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Marked for Death (1990)
Marked for Death (1990)
1990 | Action, Drama, Mystery
4.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Steven seagal (1 more)
So predictable action movie starring Steven seagal some nice action scenes sone good acting in there inbetween some of the wooden acting. Can't believe a movie like this on Disney +

Mikey Wood (2 KP) created a poll

Aug 26, 2018  
Who is the best actore

Sylvester Stallone
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Wesley snipes
Steven seagal
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995)
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995)
1995 | Action
Steven Seagal (0 more)
Watched the sequel straight after the first one not as good as the first one feels like same plot but on a train this time instead of a ship but there is plenty of action scenes to like

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Machete (2010) in Movies

Jun 17, 2018 (Updated Jun 17, 2018)  
Machete (2010)
Machete (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery
Danny trejo (1 more)
Bit on the silly side (0 more)
This movie is serously badass danny trejo is suited for this role of machete with buckets of gore and plenty all star acting line up including steven seagal and linsey lohan if u like the sin city movies then u will love this

Tonya (52 KP) rated Maximum Conviction (2012) in Movies

Dec 28, 2017 (Updated Dec 29, 2017)  
Maximum Conviction (2012)
Maximum Conviction (2012)
2012 | Action, Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Interesting Gun Fighting Scenes (0 more)
Very Obvious Foreshadowing (1 more)
Barely a Plot
Predictable - Typical Seagal and Austin Movie
While I always expect a Steven Seagal movie to be a showcase for his fighting skills, they usually have a bit of a plot, sometimes even a good one. Unfortunately this one doesn't. If you are only looking for a movie that contains fighting and shooting and don't care about plot or dialog then you might like this one. If you are looking for more - skip this movie and watch one of his others.
Sleepless (2017)
Sleepless (2017)
2017 | Action, Drama, Mystery
6.7 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
As I said, it was a double feature day. I'd already got a ticket for later in the evening as there was an Unlimited screening of Sleepless starring Jamie Foxx. Something I learnt is that every Unlimited member in Bristol South seems to know everyone else... loads of people were walking in and being perky and asking after families and whatnot... I may skip the next one! Anyway, the film. It was really good. But word to the wise Jamie, you are not Steven Seagal, stop fighting people in kitchens. And Dermot Mulroney as a baddie? I don't know how I feel about that. It was a great action film though, not one of the best, but I will certainly be watching it again.
Under Siege (1992)
Under Siege (1992)
1992 | Action
Cheesy But Leaves An Impact
A short order cook on a navy ship has to fight off terrorists that have taken control.

Acting: 6
When I think acting chops, please believe I’m not referring to Steven Seagal. It’s rough watching him spit out lines. The majority of the other actors aren’t really any better save for an underrated performance by Tommy Lee Jones. If you’re looking for quality thespians, look elsewhere.

Beginning: 6

Characters: 7

Cinematography/Visuals: 6
There are some quality shots here, although things are a bit jumbled at times. I do have to give credit to Andrew Davis as I’m sure it was a challenge doing a movie solely below deck of a ship. I definitely wouldn’t want that challenge. Not much to be desired, I appreciated he did the best he could with the little he was given.

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 7

Memorability: 7
Cheesy, but definitely leaves enough of an impact where I would watch it again. It’s a great movie to check out while folding clothes or doing any other mindless task. Steven Seagal definitely leaves behind some fun action moments that make the movie worthwhile.

Pace: 7

Plot: 7
Cheesy? Sure. Original? Absolutely. It sounds ridiculous but I have to give the story credit for trying to branch out and try something new, especially during the early 90’s when martial arts movies were all the rage. It’s not winning any Oscars, but I’ve seen worse stories from movies that have tried harder.

Resolution: 10
Great ending that brings the movie to a nice close. I like that it fits perfectly in line with the rest of the cheesiness of the movie. Great way to wrap things up.

Overall: 73
For what it’s worth, Under Siege doesn’t do anything exceptionally well, but it doesn’t do anything terribly bad either. It’s a fun movie if you have time to kill. Definitely one of my favorite Tommy Lee Jones roles.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Foreigner (2017) in Movies

Feb 9, 2018 (Updated Feb 9, 2018)  
The Foreigner (2017)
The Foreigner (2017)
2017 | Action, Thriller
I Wanna Know What a Roaring Rampage of Revenge Is
Not-as-lighthearted-as-you-might-expect vehicle for Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan: Chan plays an ex-special forces restauranteur whose daughter is killed in a terrorist attack, Brosnan the IRA man turned politician whom he pursues for information about the men responsible.

Obviously there's a bit of an issue with audience expectations where these two guys are concerned, as this film is considerably heavier than the kind of thing either of them usually makes, and the subject matter of this film might be considered a bit iffy anyway - terrorist bombings and the IRA are not usually the stuff of a jolly evening's entertainment. (Given that Brosnan's character somewhat resembles real-life Irish republican leader Gerry Adams, I would imagine that the libel lawyers had a profitable time with this film, too.)

But, that said, both actors are actually rather good, and when the action sequences come Campbell handles them with his usual aplomb - note I say when, for this is much more of a straight thriller than a martial arts action movie (it's certainly not a comedy of any stripe). It's all a bit dour and you get a distinct whiff of it all having been made on a low budget, but everyone involved deserves credit for being prepared to do something a bit different and doing a decent job with it.

(No idea why there's a picture of Steven Seagal listed with this movie; I suspect there may be more than one film titled The Foreigner and there's been a mixup.)
Machete (2010)
Machete (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery
B-Movie Exploitation Film
Machete- is a intresting B-Movie Exploitation action film. I like how Machete was in Spy Kids and that film was PG and now this film is R. Just like how he want easy and really did no killing in spy kids and in this one is full blooded revenge person.

Instead, during the filming of Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino's Grindhouse, Rodriguez shot lobby cards and sequences from parts of the original script in 2006 for a fake trailer featuring Danny Trejo, Cheech Marin, and Jeff Fahey.

Jessica Alba won a Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actress, along with her other roles in The Killer Inside Me, Little Fockers and Valentine's Day.

The plot: After nearly being killed during a violent fight with a powerful drug lord, a former Mexican Federale known as Machete (Danny Trejo) roams Texas streets as a vigilante and sometime day-laborer. Hired to perform a covert hit, he is double-crossed and forced to go on the run. Machete may be down, but not out, and he carves a path of blood, bullets and broken hearts in his quest to settle the score.

The supporting cast is intresting and never thought that this people would work together. For Example Steven Seagal, Linsday Lohan, Don Johnson and Robert De Niro all working together. Never thought that any of these people would work together. Well i could see Don Johnson and Robert De Niro working together. But the rest, nope. But it did and it actually worked really well.

Its a fun action B-Movie exploitation film.
Trauma Centre (2019)
Trauma Centre (2019)
2019 | Action
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Many moons ago I said to myself that I shouldn't watch films with big stars in if I'd never heard of them before they become available to buy, Steven Seagal was the reason for this rule in the beginning... when and why did I ever forsake that idea?

After witnessing a crime Madison ends up in hospital recovering from injuries she sustained in the incident. What she doesn't realise is that she's hiding evidence that will lead straight to her attackers. Her only chance is a cop assigned to watch her and her own wits.

I picked this up on Prime as the rental for members was only £1.99, that seems like a bargain... I can't say I was convinced after I finished it.

Trauma Centre is a very basic crime thriller, it doesn't ever stray into anything out of the ordinary. If it wasn't for the fact this was a new release I'd have said I'd seen it before and just forgotten all about it.

Nicky Whelan is probably the best of the bunch when it comes to the acting, but I think that's mainly because she gets to act manic and terrorised for most of it and that gave her the ability to act her way out of poor scripting.

We've also got Steve Guttenberg playing the doctor and it was nice to see him in something new. I loved so many of his films when I was growing up so this felt almost nostalgic... but it's an odd character and thankfully he doesn't pop up in a lot of scenes.

And then there's Brucey. I've watched a lot of Bruce Willis films and while some of them aren't great they've never really been bad. Dubious, yes. Bad, no. Saying Willis' performance was lazy may be being generous. There's no energy in the role at all and every scene looks like he's just woken up from a nap and isn't really sure where he is. This should have been an easily doable role for "classic" Willis with minimal effort.

Everything in the film left me kind of blanks. As I mentioned at the beginning, this film could have been any of several you've already seen. With just a small amount of effort (mainly with the script and the acting) this could have been a watchable 3.5 starred action film, but as it is there's little enjoyment to be had.

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