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Jeff Nichols recommended The Hustler (1961) in Movies (curated)

The Hustler (1961)
The Hustler (1961)
1961 | Drama, Romance

"Then the next Paul Newman film has to be The Hustler — that’s as much about directing as anything else. I know that director [Robert Rossen] didn’t do a ton of stuff but that’s the first time I really started thinking about the frame. That’s not true; I thought about the frame before I even knew I was thinking about the frame when I saw Lawrence of Arabia. I saw The Hustler again on a film print in college. I’d seen it many times before, I actually owned it on video in high school. What high school student owns a video cassette of The Hustler? But I did. I just thought it was so beautiful — that black and white photography. The framing in that film — I think it’s cinema scope. I know it’s 235, so super wide frames. The way they would stack foreground-background action in that — that was a real lesson because I had done this thing in my first video project in film school. I was looking at the camera and I was looking at the shot and it was a video camera that they had on a little pee-wee dolly that had a hydraulic boom arm on it. I was just sitting there looking at this video and wondering, “This is in my infancy as a person thinking about visual storytelling.” I was messing with this hydraulic boom lift and looking at the monitor and all of a sudden I lowered the camera to the point to where this table that was right in front of the camera fell into the foreground. Then I had this thing in the foreground and this carriage in the background. And all of a sudden, it just got vastly more interesting to me. I know that might seem so remedial to people that take photographs and other things. This was a big breakthrough for me. When I went back and looked at The Hustler you see all of this complex foreground-background framing going on. Spielberg‘s the best at it too. Spielberg does it all the time. If you look at scenes in Indiana Jones where they’re sitting across the table the more he puts the camera — it’s awesome. But there’s an elegance to the camera placement and the camera movement in The Hustler that’s pretty undeniable. Not to mention, there’s a reason I’m talking about Paul Newman movies: there’s a behavior emerging in these films from the sixties that I really identified with. I almost felt like they valued it more than people in other decades, because they were so directly breaking free from the structures of studio films of the fifties and that acting style, more importantly. That it seemed like, “Now we’re going to take some seriously flawed characters for a run, for a test drive.” It’s when you start getting, I think, some of the best writing in film history — and character writing specifically. Stories that turn on character more than plot. What an odd plot for The Hustler. What an odd trajectory, but totally compelling. When I guess they’re going to the derby or whatever and that’s when his girlfriend — what an odd structure. That’s really something I strive for in my stuff. Structures that aren’t just a continual execution of plot, but are really driven by characters and their flaws."

The Informer (2019)
The Informer (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
A real hidden gem.
I went into this film knowing very little about it, other than the two-line blurb on my local cinema's website. Released to a muted fanfare, this twisty-turny crime drama is a surprisingly gripping and taut thriller, with some stand-out performances from the cast.

Joel Kinnaman plays Pete Koslow, an ex-con that we soon discover is working undercover for the FBI to help take down a mob boss in New York City. Not much is known (or, frustratingly, revealed) about Koslow's backstory, but Kinnaman plays the part very well. It's not as in-depth as maybe it could've been, but his personal arc is a fresh and original spin on a tried-and-tested formula, and it is, at times, compelling to watch.

Needless to say, Koslow's arrangement with the FBI goes sour before too long, and he's left alone in prison with multiple groups of enemies with their own agendas trying to kill him. The second half of the film, where the twists and turns and clever plotting flows more freely, reminded me of Will Smith's "Enemy of the State" and Liam Neeson's "A Walk Among The Tombstones", in terms of the complex approach and execution to resolving a seemingly inescapable situation.

The story was told to great effect, with the gritty tone and the deliberate pacing perfectly suiting this competent thriller.

Ana de Armas is terrific as Koslow's long-suffering and admiringly-loyal partner, Sofia. She has a look of naivety and innocence throughout, with her perma-watering wide eyes and youthful good looks, yet she is as tough as they come and the perfect match for Kinnaman's lead.

Clive Owen also deserves a mention for another consistent performance, despite him being woefully underused here. He steals every scene he's in, playing a menacing background antagonist incredibly well.

For me, this movie was let down by two things. First, its ending, which felt sudden and rushed, as if it stopped mid-sentence. It's not the kind of film that warrants a sequel, nor was it, I imagine, made with the intention of one. So to leave so many questions unanswered serves little purpose and ultimately leaves you disappointed after what was otherwise a very, very clever film.

Secondly, Rosamund Pike's performance left a lot to be desired. Because of her outstanding lack of on-screen charisma, you never truly connect with her character, Agent Wilcox. Her handling of Koslow's operation felt hollow. She showed no emotional range whatsoever, and wore the same expression throughout the entire film. Consequently, the journey of her character and the impact her decisions have on both other people, and the movie's eventual outcome, felt empty and pointless.

Despite that, this is a real hidden gem. As I noted earlier, this wasn't what you would call a "big" release. It came out under the radar and, as a result, was the subject of very few expectations. But what you have here is an intelligent thriller that provides an original take on a typical storyline that delivers in almost every way it intended to.

This is the film you stream off Netflix on a Friday night while eating a takeaway after a hard week at work.
Point Break (1991)
Point Break (1991)
1991 | Action, Mystery
Not Bad
My buddy who recommended Point Break asked for my thoughts almost immediately after I watched it. In a word: Fun. No, it's not going to blow your mind or give you chills, but it's a great film to watch if you're just trying to have a good time. It's like Fast and the Furious before Fast and the Furious became Fast and the Furious. Oh yeah, and with surfer dudes.

Point Break can be a bit over the top at times. One scene in particular involving a chase scene where someone literally threw a dog at Keanu Reeves left me scratching my head and chuckling, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to be laughing at that point. The plot holes threw me off just as much. Spoiler Alert In the Form of a Question: After Johnny Utah's cover is blown, why the hell is he still hanging out with the bankrobbers?

After a slow start, I managed to find myself engaged in what was unfolding. Keanu Reeves got off to a slow start as well in his role as Johnny Utah, but found his way midway through. It was almost like this was the film where he learned how to act, but director Kathryn Bigelow didn't notice until they were well past the point of reshoots. It doesn't kill the movie, not by a longshot, especially considering its setting.

The ending was extremely ambiguous and, ten years ago, probably would have ruined the entire film for me. Now, it left me asking myself, "What does this mean exactly?" My answer in a sec...

For those of you like me that are new to the film, Point Break is the story of a detective trying to take down a gang of surfers that have become notorious on the bank-robbing circuit as the Ex-Presidents. The film has some fun action sequences, including a house raid midway through that I really enjoyed. I also thought Bigelow captured some powerful shots when it came to expressing the love and power of the ocean. I would love to see this film shot in IMAX today. And I said this film, not the god-awful remake. My favorite shot takes place at a gas station. Bodhi (Patrick Swayze) is burning a car (destroying evidence) to the ground using a gas pump and a lighter. For some reason, it reminded me of the one scene I enjoyed in Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice where the courtroom explodes and just Superman is left among the flames. Scenes like this, no matter how good or bad a film is, stay etched in your memory for a long time.

So what were my thoughts on the ending? I feel like the waves got the better of Utah and he succumbed to their call. He got a taste of a life that was more easygoing and peaceful. Less rules and restrictions. Ultimately, it was enough for him to throw everything else (badge included) away. And yes, I think he does end up staying with Tyler (Lori Petty).

Glad I saw this film. I give it a 77.
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice
Deborah Dorchak, Wendi Kelly | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice by Wendi Kelly & Deborah Dorchak
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice continues in the world of Angels, shifters, demons, Talutha, and goodness know's what else. I'm sure we've only scraped the top of the barrel as far as Kelly and Dorchak's imagination goes! Although this is only the second book in this series, I would highly recommend you read the first series, just to get a handle on the different characters and the relationships they have.

You may remember that I fell out with Cole in the last book. Well, he is making efforts to redeem himself, but to be completely honest, it's not really working with me. Then again, I have always been biased towards Harry. The fallout/effect from the last book is shown in this one, with the affects being far-reaching to everyone connected to Regina. I love that woman, I really do, but she really needs to start focusing on the bigger picture. She has so much help on hand, people who love her, that I wish she could take a moment to simply breathe. Actually, I related to Olivia in this book A LOT! There is always drama, always some crisis going on, and as for who is with who - well, I've actually given up on that now. I just figure that they are all together, in one way, shape, or form, and that will have to do. With so many characters, new and old, all interlinked in so many different ways, I just can't keep track in my mind over who is with whom! Another thing that Olivia mentioned is the fact that it is now the Pride, not the Pack. In fact, the pack is now given a lower-case when it's mentioned. I get that they are doing something completely new, and with new comes chaos, but I do feel a sense of sorrow that the cats seem to be taking over.

Now, with that all being said, I still thoroughly enjoyed this book, and read it in one sitting. You have bad guys, you have good guys, and then you have bad guys that you actually feel sorry for and want to help (Victoria and Simon anyone?). This book is extremely well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. The scenes also smoothly flow from one to the next without any jarring. The world building is amazing, and I am in awe of these two authors for not only providing such a distinctive story, but in a world is intricate and intriguing, and it will keep you turning the pages. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Klaus (2019)
Klaus (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
New Christmas films always make me a little sceptical, a lot don't seem to take things very seriously and that means something naff that isn't always good. Seeing the trailer for Klaus made me hopeful though, I love an origin story.

Jesper has had a privileged life up until this point, when daddy is in charge of the business you can skate by with the minimum of effort. Things are about to change though, his father has had enough of his loafing around.

One year. 6,000 letters. This is what Jesper must achieve or he'll be cast out of the life of comfort he knows. That sounds doable, right? It does until you find out he's being sent to the farthest reaches where many postmen have gone before and soon fled. The town aren't the communicative type unless it involves and insult and a projectile weapon. Jesper is set on giving up until he spots a house out on the very edge of the map, this home belongs to a reclusive woodsman named Klaus.

At first glance the animation on Klaus looked too simplistic, in a world where computer animation and effects exist you sometimes forget that something doesn't have to be overcomplicated to be good. By the end I was amazed at how much this "simple" looking film managed to get across. The contrast between the bright happy world and the dark glum one in Smeerensburg is wonderful to behold, the colours (or lack thereof) get across the despair, and mixed with the characters it shows you exactly what sort of situation Jesper is dealing with.

What I particularly like about the amination is how well each scene is crafted outside of the characters. It's so atmospheric, the fog over the town, the mist in the forest, the way the light works with the weather, it's magical.

Smeerensburg's townsfolk match their surroundings perfectly and I'd really like to congratulate the person who came up with that crazed little stabby girl, she might be my favourite character of all. Seeing how the changes unfold throughout the film was lovely, each one brought with it a thrill that warmed this cold heart on a winter's day.

"A true act of goodwill always sparks another."

The story itself is a staple of Christmas films, love and friendship conquering selfishness, but it's a very charming way to look at it. I liked that the obligatory love interest storyline was actually not the main point, the friendship made for a much better focus. Klaus weaves a wonderful tale of how simple deeds can change the world... yes, I'm being overly dramatic!

I wasn't prepared for how much this was going to get to me, I've watched it twice this weekend and I'll be watching it again before Christmas is here. Thank you, Netflix. I'm adding this to my regular Christmas watching rotation.

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Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Bone Clocks in Books

Dec 29, 2017  
The Bone Clocks
The Bone Clocks
David Mitchell | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a very unusual book. Not quite in the realms of Cloud Atlas, but it’s still a strange and interesting read.

This is unusual because it starts off as a character driven life story, and a very good one at that, with a few odd snippets of a underlying fantasy subplot that create quite a lot of intrigue. Even when the focus of a chapter shifts to a different main character, it doesn’t lose the interest and great writing. It shows a great take on a dystopian future and it’s almost disturbing to read as it’s a future most of us could imagine coming true.

It’s also unusual as the main fantasy subplot isn’t fully revealed until well over two thirds of the way through the book. But for me, this is where the problem starts as the fantasy strands turn out to be the main plot and it’s a bit of a letdown. It isn’t complete nonsense, it just seems very overcomplicated and out of place with the rest of the novel. Parts of it could have worked well, but it has perhaps been a little overthought.
Two for the Dough (Stephanie Plum, #2)
Two for the Dough (Stephanie Plum, #2)
Janet Evanovich | 1996 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stephanie Plum is at it again. This time she is on the hunt for Kenny Manusco. Kenny shot one of his best friends in the knee and then, he ends up dead. Kenny missed his court appearance for the knee shooting and Stephanie is going to hunt him down. For this case she has a little extra help, some she wants and some not so much. Some of the same characters from One for the Money are back in this second edition. My favorite by far though is Grandma Mazur. She plays quite a big role is this book.

I laughed out loud several times during this book. I'm sure people were looking at my strangely. I really hope that Grandma Mazur is going to keep making her appearances. She adds a great variety to Stephanie's cases. You never know what she is going to do.

So, I'm three books down for my Janet Evanovich challenge. My goal is to read everything she has ever written. She has written over 50 books so I guess this should take me about a year or more to complete.
Rise to Nobility
Rise to Nobility
2018 | City Building, Dice Game, Economic, Fantasy
Solo mode - play by yourself with various challenges (3 more)
Complex but not confusing
Aim of the game easy to grasp and fun
Beautiful Artwork
Can take a little while to set up (10 - 15 mins) (0 more)
Exceptional game that can be play solo as well as a group
I purchased/funded this game on Kickstarter and it's now one of my all time top 5 games I like to play. Even my wife loves it and it's the only game she requests to play. The gameplay has many elements to it allowing the you to stick with a favourite strategy or change it as you go along to best you chances of winning. The game is fun and has you always thinking of you next move. One big selling point for me my the solo mode where you can play the game by yourself (when you fancy it) and it does not disappoint. Solo mode plays exactly the same as the group mode except for giving you a challenge to achieve by the end of the game. I think this game is great and would bring hours of enjoyment to any keen gamer.

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Apr 30, 2019

Keep the reviews coming, I got Kudos to give and they go to Board Game Reviews...


Stampy ;) (90 KP) Apr 30, 2019

Shall do.. thank you very much :)

The Hunt (Hunter's Mate, #1)
Anne Marsh | 2009
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had high hopes for this book. The plot is right up my alley with the mythology aspect and I was curious to see where the author would take it. Unfortunately, I found myself jaded with it by the time I finished. There seems to be a lot to the story that the author isn’t telling. I am not sure if she planned on elaborating in future installments, but she doesn’t even give us enough to really be curious. For example, the female lead will make a mental comment about her master but that’s it.
The leads were also much to be desired. There wasn’t anything about the lead female to make me like her. In fact, I felt disconnected from her as person in general.

I think my biggest problem was that I was a disappointed there wasn’t more erotica to it. We are given two scenes and they are so short I wondered why the author wasted her time. I loved the world and mythology the author created, but I guess it just wasn’t the story I wanted.