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Digging Deeper (Elemental Evidence #4)
Digging Deeper (Elemental Evidence #4)
Bellora Quinn, Sadie Rose Bermingham | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Paranormal
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Digging Deeper (Elemental Evidence #4) by Bellora Quinn & Sadie Rose Bermingham
Digging Deeper is the fourth book in the Elemental Evidence series, and once again, I looked forward to reuniting with Jake and Mari. I do so love me a bit of Jake and Mari, even though I might moan about how one of them behaves ?

Let me just say, he makes up for it in spades in this book. Both Jake and Mari help Cordiline once more on a case. This is not a very nice one (are any of them?!) where a serial rapist buries his victims alive in a graveyard. Not only this though, but Jake has some thoughts about his future, whilst Mari is reminded of his past.

We learn more about Mari, and what makes him tick. There ARE unanswered questions to parts of this book, but I have given it 5-stars anyway, simply for the pure, unfiltered enjoyment I had when reading it. I know that sounds wrong - or at least, if you have read the book, then you'll understand why it sounds wrong. I have to say though, that it was so exceedingly well written, it brought tears to my eyes. And I also loved how the recovery was a slow process, taking time. All I can to the authors for that part is THANK YOU! It made for such a wonderful change to see it recognised that you can't simple "get over it" quickly, even if you have therapy.

Now, with the above paragraph, I've probably given you a big hint about what is going on, which I never like to do. So I will finish off by saying that once again, there were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. I was thoroughly engrossed in the story, and loved every moment. I am so glad this isn't the last book, and I can't wait to see where the authors take it next. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Keep Me On Edge (My Kinky Housemate, #4)
Keep Me On Edge (My Kinky Housemate, #4)
Colette Davison | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sad, hopeful, caring, sweet, HOT! I loved every word.
KEEP ME ON EDGE is the fourth book in the My Kinky Housemate series and it's time for the pro-Dom to take centre stage. Stefan has liked Quinn ever since he entered the house. Quinn has liked Stefan ever since he entered the house. And it's through my boy Hendrix's meddling that Quinn finally has the courage to ask Stefan out.

Ah, man. These two! They are absolutely gorgeous together. Not in the 'I now have cavities' way of Theo and Preston (who I still adore, btw!) but in a caring and totally loving way of looking out for someone. And it goes both ways. It's not all Stefan catering to Quinn. The storyline with Stefan is absolutely heart-breaking. We already know some of it due to having Beau's story already, but hearing Stefan's side of it was just as bad.

Moving onto the steamy side of things, it's hot! I don't expect anything less from Colette Davison, but I seriously love the thought she puts into her scenes. This book taught me things I never knew I didn't know about narcolepsy and cataplexy and not once did I feel as though I was reading an instruction manual. Stefan takes notice of Quinn at all times, giving him the time he needs. This includes when they're in the bedroom. This will sound crazy until you read the book, but the bit with the fan made my eyes leak! So sweet, so considerate. LOVED IT!!!

I am loving this series. It seems as though it may be Rory's story next but who knows? What I do know is I will wait patiently for each book and thoroughly enjoy it when I get my grabby hands on it. We learn a little more about Hendrix in this book but, once again, I'll wait.

Absolutely fantastic and highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
21/08 - Page 279

I must say that I am completely fascinated by this book, the strength of this woman is very inspiring. Before picking up this book I had never heard of this story before, I didn't know who Sybil was and I had definitely not seen the film. Before reading the other reviews I did not know that this story had been exposed as fake, which I admit did take the wind out of my sails a bit but I decided to read the book anyway as I was still very much intrigued by the whole story. The thought of someone having 16 different personalities is extraordinary and so when I found this online when looking at my local library's website I did not hesitate in reserving it for pick up. Even though I still have a big chunk of the book left to go through I thought I would take some time to comment on how truly fascinating this book is and I hope it continues to hold my attention. After a shaky start I was somewhat disappointed, the narrative and the language didn't sit well with me but thankfully after a shift in time and an exploration of different perspectives this book did pick up for me. I am very much enjoying reading about Sybil and her other selfs and how these other selfs possibly came to be thanks to an abusive mother and a passive father. For Sybil to express the amount of hurt and disappointment she has experienced by releasing another self is brilliant yet harrowing as I found myself really hoping that she will get well and return to her 'whole self'.

30/08 - Finished

I must say that I continued to enjoy this book, as I turned every page it just kept improving. However, after finding out that this book is indeed fake I felt kind of deflated which took away a star (seeing as it's advertised as a true story) but that was my only reason to deduct a star. The writing improved immensely compared to the beginning of the book as I was definitely struggling to get into the became easier when the time shift happened as well which I was grateful for.
It took me quite a while to get through this book but I thought I would mention that the amount of time taken isn't a reflection on the book, life just kept getting in the way of my reading. If you are interested in the subject matter, even if just slightly, then I would recommend reading this book as it is just fascinating. Although fiction, the trauma and situations this woman goes through will have you on the edge of your seat with your breath held. I must warn readers, however, that this is not reading for the faint of heart as the descriptions of child abuse are very graphic.
Overall, highly recommended from me.
Vampire Academy
Vampire Academy
Richelle Mead | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (48 Ratings)
Book Rating
Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead [BOOK REVIEW]
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It happened, people. I finally did it. I have officially read Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead, and I have mixed feelings about it.

After years of you guys begging me to read this book, I have finally managed to dig into this vampire world with Lissa – the Moroi (mortal) vampire and Rose – her guardian, sworn to protect her.

These two best friends are on the run, after Lissa’s family has been killed. Now, they unwillingly return to the Vampire Academy, and try to live their normal lives, but danger is on their doorstep.
I loved the plot, and the idea of the world building, even though, I have to admit, I wish we had more pages of the Vampire Academy description. Or maybe this is just me screaming – ”I want a vampire Hogwarts description right here, right now!”

I loved their friendship, and I loved how both of them would sacrifice so much for each other. It is a character quality we rarely see, and it was so well delivered that it gave me shivers for a few scenes.

However, the characters themselves weren’t much likeable. Lissa, well, we hardly get to really know her. She is mostly a shadow of Rose’s opinions of herself. And as of Rose, as much as I admired her bravery and wisdom, sometimes she was just so dumb for her own good.

I loved the plot twists, and the cliffhangers, especially the few ones right at the very end, but it took so long for them to come. Despite that, this book was still such a fast read, and you can’t take your hands off it.

”For they (women) are strange and mysterious creatures,” he continued in his scholarly voice, ”and a man must be a mind reader if he ever wishes to make them happy.”

I wanted to not mention the romance bit of the novel, but I have to stay honest to myself and do it. Unrealistic romances will happen that will make you cringe. I won’t spoil it for you, but I happened to love these two people together, even though their so called love happened instantly.

”And sometimes, if I was really, really lucky, he’d smile at me. A real smile too – not the dry one that accompanied the sarcasm we tossed around so often.”

A typical high-school fantasy novel, with vampires included, this will be a great addition to your shelves if you love this genre. I greatly enjoyed it, but being older I think these things stuck a bit to me.

If you haven’t read this, I do recommend it. Even though it had a few weak points, I would definitely read the second book of the series.

Have you read Vampire Academy? Is it on your TBR? I would love to see what you think!

Kyera (8 KP) rated Roar in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Cora Carmack | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Roar started off slowly, but before long I was completely enamoured by the story. I personally love stories where elemental powers are part of the lore. Roar had a similar, yet unique take on those special abilities.

There are people in the world, called Stormlings, who are able to use their affinities to battle storms. In this land, those abilities relate to the storms that plague the kingdoms and towns. A Stormling may have an affinity for sky fire and be able to battle lightning - or they may have an affinity for tornados. Many battle storms not only to protect their lands but in the attempt to gain more affinities. If strong enough, a Stormling could take the heart of the storm (which manifests as a rock or gem) and use it to channel their abilities.

Aurora is the future Queen of Pavan, but she has yet to show any hint of the power needed to protect her people. As a result, her mother sets up an arranged marriage with the second born son of a neighboring kingdom. Not all is as it appears and Rora sets out to discover the truth. She soon learns that Stormlings are not the only people with the ability to fight storms and realizes that she must learn from these storm hunters so that she can avoid the path her life is currently on.

Aurora begins the book as a strong female character despite the fact that she is forced into a more meek, agreeable role in order to secure the marriage, so it may not seem that way. Although she has not been able to access the magic her blood should give her, she has not rested on her laurels. Rora occasionally trains with the guards in swordsmanship, reads whatever books she can get her hands on, is quite skilled in a number of languages and can chart her course by the stars. While she is not the typical heroine we might expect to save the day, she does grow over the course of the novel and will continue to do so in the second book.

As the majority of the book does not take place in the palace, we do not see much from the Locke family but I am incredibly intrigued by their familial relationships and the Prince himself. He is a dark, strong and imposing figure who is out to claim the throne - but may be less ruthless than he seems. While we do not such much of him, I expect there will be a lot more character development in the second book and I'm looking forward to that.

Locke, the storm hunter, was probably my favourite main character - although I loved the storm hunter crew as a whole. They had such unique personalities, tales and roles in the group and who wouldn't join a group of storm hunters? That would be amazing. Anyway, Locke started to remind me after a while of that over-protective Fae male personality that we see so often in Sarah J Maas' books (which can become tiresome) but his storm hunting prowess won me over. The author wrote each storm, its feeling and the hunters fighting it so brilliantly that those were definitely my favourite scenes in the novel.

This book seemed to set up the world, the magic system and the main characters well but leave plenty of room for development. We don't even see the character who is likely to be the villain until about 75% of the book is over. I'm intrigued by the villain's story and abilities, and can't wait to see where it goes in the second book.

The world is what drew me in and kept me wanting more, despite the cliches, tropes, and mid-level character development. The romance itself was probably the most off-putting because it was so unbelievable to me. It's not necessarily the chemistry and interactions between the two, but rather the way the author writes the male's point of view. To me, it just didn't sound like a guy was thinking those thoughts. Both of her main male characters became almost immediately obsessed with Aurora, wanted to protect her at any cost, thought about her all of the time, etc. As I mentioned before, that overprotective Fae male mentality. While it may seem sweet that they want to be protective, it borders on being too much (and sometimes crosses the line), which is not a healthy relationship dynamic to romanticize. I don't want to give more specific examples and spoil anything. This is not to say that men cannot be emotional and effusive because they can, but for me, just the way that it was done didn't read authentically. Those were the times I felt most drawn out of the narrative.

This book ends with the type of cliffhanger that most books should end on. You are not utterly destroyed and heartbroken that the author has ended this book with such big questions and yet the next is not due out for another year - you are completely in love with the story and the final scenes just make you excited to continue reading.

For me, the book was a little slow to start but once Rora goes on the journey with the storm hunters I think the book picks up a lot. I've seen a few people put the book down because they couldn't get into it and I would just recommend trying to push through a little longer and see if that changes for you. This is an upper-YA novel that I would recommend to ya/teen readers who enjoy fantasy and character growth in their novels.
Two From the Heart
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is divided into two short stories. The first is about Anne McWilliams. She lives on the beach in North Carolina, where she has lived for the past few years following a divorce from her husband. She is an old school photographer, so when a hurricane moves through and takes out half of her house that includes her darkroom, she is beyond devastated. Instead of dealing with the mess, she decides to travel the country and take new pictures and hear the stories of the people that go with those stories. How will this journey change the rest of her life?

In the second story, Tyler Bron is a millionaire, who, on paper, appears to have it all. But in reality, he has never had a life. Always focused on himself and getting to the top of his career field. He has no friends, only work colleagues who he really knows nothing about. So he hires a writer, Damian Crane to write a new life for him. But will Tyler be able to handle all that life has to offer?

This is a newer James Patterson novel released earlier this year. On my quest to read all of his stand alone books, I'm giving this on 3.5 stars. I enjoyed the stories and the one about Tyler was the most interesting to me. Each main character is at a point in their lives, where they need to make some changes in order to continue to live. I think that Tyler makes the most extreme change of all.

Even though James Patterson pumps out several books a year, he is still one of my favorites and I enjoy reading his books. I always know I can finish one of his books in 2-3 days and it will hold my attention.
Black Christmas (1974)
Black Christmas (1974)
1974 | Horror
8.4 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Answer The Phone
With anethor remake coming out this friday, and that i already reviewed the 2006 remake. In going back to the oringal, were it alll started from. So lets take a little trip back to 1974.

Inspired by the urban legend "The babysitter and the man upstairs" and a series of murders that took place in the Westmount section of Montreal, Quebec, Moore wrote the screenplay under the title Stop Me.

The Plot: As winter break begins, a group of sorority sisters, including Jess (Olivia Hussey) and the often inebriated Barb (Margot Kidder), begin to receive anonymous, lascivious phone calls. Initially, Barb eggs the caller on, but stops when he responds threateningly. Soon, Barb's friend Claire (Lynne Griffin) goes missing from the sorority house, and a local adolescent girl is murdered, leading the girls to suspect a serial killer is on the loose. But no one realizes just how near the culprit is.

Margot Kidder remembered shooting the film as being "fun. I really bonded with Andrea Martin, filming in Toronto and Ontario. Olivia Hussey was a bit of an odd one. She was obsessed with the idea of falling in love with Paul McCartney through her psychic. We were a little hard on her for things like that.

Black Christmas eventually gained a cult following and is notable for being one of the earliest slasher films. It went on to inspire other slasher films, the biggest one of all being John Carpenter's Halloween (which was apparently inspired by Clark suggesting what a Black Christmas sequel would be like).

Black Christmas has been included multiple lists in various media outlets as one of the greatest horror films ever made. The film ranked No. 87 on Bravo's The 100 Scariest Movie Moments.

A overall classic slasher horror movie based around a hoilday.
170 of 235
Ta’alo’s Tribe: Project Armageddon (The Marvel-ous Mates of Artaxa prime 1)
By Remy Cavilich

When the UGH taps Dr. Celeste Ballatine to run a space junk retrieval mission with a higher-than-normal commission and very few restrictions, she doesn't hesitate, and neither do her crewmates, Jax and Yuri. There's just one problem--there weren't supposed to be survivors on Artaxa Prime, but there are. The only hope for survival is to make contact with the natives and hope for the best.

Celeste stumbles across a tribe of primitive alien hybrids with the strange ability to understand her, but they want something in exchange for their help, something she's not sure she's willing to give.

They want her to take an alien mate.

With their literal lives on the line, Celeste must make the ultimate sacrifice--herself--to save the guys. As if things weren't bad enough, her crewmates are rather attached to her, and the idea of adding a fourth to their balanced triangle doesn't sit well with them.

The longer she stays on this planet, the more her collection of mates will grow. Turns out there are many alien races on the planet, and all of them will want to stake their claim on the new human female.

I don’t know how I stuck with it at first the 2 “human males” at the beginning really put me off and I’m not sure of it was meant to make us think that human men are all leaches maybe? But I stuck with it and I actually liked the idea of these alien lions. It was definitely ropey in places but I’m intrigued to see where it goes.