kelly…the woman who loves him. Trouble is, something happened to Sean and he won’t try with Rose.

Oh, I so want to go on and on….but I’m SO close to giving away the plot! I DO NOT want to do that! I want you to devour the book like I did and take the time to reflect on the wonderfulness of this novel. It’s stunning. It’s breath taking. It’s a roller coaster of emotions, from happiness, to sadness, to anger, to pride, to passion. It has a WHOPPER of a twist and an ending that will leave you smiling and tears running down your face. Not to mention I LOVED Casey Herringshaw and Michelle Tuller’s characters 😉 *grins*!

I highly suggest that you grab a copy of this novel NOW. It’s 5 Books worthy, two thumbs up, hats off, a home run, a winner, a best seller……what ever you want to call it’s that. Julie Lessman really has a way to make ME feel a part of the heart of the story. She speaks to me through the words of her characters, and really brings me closer to God each time. She is by far my absolute FAVORITE Christian novelist and I will NEVER part with her books. They are forever on myself for me to read and reread, and reflect on each time. I am looking forward to book three in this series, Steven O’Connor’s story. Sweet angels in Heaven, though, Julie, do you have to make us wait a whole YEAR!?!? *Sigh* Oh well. All the more for me to savor that one upon it’s release.