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In a Cottage In a Wood
In a Cottage In a Wood
Cass Green | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It didn’t take me very long to get into this book, but unfortunately, a mix of irritating characters and clunky writing found me not loving this book in the end.

This book is definitely one that gets straight into the mystery and piques your intrigue quickly. From the moment we met Isabelle on the bridge and the strange encounter she had with Neve, I couldn’t wait to find out why and what was happening! The plot for this one definitely drew me in straight away, and that’s something I really loved about this book. The plot was presented to us so suddenly and so mysteriously, you really wanted to know what was happening and it so it keeps you reading!

I did find that some of this story was really drawn out and I felt there were parts that could have been missed out. For example, when Never first arrives at the cottage and goes for a walk, she stops of at a clearing on the beach and the writing makes it in to a really big deal. I thought “look out for this same spot later on in the story then!”, yes nothing comes of it! It was just extra fluff to add to the word count.

To begin with, I didn’t mind the characters in this novel. The fiestiness of Neve felt sassy and fun, but after a while a character that doesn’t grow in personality can become really irritating and laborious to read about. There weren’t really many other big characters in this one, we mainly focused on Neve and her daily potterings-about. With the other characters that did feature in this novel, it was easy to spot what their motives were, or if they were placed in the novel for the purpose of being a scapegoat. It’s not fun when you can see through the characters this easily!

I liked the descriptions and scenery in this one, but the writing became repetitive in terms of phrases or things said by characters, which is always a negative in my eyes! There’s no need to repeat things over and over again throughout a book, it just feels like a waste of time to read.

Despite all my whinging, I did enjoy this book more than not, and I think other less fussy readers would love this! I’m am a super picky reader, I know this, and I know I pick faults in books that are really niche, but that’s just the kind of reader I am!

<i>Thanks to HarperCollins for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!</i>
2:HRS (2018)
2:HRS (2018)
2018 |
5.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The concept of knowing when you’re going to die is a fascinating one, and sparks many philosophical debates. Would you like to know so you can do everything you’ve wanted, or would you rather live in blissful ignorance and take life as it comes? Unfortunately for our protagonist, Tim, he doesn’t really get the opportunity to debate this after encountering a machine that correctly predicts the lifespan of every living thing. The title 2:HRS relates to the time predicted by the machine, which encourages Tim to use his time left wisely.

Whilst it’s a harrowing revelation, the events that follow are predominantly slapstick and family-friendly, with the occasional heartwarming moment thrown in. Tim isn’t alone on his quest to check off his bucket list, being accompanied by two of his school friends who he convinced to ditch a school trip with him. This decision is how they stumbled across the machine in the first palace, so the trio certainly got more than they bargained for that day. Like any adventure, an antagonist is close behind, and in this case its the machine’s inventor who wants to see the prediction come true no matter what.

Despite being an intriguing concept for all ages, 2:HRS falls flat in a lot of places. The script is more cringe-worthy than funny, and whilst I appreciate the target audience is younger than me, I still believe it would’ve benefited from better screenwriting. That being said, the actors worked well with what they were given and gave great performances throughout. I probably laughed about three times throughout the film, so at least I can give them that. The young actors were especially good, and I’m looking forward to seeing their future work as I know they could go far.

Another thing that bothered me was the ending. It ended so abruptly and nothing was really tied up, which was a huge disappointment for me. I didn’t like their decision to leave it so open-ended as it didn’t make sense nor make an impact. It was probably designed to coax one last laugh from audiences, but didn’t work for me sadly. 2:HRS does have some redeeming scenes that I enjoyed a lot, including a moment near the end of the film with Tim and his sister. If the rest of the film had been of that quality, I would have rated it higher.

Overall, 2:HRS feels like an average, forgettable film but an entertaining watch when you’re relaxing on the sofa looking for something light-hearted to stick on. It’s worth a watch, but it’s not a film I’ll be rewatching any time soon.
Redemption (The Revelation, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review.

"Oh. My. God. Randi, you are awesome!" Okay, so I may have just stolen that from her books but the truth still stands. This series is one I found by accident but I have never been happier! The books are simply outstanding and everything about them is just perfect for me - from the covers down to the nitty-gritty of editing and grammar. I am a long-term fan of both Randi and The Revelation Series so I warn you now that I will be squealing like a fangirl. But anyway, onto Redemption itself.

If you want a book that you can pick up and put down again without any problems then you need to WALK AWAY!! These books will get under your skin, the characters within the pages you will love, then hate, then love again as Randi plays with your emotions. She is a wicked author ;)

Redemption will take you on a rollercoaster of a ride. You start with major, almost catatonic depression, then anger, then hope, then love, happiness, friendship - need I go on? There is a gamut of emotional highs and lows in this book and it's not just from the main characters. Smaller characters that have just had a supporting role up to now get their chance to shine. We learn more about everyone and meet new allies too. We meet old allies and feel our heart break all over again. Did I mention this book is emotional?

I love the way that Randi writes - she draws you into the story and it enfolds you. The characters get under your skin until they feel like friends/enemies or even frenemies. Whichever, you know them! They are not just words on a page.

This is a series of five books and as such they are not standalones. Randi has got the art of the ending down to a 'T' and she kills me every time! So far, I have issued a kleenex warning with both her previous books and this one is no different. The ending took me by surprise and left me reeling. I can honestly say that I finished the book, shook my head and went back to re-read the last chapter because I just couldn't bear for the book to be finished.

I am now impatiently waiting for books 4 and 5 and once I have my grubby paws on them, I will be re-reading this whole series back to back. A fantastic, hot, witty, smexy Paranormal Romance that will draw you in and not let you go. I can't recommend this highly enough!
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel
1998 | Folk, Indie, Rock
9.0 (6 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I got into Neutral Milk Hotel by accident. Richard Reed Parry from Arcade Fire mentioned this song on an interview, and I explored it and found the Aeroplane record. It was like discovering a secret. There are very few records that I’ve had that relationship with - you hear it and you don’t want to share it with anyone. “The story of the record is so unique and a bonus as to why I love it. Jeff Mangum hadn’t been taught about the Holocaust in school, so when he discovered Anne Frank’s journal in his mid-20s', he picked up this book and was like ‘What’s this?’ ""We take it for granted that we know Anne Frank’s story from a young age, but imagine if you stumbled across that book without the context? It would be incredible, and so it had this profound impact on him, to the point where he kind of invented a relationship in his subconscious mind with her, whereby they were old friends. It became like a soulmate relationship where he got to know her through his dreams. “He practiced lucid dreaming in the making of the record by waking up and putting himself back on the edge of sleep. He managed to have these lucid dreams that he could control; where he could walk through passages in his imagination and he got to know Anne Frank through that space. ""All the songs were written in this otherworldly space, and that’s why it’s quite a surreal record lyrically. I visited Anne Frank’s house listening to In the Aeroplane over the Sea and it created an even stronger bond between me and the record. “Also, around 2013, Mangum announced some really intimate shows. It was about thirteen years since he’d toured the record, and I believe he’s got bipolar and is very reclusive. I somehow managed to get tickets to his Union Chapel gig, and for the author of a cult record like that it’s a very small venue. We just sat there and wept, it was like a funeral. There was this incredible sound when he was performing, and I looked around me and realised that the sound was the whole audience singing the lyrics under their breath. “No one wanted to disturb his performance by singing but everyone in the room had this profound connection to the songs. He came back on for three encores and when he finally left the stage the security couldn’t get people to leave. They were refusing to leave the pews, stomping, in fits of tears. It was like a divine presence had just left the building. “This song has been my medicine at different times in life, curing me from different struggles like mental health or loss. Its music that has never failed to move me."

2016 | City Building, Medieval, Territory Building
So I am building a kingdom with these land pieces and I can just make my kingdom look however I want? Oh, I have to stay within a 5×5 square but my castle can go anywhere? And I can pick any one of those tiles in that column there? That sounds easy. Wait, that’s all? That’s the entire game?

DISCLAIMER: This review is focused on vanilla Kingdomino. We have the Age of Giants expansion and will be reviewing that as well. Maybe. If or when we do we will add that content to this review or link to it here. -T

Yep. That’s the entire game. On your turn you take the tile your meeple is currently sitting on and place it on another tile from the current offer column. That new tile will be your tile to be placed during the next round. Now you take the tile you just moved from and place it anywhere on your kingdom “grid” matching up similar land types if you can. Each crown icon shown in a land type will score 1 VP per land tile that is connected and matching. Example: you have a sand tile with two crowns on it. You have connected several tiles together and you have a connected sand area of seven squares showing sand. Two crowns times seven squares equals 14 VPs for that sand area. Just do that for all areas with crowns to get your final score.

Where is the conflict, you ask? Every good story has a conflict! Well, you cannot take just ANY tile you want. The tiles are placed in the offer column in numeric order (on the backs of the tiles are numbers). Then they are flipped so you can see what is coming up on the next round. Whomever chooses the lowest number tile goes first, and subsequently chooses their tile for the next round. Herein lies the conflict and what little player interaction there is in the game: you can block your opponent(s) by taking the tiles you see they may want. I personally do not play any games this way, but it’s a valid strategy. I am in it to win it, not in it to make you lose it.

Ok, so at first glance this is a children’s game. It can also be a hard sell to get people to want to play it. “It’s like Dominoes, but better.” That usually doesn’t spark a whole lot of energy and interest when I open with that. I am open to better sales pitches because this is a truly great game. Yes, it’s ultimately Dominoes at its heart. Yes, it’s very light. But dang it, this game is really fun!

The little cardboard castles that you build around are cute, but also kinda unnecessary. The meeples are, well, meeples. Not really too exciting to look at, but they are merely there to show player color. The domino tiles are a good thickness and the art is fun and whimsical. I LIKE looking at the tiles and sometimes finding a little hidden easter egg in there. I have no complaints about the components. Good on you, Blue Orange Games.

The game play is so simple but also so engaging! My mother, who usually only plays Rummikub, actually agreed to play this with me and she really really enjoyed it! Kids can play it and do really well. Older adults can too! It’s a great game to consider for gateway gaming, for a filler palate cleanser, or even for lighthearted tournament play. It just works well in so many scenarios. Is it my favorite game of all time? No. Is it in my Top 10? No. But I can guarantee you that I will never get rid of this little gem.

That said, Purple Phoenix Games gives this title a royal 14 / 18. Build on, Kingdomino!
Letter to My Daughter
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maya Angelou has long been one of my favorite authors. I have even performed her poetry during my high school day in regional speech & debate tournaments. [b:I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings|13214|I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings|Maya Angelou||1413589] was her first book that I read as an adolescent. Her words are always inspiring and listening to her read [b:Letter to My Daughter|4016515|Letter to My Daughter|Maya Angelou||4062985] was incredible. Reading her books always leave me feeling refreshed and alive, but hearing the emotion in her voice while she was reading her words, gives the book even more enjoyable. Hearing her voice crack as she talks about being beaten and raped almost brought me to tears. It made me feel a deeper connection to Ms. Angelou.

It's ironic that this book is called <u>Letter to My Daughter</u> when Maya Angelou doesn't have a daughter. She claims women such as Oprah Winfrey, Rosa Johnson Butler, Valerie Simpson, Brenda Crisp, and Frances Berry allowed her to be a mother to them. This book goes through different aspects of Maya Angelou's life from childhood living with her grandmother, to becoming an undeveloped woman who thought sex would bring in her breasts. And it did, but they were filled with milk.

We as women go through many struggles in life. A lot of the time, we put ourselves on the back burner in order to take care of those around us. In this book, Maya Angelou proves to us that no matter the struggle, if we work hard and put ourselves first, we can accomplish anything. She had it just as hard, actually harder than any of us and look at all she had done in this world.

I recommend this book to all the women I know. It will leave you feeling empowered, strong and on top of the world.
Spy Glass (Glass, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I finally got around to finishing this series, and I am glad I did. While the series sometimes seemed to drag on and on, and I often found Opal's character frustrating, she finally figures out her own purpose in life in the final book, as well as ties up all of the loose ends of her life.
Forgiveness seems to be a central theme in this series, but most especially in the final book with Opal's interactions with Devlen's character. While I am still conflicted over their relationship, I tend to take the position that if the main character is happy with it, I'm happy with it, too. Devlen's changes seem to pose the question: Do people really change? We like to believe they do in theory , but when it comes to those who perform the really evil crimes, few people are willing to accept that it's truly possible. Opal actually did finally believe this about Devlen, which makes her a rare individual.
Opal's character can be quite confusing at times - she can be very emotional and reactive, but at the same time she has endured unimaginable circumstances and has made herself into a battle-hardened warrior. How many females today can do what she can - even without the magic included? She has certainly earned the right to make her own decisions - and handle whatever consequences come along.
I loved the two children she picks up along the way, and how they help her to understand her own magical abilities. They bring out the maternal instincts in her, which I always appreciate in literature of this nature. The cult that these two were members of fits the stereotype very well, at times both disgusting me and making me want to jump in and rescue those poor people myself.
The coolest part of the book was when Valek taught Opal how to be a proper spy - it reminded me of the Study series by Maria V. Snyder that I loved so much. Valek is such an enigmatic character that he deserves his own trilogy!
Face of the Wave (Ryder Bay #3)
Face of the Wave (Ryder Bay #3)
Jordan Ford | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Face of the Wave (Ryder Bay #3) by Jordan Ford
Face of the Wave is the third book in the Ryder Bay series, and we finally find out what happened with Skylar. She comes round at the beginning of the book, and is understandably very confused. She goes along with how her parents, and everyone, expect her to be, but she knows something isn't right. She just can't figure out what it is yet. Jed has been there for Skylar whilst she was in a coma, but now she's awake, Jed is sure she won't want someone like him.

This book deals with some serious issues, that I thought were excellently written. Skylar not only has her physical recovery to deal with, but she also has to figure out the black hole in her mind, plus decide on how she wants to be around others. The new group take her under their wings, and with Jed's help, Skylar is prepared to tell all.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I'm so very glad my guess of the 'big bad' was correct! However, I did feel that Skylar's problem (while HUGE) actually overshadowed the romance part with Jed. Although I can see them as incredibly good, close, friends. I just can't see them as a couple. That saddens me, as I really wanted Jed to get his HEA, and he does. He does get it here, but for the first time ever with one of Ms. Ford's books, I just don't get it.

Even though this story didn't quite work for me, I still have no hesitation in recommending it! Remember, this is just my opinion, and I am sure many out there will think differently. A fantastic story, great characters, and wonderful scenery! Go on, try this series for yourself.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Rocketman (2019)
Rocketman (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
I knew before watching this that it wasn’t your average biopic but that still didn’t prepare me for how truly wacky and wonderful it was. But then when you think of Elton John, would you really expect anything less flamboyant?

This is more like an Elton John musical complete with rather strange fantasy elements, and I have to admit that the fantasy is mostly the bit I didn’t like. Singing with younger versions of himself were fine, but the rest I just found a little too odd and ill fitting. However despite this, it’s still a rather good musical. All of the songs that you’d expect are in here and it was a struggle not to sing along. I do think that the general sound on the music in this didn’t seem quite as good as Bohemian Rhapsody, it didn’t feel quite as immersive and concert like and it was in the same screen!

Taron Egerton does a wonderful job, I’ve said before that he’s a marvellous actor and he proves it yet again here. Whilst he doesn’t look exactly like Elton John i can’t imagine anyone else playing this role and there were some moments later on in the film that I had to do a double take as he looked so like him! There are other great performances too, namely Richard Madden as the smarmy John Reid and Jamie Bell as Bernie Taupin. There are some scenes with Bernie and Elton that almost have me in tears. I know fairly little about Elton’s earlier life so for me this was rather an informative and fascinating film too, and I was beyond glad at the end to hear that Bernie is still going. I couldn’t have coped if he wasn’t!

This film isn’t faultless and I felt like it was rather drawn out, but it’s still a rather good musical biopic and definitely one I’d like to see again and sing along too. Indeed, wouldn’t this be marvellous as a musical stage show?

Lee (2222 KP) May 29, 2019

Yeah I didn't feel this was really a sing along kind of movie, in the way Bohemian Rhapsody was

Impractical Jokers
Impractical Jokers
2011 | Comedy, Reality-TV
It's harmless fun (2 more)
It's silly in a serious world
The guys actually seem like really nice guys.
They keep it fresh
So I've played the game snog marry avoid using these guys and I genuinely couldn't avoid any so for fun I have included what I said in the game lol.I've seen every episode atleast 3 times yet I am still so entertained.
Sal - he's the looker, the sassy dude. He gets some hilarious punishments because he just wears his heart on his sleeve.
I would love to be mates with Sal, feel like he'd be fun to date too, but I Couldn't marry him, his quirks would be so annoying long term lol.
Joe - he is just fearless. He will embrace any punishment and rarely refuse. He also seems like a really great dad and husband. He also actively encourages people to rescue dogs instead of buying them and you get to meet his adoreable dogs on the show.
I couldn't say I'd want to marry him as he seems just so in love with his beautiful wife but I'd love a husband like him.
Murr - He takes so much stick bless him but doesn't stop him being so funny. Especially when he annoys Sal. He just seems like someone you'd want in your life, someone that doesn't take things to heart and can laugh at themselves.
I'd want him as a brother, not my type in the slightest but he's so lovely I'd want to help find him someone lol.
Q - Now. Right, Q can be fearless, goofy and hilarious but one thing for me stands out. He has aged WELL. To my knowledge he is the oldest of the group and he kind of used to make me cringe with his long hair and baby face.
Then, he shaved his head and grew a beard, he just became so fit to me lol I'd definitely marry him.