The Crow (1994)
Movie Watch
After a double homicide takes the lives of to young lovers, on Devil's Night, the night before...

Catwoman (2004)
Movie Watch
Catwoman is the story of meek, mild-mannered artist Patience Philips, who works for Hedare Beauty, a...

Blade Trinity (2004)
Blade is a day-walking vampire hunter. When the Vampire Nation hatches a plan to frame Blade in a...
Vampire action

Spawn (1997)
Movie Watch
Covert government assassin Al Simmons (Michael Jai White) is killed after being double-crossed by...

Suicide Squad (2016)
Movie Watch
A team of criminal antiheroes, composed of Deadshot, Harley Quinn, El Diablo, Captain Boomerang,...
and 4 other items

Supermac: The Life of Harold Macmillan
Great-grandson of a crofter and son-in-law of a Duke, Harold Macmillan (1894-1986) was both complex...
Andy K (10823 KP) Apr 15, 2018
Fred (860 KP) Apr 15, 2018