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Ziggy Played Guitar...
Say what you want about David Bowie, whether you love him or hate him, it’s impossible to deny that there was no one else quite like him. A few have tried to emulate his genius over the years, such as Lady Gaga and Robert Smith, but no one will ever be as effortlessly unique and groundbreaking as Bowie. This album influenced so much that came after and while it wasn’t the first glam rock concept album, it is one of the best. It works as a concept album, as an overall complete piece of art and yet the songs also work on their own on an individual basis. This album truly sounds as if it was recorded in a technologically advanced studio in another solar system on the other side of a black hole by a higher being. If Stanley Kubrick ever made a glam rock record, this would be it. Yet it still has that air of raw emotion, as every vocal recording was completed in one take. There is a constant ominous atmosphere all through this album, even during the record’s more upbeat, joyous moments such as Starman. This threat is never clearly defined, rather it is felt through Bowie’s vocal performance and gives us a sense of some kind of upcoming impending doom, without clearly stating it, which in and of itself is a stroke of genius. There is also a juxtaposition present in the album, in that although the majority of the musical arrangements are odd and out of place for a rock ‘n roll album, giving a deliberate ‘alien,’ feel to the compositions present on the album, there is also an undeniable sense of humanity that is felt through Bowie’s voice and this oxymoron garnishes an already awesome sounding album with yet another emotion that is thrust at the listener. Although it is widely debated whether this record was intended to be a concept album, if you follow the narrative and fill in the blanks somewhat you can piece together the tale of a band that reached their prime and eventually blew up and committed rock ‘n roll suicide. This album was the genesis of so much genius to follow and it was all born from one man’s zany imagination.
The Devil's Prayer
The Devil's Prayer
Luke Gracias | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thrilling Read
When I first read the blurb of this book I was desperate to read it - Why would a nun commit suicide? Why had a mother abandoned her children? What exactly is The Devil's Prayer?

To be honest I was expecting a mystery thriller with supernatural undertones. I could not have been more wrong.
This book is entirely unexpected. In a very good way though, it far surpassed my expectations. It does start off slowly but wow - you soon find yourself in an incredibly fast paced tale that twists and shocks constantly.

I enjoyed it immensely. The shifting of the voice telling the story is natural, the differences between them enough to make it obvious who was narrating. The two main female protagonists become incredibly sympathetic as the story moves along and the descriptions of various locations were detailed enough that you could easily 'see' them without the minute that bogs down some novels. Some of the scenes are brutal and deal with subject's that are very delicate. I felt that the author dealt with these incredibly well and, as someone who could be labelled 'sensitive' to some, it never felt gratuitous.

So why only nine stars? Well, there are a few nagging issues that grew rather tiresome.
The main issue has nothing to do with the story itself - rather it is a huge formatting flaw. Every word that is written in italics, usually the foreign names of things or places, is tiny. About half of the size of the normal font. I do not need glasses but squinting constantly left me with a slight headache and a huge amount of frustration. It's always nice to know the real name of things so I nearly always took the time to look. Unfortunately that meant that the flow of the story was somewhat spoilt.
One other minor niggle was that I felt that some characters deserved much more of a back story than they got. At one point the motivation for one of the later characters is being explained then it suddenly turns into a detailed historical description and then back to one of the main protagonist's again. That was a shame because it would have been very satisfying to have learnt more about the actual character.

Overall I would definitely recommend this novel - I just hope that the migraine inducing formatting is sorted out!
Insight (The Community #1)
Insight (The Community #1)
, Santino Hassell | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Insight (The Community #1) by Santino Hassell
Insight is the first book in The Community series, and we start off with Nate. He lives in a dead-end town, works a dead-end job, comes from a dead-beat family, and is going nowhere fast. However, his life changes when his twin dies. Now, don't get me wrong, there is no big lovefest with these twins - far from it. Theo is a drama queen of the nth degree and isn't above 'playing' for what he wants, no matter the cost to anyone, not even his brother. However, when Theo's death is ruled a suicide, Nate knows something is wrong. How does he know? Because he keeps getting visions in which he IS Theo and even shares his death. That's how he knows. With family drama nipping at his heels, he packs up and heads out to New York. Trent has already spoken with Nate, although Nate can't remember. When he drives past Nate hitchhiking, he can't just leave him, so he doesn't. This leads on to the romance part of the story, although it doesn't over run it. Once they get to NYC, it's full on and fast paced as the story progresses and Nate finds himself in the same danger as Theo.

This is the first book by Santino Hassell that I have read and I was thoroughly engrossed from the very beginning. I really felt for Nate and everything he was, and had been, going through. Trent is the perfect foil for him, and provides back up and sanity as and when Nate needs it. This isn't a romance book, although it has elements of romance within it. Primarily I would say this is a Paranormal Suspense. Either way, the story is gripping, the characters are well rounded (even those you don't particularly like), and you will keep turning those pages. I loved the epilogue that we got, right up until the major cliffhanger that you are left with. For something that is definitely different, I would have no hesitation in recommending this.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Me Before You
Me Before You
Jojo Moyes | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (59 Ratings)
Book Rating
<u>Me Before You</u> is an intense story about Will Traynor, a quadriplegic who is not happy about the current status of his life; and Louisa "Lou" Clark, his caregiver, hired by Will's parents for a term of six months.

Louisa Clark had never had any caregiver experience before working with Will Traynor. She had spent the past six years of her life working in a cafe called The Buttered Bun. When the owner decides to retire to a happier place, Lou is without a job and prospects for find one are very low in the town she lives in.

Will Traynor lived his life almost opposite of Louisa. Grabbing life by the horns and trying a new adventure all the time. When Will is involved in a terrible accident that changes his life forever, nothing will stop him from making the one and only decision he is capable of handling on his own.

<u>Me Before You</u> is a story about love and the lengths we will go through to support the ones that we love. Before Will met Louisa, he spent his days inside his home or never venturing far from it for anything more than a doctor's appointment or a trip to the hospital. When Louisa entered his life, she showed him that being in a wheelchair didn't have to be the only thing that defined his life. He could still live the adventurous life he used to, just under different circumstances. Before Louisa met Will, she had never traveled far from their small town. Will showed her all that the world had to offer and that she was worthy enough and deserved to enjoy all that was out there.

This book has been the subject of controversy because of the act of assisted suicide. No one can ever understand another person's turmoil. We all know that is wrong to kill, including killing yourself. In my opinion, Will's life was immensely enriched when Louisa came into it and he had so much to live for. But I could never imagine what he went through mentally and I could never imagine wanting to kill myself.

Overall, I enjoyed the book and I look forward to finding out what happens next for Louisa Clark.
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
Solid Bounceback for the DCEU
After the safety of her homeland Themyscira is threatened, Diana (Gal Gadot), strongest of the Amazon warriors, hurls herself into the middle of World War I to find the source of the threat.

Acting: 10

Beginning; 2
The movie starts off a bit slow, but does pick up rather quickly after the first ten minutes. I wasn’t in love in how they tried to establish the land of the Amazonians. Felt too factual and not very story driven. I know it’s one of those things that has to be done, but I’ve seen it done way better a number of times before so I can’t excuse it.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
The beautiful shots of Themyscira and the Amazonian training rituals borders on poetic at times, something you might read about in a famous ballad. Director Patty Jenkins does an amazing job of capturing the sanctity of this place, a place you don’t want to see get violated. Themyscira is pictured perfectly, it’s not just a Hawaii with women warriors. You can feel the change when Diana hits the real world and things become darker.

I thought it might be hard to capture Wonder Woman’s true strength on the big screen, but it is done almost effortlessly here with gritty scenes and slow-motion shots on impact blows. While I thought BVS overdid things with its slow-motion efforts, Jenkins has a way of capturing the perfect mood when she slows the camera down rather than it being just a mere effect. She really captures the heart of the story in every shot.

Conflict: 10

Genre: 9

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10

Plot: 8
Story was great except…Did we really need that one scene between Diana and Steve (Chris Pine)? I thought, not only did it betray the overall message of the film, but it felt forced and unnecessary. I would much rather have watched Wonder Woman just kick ass and take names and remain true to who her character was.

 Resolution: 10

Overall: 89
After a couple crappy movies, DC finally began to right the ship with Wonder Woman. I am hoping the future will bring more movies like this and less movies like Suicide Squad. Not only is it a great film for women superheroes, but it’s just a great film period.
Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
Jai Courtney, Margot Robbie, Will Smith. Soundtrack. (0 more)
Story can be a bit incoherent in places. (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I'll say from the outset, I'm a lifelong comic book fan. During my teenage years back in the 80's I collected John Ostrander's Suicide Squad title and absolutely loved it. It was always a given for me therefore that I would jump at the prospect of a movie based on my favourite title.

You know the synopsis I'm guessing (if you're reading this review) - government official Amanda Waller assembles a group of the baddest incarcerated criminals to go up against the potential of a metahuman crisis should the 'next' Superman not share our values. This is deemed more relevant following the demise of the man of steel himself at the climax of Dawn Of Justice. Amongst those villains are Deadshot (Will Smith), Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), El Diablo (Jay Hernandez), and Enchantress/Dr June Moone (Carla Delevigne). Heading up the group is Colonel Rick Flagg (Joel Kinnaman), albeit reluctantly.

The story essentially revolves around Enchantress going rogue and converting a subway station in Midway City into a warzone as she resurrects her brother Incubus and the two attempt to destroy the world. The only criticism I have with the movie concerns the simplicity within which Enchantress 'turns' on the group shortly after it is her actions that cause the senate committee to approve the founding of Task Force X only a couple of scenes earlier in the movie. It just feels a bit rushed. It's also interesting to note that the events of the movie would never have taken place had Waller not established her little 'pet project' to begin with!

The dialogue is witty and sharp and the characters are highly likeable (despite them being arch-villains and - in some cases, murderers). Will Smith is the core of the group as Deadshot and his cold-bloodedness as an assassin is softened by the connection he has to his daughter (how the audience is expected no doubt to warm to him?). Joel Kinnaman's Rick Flagg is also key to the story's heart with his flawed relationship with Dr June Moone - Enchantress's alter ego. Margot Robbie is superb as Harley Quinn although at times it seems as if her rear's the star of the show.

What do I need to say about Jared Leto that hasn't been said before? You'll either love or hate his portrayal of Mr.J!
I, Tonya (2017)
I, Tonya (2017)
2017 | Biography, Drama, Sport
Acting (2 more)
Skate or Die
A lot of us remember the day when Nancy Kerrigan's knee was smashed by a hired hit man. According to this biographical film it is told that it was supposed to death threat letters that were to be written to scare her off but, instead one of the hired men took a rod and smashed her knee. Kerrigan was slated as the top us skater to qualify for the Olympics and Harding was close behind being the only female who could land the triple axle.

The story told of Harding's life in this movie makes us feel horrible for her. The way she was brought up, her father leaving when she was very young, the abusive mentally and physically mother, the abusive husband who she had battered women's syndrome with. Her bad ass up brining that made the judges hated her for not being American enough. Her life was Shit that turned into to gold but back to shit yet again. She possibly could have made it on her own.

Harding's husband was behind the plot along with his dumb friend who was Harding's bodyguard arranged to have Kerrigan dismantled in some fashion. Of course these idiots were found and spilled their guts. Harding was named as knowing about the plot but, has denied up until her latest interview. As she said "I have said I am sorry enough, enough saying i'm sorry." So believe this story or the hundred others that are out there on exactly what happened. I truly believe she knew about the plot just not when it was going to happen.

Marggot Robbie shows her acting range in this movie. She has played along side Leo in Wolf Of Wall Street an shined. She played everyone's favorite woman villain as Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad and now doing real biographical role. She shows that she has no boundaries and can adapt to any role.

Allison Janney. Deserved the golden globe and has a dam good chance at winning the Oscar for best supporting actress. She has played almost every genre you can throw at an actress and succeed. She is so good that she made me believe that she could have been Harding's mother twin in an alternate universe from all of the interviews.

This is a great close to excellent movie
The Mothers: A Novel
The Mothers: A Novel
Brit Bennett | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Seventeen-year-old Nadia Turner is a beautiful high school senior. An intelligent girl, she's college bound. But Nadia is also reeling from the suicide of her mother and trying to make sense of a life that includes just her and her taciturn Marine father. Nadia founds herself drawn to Luke Sheppard, the son of the Pastor of the Upper Room, the church of her African American community. Twenty-one, Luke is a former football star who was derailed by injury in college. Now working at a local restaurant, he and Nadia embark on a secret romance, and Nadia winds up pregnant. Not ready to have a child, she chooses to have an abortion. But Nadia is unaware of the far reaching impact of her decision and how it will affect Luke, herself, and Nadia's best friend, Aubrey.

I'm a strange person who is often wary of reading hyped books, so I put off reading this novel for a while. And I certainly did enjoy it; I can't say that I didn't. I basically read it in one day, and I was very much drawn into the story. While Bennett focuses her story on Nadia, Luke, and Aubrey, she also employs a "Greek chorus" of sorts, composed of "the mothers"--the female elders from the church--who tell the story of Nadia from their third person point of view. It's a different sort of method to employ, but Bennett pulls it off. Still, for me, I found a lot of this novel predictable, and I never really became completely attached to any of the characters. What I did enjoy is how much of the tale is rooted in the bits of life that can drag us all down. It some ways, it very well details the mundane aspects of life - making them seem interesting and nuanced. We basically see the entire span of Nadia's life, which was compelling. However, while there is a depth and message to some of Bennett's story, I can't see it sticking with me for the long-term.

Overall, this is well-written novel and certainly worth picking up. Did I find it worth all the hype? Probably not. But I'm no doubt a bit more cynical than most. It's still an intriguing story that I enjoyed reading.
Renee Knight | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
This author is a master of suspense! The premise of this book called out to me and I was immediately intrigued. I was on tenterhooks all the way through and the story stayed with long after the end!

Stephen Brigstocke is extremely bitter about an event that occurred in 1993, and decides to publish his wife’s book “The Perfect Stranger” about said event. His purpose of publishing the book is solely to provoke guilt in Catherine Ravenstock, and lead her to her own suicide.

I just had to keep the turning and turning the pages until I got to the bit (about a third of the way in) where “The Perfect Stranger” explains what happened. By then I understood Stephen’s bitterness and anger. Catherine’s husband and son are also given copies of the book, and Catherine’s husband swiftly leaves her.

Yet to be satisfied with the outcome, Stephen soon targets Catherine’s son, who later finds himself in intensive care. (Stephen uses new methods this time.)

At 80% of the way through the book, a huge twist is revealed and Catherine confronts Stephen directly.

With 10% of the book left to go, every character has come clean, and I began wondering what more could come – but there was plenty, when everything turned around again at the final twist!

I had been expecting the novel to alternate between Catherine’s life and excerpts from “The Perfect Stranger” but surprisingly Renee Knight deftly uses very few excerpts from it.

The author uses different styles of writing when switching point of views. The majority of the storytelling switches between Catherine’s point of view, put forward in the third person, and Stephen’s point of view put forward in the first person. This was deliberate and effective, so that the reader finds themselves identifying just as much, if not more with Stephen, even though the story centres around Catherine being Stephen’s victim.

Also some passages are told from Catherine’s husband’s standpoint and their son’s, and this element adds to instill the initial concept and add to the suspense.

Although the storytelling sometimes switched from 1993 to 2013, this was smoothly done, and never confusing.

I often buy books when they are on offer for 99p as this was, but I never expect them to be this good – I give this an easy 9/10 and am hoping to find more books from the same author!

Ross (3284 KP) rated Bird Box (2018) in Movies

Jan 14, 2019 (Updated Jan 14, 2019)  
Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Drama and acting (0 more)
Nobody bumps their head (0 more)
Slightly flawed premise for a film
Contains spoilers, click to show
The premise of the film, that there are mysterious beings that, once seen, will drive sane people to suicide and insane people to do their bidding is intriguing. That is, until you realise that this means a film where people are either stuck inside, afraid of those mad "helpers" knocking on their door, or people wandering blindfolded around looking for food, water and shelter. Neither of these for me make for a particularly compelling watch. This film is split between the two.
The former aspects of the film are by far the best, people locked in a house together, running out of food (but somehow with plenty of electricity and running water) and considering venturing outside. However, with only those insane helpers likely to come to the door, we don't have the same level of jeopardy as your normal zombie/apocalypse film.
The latter aspects, people wandering around blindfolder, are just a nonsense. People driving in a car with blacked out windows and barely bumping into anything and sat-nav somehow getting them right to the front door (and the people know they are at the front door) was just totally unbelievable. Sat-nav frequently tells me I am in the sea when driving anywhere near the coast, so the chances of it accurately delivering me to the front door of a shop I programmed it for are minimal. Similarly when people are wandering around, they rarely bump into anything at all, and when they do it is always a trip (which would be easily avoided).
And finally the premise - the mysterious beings were not explored at all. While I am happy to have some mystery around the likes of this and actually hate it when they attempt to explain circumstances and fail, I felt this was just omitted completely. There is no real rhyme or reason for what happens in the film and I didn't like that. Its really just 2 hours of people afraid of some leaves.
The rating of this was for the suspense of the film and the acting within the house section, and for the epic opening sequences where the cataclysm unfolds, despite the glaring flaws in the premise and people miraculously getting around without concussion.