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LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Character (Hero/Villain/Normal) Selection (0 more)
Racing Mechanic (0 more)
Save the World LEGO Marvel Superheroes!
I've been playing this one for a couple of weeks now and have honestly enjoyed this entry in the LEGO-verse. Played about 50+ hours now and still have around 15 to 18% to do (don't have my game up or I'd give the exact percentage).

The story line itself is very engaging and it's own creature (in other words it is not following a movie or book, it is it's own stand alone story.) There are over 100 characters to gain throughout the story and free roam. Deadpool's Red Brick chapters were a delight if a bit simple.

Biggest complaint is the game mechanics where it comes to the races in the game. I've only managed a meager three or four of the twenty plus available and that is due to sheer luck. As of this moment I am not sure I will 100% this LEGO entry and it is totally due to the races.

Overall, even with the races being such a hassle, I've really enjoyed running around town as the various characters. They have the more common notable heroes and villains as well as some not so common characters (IE: Squirrel Girl). With the multitude of available characters very few overlap so it is very refreshing to actually have to use almost everyone for something (be it a maze, race, free play, etc).
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Worthy of the hype
It's very unusual for a film to truly live up to it's hype, but Infinity War does impressively well.

Considering how many superheroes are in this film, i hadn't expected much but the Russo brothers have done very well to bring all of these strong characters together and integrate them smoothly and flawlessly. The plot itself doesn't have any preamble and puts you straight into the action (I suppose they've had enough Marvel films coming before it to set it up). It had a much darker tone than any other Marvel films and this is actually a refreshing change. This isn't to say it is completely without humour, as there are some very hilarious moments throughout even if they aren't quite as frequent as we're used to. And that ending, wow. Definitely not something you're used to in a Marvel (and technically Disney) film.

Thanos himself is a great bad guy, although it's with him that my main issue lies with this film. He's portrayed as being a little too powerful, which is irritating as everyone knows eventually that the Avengers will come out on top. I also had a slight issue with Vision - he's meant to be all powerful but instead comes across as quite weak.

Despite these few niggles, I would definitely agree & say that this is the best Marvel film so far. So much I feel like I need to see it again to take it all in.
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
One of the best X-Men films
The X-Men have always been some of my favourite superheroes, and I loved the original 2 films (and I refuse to mention The Last Stand). Whilst First Class was a nice introduction to the younger versions of the X-Men, it wasnt great. X-Men really needed this next film to be something special, and for me it really is.

Bryan Singer really knows how to work his magic when it comes to the X-Men films and you can tell. He did it with the originals and he did it with this too. The idea to work a plot involving the original X-Men and the younger versions is a genius idea and gives us the best of both worlds. Admittedly I do wish they'd shown us more of the originals, but I dont think my heart could take much seeing them get picked off by the Sentinels.

Putting Wolverine into this works really well and new addition Quicksilver gets possibly the best scene of the entire film. And we've also got Magneto being his usual sneaky self with some great scenes of him really using his powers. Don't get me wrong the actual minute details in the plot are a little bit ridiculous and farfetched but this can be ignored for the most part as it's just an all round enjoyable film. Just a shame it's the last decent X-Men film that they've made.
Black Adam (2022)
Black Adam (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure
About As Middle-Of-The-Road As You Can Get
The DC Extended Universe (DCEU) has been criticized by many (including the BankofMarquis) for being too dark, dour and somber. The powers-that-be at DC clearly have heard that criticism and with their latest installment - BLACK ADAM - they ditched that grim tone.

If only they would have spent time on character and plot development instead of blowing things up and dispatching nameless/faceless henchmen.

Based on a DC Comics character the BankofMarquis knew nothing about - and featuring SOME characters from DC that the BankofMarquis had heard of (o’k, one character, Hawkman), BLACK ADAM stars Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as the titular anti-hero who comes out of hibernation after about 5,000 years to exact vengeance on those who wronged him.

It’s a tricky line to walk when you are working with an anti-hero bent on death and destruction, but it can be done if you bring some humanity and humility to the character and have this anti-hero character go on some sort of journey of discovery along the way.

While this film succeeds for the most part in bringing a lighter tone and some fun to the proceedings, it seems that Director Jaume Collet-Serra (Orphan) and the trio of writers that penned this weak script opted to play it safe and didn’t go too dark (at the beginning) or too “Super-Heroey” (if that is a word) at the end, so what you get is a safe, middle-of-the-road entertainment that is “good enough” and (this is damning with faint praise), one of the better offerings in the DCEU.

Let’s start with the Johnson in the titular role. The film (and film-makers) play down Johnson’s inherent charm throughout the film - to the detriment of all. Johnson plays Black Adam with a focus of purpose and a lack of awareness and humor. While this could have been played with great effect neither Johnson nor Director Collet-Serra leans into this enough to make it a strong part of the offering. True, Johnson’s inherent charisma and screen presence shines through no matter how much it is attempted to be tamped down, but the character just comes off as plain vanilla.

Of course, Johnson’s physical form has never looked better and he excels in the action sequences - which are plentiful and full of explosions and destruction (destruction that is never commented on). These scenes overwhelm the story and the plot - and is one of the reasons that this film doesn’t rise above decent. It has lots of blowing things up and SuperHeroes going “smashy-smashy” with no real emotional resonance or consequence to them.

As for the other actors in this film, Aldis Hodge (ONE NIGHT IN MIAMI) is strong as the only DC Character previous known to the BankofMarquis - Hawkman. He is a welcome addition to this universe and it would be great if he showed up in more DCEU films - including adding him to any Justice League films.

Sarah Shahi (PERSON OF INTEREST on TV) is always a welcome sight in a film - and she more than capably fills in as the representative of the filmgoing audience as the human who is wrapped up the proceedings of these SuperHeroes while Mohammed Amer (the TV series RAMY) provides strong comic relief as Shahi’s brother.

Unfortunately, the film felt the need to put in 2 teenage Superheroes (I guess to appeal to their target audience) in the guise of Atom Smasher, Noah Centineo (THE PERFECT DATE) and Cyclone, Quintessa Swindell (the TV Series IN TREATMENT). These are both decent enough - and good looking enough - performers to put on screen, and they both would look good in a CW TV Series like THE FLASH, but their characters are pointless in this film. They are add-ons that don’t really add anything to the events.

And then there is good ol’ former James Bond Pierce Brosnan as Dr. Fate, a character the BankofMarquis knew nothing about before this film, but now am clamoring for a standalone movie for Brosnan and this character. He was the best thing in this move and this veteran actor understood the assignment, bringing humor and gravitas when needed while doling out sage advice - Obi-Wan style - to both Hawkman and Black Adam throughout the film.

All-in-all, a decent time at the theater (the DCEU has certainly done worse), but, in the end, BLACK ADAM is as disposable as Cotton Candy, fun while it lasts, but not anything that will stay with you for any length of time.

Letter Grade: B (the most solid “B” that a film can have).

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Brightburn (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
Superheroes and villains are a subject close to my heart, I enjoy speculating on the good and bad potential of superpowers, so to have the bad Superman story laid out like this is very interesting to experience.

Having a bad Superman would have been good, but switching it to a child automatically knocks the "scary" up a notch, something we saw earlier in the year in The Prodigy.

Tori and Kyle Breyer are desperately trying to have a baby, their lives start to revolve around the idea when one night the Earth literally moves for them and a meteor hits their farm. Ten years later and Tori and Kyle have their adopted son, Brandon, but growing up comes with some unexpected twists.

Brightburn's trailer makes it very clear that what we're going to see is a Superman-style childhood but the film is actually not so blatant. In fact, everything about the pre-release information tells you exactly what you're going to get while the film alone actually leaves it to your imagination. You have to make assumptions and educated guesses about what's going to happen. It's a bit of a shame that there's really no successful way to advertise this film without pointing out the obvious.

Elizabeth Banks (eternally young and possibly getting younger) plays Tori, Brandon's mum. The terror she gets across while still retaining a mother's love is spot on and great to watch on screen. In particular there's a scene where she discovers Brandon's notebook and the way she reacts made me react, and twisting that scene with the side story of Brandon and his dad was so effective.

I have one fault when it comes to horror, and that's that I can't take it seriously, luckily lots of people in my screening felt the same way too. While there were a couple of moments that went for actual humour I found myself laughing at some of the gore too. It was the same reaction as I get from extreme action scenes, an extended "oooooooh!" with a slight wince and then laughing. I can't help it, it's just funny.

Brightburn is probably an easier horror to see as the scary moments are mostly predictable so you could close your eyes in time for the bad bits if you wanted too, a lot are prefixed with something ominous in the background to prepare you.

One moment that made me jump was actually not a scary piece, it was the moment Brandon realises he's different. You already know part of his discovery if you've seen the trailer and yet again this film then tweaks that moment to give you something a little different.

The way they use light and dark is great because it allows things to creep up on you, quite literally, and highlights the evil that is starting to permeate the town.

It surprises me that I enjoyed this one as much as I did. I think the action moments probably holds up a lot of it. I like the idea, but I'm not convinced that it was created as well as it could have been. I was impressed that they didn't step back from the violent moments though, Brightburn is ballsy, and I like it for that.

[Note: Stay to see some clips into the credits.]

What you should do

If you like horror then I think it's a fairly good offering to see, it's probably also a good crossover if you're more into superheroes.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I'd love the aunt's house but without the creepy added extras.

JT (287 KP) rated The Avengers (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Avengers (2012)
The Avengers (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
As the dust settles on a film that has seriously ‘hulk smashed’ the box office its clear to see why this film has been met with such high acclaim from critics and fans alike. There is no getting away from the fact that this is one hell of a blockbuster, with more superheroes than you can cram into a S.H.I.E.L.D. meeting room and a villain that almost stole the whole show, it had pretty much everything.

The film opens as S.H.I.E.L.D. is mid evacuation after The Tesseract, an energy source of unknown potential, has activated. Loki (Tom Hiddleston) has plans to take over the world with a strong army and have everyone kneel before him, he’s cunning but “lacks conviction” as is pointed out by cult fan favourite Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg).

So, Nick Fury activates the Avengers initiative, pulling resource from Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye and of course Bruce Banner in order to stop the impending attack. The good thing about the Avengers is that no time needs to be spent setting the characters up, as given the previous films we know all about them and their powers. However, this gives more time for them to decipher each others egos.

Tony Stark feels like the team’s unofficial leader, brash and bold he has to contend with a number of personalities, remember he doesn’t play well with others. A great scene sees Thor, Captain America and Iron Man all come to blows but its hard to say if there was any clear winner.

Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow and Clint ‘Hawkeye’ Barton who have popped up in previous films but neither had their own title struggle at times to fit in, but they are integral to the group and plot. However if there were not part of the assemble you wouldn’t miss them too much.

As for Bruce Banner, Weadon’s Hulk is probably the most realistic CGI transformation to date. Ang Lee’s looked ridiculous and Louis Leterrier’s Hulk looked liked he’d been pumped full of steroids as opposed to gamma radiation.

Weadon though achieved a great balance and with Mark Ruffalo stepping in as the green monster the Hulk had a lot of charisma in this, even having time for some humour. T.V. original big man Lou Ferrigno provided the voice so it all seemed like the Hulk was back.

The perfect villain – Loki
Hiddleston for me though was the stand-out here, as comic book villains go he brought so much to the role. It was a dark, composed and at times sinister portrayal of a man desperate for revenge and to be worshipped like the god he feels he deserves to be.

The films action sequences are second to none, with everything from the initial opening evacuation at S.H.I.E.L.D. to the climactic ending all choreographed to perfection. The only gripe is that it boarder lines on Transformers styled destruction, in which some parts are drawn out. I mean just how many Chitauri can one group of superheroes fend off?

Another post credits scene certainly would pave the way for a sequel, and given the film’s massive haul which is well in excess of $450m no one would stand in the way. It should pretty much be a forgone conclusion that the team will at some point reunite.
The Frame-Up (The Golden Arrow Mysteries Book 1)
The Frame-Up (The Golden Arrow Mysteries Book 1)
Meghan Scott Molin | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great idea but could've been executed better
When I first saw the synopsis of this book, I thought it sounded great - superheroes, geeks and comic books is right up my street. However what is a great idea for a story isn't executed very well.

My main problem is the character of MG herself. A female geek character is a great idea, but my issue is that I found MG very unlikeable. Her attitude and actions started off fairly well, but by the end I found myself getting so irritated by her inability to listen to other people and her stubborn and rash attitude. The romance aspect of this novel doesnt help matters - it sounds like every geeks dream and so farfetched and ridiculous it's laughable. This could not be any more predictable and cliched than it already is. Matteo as a character too seems fairly undeveloped and comes across as a rather one dimensional love interest.

This is a shame as the idea behind the story is quite interesting and rather fun to read. There's also some very decent minor characters like Lawrence who are a lot more intriguing and fun that should've been featured more. I also loved the references to geek and pop culture, and overall this aspect of the book was a lot of fun. I did find the lack of resolution in some parts of the story frustrating - your typical sequel baiting. I do have the sequel to read which I probably will read as I enjoyed this book enough, but I pray for a resolution as I doubt this series will hold my attention enough longer than that.
Bone Crossed (Mercy Thompson, #4)
Bone Crossed (Mercy Thompson, #4)
Patricia Briggs | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.4 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this book just as much as I joined the previous three in the series. Briggs can be depended upon for maintaining an exciting plot and unique characters, and this book was no exception.
This book gave me a more detailed look into the politics of the vampire culture of Mercy's world, as well as more development of the character of Stefan. Stefan does not seem to talk much, but his body language seems to say that he loves Mercy, even if he knows she will never love him back, especially with the scene on the last few pages. The discoveries that Mercy makes regarding her abilities as a Walker are interesting and can hold lots of promise for future books in the series. I also enjoy being introduced to other lesser characters in the books that often help Mercy in some small way, such as the oakman. These characters give a more well-rounded picture of Mercy's world. Mercy's panic attacks, resulting from her rape in the previous book, were very realistic and made her more believeable as a character, since they gave her a weakness and a way to be related to. Superheroes always seem to be better at their "jobs" when they have a weakness that allows them to relate to the "common man." I'm also glad that Mercy was finally inducted into Adam's pack officially, although I found the method somewhat gross and cannibalistic. I still don't understand how Mercy can be "pack" to both Adam and his pack, as well as to Samuel, without any sort of backlash in the "animal kingdom", but hopefully that will be either explained or absolved with future books.
Olivia Rising | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Superluminary (Powered Destinies #1) by Olivia Rising
Superluminary is the first book in the Powered Destinies series, and it is a LONG book.

We start off with Christina as she goes through her transition to become Mascot, with the devastating aftereffects. Then we meet up with Sarina, who transitions to become Dancer. Finally, we meet Andrey, who is Radiant. From the blurb, I somehow expected Christina, Sarina, and Radiant to be in contact with each other. I was very much mistaken. Although we hear from all three, none of them meet until Christina and Andrey meet towards the end of the book. Sarina and Christina don't meet at all.

There are headers before each chapter that you simply MUST take notice of. They tell you who is speaking, where, and when. It isn't always necessarily in date order, and it isn't always one of the three main characters speaking. I'm not quite sure why we get into the heads of so many of the other characters, as it detracted from the main storyline. As it is at the moment, there was no need to hear from Samael, or Kid, or any other.

This is a very character driven story, with plenty of action and intrigue. This is the first book in the series, so it does end of a cliffhanger. I am intrigued to know where it will go, as there are so many twists and turns, and you are not quite sure who are the 'good guys' and who are the bad.

For a very different book on superheroes, villains, and mere mortals, then I have no hesitation in recommending it.

* I received a copy of this book with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Dark Knight (2008)
The Dark Knight (2008)
2008 | Action, Crime
Summmer 2008: at the time of writing this, now 11 years ago, and the cinematic landscape was rather different - the MCU was only just starting off (with Iron Man), and superheroes in the cinema were not as commonplace as they are today ( to the best of my memory).

While Christopher had effectively rebooted perhaps DCs most famous character in Batman Begins, that film had (deliberately, IMO) kept the focus pretty much on Bruce Wayne/Batman rather than on his mos famous foes, ending with a deliberate tease of the introduction of the Joker.

And what an introduction he gets in this.

As portrayed by Heath Ledger (whose untimely death no doubt helped stoke the interest for this movie: his last full screen role), this Joker is very different than Jack Nicholson's 1989 portrayal. It's a definite magnetic tour de force from the actor, sure, although (personally) I've never really viewed the character as a Joker so much as as a genius psychopath.

"I'm an agent of chaos" he says at one point. "I'm a dog chasing a car. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it". And that, to me, is what is missing from the character-as-written.

Alongside Ledger, Aaron Eckhart also puts in a brilliant turn as Harvey Dent, completely blowing Tommy Lee Jones portrayal of the same character (in Batman Forever) out of the water. It's a far more realistic interpretation of what drives Dent to become Two-face, with some frightenly realistic effects.

And, finally, it may be a small thing: but in this Batman gets and operates (briefly) out of Gotham city, making his world seem more 'real' as a result.