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Dark Pursuit
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Darrell Brooks, the best selling "King of Suspense," is struggling to write his 100th book after an accident stole his ability to concentrate. But he's going to need all his mental powers when his estranged granddaughter finds a body in her apartment and suspects her boyfriend, a cop, put it there. I loved this Christian thriller. The characters were good, but the character development at the end was a little abrupt.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Force of Nature
Force of Nature
Jane Harper | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gripping and dry
What I love about Jane Harper's books is the biggest character is always the landscape the story takes place in. Force of nature is set in one of Australia's cold and dark national parks, rugged and unforgiving and so the atmosphere is set. Take office politics up a notch to a brutal level and add intriguing and constant suspense and you will find it difficult to not read just another chapter. If you like crime novels Harper's and human and most importantly believable. Won't get a better thriller/crime novel this year

Tim Forbes recommended A Man Escaped (1956) in Movies (curated)

A Man Escaped (1956)
A Man Escaped (1956)
1956 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Robert Bresson’s ode to freedom is an astounding tour de force. As a prison-break movie, it is a thriller of high suspense, told by a master who eschews artifice. He relies on precisely observed action, a sophisticated and spare technique (no one makes more of off-camera space and sound), and a direct, first-person narration to achieve a fully realized world of remarkable intensity in which our identification with the protagonist is total. His unshakeable faith and persistent effort elevate us all. His liberation is ours."
