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Awix (3310 KP) rated Glass (2019) in Movies

Jan 22, 2019 (Updated Jan 22, 2019)  
Glass (2019)
Glass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
More Than Half Empty
Long-awaited sequel to Unbreakable; also not-quite-so-long-awaited sequel to Split, as M Night Shyamalan's various superheroes and villains assemble in a nuthouse: roll-call includes Bruce Willis (special power: being, um, unbreakable), James McAvoy (special power: one of his multiple personalities is a bit of an animal), and Samuel L Jackson (special power: being older than his own mum - it's true, I checked Wikipedia).

Starts off very promisingly but soon collapses into a saggy and self-indulgent mess in the traditional Shyamalan style; many long-winded scenes and much mysto-babble. Another bravura performance from McAvoy, and Jackson (when he finally turns up) carves himself a thick slice of ham, but the consequence of this is that Bruce Willis mostly vanishes into the background. The climax is remarkably portentous considering it's mostly just two guys wrestling each other fairly clumsily in a car park. Not sure three half-assed plot twists add up to a decent ending. All in all, a curious attempt to make a superhero movie in the style of a horror film, but ultimately rather disappointing given the potential and the talent involved.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Teen Titans Go! To the Movies (2018) in Movies

Feb 11, 2020 (Updated Feb 11, 2020)  
Teen Titans Go! To the Movies (2018)
Teen Titans Go! To the Movies (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Nicolas Cage finally as Superman. (0 more)
Alfred The Movie
Teen Titans Go! To The Movies- has some great references, surprising comedic cameo, nice nods to the tv show and its also very funny.

Plus it finally has Nicolas Cage as Superman, he is only voicing him though, but still finally get Nicolas Cage as Superman after all these years. I would of still loved to see the live action verison with Nicolas Cage and Tim Burton directing it.

Anyways the plot: It seems that all the major superheroes out there are starring in their own movies -- all but the Teen Titans. Robin is bound and determined to remedy that situation by becoming a star instead of a sidekick. With a few madcap ideas and a song in their hearts, the Teen Titans head to Hollywood to fulfill their dreams. Things soon go awry, however, when a supervillain plans to take over the planet -- putting the very fate of the young heroes on the line.

Its a really great/intresting plot. If you havent seen this movie, than go watch it. Cause its a must see.
We Can Be Heroes (2020)
We Can Be Heroes (2020)
2020 | Action, Comedy, Drama
6.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The idea (2 more)
Past heroes returning
Taylor Dooley
Cast (1 more)
Younger actors ability to act
Superheroes in Training
Seeing and enjoying the peculiar adventure of sharkboy and Lavagirl as a young teen a sequel was always wanted, when first advertised I had another Sonic The Hedgehog movie moment like "OH NO"

As a father with two monsters of my own who love sharkboy & Lavagirl they watched this before me and edged me to watch it with them...

Anyway, graphics continued from SB&LG was an appreciated touch as million dollar graphics don't always make the movie (although they help) a random casting with cute but weak acting and a plot unworthy of it's predecessor, we can be heroes is a nostalgic walk down memory lane that is both family friendly, fun (at least were the adult heroes are involved) and is more like a preschool edition of Disney's Sky High movie.

Best thing about the movie was the return of original Lavagirl actress Taylor dooley.

Appreciate the effort by Netflix, but maybe something more for the original fans next time around.

Plot: children of heroes attempt to rescue captured parents from an "evil" alien invasion ......or something like that.
John Wick. Chapter 4 (2023)
John Wick. Chapter 4 (2023)
2023 | Action, Crime, Thriller
8.2 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The longest John Wick movie to date, clocking in at just under 3 hours, with Keanu Reeves once again the focal point for some inventive action scenes.

Even if, by this point, all the assassins are operating at a level just below that of superheroes: bouncing off cars, falling out upper storey windows (and then getting up and dusting themselves off), shrugging off wounds that would incapacitate you or me ...

I also have to say, just where is the police when all this is going on?!

Anyway, that's all by the by: here, John is still out for revenge on the High Table that branded him 'excommunicado', with the bounty on his head growing ever and ever larger all the time. This film also moves that action - largely - away from New York, instead relocating to Japan (Osako) and France (Paris), with the last hour or so pretty much an extended action scene as John (fist)fights, shoots, brawls, stabs and crawls his way to a dawn appointment for a duel like something out of the 18th century that he hopes will finally close his ledger.

JT (287 KP) rated Brightburn (2019) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
What if superheroes didn’t arrive on earth with the soul purpose of saving humanity? What if their main intention was to cause pain and suffering? This is the unique premise used in Brightburn to great effect and turns the superhero genre on its head.

Kansas couple Tori (Elizabeth Banks) and Kyle Breyer (David Denman) have been desperately trying to have a child, without success. When a mysterious object lands on their property they discover that all of their prayers have been answered – sound familiar? What begins as the perfect family life starts to unravel in sheer terror as their little bundle of joy turns out to be something far sinister, despite their denial that he might just might be a little misunderstood.

“It’s a boy”
I wasn’t sure what to expect with this one, but I was pleasantly surprised by how well it unfolded. There was a solid amount of tension packed with good levels of gore. The jump scare is a staple part of the horror genre but it can become tiresome if not delivered in the right way. Thankfully in this instance it works and works well.

Post credits deliver more to the story which has the potential to spawn a sequel, although I prefer the idea that this is a one off.
Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)
Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Jake Pentecost, son of Stacker Pentecost, reunites with Mako Mori to lead a new generation of Jaeger pilots, including rival Lambert and 15-year-old hacker Amara, against a new Kaiju threat.

After having rewatched the first offering from this franchise I was fully up to date with my rip off Transformers. For those of you who don’t remember the first one, they’re man operated robots that think they’re a combination of your favourite superheroes with almost power poses, and almost hero landings.

You don’t have to worry about not having seen the first one. It's very accommodating to show you what you missed... World was bad. World had a war. World won! There are bits that would benefit from the original knowledge, but you can glean what happened from what's going on.

There's certainly entertaining action, and a few moments where they seem to have a little laugh at themselves. It will pass the time relatively easily... as long as you ignore the very out of place montage in the middle.

I'm glad they brought new elements in and it didn't end up just being a resurgence of the Kaiju and "oh no, let's get the band back together".

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Glass (2019) in Movies

Feb 1, 2019 (Updated Feb 1, 2019)  
Glass (2019)
Glass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
First 2 acts are interesting (1 more)
MacAvoy is great
Does not stick the landing (0 more)
A Textbook Example On How Not To End A Trilogy
Contains spoilers, click to show
Glass is the 3rd movie in M. Night Shyamalan's pseudo superhero trilogy following Unbreakable and Split. Unfortunately it is probably the worst movie out of the three and doesn't live up to the twenty years of build-up it has had going into it. Full spoilers will be present through this review as it's kind of hard to discuss the film without spoiling anything.

The movie opens with what is essentially a condensed version of both Unbreakable and Split. We see Bruce Willis' Dennis Dunn stalking criminals in his poncho and we see James MacAvoy's Kevin Wendell Crumb keeping four young girls captured in an abandoned warehouse. The old 'unstoppable force meets immovable object,' trope plays out and the two of them wind up getting caught by Sarah Paulson and her team, who apparently specialise in investigating those who have delusions about having superhuman powers.

She brings the two of them to a mental hospital where she is keeping Samuel L Jackson's Mr Glass. Sarah Paulson's character then spends the next chunk of the movie trying to convince the three that the powers that they believe they possess is actually in their heads and there is a real-world, logical explanation to everything that they can do. This part of the film is actually pretty interesting in the ideas that it poses and I liked where the film was going at this point.

Then the third act happens and we are reminded why Shyamalan so desperately needs an editor to keep his ideas in check. There is this huge build up that takes place teasing an epic fight between Dunn and The Beast at the top of some huge brand new building in the middle of the city. Unfortunately we never get there and instead we just get some mediocre action choreography in a medium sized car park between the two. The whole thing ends with the fairly contrived retcon twist that Kevin's dad was in the same train crash that Dunn survived and Mr Glass caused, thus making Mr Glass the 'creator,' of both superheroes. Then the three characters die in an extremely anticlimactic fashion. The Beast breaks a couple of Mr Glass' bones and he falls out of his wheelchair and dies, (even though this is something that we have seen happen to him in Unbreakable and he survived it.) Then a sniper randomly shoots Kevin even though the beast is tamed by the appearance of Anya Taylor-Joy's character, Casey from Split. He just gets shot once and dies with hardly any fanfare. Then David Dunn is drowned in a puddle as Sarah Paulson explains that she is part of a secret organisation that hunts people who believe that they are superheroes, determines whether or not they really are superheroes through a pretty drawn-out process and then proceeds to kill them if they do in fact possess superpowers. We also see that for some reason this group apparently only meets in crowded public restaurants in the middle of the city centre in broad daylight and have to wait until any non members of this super secret club, (that just killed 3 people in a public car park in broad daylight in front of cops and family members,) have left the restaurant before they can discuss business. Then it turns out that Mr Glass leaked the footage from the hospital security cameras online so that people would see that superheroes really do exist.

If you are someone that hasn't seen the movie and doesn't care about spoilers so you just read this review anyway; your brain is probably falling out of your ear after reading my description of the third act and that's because on paper this whole sequence of events is absolutely ludicrous and the fact that no one pointed this out during the movie's production is mind-boggling.

What a waste after two solid movies and a decent two first acts worth of build up...

There are some positives I took away though. It is as much of an absolute joy to watch James MacAvoy play so many totally different characters convincingly in one scene as it was in Split, maybe even more so here as we get to see even more personalities emerge and in even quicker succession. He is an utterly phenomenal actor. It is also cool to see Mr Glass and David Dunn after twenty years to see where they are at in their lives and how they have been spending their time since the events of Unbreakable. There are also some nice shots and camera angles in the film, (more so in the first two acts of the story,) and some nice colour scheme aesthetics going on in certain compositions that made some shots more interesting to look at.

Overall, this movie could have been so much more and in the end it throws away some really potentially interesting plot threads in favour for a few tacked on twists and gives us nothing more than a half arsed conclusion to an otherwise solid trilogy.
The Incredibles 2 (2018)
The Incredibles 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Comedy
It’s hard to believe that the first Incredibles by Disney Pixar debuted all the way back in 2004, and for those of you counting that’s over 14 years ago. Featuring the vibrant animation and incredible voice acting that only Disney Pixar can offer, we find ourselves once again sharing a grand adventure with this lovable superhero family. This will be a spoiler free review so feel free to read on and prepare for a journey of epic proportions.

Not much has changed since we last left off with the original Incredibles. Superheroes are still outlawed, seemingly because the damage they cause when fighting crime is far more expensive than the actual crime itself. This is proven in the very first scene of the movie, where our crime fighting family attempts to stop a bank robbery and they end up causing more havoc and mayhem than would have occurred had they not been involved at all. It seems there isn’t a place anywhere left in the world for superheroes…or is there?

The family is then offered an opportunity to prove how important superheroes are to the world and the impact they can have on the good of humanity. This mission only needs the talents of Elastigirl (Holly Hunter) however, so Elastigirl goes off to fight crime while Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) stays back at the homestead to take care of the three kids.

As with all Pixar movies, Incredibles 2 is far more than simply a cute movie about a family of crime fighting heroes. It is about how Mr. Incredible must learn to be a hero by taking care of his family instead of fighting crime. It shows how even without a secret identity and super suit that a parent helping their kids with “new math” or reading them a bedtime story can makes them the greatest hero of all. I loved that the underlying message to this movie was that being there for your family is as equally as important as saving the town from the next evil menace.

In a similar reversal of roles, Elastigirl takes on the role of the family provider. While she excels with her superhero duties, she struggles with not always being there for her kids. For Elastigirl it’s about letting go and trusting that her husband and family can learn to manage on their own when she can’t be there. We also learn that sometimes being a hero means making sacrifices for the good of the family as a whole.

As you’d expect from any film with Pixar behind it, the animation is beautiful and colorful. I would warn those that might be sensitive to strobe lights to be a bit cautious during a few scenes. There weren’t any warnings for those who might be photosensitive, and the scenes don’t last long, but I feel it’s still important to note. As already mentioned, the voice acting is also excellent. Sarah Vowell does a great job as Violet and Huck Milner is adorable as the voice of Dash. As you might have already guessed, Samuel L. Jackson does an outstanding job at reprising his role of Frozone. Unfortunately, Frozone isn’t in the movie too much but he definitely steals any scene he is in. The story was fun, entertaining and at times downright hilarious. Even though baby Jack-Jack hasn’t been a big part of this review, he is a huge part of the movie. Jack-Jack’s emerging powers mean an even greater challenge for everyone and some of the most entertaining scenes revolve around Jack-Jack and his ever-growing list of powers.

Incredibles 2 is a heartwarming film that shows us all that heroes come in different shapes and sizes, and how important it is for everyone to come together as a family in order to succeed at life (and occasionally take down a bad guy). It’s a worthy successor to the original in every way and will certainly appeal to both young and old alike. So, gather up your own superhero family and run/fly/warp your way to see Incredibles 2 when it releases in theatres on June 15th!

Sharpie0499 (114 KP) rated Avengers: Infinity War (2018) in Movies

Jul 9, 2018 (Updated Jul 9, 2018)  
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Best Marvel film yet (2 more)
Thanos and Black Order were the most terrifying villains yet
Ended on cliffhanger so am excited for Part 2
Felt a bit slow in some parts (0 more)
Best Marvel Film Yet!!!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Overall, Infinity War was the most powerful Marvel film to date; not just because of the powerful superheroes, but because it was able to fill you with adrenaline during fight scenes, fill you with hope when seeing lovers reunited, and wrench at your heartstrings during those difficult to watch, depressing scenes all in one movie. The casting was brilliantly done: Ebony Maw had me internally reeling just at the sight of him, and don't even get me started on Thanos. When seeing Thanos in previous Marvel films, it was obvious he was a threat to humanity but I never really felt afraid of him. But in the first scene when Hulk is beating up Thanos, you think, 'Yes, Hulk! Smash!' But then Thanos decides to turn it around, causing Hulk to be so afraid of Thanos throughout the entire film that he won't let Bruce turn into him. This is because Hulk knows Thanos can beat him, possibly even kill him. When I was sitting in the cinema, watching Scarlet Witch see Thanos for the first time at the end of the film and seeing her genuine terror just at the sight of him (though she could probably sense his powers with her magic) it got me thinking of what I would do in their situation. And I know humanity would have no chance against him, even without the infinity stones, and that he would just destroy us. Anyway, on a happier note, I was thrilled to see Scarlet Witch and Vision together when they were in Scotland. But then Marvel had to go and crush our hearts by having Thanos kill Vision. What really broke my heart was how Vision told Scarlet Witch, 'I love you,' just before he died and then Scarlet Witch's face when she turned into dust or sand or whatever the hell that was. It looked like she was almost relieved to become nothing after Vision's death (I'm probably just reading into that). What also nearly killed me was Rocket's reaction to Groot turning into dust/sand; and the scene on Titan when Spiderman turns into dust/sand. Anyway, this Marvel film beats all others out of the park with the more intense fight choreography, the terrifying villains, and the superheroes banding together and joining forces to beat a common enemy. I'm excited to see a certain new superhero join the team (Captain Marvel) and am counting down the days till May 2019 so I can see the conclusion to Infinity War!

David McK (3361 KP) rated Watchmen in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Dave Gibbons, Alan Moore | 1986 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.8 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Often cited as one of the most influential comic-books/graphic novels, alongside the likes of [b:V for Vendetta|5805|V for Vendetta|Alan Moore||392838]'V for Vendetta' and [b:Batman: The Dark Knight Returns|59960|Batman The Dark Knight Returns (The Dark Knight Saga, #1)|Frank Miller||1104159]'The Dark Knight Returns', this was, if I'm honest, one such that I'd never even heard of until the 2009 movie of the same name.

Set in an alternate 1985 America in which costumed superhero's are (were) real but have since been outlawed, there's a definite argument to be made that this would inspire the Pixar film The Incredibles: family drama, costumed superheroes coming out of retirement, conspiracies afoot ... see what I mean?

But whereas The Incredibles is aimed at a family audience, this is anything but: violent throughout, slow (at times seemingly glacial) moving and even dealing with the effects of (and fallout from) rape, this is definitely not one for the younger reader!

On the plus side, it does have a stunningly realised world alongside a compelling backstory to several of the characters: like several other literary classics, this is one that I can now say that I've read but wouldn't really be rushing back to do so again anytime soon.