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The Kindergarten Teacher (2018)
The Kindergarten Teacher (2018)
2018 | Drama

"My second film is an Israeli film called “The Kindergarten Teacher.” It’s a story about a kindergarten teacher, a woman who discovers that one of her young students, this cherubic little 5-year-old boy, is a poetic prodigy. The movie is, on one level, a kind of a psychological thriller, and a very disturbing one, about her growing obsession with this boy. And her sense that it’s her mission to save him from a society that isn’t gonna care about him. It also works, though, as a critique of that society; Israel, in the director’s view, has abandoned its cultural heritage, its commitment to art, and has become a materialistic and shallow society. The filmmaking was so simple and clear, and it was a very suspenseful movie. I was sort of frustrated because it had a very small release in the United States. It didn’t have Juliette Binoche in it [laughs], so it was not even on the radar, necessarily, of people who go and see movies with subtitles. And yet, it’s very entertaining. But also with this theme: “Why is poetry important? What are the values of a society that kind of push it to the side or don’t take it seriously? And how do you counteract that?” It’s just a very rich movie that I wish more people had seen."

The Witch (2015)
The Witch (2015)
2015 | History, Horror
6.3 (28 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Interesting but not scary
A Puritan family lives by themselves off the land to farm, raise their children and suffer through their lives barely scraping by. The perception of evil forces slowly overruns the family and they start to point fingers at each other as for who is to blame.

Short review today, but I had not heard much about this until a friend recommended. I enjoyed more than I thought I would for a film with a slow start. It seems I like slow burn movies ore than most. I can stay with a film if it seems interesting or I feel like it is going somewhere and will have a decent climax.

I did not think the film was scary at all with not even any jump scares, but the characters were interesting and the family dynamics were extreme especially once there is doubt and paranoia about what is happening to them.

Since I am an American, I did find some of the dialect hard to comprehend at times so much so that I actually turned the Netflix subtitles on to make sure I didn't miss anything.

It's not like it's a fantastic film that will stay with me or anything; however, I feel it is unique and interesting and well worth 95 minutes of your life.


Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated The Raid (2011) in Movies

Nov 22, 2018 (Updated Nov 22, 2018)  
The Raid (2011)
The Raid (2011)
2011 | Action
Mindblowing choreography (2 more)
Some of the best stunts I have ever seen in any film
Beautifully grim cinematography
Possibly The Greatest Action Movie Ever Made
What do you get when you take a Welsh director, a bunch of Indonesian stuntmen and a block of high rise flats and put them together? One of the greatest action movies ever committed to film apparently.I love a great action movie and I love tight, clever fight choreography and the Raid delivers this in spades. There is an extravagant display of martial arts on display here all shown with a realistic sense of brutality and grit that is a joy to watch onscreen.

Although the fight sequences and intense action are the star attraction in The Raid, Gareth Evans uses his actors and his camera work to make the audience feel an unfaltering sense of tension when necessary to balance the sheer, white-knuckle excitement of other scenes. I have watched this movie a ton and I have seen the subtitled version, the dubbed version and the original Indonesian version without subtitles. Even in the latter, when none of the characters are speaking any English, you can still easily follow what is going on, due to the expressive performances given by the cast.

Overall, if you are an action fan, you can't do much better than the Raid. It is an intense story told so well by a bunch of extremely talented people.

Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 22, 2018

So glad someone else agrees with me on this. I love The Raid and The Raid 2 so very much. They really could be the greatest action films of all time. And I've seen a LOT of movies!


Andy K (10821 KP) rated Cronos (1994) in Movies

Jul 27, 2019  
Cronos (1994)
Cronos (1994)
1994 | Drama, Horror, International
A Vampire film?
Contains spoilers, click to show
The feature film debut of now Academy Award winning director Guillermo del Toro does not disappoint!

A mysterious scarab is found after 400+ years in hiding by an old man. He decided to use the device which activates and attached to his skin. He initial pain is followed by the man starting to feel and look younger.

The situation deteriorates as the man continues to look worse and worse but gain in strength becoming able to withstand pain that would slay a normal man.

I really enjoyed the tone and look of this film. Even though it was low budget, del Toro made the most of it and it never felt cheap or the special effects look fake. The scarab was an interesting device and reminded me of the puzzle box in Hellraiser or the flying silver balls in Phantasm.

I liked the slow developing degenerative story and it never really says it is a vampire film although it feels more and more like that as the story develops.

Whenever you are watching a great foreign film, the subtitles just go away and it feels like you are watching an English speaking movie.

It's too bad there was never a sequel to this as I would've liked to see where the story went once the movie ended.

Highly recommended. Thanks @Erika


Erika (17788 KP) Jul 27, 2019

I'm glad you liked it!


Andy K (10821 KP) Jul 27, 2019

Ya really good.

Man on Fire (2004)
Man on Fire (2004)
2004 | Action, Drama, Mystery

"Man on Fire, I think what Tony Scott did was ahead of his time, revolutionary. I mean, as far as how he shot it and how he used and maximized his ability to shape a film with sound. He would loop in, like, tiger, animal noises with Lupita Ramos’ scream. He put in a foreshadowing scene, like when we first see Creasy in the cab with the beard, and he flashes to the end when he dies, and then he flashes back to the cab scene, and we didn’t even know. It took me like four times to realize, “Oh, that was at the end!” And just getting introduced to Mexico in that way, how he captured it. How he captured the performances of Christopher Walken and Mr. Washington. It was like an indie film, and then it turned into this beautiful action film in the same movie. To me it was the perfect film. It was the perfect balance of art and commerce. You could sell this thing, but again, like Dances with Wolves, he didn’t compromise anything for the sake of story. Again, how he used language, too., When they’re speaking Spanish, but how he kind of had it where you can read the subtitles — how he did that, and how he mixed sounds and mixed music. I think it’s a perfect film. I love that film. I really do."


Colin Hanks recommended The Big Lebowski (1998) in Movies (curated)

The Big Lebowski (1998)
The Big Lebowski (1998)
1998 | Comedy

"Let’s start with The Big Lebowski. I remember seeing this film. I was studying in Germany at the time, and I remember loving Fargo so much — that was my first introduction to the Coen brothers — and I was so excited that they had a new movie out. So I went to some German cinema to go see The Big Lebowski. It was in English, but with German subtitles. I remember watching the movie and just being incredibly disappointed. I really did not like the movie. Probably about four years later, I rewatched it and I instantly said, “I’ve never been so wrong in my entire life.This is one of the funniest films I’ve ever seen.” It’s incredibly well-written, the characters are hilarious, the performances are so nuanced and so deep it’s almost mind-boggling. A lot of the times you do scenes and you just sort of come up with these happy accidents and it just seems like almost everything in there could not have been a happy accident; surely it must have been thought out. I just think it is such an original, fun film and it is quite honestly one of the most quotable films of the last fifty years in my opinion. I think there are so many quotes in there that I realized how foolish I was that first time. I think maybe I was just so excited that I was drinking a beer in a movie theater; maybe that’s why."


Kelly (279 KP) rated Diablero in TV

Jan 11, 2019  
2018 | Horror
6.1 (7 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Creepy demons (1 more)
Likeable main characters
Some low budget special effects (0 more)
A Mexican Supernatural
This appeared on my Netflix recommendations list, so I thought that I would give it a try. I am a huge fan of this type of series, and would liken the series to Supernatural and the exorcist.

Series 1 follows Elvis (a Diablero or demon hunter), Father Ramiro (a priest hunting for his daughter, conceived prior to his joining the Catholic Church, but later abducted by a demon), Keta (Elvis’ sister) and Nancy (a young women who attracts demons). The story primarily centres around the groups search for the truth in finding Ramiro’s missing daughter, although strongly hints at stories that could be followed up in a future series.

Despite being in Spanish originally, Netflix have dubbed the show in English relatively well. I am not opposed to subtitles, but I do like to be lazy at times.

I thoroughly enjoyed this show and binged on it in two sittings. The show itself was quite dark at times, which fits in well with the genre. The story line includes the plight of small children which encourages us to route for the main characters, there is also on and off romantic tension between Ramiro and Nancy, which I found interesting. One thing I will say though, is at times the special effects were a little low budget, although I can imagine that this will improve as the show picks up credibility.

I eagerly await a second season (please renew Netflix), and hope that series 2 is longer than season 1!
A Prayer Before Dawn (2018)
A Prayer Before Dawn (2018)
2018 | Action, International, Thriller
There will be blood
#aprayerbeforedawn is a relentless, hard hitting, dizzying trip into the world of addiction while incarcerated in a #notorious foreign prison. #prayerbeforedawn is the true story of #english #boxer #billymoore who is sent prison in #thailand?? & the film uses real #prisoners as cast. More like an experience than a film prayer is exhausting, relentless & at times a tuff watch. Everything intimidates here & with most of the dialog spoken not being in english or having subtitles we are made to feel as alone, frightened & intimidated as Billy. #violence is kept mostly off screen but to good effect giving it a more raw, savage & disturbing feel leaving the worst to your imagination. Sound design is incredible too be it the dread filled #soundtrack or the seemingly ramped up unnerving volume of #prison life around Billy everything seems to make you #anxious & under threat. Billy is #strong physically but his mind is #damaged/tortured & its almost as if #fighting & #drugs are his only escapism. Its depressing seeing him go from seemingly untouchable to a weak/#scared kid & with physical danger everywhere his mind starts to become more & more unstable. #joecole gives such a mesmerising performance here, you feel his #pain, #fear, paranoia & torture & admire what little #fight he has left in him. Infact whats going on in the prison could essentially be a metaphore for the stuggles going on in his head. Visually depressing but stunningly #gorgeous its almost like the director took inspiration from #nicholaswindingrefn #onlygodforgives & even uses some of its talented cast too. I really cant recommend this film enough it truly is a remarkable film & such an incredible, sad & powerful #truestory. #odeon #odeonlimitless #thursdaythoughts #fighter #boxing

TacoDave (3547 KP) rated Detroit: Become Human in Video Games

Nov 2, 2018 (Updated Nov 2, 2018)  
Detroit: Become Human
Detroit: Become Human
2018 | Action/Adventure
Story (3 more)
Slow-moving (1 more)
A bit too on-the-nose politically
A unique gaming experience, but not necessarily a video game...
I won a copy of Detroit: Become Human here on Smashbomb and I'm really glad I did. I liked David Cage's previous games - specifically The Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain - but I wasn't sure about this one. A story about androids being treated badly (an obvious metaphor for racism) didn't intrigue me at first blush, although the demo was pretty good.

But after playing the game, I came away pleasantly surprised. Cage's games are more like interactive movies than full video games, and that's fine with me. It is refreshing to play something that is more about contemplation and decision-making than twitchy reactions. And the stories in Detroit: Become Human were interesting enough to keep me playing.

But be warned: this game isn't for precious snowflakes. It involves violence, crime, death, abuse, and several other topics that might make someone with thinner skin cry out "Trigger Warning!!!" But those are exactly the kinds of topics that deserve contemplation, and this game is a perfect fit for those themes. It also has tons of swearing, if that bothers you. I played with the subtitles on and the sound turned way down when my kids were around.

One other caveat: the gameplay revolves around following on-screen prompts to use the joystick a certain way or push the correct button. If you aren't very familiar with a PS4 controller, I suggest you study the button layout and figure out where everything is so you can react with the right button press when needed.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Zoo (2018) in Movies

Oct 19, 2019  
Zoo (2018)
Zoo (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama, Horror
Saving your marriage or zombie apocalypse?
I have to admit being new to the world of British cinema (since I live in the US) so those extreme British accents are still a struggle for me at times (especially when you guys talk so fast!). I have to admit to even putting subtitles on a few times so I could get all the words.

Interesting premise of this film and the recommendation from a friend to watch.

How would you feel if a zombie infestation began right while your marriage was on the rocks? Which would be your priority to correct?

This young couple grapples with this exact issue and it is relatively successful. They spend time disagreeing with each other and moping about in their flat since they cannot go outside without having to deal with infected hoards trying to devour them. They begin having meaningful dialogue and then they get a knock at their door. A random couple ask if they can come and hide within to remove themselves from danger and are obliged. They immediately become a nuisance asking for provisions which are already in short supply and to "borrow a toothbrush"? I thought that was funny.

Their stay at the apartment is short, but long enough to have the couple start to unite themselves against their new house guests. After their departure, the couple becomes more intimate and work on their relationship before even more unwanted guests arrive.

The dialogue was a bit corny at times, but worked overall. I enjoyed the fresh take on the zombie genre. If romantic comedy zombie horror is a new sub genre I'm all in.