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A Multitude of Dreams
Mara Rutherford | 2023 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger Warnings: plague, death, blood, racism, murder, self harm, genocide, survivors guilt

A Multitude of Dreams is a reimagining of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death. Four years ago, King Stuart gathered his royals, noblemen, and daughters and locked them into the safety of the castle walls. Every window was boarded up and every door sealed shut - all to protect those within of the horrible mori roja plague ravaging the land outside.

Told in third person, this novel follows Seraphina, a Jewish girl, who is also the (fake) Princess Imogene, and Nico, who once lived a comfortable life but now works for Lord Crane, the man who saved his life after he lost everything. When Lord Crane sends Nico and two others on the search for survivors, Nico meets a princess who wants out. But both are living in giant webs of lies and deception that they must unravel if they’re going to survive.

I wanted this title because I read The Poison Season and I really enjoyed it. So, when I saw Mara Rutherford had another YA novel coming out, I immediately put it on my TBR list. It’s also listed as Fantasy Gothic and
I was all about it and also the cover - like, I love it!

There were a few twists in here I didn’t quite see right away, which was nice. And, even some of the ones that I did see coming, I still enjoyed Rutherford’s storytelling and it kept me interested. And yes, there is some romance in this, but it wasn’t the main focus of the story - surviving and getting out of the castle was.

Overall, I would recommend this to anyone who’s in need of a good gothic fantasy with a hidden identity, Jewish representation, a masquerade, and the fight of survival.

*Thank you Inkyard Press and BookishFirst for a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review

Ali A (78 KP) rated Chaos & Flame in Books

Jun 7, 2023  
Chaos & Flame
Chaos & Flame
Justina Ireland, Tessa Gratton | 2023 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger Warnings: Misgendering, genocide (off page, but discussed), poison, knife violence, blood & gore, graphic violence, war, death

Written in the alternating points of views of Darling Seabreak and Talon Goldhoard, Chaos & Flame tells the story of the two navigating House politics while also being caught up in the High Prince Regent’s unknown scheme as they tour around the kingdom to the other Houses.

This book took me a while to get into it - it’s slow to start, but by the end of it, I was invested in what was happening with the characters, so I will be picking up the second book in this duology. I'm very curious to see how the authors are planning on bringing out more with the boons and if those will change with what could be happening in the second book.

I was really interested in Caspian’s character and wish I knew more about what was going on in his head since everyone just marked him as “being mad” when in fact, he just had a whole other agenda.

I do wish we had more history of the world. The world building was fantastic but I felt like 100 years isn’t a whole lot to have passed since the last phoenix was alive and that even with that, there should still be people around who were alive back then - wouldn’t they know more and have maybe some insight?

I wasn’t the biggest fan of the insta-love between Darling and Talon, but it is YA and that’s typical YA romance so I’m not complaining all too much to be honest with you.

Overall, it was a slow build up to a good read and that I’m excited to continue reading when the next book in the series comes out (please don’t be too long!).

*Thank you Razorbill and BookishFirst for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
Gabriel (Legacy Ranch #2)
Gabriel (Legacy Ranch #2)
RJ Scott | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gabriel (Legacy Ranch #2) by R.J. Scott
Gabriel is the second book in the Legacy Ranch series, and we find out a bit more about the young man who cried at the trial that happened in book one. His life hasn't been a good one so far, but he is broken enough that he thinks it is just fine. He lives with his pimp, Stefan, who controls every aspect of his life, and makes Gabriel pay for any misdemeanours that Stefan thinks has happened, or that he has just made up because he's not having a good day. Stefan has managed to get into Gabriel's mind and twist things around so that Gabriel is actually thankful for all that Stefan does for him.

Cam, on the other hand, appears to have it all. He runs a successful hotel, has plenty of money, and even has a bodyguard. Things must be good, right? Wrong! Cam's family, with the odd exception, are a bunch of BEEP, condescending, BEEP, know-it-alls, who think that just because Cam is losing his sight, he must be losing all of his faculties too. His father, well, enough said about him!

Cam and Gabriel end up together on a purely business level. Cam needs someone to pretend to be with him, Gabriel wants the money. However, feelings quickly become involved, and then it's anyone's guess. Six tries to tell Cam not to get involved, but Cam pays no attention. Their road is anything but smooth, but luckily the folks at Legacy Ranch are there to help... once Gabriel lets them in.

This is a dark book, with dark topics and it's not a HEA situation full of rainbows and glitter. This is hard, and horrible, and may be a trigger book for some readers. There is light at the end of the tunnel for Gabriel though, and I really hope that he will feature in the next book, just so I can see what progress he's made.

Gabriel is extremely well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. Like I've already said, it's not an easy book to read, but it is definitely worth it. I would also say that it isn't fully necessary to have read book one in this series, or indeed the Texas series which is where we first meet Jack and Riley. This book does stand on it's own merit, but personally I would recommend reading Kyle at the minimum, just to give you a feeling of what the Legacy Ranch series is about.

If you like your M/M Romance with angst, then I can definitely recommend this book/series. Just remember the trigger warnings!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Becs (244 KP) rated Chambers in TV

Jun 6, 2019  
2019 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (14 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Interesting and very intriguing
Trigger Warnings: talk of rape, drug abuse, torture
When I first put this on, I was just putting it on as background noise while I worked on art. But I ended up becoming drawn into the thriller and mysteriousness of the story.

Chambers begins with the MC, Sasha Yazzie telling her father, Frank, that she is going out to study. But in reality, she's going out with her boyfriend TJ Locklear - in the hopes that she will lose her virginity. The couple goes into a mattress shop to do the deed when Sasha's head starts pounding. She ends up passing out and rushed to the hospital.

Months later, we see the scar from a heart transplant. Sasha had a heart attack, which was very random and rare. She is miserable from missing a ton of school, having to be on anti-rejection pills for the rest of her life, and for everyone treating her like a porcelain doll.

One day, she walks into Frank's shop and meets Ben Lefevre who was the father of Becky, the teenage girl who gave Sasha her heart. Sasha is deeply creeped out when Ben asks for Frank and her to come to dinner. But when she goes to refuse, Frank agrees since he empathizes with the family.

When they arrive, Sasha is peppered with questions about her ambitions from Nancy, Becky's mother and snarky comments from Becky's brother, Elliot. The Lefevres tell Sasha that they are taking Becky's college fund and establishing a scholarship that they want her to have. Sasha soon sees a picture of Becky and eventually starts having visions, a major one happens during an Arizona dust storm that forces the Yazzies to stay at the Lefevres' house.

Sasha accepts the scholarship where she attends Becky's old school. This new school is very upper class, I mean it has "nap rooms" and "life coaches" and not all of Becky's old friends are reluctant to be friends. Sasha finds out via a few of Becky's old friends how exactly Becky died, but it doesn't make sense at all. The show continues on with a few twists and turns, a few trigger scenes, and was captivating.

Chambers is an odd yet enthralling show that also gives a foreboding tone. The creator doesn't hide some of the messages you see in the first episode, but it's all things we've seen done before. Like the Lefevres having it all while the Yazzies are a working-class family. The main reason why I kept watching until the very end was the mystery surrounding Becky's death and Rose's performance as Sasha. Throughout the episodes, you can see that Sasha doesn't go around "stopping and smelling the roses" all because she was given another chance to live. She resents the heart and just wants to be a normal teen again. Which is totally understandable. Getting an organ transplant is a hard thing to go through, especially at such a young age like under 17 years old.

If you're into thrilling mysteries that have a bit foreshadowing, I highly recommend Chambers. You can stream it on Netflix!

Merissa (11800 KP) rated Pitch Dark in Books

Sep 15, 2017  
Pitch Dark
Pitch Dark
A.M. Wilson, Alex Grayson | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pitch Dark by A. M. Wilson and Alex Grayson
Pitch Dark is exactly that... dark! It comes with trigger warnings, and the authors even say to contact them before you read if you have any questions. Don't take this lightly!

Niko was best friends with Aislin, and was the only one who didn't believe she had run away. At only fifteen-years-old though, Niko had a hard time getting anyone to believe him, and so Aislin was never found. He never stopped looking for his North though, and even became a police officer so he could carry on. What happens next is twisted and full of red herrings, guaranteed to keep you guessing until the end.

This book is written from different perspectives - Niko's, Lelu's, and sometimes, the big bad. Trust me when I say that it doesn't matter which perspective it is from, it's got some very grim parts in it. Niko is a bit over the top with his anger issues, although you have to see that to appreciate how he softens towards Doe. There was one particular point when my fingers curled, due to how well written a scene was. It turned my stomach, but it was excellent.

Like I said before, there are twists and turns, plus red herrings all thrown at you. You will think that you know who it is, and then you will doubt yourself. I had it right all along, and yet I was still surprised by the ending. At one point, I even convinced myself that a different character hadn't been shot and killed, and it was him doing it - all because the authors said that he wasn't identified due to him not having a face!

Pitch Dark is excellently written and is seamless between the two authors. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disturbed my reading flow. This story was dark and horrible, but it also had hope, and a glimmer of light. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with o requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
One Pink Line
One Pink Line
Dina Silver | 2013 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Feels! (0 more)
A Feel Good Kind of Story
Normally, I'm not a women's fiction kind of person. However, I have been pleasantly surprised with the books I've read in this genre, so I decided to give One Pink Line by Dina Silver a go.

I found the plot and world building of One Pink Line to be very well written and enjoyable. As you can already guess from the title, this book deals with pregnancy and is a very straight forward but sweet story. This also wasn't a very long novel. It was enjoyable to read about Sydney's ups and downs with her pregnancy, and it was interesting to read about how Grace felt about everything from her perspective as well. There weren't any plot twists that I can remember, but this book didn't need any to be good. There also weren't any cliff hangers at the end of the book, and all of my questions were answered.

The characters in One Pink Line were all very enjoyable to read about. As I've said before, I enjoyed reading about how Sydney dealt with her pregnancy as well as her feelings with her life, the pregnancy, and her love life. Grace struggled with learning that the dad she had come to know wasn't actually her biological dad. It was interesting to read things from her point of view as show grows up from a 5th grader to a 22 year old woman. I admired Ethan and how loving he was throughout everything. I also loved Ethan's mom and how doting she was.

I enjoyed the pacing very much in One Pink Line. The story flowed very well, and not once did I find myself becoming bored. In fact, I looked forward to each time I could read more about Sydney's and Grace's life.

Trigger warnings for One Pink Line include some profanity, alcohol use, implied sex, and an unwed pregnancy.

All in all, One Pink Line is a feel good kind of story. It is such a sweet book that will definitely leave you with happy feelings long after you've finished it. I would definitely recommend One Pink Line by Dina Silver to all women aged 16+.
The Last Thing He Told Me
The Last Thing He Told Me
Laura Dave | 2021 | Contemporary, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I read the synopsis for The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave, I was hooked. I knew this book would be one that I would really enjoy judging by the sound of it. I didn't judge wrong!

The Last Thing He Told Me was a definite page turner with a fast paced plot that I loved! I found myself trying to guess why Owen went missing and why Bailey had to be protected. I kept wondering how much Bailey actually knew or was she just an innocent. I also would second guess other characters' intentions throughout the book. I will say I was way off with my guesses about everything. The book does take a bit of an overdramatic turn about half way through, but although it's a bit far fetched, it's still plausible. Dave did a fantastic job with the world building as well. I felt like I was right there beside Hannah and Bailey the whole time. I especially felt like I was with them when they were in Austin, Texas trying to find out what happened to Owen and his whereabouts since Laura Dave described many landmarks within Austin that I've been to and near. There are no cliff-hangers in this book and all my questions were answered, but I was a little saddened by the ending, not because it wasn't written well (because it was written great!), but because of what happens.

I enjoyed the characters in The Last Thing He Told Me very much as they were all very fleshed out and felt realistic. I really loved the family dynamic that eventually develops between Bailey and Hannah. It was interesting seeing them grow closer due to Owen's disappearance. Even the minor characters felt like really people instead of just random characters in a book.

Trigger warnings for The Last Thing He Told Me include embezzlement, profanity, lying, violence, and murder.

Overall, The Last Thing He Told Me has an intriguing plot that will leave you guessing throughout. You'll never know who who is bad or who's good. I would definitely recommend The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave to those aged 16+ who enjoy fast paced mystery thrillers!

Kristy H (1252 KP) Aug 23, 2021

This was a good one! Great review!


Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) Aug 25, 2021

Thanks! I had a book hangover afterwards, haha.