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Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated A Simple Favor (2018) in Movies

Sep 25, 2018 (Updated Sep 25, 2018)  
A Simple Favor (2018)
A Simple Favor (2018)
2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Anna Kendrick (0 more)
When it remembers it is supposed to be a thriller (0 more)
Simply Messy
So I went to see A Simple Favor at the weekend, which was my girlfriend's choice and I actually ended up enjoying some parts of it. I hate everything else that Paul Feig has done, so I was going into this expecting to hate every aspect and I surprisingly didn't. Anna Kendrick plays the same character that she does in everything else, but she is good at it and it works well for this film too. Blake Lively's character is funny in a cruel way at certain points, but at other points the mean spirited nature of the character feels forced and tacky. The rest of the cast are forgettable and Rupert Friend isn't given nearly enough to do in his role.

There are certain points that this movie made me legitimately laugh, granted the majority of the time it was because Blake Lively's character would say something vulgar and Kendrick's character would respond with something innocent and cringey and this joke would be rinsed and repeated a lot throughout the movie, but still I laughed way more during this than I thought I would.

The absolute worst thing about the movie is it's tone. It's not just inconsistent, it is absolutely all over the place. For the first two thirds of the film it is a weird mix of serious suspense and absurd comedy and then in the last third it absolutely cannot decide what it wants to be. From the point that Anna Kendrick's character leaves to go and dig around in Lively's character's past to the end credits, this movie is an utter mess.

Overall, I was surprised I didn't hate the movie and actually enjoyed parts of it. Anna Kendrick is great in everything she does, even if she does do the same thing in everything. Unfortunately this doesn't make the film a great comedy, nor is it a great suspense movie either, but hey, at least it's better than the Ghostbusters reboot.
Trust Me
Trust Me
T. M. Logan | 2021 | Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book is Ellen, but this book is told from multiple perspectives. Even though she is a civilian, she has seen a lot in her life, which made her brave, compassionate and very determined to solve this case. I really liked all the characters chosen for this novel, some of them were very mysterious and scary, others sweet but misleading. They all created a very thrilling, fast-paced atmosphere, that I enjoyed.

The narrative of this book was a true spiders web. There were so many questions from the first chapter, and the suspense was unbearable. ๐Ÿ˜€ I really liked Ellenโ€™s and other characterโ€™s journeys, investigation and all the twists and turns that this book had to offer. The mystery was very well kept throughout the pages, and the authorโ€™s mind manipulations were brilliant. I was soooo confused about what agenda all the characters had, and could not wait to find out all of it. The topics discussed in this book were infertility, PTSD, shady police work, kidnapping, the social media footprint we leave, and many more. This book has a lot of violence and murder, so might not be suitable for sensitive readers.

I absolutely loved the writing style of this book. The author really knows how to keep amazing suspense and deliver great characters. The atmosphere is constantly changing, and because of that all this book is kind of โ€œon the goโ€. The chapters are pretty short and the multiple perspectives kept me glued and did not allow me to put this book down. I really liked the culmination and the ending of this novel as well, it rounded up this story perfectly.

So, to conclude, I thoroughly enjoyed this fast-paced thriller, filled with mysterious and absorbing characters as well as the plot that is filled with mystery, questions and the wish to find out what is actually going on there.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Therapist in Books

Jul 29, 2021  
The Therapist
The Therapist
B.A. Paris | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An average locked neighborhood thriller
Alice and Leo have been in a long distance relationship for eighteen months when they finally move in together and buy a house in the The Circle, a development in the middle of London. It's a gated estate made up of twelves house designed to be especially safe and secure. But Alice soon discovers a horrible secret about her new home and becomes obsessed with Nina, the therapist who lived there before her. She starts trying to figure out what happened to Nina--at the expense of her relationship with Leo and her neighbors.

"It's only as I stand there, shrouded in perfect stillness that a thought slams into my head. I don't like this house."

This thriller was slow to start and was one of several locked neighborhood books I've read lately. I'm sort of over the trend of average folks up in everyone's business thinking they can solve murders. I didn't quite buy why Alice cared so much, even though there's supposed to be a "reason" for her attachment to Nina (she shares a name with Alice's late sister).

As with many of these types of thrillers, there's a cast full of mostly unlikable characters and a bunch of somewhat interchangeable neighbors. Alice forms an odd bond with a Private Investigator, Thomas, who is quickly added to the mix. She seems fast to accuse basically everyone she meets of nearly anything, so I suppose that added to the suspense/red herrings. The book does have a slightly ominous feel, though I think many of her problems would have been solved by simply changing the darn locks!

There are some good twists and the story held my interest once it picked up the pace. However, I'm afraid it will get lost in the swirl of recent locked neighborhood books and not stand out in a few months. 3 stars.

I received a copy of this book from St. Martin's Press and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.
The Secretary
The Secretary
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Day after day, year after year, Christine has been there, invisibleย—watching, listening, absorbing all the secrets floating around her. Keeping them safe.
Christine is trusted. But those years of loyalty and discretion come with a high price. And eventually Christina will pay.
Yet, it would be a mistake to underestimate such a steadfast woman. Because as everyone is about to discover, thereย’s a dangerous line between obedience and obsession...

"The Secretary" is Renee Knight's second novel. This story has an explosive plot and a very surprising twist at the end.
This story revolves and explores the relationship between the employer and the employee. The author has done a fabulous job of exploring the loyalty of an employee to her employer. The story is completely gripping and I was glued to it.
The characters are completely and utterly convincing and I developed a love/hate relationship with them.
The underlying tension is apparent from the start and it just adds to the suspense going forward.
Some may call this a slow burn but I felt the pace of the story is just perfect. This is an intelligent, twisted, psychological thriller.
Very believable characters and brilliant plot! Perfect story in my opinion.
Highly Recommend!

My thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Random House UK for a copy of this novel in exchange for a fair review.
The Ice Twins
S.K. Tremayne | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Angus and Sarah Moorcraft are struggling to keep their marriage in tact after the tragic death of one of their twin daughters. To escape from the memories of the incident and to hopefully push past other issues including alcoholism and infidelity, they move to an isolated lighthouse on an island just off the coast of Scotland, which Angus inherited from his grandmother. It starts promisingly enough for the family, until it becomes apparent that their surviving twin, Kirstie, is very likely Lydia, whom they thought had died. Things begin to spiral further out of control as their daughter appears to be being haunted by her dead sister (whichever one that may be) and both parents begin to go a bit crazy, Sarah especially. Secrets get revealed that threaten to shatter the already fragile balance they're maintaining until finally the truth about the accident comes out. The concept is pretty creepy and the setting is perfect for it. The characters aren't exactly likable, but no one is really as contemptuous as some recent "protagonists" in other novels, which makes it easier to root for them. Once things really get rolling, the twists come out pretty fast and furious and the suspense builds to a somewhat shocking conclusion. Unlikely to be the thriller of the year, but a very entertaining read that is perfect for the Halloween season.
The Perfect Mother
The Perfect Mother
Caroline Mitchell | 2020 | Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
โ€I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Caroline Mitchell has done it again. Her latest thriller, The Perfect Mother, is a stand-alone novel and not part of the DI Amy Winter series I enjoy.

In The Perfect Mother, Caroline Mitchell introduces us to Roz, a single, pregnant woman from Ireland who is not ready to be a mother. She is determined to do the right thing for her baby and joins an expensive, elite adoption service. She is thrilled when a secretive power couple is interested in raising her baby as their own. What starts as a dream come true quickly turns into a nightmare.

Once again, while reading a book by Caroline Mitchell, I stayed up way too late because I could not find a place to stop reading. I kept reading until the end. I was exhausted at work the next day but the book was worth it.

It started off as a slow burn but quickly picked up speed and went flying. It is a tense book that made me cheer and feel for the main character and her unborn child. Once Roz moves to NY the story does not twist and turn but is a solid line of suspense until the very end.

This 200-word review was published on on 2/2/20.