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The Pawn and the Puppet (Book 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Comes with some pretty heavy trigger warnings so please check before reading.

105 of 235
The Pawn and the Puppet (Book 1)
By Brandi Elise Szeker

The Emerald Lake Asylum is not a place most desire to go. Nineteen-year-old, Skylenna, however, made a promise that she must keep. Once hired, she only has one purpose—prove to the council that barbaric treatments, such as waterboarding, scalding baths, and beatings, are no longer the answer. But that all takes pause when she meets the source of terror in the asylum. A patient with a split personality—on one side, he’s the bloodthirsty genius, Dessin. On the other, a hidden persona that is buried deep in his subconscious.

When Dessin is caught in an attempted cell break, he faces execution if Skylenna can’t bring out his core personality and reveal his humanity. She has ninety days to save his life, and the only way to do that is to let him consume her into his world of moves, counter-moves, and master puppeteering.

With each passing day, their bond deepens, a forbidden attraction forming against her best judgments. Little by little, Skylenna uncovers the sinister secrets of his past that turned him into the monster everyone else fears. And Dessin proves to have one weakness despite the terrifying, indestructible persona he presents to the world: her.

I can and will only ever review a book based on how I find it! I never read the drama surrounding it or the author so here goes. Was I hooked? Yes. Did I enjoy the world building ? Yes. Did I find the characters interesting? Yes. So this is why it’s a 5⭐️ for me I didn’t want to put it down I really can’t wait for book 2.
What Kind of Girl
What Kind of Girl
Alyssa B. Sheinmel | 2020 | Crime, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The rumors spread quickly at North Bay Academy. Popular track star Mike Parker's girlfriend has accused him of hitting her. She even told the principal. But, they wonder, why not the police? Why did she wait so long to tell? Why hasn't Mike been expelled? Some students at the school want to hold a rally--to expel Mike. But others aren't so quick to believe his girlfriend.

"But (of course), by lunchtime everyone at school knows, as easily and quickly as if they'd announced it over the loudspeaker: Sad Girl accuses Golden Boy of abuse."

This was an interesting book. It tackles a lot of heavy subjects within its pages. It also presents an intriguing format. The beginning of the book is told via archetypes: think popular girl; nerd; sad girl; the girlfriend, etc. It's a strange, almost gimmicky, format and meant it took some time for me to warm to any of the characters (especially since you don't know their names). Over time, the book grew on me, but it was hard to overcome that slow start.

There's so much going on in this one. Abuse, self-harm, drug use, mental health, eating disorders, and more. Please keep this in mind in terms of trigger warnings. I applaud Sheinmel and all she takes on. It's a very brave book, and the characters have a lot of depth. I think it might have had even more if the book maybe shortened its focus on just a few issues, versus trying to take on so many. Still, it's a very relevant story, and you can't help but appreciate how it tackles such big themes and emotions. I can see how it would be helpful to young adults. Even I found myself identifying with one of the characters and growing to root for all of them. 3.5 stars; rounded to four here for the powerful topics and messaging.
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (Hercule Poirot #4)
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (Hercule Poirot #4)
Agatha Christie | 2006 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not my favorite novel
You can also find this review on my blog at
TRIGGER WARNINGS: death, murder, talk of suicide

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd follows detective Hercule Poirot as he investigates the murder of Roger Ackroyd. Ackroyd was murdered in his study that was locked, but not before he received a letter from the person that was blackmailing the widow he was having an affair with. This same widow was being blackmailed and rumors spread about her murdering her own husband. She ends up committing suicide because of these rumors and blackmailing.

King's Abbot is full of suspects but it's up to Hercule Poirot to figure out who is guilty of murdering Roger Ackroyd. He is aided by the village doctor and narrator of the story, James Sheppard and his sister, Caroline Sheppard.

I really wanted to love this novel, as it seemed really interesting. It didn't get interesting until the very ending and I wouldn't recommend reading this book first if you've never read an Agatha Christie novel. This was the first ever novel I've read by Agatha Christie and I'm just not really bothered to read any more novels by Agatha Christie.

The story was somewhat interesting, but the execution wasn't there. I wasn't able to guess the killer, so that was a fun little plot twist. But the ending came abruptly and the overall story lacked. It lacked that punch that most mysteries have. There was hardly any development and background for both the story and the characters.

I listened to the audiobook version of this so I wasn't sure if there wasn't any grammatical and/or spelling errors. The narrator was a bit monotone but was otherwise a decent speaker. I forced myself through this, when all I wanted to do was DNF it. It lacked, was confusing, and was rather boring. I did not enjoy this and was disappointed with the overall story.

"The things young women read nowadays and profess to enjoy positively frighten me."
Max Einstein: the Genius Experiment
Max Einstein: the Genius Experiment
James Patterson, Chris Grabenstein | 2018 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
fast-paced (2 more)
adventure packed
great lessons for young and old
Everybody should read this!
You can also find this review on my blog:
TRIGGER WARNINGS: a bit of violence, anger issues, absent parent(s), manipulation, attempted kidnapping

Okay, I don’t typically read middle grade novels but this series seriously makes me want to start! I loved and devoured every second of Max Einstein’s story. When I finished, I craved more. I really hope this is longer than a two (2) book series as I really love Max Einstein’s kick ass heroine character.

I’ve not read much, if anything (?), by James Patterson and his writing really drew me into the story. I was not disappointed one bit! One thing I really loved about this series, is that Max Einstein was portrayed in a way that she could be a role model to not only those younger than her but to the elder crowd as well. James Patterson wrote Max in a way that empowers the reader to think and act on their actions and in the world in a positive way.

The main character, Max, was portrayed to be open-minded, confident, ambitious, observant, thoughtful, and a genius child. She’s not used to having friends and working on a team is something new she works through. But the way the team put their differences behind them and came together to save the world was pure bliss!

Another thing I enjoyed was all the Albert Einstein quotes and the math/science lessons that were taught throughout. There were also villains added to the story, to give it the thriller vibe. IT WORKED! The Genius Experiment was fast-paced, a page turner, humorous, extremely easy to read, and promoted teamwork.

I highly recommend to everyone to read this crazy novel!

“The world is more threatened by those who tolerate evil or support it than by the evildoers themselves.”
Max Einstein: Rebels with a Cause
Max Einstein: Rebels with a Cause
James Patterson, Chris Grabenstein | 2019 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
fast-paced (2 more)
adventure packed
lessons that are taught within
Amazing sequel to Max Einstein: the Genius Experiment
You can also find this review on my blog:

TRIGGER WARNINGS: a bit of violence, anger issues, absent parent(s), manipulation, kidnapping

Rebels with a Cause is book two (2) of the Max Einstein series and it was just as great as book one (1)! The adventures that were packed into this little novel along side Max Einstein still being a great role model was seriously so refreshing.

In Rebels with a Cause, we get to see more of Max thinking on her feet and implementing crazy plans to save not only herself, but her team and the world as well. You also learn more about the villains in this novel, which made for an interesting addition to the plot!

Again, James Patterson really knows how to write a captivating story that is not only well-written but fast-paces as well. There are more math/science lessons in Rebels with a Cause and I really enjoyed that they were applied to real life problems. The way that each were explained were written in an extremely easy to understand way so that the reader, young or old, can know what is being put into the solution.

The task that Max and her team were given to fix was a water crisis and I really loved that this was the main problem in the story. Having clean water available to all is a real world crisis. Water is an extremely important part of the human survival and this topic really hit the spot while reading. James wrote Rebels with a Cause again with a fast-paced, adventure packed, and informative nature. I highly recommend to all!

"I believe that Ghandi's views were the most enlightened among all the political men of our time. We should strive to do things in his spirit; not to use violence in fighting for a cause, but by non-participation and what we believe is evil. - Albert Einstein”
Victims for Sale
Victims for Sale
Nish Amarnath | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A good, solid, “Creepy” thriller
This caught my eye when I saw MMB Tours host a “ bookstagram” tour some time ago and was intrigued. I need more thrillers in my repertoire and I do enjoy reading lesser known authors.

It has been quite some time since I was creeped out by a book!

This was purely down to the premise, which was superb, (maybe not the right choice of word considering) and something I have not read in a thriller before. Nish tackles human trafficking and exploitation on a whole new level. Focusing on girls who are intellectually disabled in the care system and their subsequent offspring.

Nish also provides an interesting insight into cultural and generational issues within the confines of an Indian family living in London.

It did take me a while to get into the story as I had trouble following the timeline and characters, it jumped ahead at times and on occasion I had to go back a couple of pages to make sure I hadn’t missed anything. This however did not detract from the plot itself.

The plot was full of twists and turns and had me guessing right through to the end, which is always a a win for me. Nish crammed a lot into 336 pages, so I did find the ending crept up on me a little too quickly. Perhaps had this been maybe a 500 pager this would not have been the case.

Nish’s prose is without a doubt first class and you can clearly see her journalistic skill set shining through. However she could have relaxed it a little as the narrative was very formal in parts, but again I must stress that this did not distract from the story and is merely an opinion.

All in all Victims for Sale by Nish Amarnath was a good, solid, “creepy” thriller that should not be passed up!

Please note that this does come with trigger warnings, so hit me up if you are inclined to be effected by certain material
A Star to Sail By
A Star to Sail By
Joy Lynn Fielding | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved being kept on my toes!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Crispin wanted to be in the Navy, and now he finds himself on a pirate ship, helping them. But these pirates aren't like anything he heard about and Billy, especially, calls to him for reasons he can't figure out. Billy knows though, and it takes a storm to bring them finally to admit to each other what they could be.

What I especially liked about this, was being kept on my toes!

We are aware that something happened to Crispin to mean he is surviving on a merchant ship, and is no longer in the Royal Navy, but not WHY. We know Billy hates Naval officers, but not WHY. And we get the answers to both almost at the same time. Very different reasons, but equally devastating to them. I'm not going to go into it, for spoilers, but difficult reading, Billy's especially. Be mindful of the trigger warnings on this book.

It's not especially explicit, but I didn't mind that here. It's more about the feeling these two men have for each other, and knowing that they can be together, in this time, and be safe.

It is, however, quite violent. These pirates are their behaviours, but things happen and then Crispin and Billy are dealt a nasty blow. The level of violence is not graphic, though it does carry some detailed descriptions of punishments and the aftermath. Also, the reason Billy hates Naval officers is described in some detail.

It's not a complicated read, and I found I read it faster than I normally would for a book of this length, some 370 pages.

First I've read of this author, I like the way she spins her tales. I'll certainly read more by this author.

A very enjoyable, 4 star read

*same worded review will appear elsewhere