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Original Review posted at <a title="The Ambrose Beacon by Alena Gouveia" href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts<a/>

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<i><b>Disclaimer:</b> Review copy provided by author for review</i>
     Let me blunt about The Ambrose Beacon: it was boring. It also became the third unfortunate book that lands into my DNF list and the first fantasy book – oh wait. Not exactly the first... does the Caster Chronicles count as Fantasy, or does it count as Paranormal? If it counts as paranormal, then The Ambrose Beacon became the unfortunate first fantasy book I didn't finish.

      So essentially, I give fair warning: I rated and reviewed it based on what I could manage to read so far. Which, I think I was being a bit lenient about, but I didn't throw the book against the wall, so it certainly didn't deserve a lower rating.

      Now allow me to tell why I found it boring, and my general thoughts on it:

      Larry and Jerry. They sound so similar (they rhyme as well), that I was befuddled and mistakenly read Jerry as Larry and vice-versa when it was really the other way around. They're best friends and one of them is the main character. How confusing can that get?

     The characters don't seem to be in depth. While I get the why for Harper and Arianna, the other characters simply seem virtually pancake-like (no offense). Add to the fact that it suddenly switches POVs without some sort of sign. One minute it's Cole, the next? Dinah, Jerry, Harper, Vaughn, etc. >_<

      Fairies. Probably one of my favorite things to read about, and it's not because they're sparkly and pretty and whatnot. But I was actually interested in Gouveia's take on fairies when the word was
mentioned in the earliest parts of the book.

      Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be well written, nor realistic. I mean, doing magic in public. In front of human eyewitnesses. That doesn't sound like the typical faery to me that tries to not let the human world find out about them because then it's all, "IT'S THE APOCALYPSE. I must be seeing things," or maybe, "HOLY MONKEYS. FAIRIES EXIST" *rubs eyes to make sure it's not an illusion.* But the fairies here seem like a bounce off of Fantastic Four (even though I haven't watched the movie). More like superheroes than the sidhe.
     The same thing is repeated, but in different variations. Oh hooray. Demons, demons and more demons. Same kind of demon, which isn't a problem for me, but the very fact that they tend to be doing the same thing over and over and over again throughout the entire book, which is the main reason why I stopped (I really did stop at exactly 50%). There's not a lot going on, although maybe if I had the time and gave the book further chances, there might be other things going on rather than "OMG, THERE'S A DEMON THAT WANTS MY HEAD ON A PLATTER. RUN." (or in the case here, it's fight to the death.)

     Generally I like fantasy. I love the creative worlds and character and creatures made up that gives me a free ticket to travel – okay, that applies to any book really – without having to move a single inch, and the very fact that you can't exactly buy a plane ticket to the area in the first place. Someone tell me if we can really buy a plane ticket to the Faery Realms if you so disagree on that fact. Of course... I wouldn't exactly try and mess with fairies in the first place.

      I tried liking the story. I thought first thought it was because of reading The Jungle, which is dreadfully boring, and it may have influenced my thoughts on this one. Then I read Allegiant for awhile and came back to it. It didn't work out well either (and Allegiant didn't bore me).

      So simply put, The Ambrose Beacon is not really my cup of tea.

      *eats a biscuit and avoids unsweetened tea*

      I really hate giving bad reviews. Especially DNFs.

John Bradley recommended The Producers (1967) in Movies (curated)

The Producers (1967)
The Producers (1967)
1967 | Classics, Comedy

"In terms of the first film that I remember having a real visceral connection with me, it’d be The Producers, the original Producers, with Mel Brooks. There was something about such a rich movie, in terms of the richness of the ideas and the power of the quality. If you take the two central performances of Gene Wilder and Zero Mostel, they’re such powerful performances. And you think that they’d both be almost too much for the screen because they both put in so much detail and they both bring so much energy. And they’re both such ballsy and powerful performances, you’d think that the screen wouldn’t be able to contain it. Especially because I was watching it on a TV screen, you think no screen is big enough to contain these two’s performance. But there’s something about the way they work together and the way their styles complement each other and the suitedness of those characterizations, the detail that they both put in. There was something about that. When you get two performers that are so beautifully in sync with each other, it’s like a jigsaw. Whatever one of them’s missing, the other kind of fills in with a perfectly compatible performance. It’s like listening to an opera, listening to those two perform with each other. I feel that way a lot about Mel Brooks in general, in terms of the way he writes and directs. There’s such musicality to that comedy. It’s so specific, and it reads like a musical score. You have to be able to play that absolutely precisely. There’s almost not enough room for interpretation on it. And for actors, they have to be able to say the lines. But the thing about Zero and Gene Wilder is they nail the musicality of it so perfectly and yet manage to layer all of this beautiful character on top of it as well. And they really attacked it. The chemistry and the musicality between them was something that really made me sit up and take notice when I was a young kid. It was very powerful, I remember it very vividly, seeing that for the first time."

Shelter in Place
Shelter in Place
Nora Roberts | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance, Thriller
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I bought two chucky paperbacks by Nora Roberts at the same time a few months ago, this and Come Sundown.

This one starts with Simone and her two friends going to the cinema to watch a film together. Simone goes to the toilet and minutes later hears screams and gunshots coming from the room she'd just left. She phones the police as three people go through the mall, killing as many people as they can. Simultaneously, Reed is working at one of the restaurants in the mall and as the shooters begin their killing spree he comes to the rescue of a little boy who's crying for his mum and keeps him safe until the cops arrive and take out the shooters.
Fast forward several years and survivors of the attack start to be killed off one by one and it seems Simone and Reed are on the killers list

I will start by saying that romantic suspense's are not my favourite genre. It has taken me about a month and a half to finish this. The romance definitely felt like an afterthought since it only kicked in about the half way point by which point I was just reading to see them take down the bad guy - whose POV we saw regularly throughout - and whose comeuppance felt like a bit of a disappointment. It all happened within about five pages from them making themselves known to Simone to them being incapacitated.

It's a 500+ page book! The first half was the two main survivors growing up and finding their calling in life - and I was rather bored, hence it taking me over a month to read! - the second half was a really played down romance while the killer made her way through the rest of the survivors on her meandering journey to them on Tranquillity Island.

I normally really enjoy reading Nora Roberts' books but I think I'll stick to her traditional romances and away from romantic suspense's in the future. Come Sundown and this one will be making there way to a charity shop for others to enjoy.
People Just Do Nothing: Big in Japan (2021)
People Just Do Nothing: Big in Japan (2021)
2021 | Comedy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good jokes, most of which land (1 more)
Enough David Brent/Partridge moments to make you cringe
As a PJDN virgin, I still laughed a lot!
It’s brave then that such a relatively niche UK TV show should have a go at ‘jumping the shark’ onto the big screen. Would fans like it? And, just as importantly, would newcomers to the characters, like me, be able to enjoy the film as a standalone entity? The answer to the last question is a qualified “yes”.

- It well-surpasses the “6 laugh test” for a comedy. There are some scenes that I found extremely funny, with others that rated highly for me on the David Brent / Alan Partridge scale of cringiness.
- I’ve seen comment that the story is "silly" and “unbelievable”. But having experienced the crazy clash between English and Japanese culture first hand, it strikes me as very true to form! The way in which the Japanese music execs try to stylise the ground as a ‘boy band’ (“Bang Boys”!), which Grindah greedily goes along with, is a nice satire on the music industry asserting its brand over musician’s art.
- A subplot of a love story beween the inept Steves and the cute Japanese translator Ishika (Ayumi Itô) is nicely done and strangely touching.
- The good news is that you don’t need any previous experience of the characters to get fun out of the movie: you can jump right in. That being said though, I’m sure fans of the series will get more out of this than I did.

- While the ending was uplifting, I was itching to know what fallout (or success?) there was from the event we witnessed. Perhaps if its a box office success (unlikely I think!) then there will be a sequel.

Summary Thoughts on “People Just Do Nothing: Big in Japan”: IMDB is littered with disastrous reviews of British TV shows that have tried and failed to make the leap from the small screen to the big screen. “On the Buses”; “Are You Being Served?”; “Steptoe and Son”; “Please Sir”; “Love Thy Neighbour” – the list is endless. They are mostly all horribly unfunny. Even the great “Morecambe and Wise”, although showing occasional moments of brilliance, struggled to fully land any of their three big-screen outings.

The ‘go-to’ of many of these efforts was to “go abroad”: take the well-loved characters and put them into a ‘bigger’ and stranger pool. So “People Just Do Nothing: Big in Japan” was following a well-trodden path here. It’s a tribute to the team and their TV-series director Jack Clough, in his feature debut, that they pretty much pull it off.

I’d like to agree with Kevin Maher of “The Times” that the movie is full of “Japanese stereotypes… drunken businessmen, passive giggling women etc”. But having travelled extensively on business in Japan, it seems pretty close to the mark with its observations to me! More importantly, the film never seems to be particularly derogatory or disrespectful of the culture. For example, they take their shoes off too much!

Key to its box office success will be whether or not it can attract an audience outside of its niche TV fan-bases. As a member of that sub-group, I really wasn’t expecting to enjoy this one, but I actually did. It was good fun, and if you want a good laugh at the cinema – a pretty rare thing – then I’d recommend this one, even if – like me – you haven’t seen the original TV show.

(For the full graphical review, please check out onemannsmovies on the web, Facebook and Tiktok. Thanks!)
The Hope Jar (The Prayer Jars #1)
The Hope Jar (The Prayer Jars #1)
Wanda E. Brunstetter | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As you all know, I'm huge fan of Wanda Brunstetter. Not one of her books left me disappointed. So, to say I was excited about the start of this new series , is quite the understatement. The more I saw about it on Mrs. Brunstetter's pages, the more anxious for the release I became. Then when the book arrived, I couldn't wait to dive into it. And then......well, then I was in awe of Mrs. Brunstetter. Why? Because she has once again managed to take me to the heart of Amish country, to the world I wish I belonged in, and filled my heart with healing and hope. 

I loved the characters within the book. They were all chiseled perfectly for their rolls. I loved watching Michelle grown in her relationships, especially her convictions with God after she found the jar. The messages she received, the feelings she felt, all of them quickly spoke to me and became my own feelings. 

This book is beautifully written and will have the reader pulled to the center of the story instantly. From start to finish, I smiled, I laughed, I wondered what God would do in Michelle's life. The messages that Mrs. Brunstetter always manages to weave within the story speak loudly to the soul. I love that in Amish novels. So, if you are looking for a wonderful book to transport you to the heart of Amish country, then grab this book now. You'll be instantly addicted to the beautiful works of Wanda Brunstetter, if you aren't already. This 5 star book is definitely a keeper for me, and I can't wait to start my own hope jar! 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Carpenter Road
Carpenter Road
N.M. Brown | 2019
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first met Leighton Jones in Carpenter Road, N.M. Brown’s second book featuring this character. I have not read the previous story, The Girl on the Bus, but believe me you don’t need to for this one to make sense, as this easily reads as a standalone and is still a very good read.

When by chance Leighton comes across a prostitute kicking up a fuss about her stolen coat that had some money in, and discovers the girl who was seen last seen wearing it has now gone missing, Jones a traffic cop, decides to take it upon himself to investigate if the two are connected.

So what did I think? Detective Jones is such a caring, lovable character, I instantly found myself drawn to him.

Rochelle, the prostitute, is an unlikely sidekick who gets roped into Leighton’s investigations, and she’s also a fantastic character. I was so invested in her part of the story and the danger she’d been inadvertently thrown into. I too, hoped she’d eventually get out of the prostitution racket to achieve her goals and turn her life around, just how she had wished for.

N.M. Brown’s writing really grabbed my attention from the first page, and kept me up all night reading. I especially liked hearing from the serial killer’s point of view. He was so creepy, it really added a new dimension to the story and kept me hooked throughout.

The ending was a bit of a shock. I honestly, didn’t expect to feel a little choked up by a Bloodhound crime book! But there, I said it, N.M. Brown really took me by surprise with that twist!

This is an unputdownable, well-written crime novel that’s distinctive, compelling and memorable!
Ignited (Daywalker Academy #6)
Ignited (Daywalker Academy #6)
Maya Daniels | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ignited is the sixth and final book in the Daywalker Academy series and it is certainly a case of light blue touch paper and retire. I sincerely hope you spare however long it takes you to read this book on one go because, trust me, you will not want to put it down!

Secrets and betrayal, it's still going down and Franky is still in the middle of it. You see less of other characters in this one as Franky, Zoltan, and Soren take the lead. Zoltan is still growly and grumbly and Soren is still a pain in the ass (Franky's words, not mine).

Reading this book makes me think of what it must be like travelling by tornado. You are whipped around from place to place, never knowing what will happen when your feet touch the ground. Poor Franky. Although I like reading about it, to live your life that way must be exhausting. No wonder she wanted to sleep!

I have loved this series and am sad to see it come to an end. I really need to know about Fenrir and Myst, plus Leo. I found it a tad upsetting that the gang has split up but that just gives me more reasons to hound Ms. Daniels into follow up stories.

A brilliant end to the series that I highly recommend - but just remember to keep your mitts off Tenebris and Zoltan! Yes, I am greedy and I don't share! 😉🤣

One final thought just because I can - oh, Daren!!!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Amends (Diana Hawthorne Supernatural Mystery #2)
Amends (Diana Hawthorne Supernatural Mystery #2)
Carissa Andrews | 2021 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
AMENDS is the second book in the Diana Hawthorne Supernatural Mystery series and we continue where book one left off, so I recommend you read that one first.

Diana doesn't want to be the Oracle of Delphi any longer. After all, she has her own life now. Apollo tries to make her see things his way but she resists him all the way. The interaction between these two was hilarious and I loved every word.

Along with Blake and Ren, we are introduced to Kyros. Think crazy grand-dad who only wants what's best for Diana. Diana and crew help a young boy who manages to bring them all together, including Demetri who is still being off with Diana because of the whole Violet Flame debacle.

It didn't take me long to read this book as I was hooked from the outset. I can't wait to see more of Apollo and Diana. And Ren, well, let me just say I love reading about him, but I think he would drive me crazy if I knew him in real life!

The big bad has now been named and I can't wait to see the impact on future stories. Plus, knowing how Diana and co will sort things out. I may be wrong but it looks like there might be a crossover from Diana Hawthorne to the Windhaven Witches in book three, which is something to look forward to.

For a witty, fast-paced supernatural mystery, I can definitely recommend Amends and I can't wait for Immortals.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 29, 2021

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Sins of Fathers in Books

Dec 11, 2021  
Sins of Fathers
Sins of Fathers
Michael Emmett | 2021 | Biography, Crime, Religion
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am so so disappointed with this book. I was really looking forward to reading something a bit different to what I usually read but I don't think I have ever felt so deflated as I did with this.

I just couldn't get past the author's use of the word "naughty" to describe some pretty horrific and violent behaviour. According to the Collins English Dictionary, naughty is defined as "(esp of children or their behaviour) mischievous or disobedient; bad" and/or "mildly indecent; titillating". To me, that definition does not correlate with fatally stabbing someone and that is just one instance; the word "naughty" is used a lot and I mean, a lot.

Another thing that irked me somewhat was the glamorisation and glorification of a life of crime and violence and I felt the voice of the book was quite childish and there were times when I struggled to keep up with where I was in the timeline.

Having said all of the above, I realise this is Michael's story; it is his life he is writing about ... warts and all ... and therefore he should be forgiven for using the words and language that is the norm for him but, for me, I just couldn't get on with it and therefore struggled to read it.

In the end though, what I took from this book is that anyone can change; it might take a couple of tries but it can happen and those that do, should be applauded because it's easy just to keep doing what you have always known regardless of the hurt and pain it causes you, those you love and those you come into contact with.

My thanks must go to HarperCollins UK / HarperInspire via NetGalley for providing me with a copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.

Gaz Coombes recommended Holland by The Beach Boys in Music (curated)

Holland by The Beach Boys
Holland by The Beach Boys
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Obviously, Pet Sounds is a massive record and a defining influence on me when I was about 12 or 13 when I first heard it; a huge impact. But weirdly, my younger brother told me that he never really got on with Pet Sounds because he found it to be really hard work in the beginning and it took him many years to fall in love with it. I was really familiar with that throughout my teens, but then later on I discovered The Beach Boys' 'Brother Years', as that period's known, and I just really loved a lot of that stuff. In hindsight, you knew that this was a band that were, I guess, nearing the end of the road and things were changing and they were veering off. Dennis Wilson had his shit and things ended very tragically for him and Brian, with that well publicised walking disaster and they were really tough times. But Holland doesn't sound like a record where they're all struggling or coming to an end or that it's a swansong; it doesn't really feel like that and it still has that really fresh Beach Boys approach. I get this warmth from it and it feels like a big hug. It's this big, lovely Californian cuddle. What I gravitate to here are the musical changes which are almost like scene changes. You've got stuff like 'The Trader' where the second half just goes to another place and that's always inspiring. Of course they're not the only band that does that but it's something that's very inspiring to me, especially on this record. And it's like that on Matador where I'm not constrained by the typical pop structure of verse-chorus-verse-chorus-middle eight-double chorus and The Beach Boys are always brilliant for that where they take you off in a completely different direction. And it never feels as if it's self-indulgent, weirdly, when it should be because all of these tracks are so good and so technically proficient. You almost wouldn't forgive them for those self-indulgent touches were it not for the fact that these are guys on top of their game and you can really hear it. It's a great album. I've got my record collection in the studio and my main record player is out in the studio's kitchen and that's where I've got my box of select records. It always changes from week to week and Holland's been there for about four months now. There's always a good time for it."
