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Holly (1 KP) rated Pestilence in Books

Jul 17, 2018  
Laura Thalassa | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Grey morality (2 more)
Narrative voice
Provoked tears
The cover makes it seem like a dime a dozen romance (1 more)
Never addressed possible Stockholm syndrome
I downloaded this book to my kindle thinking it would be a quick mindless read for my daily commute.

It was not.

This is as a book that moved me to tears on said bus, hoping no one would see me and think I was crazy.

The author has created a world in which you find yourself torn between hating and caring for a mass murderer. She uses the idea of the Four Horseman to highlight both the redeemable and the irredeemable facets of humanity. The writing was very enjoyable, and overall this was a great read possibly because I was expecting a trashy romance and instead got death and disease.

There is still romance in the plot, but I’m on the fence about how about it. If you have an issue with overly possessive men who have no boundaries or idea of how much the human body can take, then I wouldn’t recommend it. I also feel as thoug Stockholm night play a lot in the heroines eventual love of Pestilence m, but it was never addressed or even hinted at.

If your looking for a slow burn romance, without the fluff, full of angst and darkness this is definitely worth a go.
Witch (The Cursed Manuscripts)
Witch (The Cursed Manuscripts)
Iain Rob Wright | 2021 | Horror
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think I can safely say that I am a fan of Mr Wright's tales; they take me back to my teenage years when I read anything and everything that was described as horror or creepy and even now, in my 50's, I still enjoy a story "from the dark side"!

This is a good, short, quick read that has great characters and a great story however, I don't think the blurb makes much sense when you read the book - it doesn't seem to bear any relation to the actual story and the only think I can think of is there are more to come ... which is great but a tad confusing.

The story is actually about 2 teenagers who, on escaping some bullies, find themselves stumbling upon a ruined house in the middle of a wood; what they find there defies belief but no-one sees what they do so they decide to sort it out themselves which devastating consequences.

This is a good start to, hopefully, a new series where we will get to learn what the "Cursed Manuscripts" are all about.

My eternal thanks go to the author who provided a copy to me to read and review, this is no way influenced my thoughts on this book and it is is unbiased and unedited.
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition
2016 | Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Fighting, Horror
Really in-depth adventures and well made (0 more)
The app doesn’t always work properly (0 more)
Want to play more!
Despite the price tag, I took the plunge on this one. I own the first one and thoroughly enjoyed it, but the lengthy rules put quite a few people off that I was playing with. If you have the patience, then once you’ve learnt the rules then he game goes a lot quicker. This particular edition attracted me as the app makes learning the rules a lot easier. Ive played the shorter adventure twice already and i am keen to do the longer ones if i can get the people to play, although I’m pretty sure you can actually play 1 player. The figures in the game look amazing and all the house/scene tiles are nicely illustrated.
The downside for me is that the longer adventures seem to take a LOT longer than it states on the app which usually leads to it overrunning and a non-completion of the game. When we went to return to the game, the app had deleted where we were, which was frustrating. The app sometimes crashed and reset, but in general it worked smoothly. But saying that, the app really encourages players who aren’t as into board games as I am, meaning I could enlist more players at Christmas time XD.
Eight Days a Week
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A story about a manny who falls in love with his boss, Eight Days A Week captured my attention from the first time I read the summary. Never normally one for romances, I liked the unique spin it promised and tucked in with enthusiasm, hoping it would deliver so much more than your average boy meets girl romance. And boy did it. As you can see from the 5 star rating, I adored this book and have saved it firmly on my 'favourites' list on my kindle because, quite frankly, it was amazing, and here's why....

Firstly, I have to give credit to our author on the brilliance of the characters. Dee is amazing (and Don) and to see the way he grows throughout this book (no jokes about Don here please!) is just fantastic. Character development is always something I look out for in a book, and Johnson has done that splendidly here. It's believable, it's written with great skill and it really pulls you into the character and his story. Honestly, I could expect to bump into Dee on the street somewhere and he could be real, that's just how detailed and precise this book portrayed him to me. As a reader with limited time to give to different characters, it's great to see a character leap out the pages so well, even if it were to bring Don to visit me in my sleep!

I touched on it, but another thing that I adored about this book was the story line. It was different, fresh and told the story from a different perspective to what I usually encounter in this genre. I think this is in part due to how Dee tells the story himself, but it's so engaging I often found myself up late with eyes closing and smacking myself in the face with my kindle as I tried to read just another chapter. The 'Manny Log' was an excellent addition, and these frequently had me rolling with laughter at Dee and Don's commentary on things.

The book is full of these laugh out loud moments, but it's so much more than just comedy, and I think that is something that really made me enjoy this book that little bit more. The range of human emotions Johnson writes about in just one book is huge. But here's the best part, they're written with such excellent compassion, detail and, I'm harking back to it but it's important, believability that it's almost too much for me to describe. Sadness, love, raw need, sex, it's all there and it's all written so well that it draws you right in and you are compelled to keep reading. Without spoiling it, the ending was fantastic and left me teary eyed to the point I had to stop reading, but in such a good way!

Well, I can't recommend this book highly enough. I laughed, I cried, I cringed and I loved it. There's only two things I'd love right now:
1. Another sampling of Amber Johnson's writing

2. This book made into a movie so I can oggle Dee and Don in the flesh.

But don't take my word for it, pick up a copy and read it for yourselves!

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
Love Me Never (Lovely Vicious #1)
Love Me Never (Lovely Vicious #1)
Sara Wolf | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<i>Love Me Never</i> is such a risky read for me, but the synopsis screamed, "I'M INTERESTING. TAKE A CHANCE ON ME." It might not be <a title="Imperfect Chemistry by Mary Frame" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">cute and adorable</a>, but it has the best tagline ever: <i>Don't love your enemy. Declare war on him.</i>

Thus resulting in a person who avoids contemporary taking a plunge (I seem to be doing this a lot lately...) and hoping for the best. <i>Love Me Never</i> isn't a book I would go for – we have a main character who obviously has a horrific past and a guy who is a popular douche bag. Put them together in a high school and they hate each other's guts and attempt to ruin each other's lives.

<em>BUT THE TAGLINE, THOUGH. It screams next favorite contemporary book, self!</em> This coming from frantic little brain cells while deciding whether or not I want to read the book.

It didn't go bad at all. In fact, I think I spent more time giggling over the book than actually analyzing it with my reviewing lenses. I spent more time writing laughing emojis than actually writing legit notes. And I spent more time late at night trying not to laugh so hard and waking up my mom in the process.

Definitely a sign of a good book when I'm rendered into a puddle of giggles.

From early on in the book, Isis Blake comes across as someone extremely sarcastic and snarky. She comes across as someone who is always angry and bitter with the world. But inside, Isis is a girl who encountered someone who hurt her emotionally and possibly physically, and as a result, Isis comes out of that event as someone with very low self-esteem.

Jack Hunter, on the other hand... is quite similar to Isis in terms of personality, although his self-esteem is on the opposite end of the spectrum. In the few pages of the book where Sara allows a peek into Jack's mind and thoughts, he comes across as someone covering up sadness – he's not as angry and bitter as he wants the rest of the world to think.

And then there's the revenge. It is definitely petty revenge – Isis launches a war on Jack all because of an apology who reminds Isis of her past self. Some of the things Isis and Jack put upon each other is so ridiculous and stupid, but their reactions and words makes it humorous and enjoyable. The best kind of pettiness to read about.

<i>Love Me Never</i> is vengeful, dark, hilarious – cliché as this may sound, it is definitely a book worth reading.
<blockquote>A first kiss... that's something a girl should cherish. It's something you should share with someone you really love. You shouldn't lose it in a petty high school battle of wills to someone you hate.</blockquote>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Savage ( Vixen Bluff book 3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
85 of 230
Savage ( Vixen Bluff book 3)
By C. Black ( Catherine Black)

One free-spirited tree hugger running from grief.
One technology-addicted IT manager on the road to self-discovery.
6 states. 1200 miles. 1 cramped SUV.
What could possibly go wrong?
I never thought I'd lose the best thing to ever happen to me...and then I did. Without my best friend at my side, the world drains of color and the commune I grew up in no longer feels like home. So I give into the wanderlust plaguing my heart and set out to rid myself of the grief hanging onto my soul like beggar's lice. Then he sits down in front of me in a small roadside diner and everything changes.
Reed is high-strung, materialistic, and shows little to no interest in the world around him, which is the only reason I take him under my wing. I'm bound and determined to teach him how to embrace the hideous beauty that comes with each sunrise, as well as the bliss and heartache that passes with each sunset. But it's hard as hell to learn anything new about life when you're weighed down by a secret, and Reed Stanley's has the power to ruin everything.

I don't stand a chance with a gypsy witch like Skyler Kassamali, but I don't care. Her tattoos and piercings are enough to intimidate me, but there's something else to her—a sharp sadness—that draws me in and refuses to let go. But she's so much more than a shattered heart lost on a grief-fueled adventure and I want to know her best-kept secrets, all while never revealing my own.
But secrets have a way of undoing you, whether you want them to or not, and despite all my shortcomings, Skyler sees something in me and takes a chance. On an adventure that brings us both to our knees, she teaches me the greatest lesson of all: No matter how convincing the smile is, no matter how untarnished the skin seems to be, no matter how we bend and fold to conform—inside, we're all a little savage.

This was good. It was quite sweet compared to book 2 which was just pure filth. I don’t think it was as good as I wanted it to be the start was a bit patchy but it did all come together nicely in the last third of the book.
The American Plate: a Culinary History in 100 Bites
The American Plate: a Culinary History in 100 Bites
Libby H. O'Connell | 2014 | Food & Drink
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has its pros and cons. Pros include the ability to pick it up and down at leisure, as the information (or bites, if you will) is separated very easily for that purpose. It was a good book to take on vacation. One big con, for me, was some of the author's source material. She cited Wikipedia quite a few times; now, I'll admit, I will use Wikipedia sometimes for a starter, but any well-sourced article is going to have primary sources you can use to your advantage. That was a bit disappointing, that she chose low-hanging research fruit. The first half of the book is much stronger than the second half, as we approach the modern era. Sometimes it seemed that the author was reaching a little bit in later "bites." Still worth a look, overall.
Journeyman (2017)
Journeyman (2017)
2017 | Drama, Sport
Great performance from Paddy Considine
Paddy Considine really makes this film. I’ve always thought he’s a fantastic actor, and he proves it yet again with his performance in this film. Not only is his direction great, but his acting is truly superb. For me, the acting is the best part about this film and really what makes it better than average. Jodie Whittaker is also very good as Matty’s wife. The plot itself is good and definitely highlights the darker side of boxing, in a very stark and realistic manner. My issue is that boxing films have been done so many times before, and whilst this is a slightly different (and very good) take on the physical effects of boxing, I feel boxing has been done too many times before. Still worth a watch though for Paddy Considine’s performance alone.