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KyleQ (267 KP) rated Halloween (2018) in Movies

Jul 20, 2020  
Halloween (2018)
Halloween (2018)
2018 | Horror
I wanted to like it.
Ignoring every entry other than Carpenter's original, 2018's Halloween attempts to reboot the Franchise in anew direction.
Oddly enough, comedian Danny McBride was a writer, while director David Gordon Green (Pineapple Express) directed.

I blame much of my distaste on their overhyping it. They said this would be a slower movie focused on creating suspense ala the original.
In reality, this more than tripled the body count, even surpassing Rob Zombie's remake which was 10 minutes longer.
From the get-go, Michael just wanders about killing people, at one point we just follow him walking down a street randomly killing people. This has more senseless violence then Zombie's outings.

Another thing I didn't like was that, with this only following the original in which after escaping, he killed 4 people. It doesn't make sense that he would be this popular legend still talked about 40 years later.
Also, victims are idiots, it's no shock who gets killed. Honestly, Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis) was the only likable character, and even she pushed it a bit.

For positives, Carpenter's score was great, I liked some of the camera work. Intro credits were cool, throwing back to the original. And Curtis was good returning as Laurie Strode.

I really wanted to like 2018's Halloween, but it lacked suspense, characters were dumb, it felt more like a senseless action/comedy than horror. This would've fit the Friday the 13th franchise better. I really hope that the sequels are better.
47 Meters Down: Uncaged (2019)
47 Meters Down: Uncaged (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
I love shark movies as much as the next guy. But this is poor by anyones anyones standard. It's slow to start with little to nothing happening and uninteresting characters. By the time they get to the "suspense" I'm already bored, I'm waiting for an oversized tooth fest of glorious sharkness. But what is delivered is sub par, new character shows up to immediately be taken out. Also the amount these 4 girls scream and heavy breather youd think they would be out of oxygen in 5 minutes. But carrying on they engage more drama being trapped under water with less oxygen than they started, exciting. So to provide suspense they find a safe pocket of air and one girl goes off to find help. Classic of course, so she finds a new character, who is immediately taken out. Seems the movie has a theme going here. Moving on they try to escape the cave systems and eventually find the dad character and they're gonna escape. But wait, pointless selfishness overcomes the group as the one individual who started the problems then costs them their chance to escape and the only saving grace is she dies as a result. After that there are some more unbelievable deaths, I suppose they're meant to shock you but honestly they're so daft it's just confusing an pointless. The ending is the best part they're saved no they're not they're saved etc and she fights a shark with a shark tooth. Otherwise its dull drawn out and predictable. Would not recommend.