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The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Volume One
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Volume One
Orlando Howell | 2016 | Comics & Graphic Novels
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The New Imagination (0 more)
The Power Protects This And Super Charges It
Super Sales on Super Heros
Super Sales on Super Heros
William D Arand | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Super villains have taken over the city Felix lives in and are, in their own way doing a good job of running it.
Felix has his own super power, the ability to modify/repair/upgrade anything he owns, the only problem is it takes points for him to do anything and, even though they reset every midnight he never has enough points to anything major. This changes when Felix accidentally buys an almost dead super hero. As slavery is now legal the super hero is now his and Felix is surprised at how many points she gives him. Now Felix sets out to improve his life, but, can he do it with out being noticed. Or making enemy's.

Super Sales on Super Hero's was my first taste of litrpg and soon became one of my favourite books. Felix starts off as quite an understandable underdog and, even as he rises to become an overpowered hero, he find himself in situations where he can't do anything.
Being a 'LitRpg' book there are tables of stats, Felix can change anything or anyone he owns and these changes are represented by the characters stat sheets but these fit well into the narrative so don't pull you out of the story.
There is violence in this book and, although a lot of it is fantasy/superhero style fighting there is also gun battles and fist fights. It also touches on subjects such as slavery and harems.

Super Sales on Super Hero's is the first book of a trilogy and after that the story does continue (kind of) in two more books

Kimmic (814 KP) rated Possesion in Books

Mar 4, 2020  
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The plot! Come on I want to see what happens (0 more)
The sex! Again!! (1 more)
The ending cut off!
This series has the power to be a superb series but the sex scenes bring it down so much! As I have said with the others I am super hooked on what is going to happen, I have resulted to skipping past the sex scenes as they are so cringey and un-realisitic that it completely ruins the story and was making me nearly dislike the characters! Such a shame

Ezra Koenig recommended Assassination Classroom in TV (curated)

Assassination Classroom
Assassination Classroom
2013 | Action, Animation, Comedy
(0 Ratings)
TV Show Favorite

"I’m kind of old-school but I wanted to pick at least one newer anime I’ve enjoyed. Assassination Classroom has a super-weird premise. An alien with the power to destroy earth takes over a classroom of misfits at a high school and encourages them to assassinate him. It’s strange and has lots of wacky action sequences but it also hits on some of the classic motifs of classroom dramas. It’s like Dead Poet’s Society with a mysterious, capricious, gluttonous, horny alien teacher with tentacles instead of Robin Williams."

The Incredible Hulk (2008)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
2008 | Action, Sci-Fi
Hulk (3 more)
Cinematic production (0 more)
Hulk is my favourite marvel superhero
The Incredible Hulk is so understated in my opinion. I love the whole idea of science experiment gone wrong. The story and emotions are quite complex which makes it interesting.

I just genuinely think the power to smash things is super cool.

I think the cinematic value is low and would have been better in more recent times. I am excited and hopeful that Hulk is developed further once more marvel content is released. I feel his relationship with Natasha could be developed to make him a more useable hero.
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Animation
Jim Carrey (0 more)
Wish I saw it in theaters (0 more)
Super Sonic Speed: Chill Dog
Sonic The Hedgehog- i wanted to see this film so badly in theaters and didnt. Now after two months, i finally got a chance to see it and what did i think? It was really good. I liked the comedy, the action, sonic himself, the jokes were funny and Jim Carrey.

The plot: The world needed a hero -- it got a hedgehog. Powered with incredible speed, Sonic embraces his new home on Earth -- until he accidentally knocks out the power grid, sparking the attention of uncool evil genius Dr. Robotnik. Now, it's supervillain vs. supersonic in an all-out race across the globe to stop Robotnik from using Sonic's unique power to achieve world domination.

It is a good movie based off of a video game, now thats hard to believe, cause movies baded off of a video game usually suck. This one though is really good.

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated The Mirage in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
The Mirage
Matt Ruff | 2012
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Mirage tells an alternate version of history. Where the world is rocked by a terrorist attack on the Tigris & Euphrates World Trade Towers in Baghdad on 11/9/01. The planes were hijacked by Christian fundamentalists from the Third World country of America.
Years after the attack on the superpower, a homicide bomber is captured in the United Arab States (UAS) & questioned. He tells a strange story of a mirage. This mirage is one where the UAS is the super power & America is poor & broken. He argues that this is not true reality...that in the real world the USA is the super power & was attacked on 9/11 by Muslims. Gradually the Homeland Security officers in Arabia begin to unravel the story & start to believe this crazy bomber.
The story is very well written & makes you stop & think without at doubt. At times it is humorous (The Quail Hunter from Crawford, TX who takes his enemies out on hunts & accidently shoots them or the crazy man in TX who is always looking for someone or something but can't seem to find it or remember who or what he's looking for or David Koresh leading the reisitance in America or Timothy McVeigh appearing as a protector to one of the invaders). This was well worth the time. The only reason it gets 4 stars from me is that it is a book you can't put down or read in small chunks. You need to read it straight through to keep everything straight, but it is well worth the time!
Trust Me, I'm a Superhero
Trust Me, I'm a Superhero
2020 | Card Game, Party Game
You know when you’re fortunate enough to be given superpowers but they are super lame? Yeah me neither, but I still think it would be awesome to have even the lamest superpower. Well, if you’re like me, you will relish the opportunity to play Trust Me, I’m a Superhero where you can try out different superhero combinations and aid the citizens of our fair city!

Trust Me, I’m a Superhero is a negotiation-style party card game in the vein of Apples to Apples. In it players are bogus superheros answering the Call for Help and attempting to convince the Director to send them out as the city’s hero.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and I know for sure that the final components will be different from these shown. I usually include a messy photo as my last of the review, but in this case I captured the art style that will be used in the final version. You are invited to back the game through the Kickstarter campaign launching October 27, 2020, or purchase through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

To setup, shuffle the Super deck and Power deck separately. Deal each player five cards from each deck and the game may begin!

Playing Trust Me, I’m a Superhero is incredibly simple. From the hand of 10 cards dealt players will choose one Super card and one Power card to mash together creating a lame superhero. Players will display their superhero face-up in front of them. The player who is the current Director will flip over the top Call for Help card, read it aloud, and then players will initiate discussion with the Director to convince them that their hero should be sent to answer the call. The Director then chooses the best superhero by awarding the Call for Help card to the winning player. The next player in clock-wise order is the next Director. Play continues in this fashion until a player has won three Call for Help cards or some other determined time limit.
Components. Well, I cannot really comment on the components too much as again, I am using a prototype copy with prototype non-final artwork. From the photo below of the art style the final game will be using I can see that the art is whimsical and cartoony, which is perfect for this game. I am also sure that components will probably be upgraded as a result of a successful Kickstarter campaign with crushed stretch goals.

I have also played and reviewed Trust Me, I’m a Doctor and I said that I liked it, and I do. But if I like Trust Me, I’m a Doctor then I love Trust Me, I’m a Superhero. Just the added little twist of choosing your Super and Power cards BEFORE you see what the Call for Help will be is excellent. This game would be so different if you saw the Help card prior to assembling your Super Power. It would be too easy and not at all hilarious. I am so glad this twist exists and helps to elevate this from a good game to a great little A2A spin-off that CAN get NSFW with the right (or wrong?) people, and will feature some fun art. If you are interested in this little title, please consider backing it on Kickstarter on October 27, 2020! Tell them Purple Phoenix Games sent ya or I’ll send over Solar-Powered Punch or Seductive Corpse to rough you up a bit.

Lenard (726 KP) rated Brightburn (2019) in Movies

Jun 2, 2019 (Updated Jun 3, 2019)  
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
We need to talk about Brandon
A childless couple in small town Kansas discover a spacecraft in their barn with a baby inside. They raise the child as their own, trying to give him flyover zone morals. So far, the story seems very familiar. However, ten years later, puberty hits Brandon hard. He gains super strength, the power to fly at the speed of light, and glowing red heat vision. He is also obsessed with human anatomy, but not the usual body parts, more like the liver and kidneys. His grey-haired mother and farmer father try to set him straight, but his alien vehicle calls out to him and tells him to destroy the world. What in the name of Caesar's Ghost is going on in Kansas?

Awix (3310 KP) rated Deadpool (2016) in Movies

Feb 19, 2018  
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Not the first R-rated superhero movie, nor the first superhero comedy film, nor even the first movie to feature Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson, but it does a good job of appearing to do something new and different, and has lots of good jokes. Garrulous mercenary volunteers for special procedure in attempt to fend off terminal illness; basically ends up with cancer as a super-power.

The plot is really very secondary to the style of the film, anyway, which is all about being very irreverent and transgressive towards the perceived conventions of the superhero movie; there's a bit of a straw man argument being made here, but the action is well staged and it is, as mentioned, very funny. Not the future of the genre, no matter what people may say, but a well-crafted piece of entertainment nevertheless.