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The Law (Dresden Files #17.4)
The Law (Dresden Files #17.4)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For me, Jim Butcher is most synonymous with The Dresden Files.

The last full-length novel of which was Battle Ground, from 2020, and in which the supernatural world spills over into Chicago (and in which Harry suffers a personal loss)

As this starts, Harry is still smarting from that loss, but - before long - is hired, ostensibly as a PI, in the case where a school teacher is being blackmailed by a former convict over her former life as a hooker.

Of course, being a Dresden Files case, things are more than they seem ...

In short, this will tide the reader over until the next full length novel!
Dragon Marked (Supernatural Prison, #1)
Jaymin Eve | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on In Wonderland</a><p style="text-align: left;"><span style="line-height: 1.5;">Coolest book about supernaturals ever?</span>
Erm… it could go both ways.

What I Liked:
~ Jessa has spunk and no filter. She has no problems giving people her two cents.
Dragon shifters are awesome, hands down.
~ The concept – a supernatural community just to guard a prison for supernatural criminals? Oh, and those prisons are being broken into and no one knows <em>how</em>? Plus, the main character is dragon marked (prophesized to raise some sort of dragon king of a thousand years ago) and the Quads (aka four brothers who turn heads everywhere they turn) are <em>supposed</em> to hunt and kill her? Grabby hands ensues. <del>Because I just adore potential best friends turned murderer type of stories.</del>
~ Possessiveness: I normally really hate possessiveness, but Jaymin Eve doesn’t <em>overplay</em> it. Possessiveness is a part of the culture for the supernaturals, but Jessa isn’t sheltered.

What I Didn’t Like:
~ Does anyone have a problem with an entire family ruling most of the American Supernatural council? I mean, there’s a scuffle or two that carries as the main plot of the first book, but for the most part, almost everyone is completely okay with the Quads taking over 4/5 of the council.
~ Every page or two (maybe a little more), there’s a bomb of information about the supernaturals. Some are repetitive with the usual tropes, but I <em>might</em> be okay with that. Just a little.
~ Eve has humor throughout the book, but um… too much information sometimes. It doesn’t clash too well with Jessa’s personality. No filter humor? Little kid guilty of peeking at the wrong time.

All in all,<em> Dragon Marked</em> does have potential. But while there might be one plot in just one book, the overall arc of the story is primarily set up with lots of information.

And tootles to everyone who handles a no filter main character with the occasional weird humor better than me.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Blood on Satan's Claw (1971) in Movies

Feb 9, 2018 (Updated Feb 9, 2018)  
The Blood on Satan&#039;s Claw (1971)
The Blood on Satan's Claw (1971)
1971 | Horror
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
What's In A Name?
One of the big three British folk-horror movies (along with Witchfinder General and The Wicker Man) and the only one to go for an explicitly supernatural storyline: in 18th century England, a ploughman unearths a deformed skull, which mysteriously disappears soon after. Insanity, mutation and violence begin to spread amongst the young people of the area, forcing the local judge to take extreme measures in the cause of virtue.

On one level this does sound like the broadest kind of exploitative schlock, and it's true that the monster suit at the end is utterly crapulous, but this does not take into account the disturbingly dreamy atmosphere conjured up by director Haggard and Marc Wilkinson's score. There's a touch of the genuine gothic in the way something ancient and disturbing erupts into a quietly bucolic world.

Plus, there is a hard edge of gleeful nastiness to this film which is wholly lacking from the movies being made by Tigon's better-known rivals at Hammer and Amicus during the same period. There's a sense in which most Hammer movies feel like costume dramas with a little blood included as a contractual obligation, but Blood on Satan's Claw goes all-out to mess the viewer up - it's not especially frightening as such, but it's a very unsettling, creepy movie that's a worthy successor to an ancient English tradition of supernatural horror stories.