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Jamie (131 KP) rated Little Lies in Books

Jul 26, 2017  
Little Lies
Little Lies
Heather Gudenkauf | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Short with an intriguing premise (0 more)
Extremely predictable (2 more)
Unlikeable main character
Poor representation of social workers
The worst social worker ever
What bothered me the most about this book was how poor of a representation Ellen Moore is of a social worker. Just think, if it was you or your own children that were involved in a case, would you want the CPS worker talking to other people idly about it? Carelessly giving personal information out even years after the case has been closed? Of course not. It would go against the code of ethics. A considerable portion of the story involved Ellen discussing a previous case involving a now grown child to multiple people, some that were involved in the case and some not. Then there’s the added bonus that Ellen ends up investigating a murder right along with buddy cop, adding her own opinions and speculations on the case without doing any actual police work. One of her theories involved said child from a previous case, which is quite frankly ridiculous and a serious violation of the code. I personally found this portrayal of social workers to be incredibly irresponsible.

I also wasn’t digging the pseudo romance between Ellen and the police officer. Ellen is supposed to be happily married with children, yet keeps going back to how she’s sure that mister cop is sweet on her, and how awkward it is even though they’re close friends. I rolled my eyes when she felt guilty not telling her husband about the not date at a diner to look at crime scene photos and discuss a case. This extra bit of fluff just made Ellen’s character more of an annoyance to me.

The plot tries really hard to set up a classic bait and switch in order to throw readers off the trail and make the reveal at the end that much more surprising and exciting, but it was so painfully obvious it just seemed amateurish. A let down, really, considering how much I loved one of Gudenkauf’s previous works, The Weight of Silence. This story felt so shallow in comparison. Taking it as an introduction to the characters in Little Mercies, well, I’m not sure if I’d want to pick up the full length novel after reading this and that’s a shame. Overall, this little novella was disappointing and could easily be skipped.
Fade Out (Morganville Vampires #7)
Fade Out (Morganville Vampires #7)
Rachel Caine | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Yet another good addition to the Morganville Vampires series, Fade Out is all about entertainment, but with a sinister twist. Eve wins a major part in the town's production of Tennessee Williams' A Street Car Named Desire and Claire's quirky boss, Myrnin, seems to have gained his sanity. But underneath this calm surface, rebellion is simmering while Amelie grieves, Ada-the-computer has it in for Claire, and the other goth chick in town, Kim, has less-than-honest designs for Morganville with a suspicious film project in the works.
Claire seems to have worked out a truce with her parents, which I liked since they just seem to get in the way. Her relationship with Shane is adorable and sweet, and I love their loyalty to each other even as they navigate the familiar territory of new romance. In contrast, Eve and Michael have hit a major bump in the road that I saw coming several books back - and I'm still a little annoyed that we don't get more details from Eve's perspective.
Myrnin has to be my favorite character in the series. Even as a sane individual, he is still incredibly unique - from his fashion sense, to the unexpected things he randomly spouts, to his mercurial behavior and unpredictable loyalties among the town's inhabitants. What develops with Ada's subplot in the book shows that beneath the vampire still lurks some humanity, and he obviously has many more secrets that have yet to be revealed.
Amelie grieves for the loss of Sam, and the way she randomly appears in Claire's day-to-day life during this period of stark vulnerability is equal parts mystifying and encouraging. While the downside of this is that the rebellious factions feel stronger, the upside is that the readers gets to see some of the characteristics typical only to humans show themselves in Amelie.
As for Claire herself, Shane makes an observation about her that I think sums her up quite nicely. Some people come to Morganville and disappear, but when Claire came to Morganville, she began to thrive.
Every time I pick up one of the books in this series, I simply can not stop reading until I've finished it - always the perfect blend of suspense, mystery, and supernatural elements to keep me hooked.
A Hope Undaunted (Winds of Change, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*This review is from my blog and originally published in 2010*

Okay. Let me start this review with SHAME ON ME! Why? Because, sweet saints, I haven’t ever read a Julie Lessman novel until this one and I most definitely should have been reading her books already! She is absolutely FANTABULOUS! The power that Julie has over her readers when they open the first page is mind-blowingly INCREDIBLE!

In A Hope Undaunted, Julie combines tenderness and passion with wit and God’s love, to create a romance story set in the 1920’s that will carry you away and leave you utterly breathless. Katie O’Connor was such an amazing young woman….thinking she had her life all planned out for herself. That is until she encounters a very handsome “soda jerk” by the name of Luke. Luke “Cluny” McGee, the boy she hated as a child, has been chiseled into a stunningly remarkable character. (Julie, can you send him my way, please?!) So, that leaves Katie with a choice….to follow HER hopes and choices, or God’s hopes and choices for her life. A beautifully created plot line!

For years, I’ve collected The Queen of Christian Fiction, Karen Kingsbury’s books, including true crime novels she wrote prior to her Christian work, and the ones that are under her pen name, but after reading this breathtaking, passionate story of a hope undaunted and a love that’s pure, Julie Lessman has earned a spot on my favorite authors list at the very top, pushing Karen Kingsbury down one. It takes an absolutely fantastic author to do that because I’ve held Karen Kingsbury at the top of my list for years! I’m still in awe and savoring this unforgettable story and it’s characters!

So, what you waiting for?! Don’t be a ninny like myself , who waited TOO long to read her work. GO GET A COPY OF A HOPE UNDAUNTED RIGHT NOW! You will instantly fall in love with the people in this book as they crawl in and take over your heart. Worthy of 1,005 stars, this 5 star book is a MUST read for everyone! Thank you, Julie, for creating a story full of passion, history and a breathtaking plot….it’s what I was needing and looking for! Now, I anxiously await the release of book 2, A Heart Revealed, in the Winds of Change series!
Once And For All
Once And For All
Sarah Dessen | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Louna is the daughter of a single mother, Natalie Barrett. Natalie runs a famous wedding planning business with her friend William. Together--often with Louna's assistance--they help frantic brides have the perfect day. But Louna, Natalie, and William are a cynical trio: so much that they even take bets on the success of each wedding after every affair is over and they're cleaning up. Louna has another reason to be cynical: she met her true love the previous summer, but it ended tragically. After graduating high school, she's just trying to get through her last summer and head off to college. Standing in her way: charming Ambrose, the brother of one of her mother's clients. Natalie takes on Ambrose as an employee to appease her client, so Louna is stuck with cheery, serial-dater Ambrose. But the more time she spends with him, the less he starts to bother her...

<i>I was surprisingly charmed by this novel.</i> It's predictable, but in a good way. You know what you get with a Dessen novel, and this book came along at a good time for me. It's more serious than expected (I won't spoil that plot twist for you) but also <i>breezy and sweet at times.</i> Louna is a likeable heroine--flawed, complicated, real. The supporting cast of characters is humorous and realistic: Louna's best friend Jilly, whose parents have a food truck business and saddle Jilly with her many younger siblings; William, with his bride-whisperer tendencies; Natalie, and her rigid obsession with her business; and girl-crazy Ambrose, who verges on stereotype, but manages not to. The book also gives you a fun look into the wedding business, which is sort of enjoyable and lets you see how most of our characters deal with stress.

Overall, <i>this is an engaging novel, with serious undertones.</i> It's a quick read, powered by an enjoyable cast of characters. While there are some dark moments that may surprise you, the romance probably won't. But there's nothing necessarily wrong with that sometimes. :)

You can find my review of Dessen's novel SAINT ANYTHING <a href="">here</a>;.

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Dance Over Me
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, my first that I NEED to see 42nd Street! As a lover of all things theatre, I can't believe that I haven't seen it yet. Speaking of theatre, I simply adored all the stage talk in this book! It has been so long since I have been on the stage, but I felt like I was right there with Dani. The pre-show nerves, the excitement and thrill of a live audience, the relief when the final curtain falls. But OH...Drama, drama, drama!!! Unfortunately, the theatre world can be brutal and harsh (thankfully not MY experience), and Candee did a wonderful job of portraying that, even if it did make me want to go out and purse whomp some people. (Thank you Reading is my SuperPower for the inspiration.) The romance is clean and oh, so sweet. Candee built the suspense perfectly, and Alex is such a gentleman! I too, am a dancer, and I found Dani's expression of her heart through dance bringing me to tears. It has been too long since I have danced, since I have truly expressed myself in the arts, and too long since I have let my Heavenly Father dance over me. (This is something that will hopefully be remedied before too long.) Dani's story is a good reminder to trust the Lord to fight our battles for us. While I do think we need to stand up for ourselves, it is not our place to fight for revenge. And through all of this, Dani was trying to kick down doors to find her brother, when all along the Lord was simply wanting her to trust Him to open the doors. You will just have to read the book to see if she walks through the doors He opens...Dance Over Me is written strictly from Dani's viewpoint, in third person. I found that it made the story very easy to follow and truly let me live inside Dani's brain. Dance Over Me had me on the edge of my seat for the whole TWO days that it took me to read this book, it is THAT good. Beautifully written and a captivating storyline, you definitely do not want to miss this one.

I received a free copy of Dance Over Me from the author in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Natalie Swain (4 KP) rated Everless in Books

Jan 4, 2019  
Sara Holland | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everless by Sara Holland.

It tells the story of Jules, a 17 year old girl who is desperately trying to find a way to help her father pay his debts. A very common troupe in YA but in Everless there is a new and interesting system.

You pay with your life. You bleed onto an iron coin - lets say you give up a year of your life. Bleed it onto the coin and the person taking the coin eats/drinks it and they gain that year you gave up. So naturally the rich live long and the poor die early.

Jules gets the chance to work in Everless and after her father repeatedly telling her no and it's too dangerous - she still goes.
She reminds of Ariel who defies her father but at the same time - she's 16. He knows way more about life than you!

Jules sounds like a 12 year old girl. The way it was written made her sound very young and immature and my issue is, is that it was a lot of tell and not much show. There was a lot of info dump at the beginning of the book and I didn't really connect with Jules or feel sorry for her situation because I felt nothing towards her.

When a situation in Everless means that she should and could leave she refuses to.
Jules NEEDS to know the answers to the secrets surrounding her.

“Maybe I am a mystery— a secret— that needs unravelling...”

Her character moved forward on emotion and not using her intellect. So she often got herself in situations that she shouldn't be in.

Now the romance!
There is Roan and Liam Gerling two brothers who are are very different.
Roan is the typical sweet guy who is apparently kind to everyone.
And then there is Liam - the brooding secretive guy that Jules "hates," and everybody else "hates"

It becomes clear that both men are not what they seem but Jules ignores all the signs and only follows what her heart is telling her.

Things seem straightforward and the secrets seem obvious but there was genuine surprises.
However that being said, it's a great mystery and there's still so much more intrigue and I am excited to be reading the next book very soon!

Natalie xoxo

Midge (525 KP) rated The Paris Apartment (Love Nests, #1) in Books

Dec 10, 2018 (Updated Dec 21, 2018)  
The Paris Apartment (Love Nests, #1)
The Paris Apartment (Love Nests, #1)
Sophia Karlson | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Take a twenty-four-year-old beautiful virgin and a hot, hugely successful, hunky chap in a minimally furnished apartment in the centre of Paris, the most romantic city in the world and you've got an incredibly sexy and romantic read!

James Sinclair, a successful trader keeps his busy life uncomplicated. Work is about all he has time for. Imagine his surprise when he returns to his Paris apartment to find his little sister’s best friend, Mila Johnson, in his bed. One night of fooling around opens a Pandora’s box which Mila just wants to pry open wider, whereas James just wants to keep the lid on tight. Mila is sweet and innocent and no way is he going to expose her to the real James Sinclair. As his relationship status changes to complicated, James struggles to keep control over his past and his heart. Mila’s teenage fantasy is still larger than life, but James swings between hot and cold. Now that she has him between the sheets, Mila will do anything to keep him there.

Mila Johnson and James Sinclair haven't seen each other for more than twelve years, and when they accidentally meet up again, there is an intense attraction between the two of them. Mila has escaped her narrow-minded parents and limiting family life for two weeks of freedom in Paris, ready to explore the exciting and vibrant City. Then James turns up, her best friend's older brother crush, sexy, broody, full of dark secrets and a man of the world...

Right from the start, this is a phenomenally sexy and incredibly exciting read, with beautifully descriptive love scenes. I loved the chemistry between the two main characters.

"His heart was jolting, his pulse irregular as his eyes glimmered at her, taking in her beautiful face, the even complexion of her untainted skin, her eyes big and wide, accentuated by the dark-rimmed glasses that she wore. Those eyes were something else, and the way she looked at him he wanted to tug off her glasses, lean over the table and kiss her lips. Mark her."

But all is not rosy as there are dark moments and plenty of sordid secrets, too. I enjoyed every moment of The Paris Apartment.

This romance by Sophia Karlson makes for an easy, escapist and thrilling read.

Many thanks to Backlit PR and Netgalley for this ARC.
Finding Mr. Wrong
Finding Mr. Wrong
Charlie Cochet | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Finding Mr. Wrong starts off with Matthew having a near-death experience. He is the very successful owner of the family run firm Hart & Home. However, he isn't sure about his cousin, who is coming up with very strange ideas. Following his experience, he speaks to his best friend/PA, Adam, and they decide he is going to find Mr Right. They put down a few things, and then Adam wangles the story out of 'the one that got away'. It is obvious that Matthew has never got over this. Circumstances (and people) conspire, and Matthew and Jax end up meeting again. Jax can't believe his eyes, whilst Matthew is spitting feathers he is so angry. Don't worry, they do work it out... for a while at least.

This story just swept you along, and I thoroughly enjoyed every word. Charlie Cochet is an amazing author, and I have yet to read anything by her that I didn't like. There are a couple of side stories that help to make this the enjoyable read that it is - one is Jax's dad, and the other is Adam. Now, I won't say too much about Jax's dad (Dale), as I feel you should really read it and make up your own mind. As for me, I would say that Jax is a saint, and I honestly don't know if I could have done that. As for Adam, I really REALLY want to know his story. He comes across as very sweet and caring, but he has a history. I know he does. I just don't know what it is just yet. He knew immediately what Rai did for a living, whereas I didn't have a clue! He knows what it's like to be without money too. I really need to know!

With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this is one contemporary M/M romance that I have no hesitation in recommending. With humour, grit, action, misunderstandings, and a little twist that I never saw coming at the end, this was absolutely wonderful. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Audrey Coulthurst | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As I mentioned on Friday, this book is the prequel to Of Fire and Stars, so I read it first, even though it was published second. I prefer to read in chronological order when I can.

Inkmistress follows Asra, a demigod of unknown parentage, as she first follows and then is chased by her lover-turned-dragon who is intent on vengeance for the destruction of her village. Her lover, Ina, is convinced it is the King's fault that the village was destroyed, as he's been letting bandits roam over the outer reaches of his kingdom unchecked. So after taking on the form of a dragon, she's off to kill him to avenge her family. Asra is trying to talk Ina out of it, and chases her across the country, from their remote mountain to the inner forests and cities.

I really love Asra. Ina's kind of a bitch, but Asra is loving and funny and just an awesome person, fighting to protect herself and those she loves, even as those she loves evolve and change past what she can hold onto. Her magic takes a terrible price if she uses it, both on her and on the rest of the world. She has to wrestle with so many unknowns - her parentage, her magic, the world off her mountain, politics, other demigods - and somehow she manages to land on her feet. (Though not without help!)

The romance is sweet, and I love the emphasis on chosen families. Both Asra and Ina appear to be bisexual, which also doesn't appear to be unusual in this world. Reviews of Of Fire and Stars complain about the lack of worldbuilding, which is NOT a problem in this book. Perhaps I'll have an easier time having read this book first; which is a bit of a problem - you shouldn't have to read a prequel to understand the setting of the first book in a series! It does make me glad I'm reading them in this order, though.

I really loved this book. The urgency of the chase really came through in the story - Asra had to get to certain places and get certain things done before certain times, and obstacles thrown in her way made you worry she wouldn't get things done in time. It was well-written, with good character development of Asra, at least, and great world-building.

You can find all my reviews at
Christmas at Tiffany&#039;s
Christmas at Tiffany's
Karen Swan | 2011 | Romance, Travel
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Light hearted (1 more)
Easy Read
Slightly Predictable (0 more)
Power to the women!
Contains spoilers, click to show
This book was recommended to me by a friend and I wasn’t sure what to expect. The whole time I was reading it, anyone that saw the book in my hands would ask ‘is that similar to ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s?’ The short answer to that is no, not even close.

I must admit that I was quite confused by the start of the book and the prologue could have been explained a bit better. The story is focalised through Cassie who is celebrating 10 years of marriage with her husband. 3 of her friends have come to visit her in order to celebrate this ‘achievement’. However, things quickly turn sour and it’s revealed that her husband has been having an affair with her best friend and they even have a child together. Her 3 visitors whisk her away and it is agreed that she will spend 4 months with each of them in order to find herself again. She will have to find her feet in New York, Paris and then London (it can’t be all bad!).

This novel shows you a journey of a woman who has always depended on her relationship and who gains her independence and finds what she truly wants. Granted, there are parts that are incredibly cheesy but I think that is part of the beauty of it. It’s a predictable feel-good book but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

As a woman, it has inspired and reminded me that relationships aren’t everything and a happily ever after can come at any moment. The novel excites you as the prospect of a new and better relationship unfolds for Cassie. Swan takes you into this world where anything is possible even for a woman with a broken heart.

This book doesn’t just appeal to women that have had their heart broken but also those that love to travel. It highlights different things to do in the three locations and makes you feel inspired to go and see these for yourself. It is a bitter sweet romance novel and I’m just waiting to find my own version of Henry.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read and something that I could happily pick up again. I must admit, I’m surprised that they have made an adaptation of this novel. It would be an ultimate chick flick!