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The Memory Keeper's Daughter
The Memory Keeper's Daughter
Kim Edwards | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emotive storyline. Hauntingly beautiful language. (0 more)
Hauntingly Beautiful
This came into the charity shop I work in and as soon as I read the blurb on the back of the book I knew I had to read it.
A Doctor in a snow storm delivers his twins but one is born with Down Syndrome and he decides there and then to tell his wife that she died. He hands over his daughter to the nurse and asks her to take her to a home. She decides upon seeing the home she cannot possibly leave her here and raises her herself.
The book follows through time the lives of everyone the Doctor and his wife raising there son Paul, and the Nurse Caroline fighting for Phoebe to be accepted and have access to an education and equal opportunities.
It starts of in the 60s and we really get a glimpse into the attitudes of the time towards those with Down Syndrome and at times it is awkward to read at times as you cannot believe that it was like this.
With such a explosive secret being kept and the grief that Norah feels after thinking she has lost a child the family is poisoned and relationships turn toxic and the family dynamic is ripped apart.
We see Phoebe thrive throughout her life with Caroline and also the limitations she faces in her day to day life.
The emotive language the author uses means you do feel Norah's loss, you resent David for his betrayal, you can understand Paul's rebellion and Caroline's guilt.
It is an achingly beautiful book which is dealing with an explosively emotive storyline. I really enjoyed it and it is really hauntingly staying with me even after I've finished as I began to imagine how I would feel and what I would do if I was put in that situation. A really good read, possibly to emotionally charged for a sleep deprived and hormonal mother of two boys, one of which does have medical issues do I could relate somewhat too.
Christopher Robin (2018)
Christopher Robin (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Great coming-of-age story of leaving behind childish things (a la Toy Story 3), weighed up with the perils of growing up (responsibilities and prioritising work over family). Christopher Robin leaves the Hundred Acre Wood to grow up and somehow loses his way as the stresses of adult life take hold.
I really hated the trailer for this film, thinking it looked like they'd taken the plot of The Smurfs or Paddington and just swapped in the different characters. It really didn't do it justice as this is not your average CGI creatures madcap adventures in the real world film. There are real poignant moments in the Hundred Acre Wood before any of the toys have really made it to the real world. Also I did not like the look of Pooh, he seemed just wrong on so many levels. But as with any 2D character, nothing 3D will quite look right and you soon become to like him and appreciate his facial expressions.
Ewan McGregor is OK as Christopher Robin (though interesting that he somehow lost his North English accent as he grew up), though is somehow neither truly believable as the curmudgeon nor as the eventual (spoiler alert) happy, funloving Dad.
The cast of the Hundred Acre wood seem quite familiar to me, as Jim Cummings continues his reign as Pooh and Tigger, but we (briefly) have Peter Capaldi (doing an impression of Gary Oldman) as Rabbit and Toby Jones as Owl.
Enjoyable cameo appearances from Mackenzie Crook and Matt Berry in one scene.
Some real poignant moments at the start of the film, but this wasn't reflected in the finale as that was not as emotive as it could have been.
Not really a film for under-10s, more for the older children, who ironically may think it is more babyish than it really is (my eldest is 10 and was refusing to go and see it but I think she enjoyed it more than her younger siblings).
The Line That Held Us
The Line That Held Us
David Joy | 2018 | Contemporary
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dark and moody. Definitely recommend
I was very surprised to like this book immensely. This easily has to be one of my favorites for 2018. I read this in almost one sitting and the plot grabbed me from the very first page. It’s dark and moody, somber and serious, but it’s worth to read from cover to cover in one sitting.

You can take a guess things weren’t to go very well once things hit the fan, what you probably didn’t expect is the snowball to get big enough that it affects a larger group of people. Yet once you get to know what kind of a person Dwayne is, he’s quite the man of extremes. On the other hand, can you really blame him though? After what he’s gone through and his childhood, he truly has no one else but his brother. Now it doesn’t excuse him for what he did, but it goes to show at what extremes people would get to because of people or things being taken away from them.

I just loved the overall mood and tone of the book. It’s quaint because it’s set in a small town. Everyone knows each other since childhood, certain family names stand out and are prominent due to reputation or how long they’ve been in town. It’s a great setting and the characters are realistic. Although each had their own ghosts and secrets, it provided more realism to them and they’re not so perfect and they’re all pretty much flawed. This is what made the book so good.

The plot was good and provided easy reading. You’d want to know what happens and the ending wasn’t what I expected, it was a great ending however it would have been nice to hear about the outcomes of some of the characters featured. Definitely recommend this book. I enjoyed it absolutely from start to finish.

Marylegs (44 KP) rated Spilt Milk in Books

Aug 14, 2019  
Spilt Milk
Spilt Milk
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I received this book as an ARC. It was definitely not my normal read. I primarily read fantasy/sci-fi/horror/thriller type books, and it always surprises me when I read a book out of these genres and enjoy it. I can honestly say that I enjoyed this book. At the onset of the story we are introduced to three sisters who are trying to get by in a time when morals and opinions were high, and times were difficult for women. The sisters have already lost their mother and father to illnesses and the younger siblings, Vivian and Nellie are dependent on their older sister Rose to bring in the money and look after them.

I won’t go into any more detail about the story as things start happening very quickly and I’m not one for spoilers. The book was beautifully written and once I was invested in the characters (which doesn’t take very long) the chapters began to disappear pretty quickly. It is at its core a story of love and sisters in a time of female hardship. When women could love freely without consequence. When what your neighbors knew about you or could know about you forced women into life shattering choices. That can ultimately tear your family apart. It also shows the change in times and how the love and support of your family can change everything. A beautifully written story about love, family and life time bonds.

I will add just as a slight criticism that I thought the ending sort of dropped off. I would have loved the ending to have had a little something more to it. Having said that that could be the point, that their story hadn’t truly ended, I guess it’s just my personal feelings. I would recommend this book even if it’s not your normal read as it is a captivating story.
Just One Bite
Just One Bite
Jack Heath | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Timothy Blake is waiting on the side of the road for someone to drop of a package to him. While he is waiting he decides to take a short walk through the woods and he stumbles upon a body. Being the man that he is, he takes the body and goes home since the person never arrives. He puts the body in his freezer for another time. Then he gets a call from his friend Thistle who is also an FBI agent. She needs his helps to solve the case of a missing person. Blake knows where the missing person is, but if he tells her this, he will be charged for the murder, which he didn't do. So he helps the FBI for just as much reason to keep himself clean as to find out what happened to this guy. Will they find the real killer before the body is found in his freezer?

Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin for the opportunity to read and review this book.

This is the first book I've read by Jack Heath. I'm very interested to find out what happened to Blake in the first book. I don't know if there will be more books in this series, but the way this one ended, there could be. I now have to go back and read book 1 which is called Hangman.

Just so you're not surprised if you decide to read this book, Timothy Blake is a cannibal. I didn't see that coming and I think I said out loud, "What the hell!" while I was reading and my family looked at me strange. So that is why he kept the body in the freezer, to have for dinner or a snack later.

One very interesting thing about this book is that there is a riddle at the beginning of each chapter. Some I was able to figure out, others not so much.

Here's one I couldn't figure out: What food has no beginning, end or middle?
Predestination (2015)
Predestination (2015)
2015 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
A story about a girl named Jane
It seems I've been watching a fair amount of Ethan Hawke lately, total coincidence. I have to say he is probably one of my favorite current actors as he always seems to select smart scripts. His recent film First Reformed was amazing as was another recent Hawke watch, Daybreakers. The directors of Daybreakers recast Hawke as a time traveling policeman of sorts trying to track down one last killer before hanging up his hat.

His current status as a lonely barkeep is interrupted when a stranger walks in, sits down and begins telling their story. Intrigued, Hawke sits down and listens to the tale of an unwanted orphan, a unique person misunderstood by society but maybe destined for great things. They try not to let the hardships of their life get them down, but disappointment lies around every turn. The interactions they have in their life may seem adrift and random, but maybe they have some deeper meaning about the meaning of life or at least their place in it.

Ok, this is kind of a vague description; however, if you take the time to watch this film (I sure wish you would) you will thank me for not saying too much

It is easy to get caught up in all the time paradox stuff when writing or watching a time travel film. What would happen if Marty McFly meets his future self or disrupts the meeting of his parents? Themes are a lot deeper here and the mystery continues to weave itself into a knot before slowly unraveling as the film reaches its end.

Hawke and Australian actress Sarah Snook are captivating together onscreen as their characters interact and their true feelings and motivations are revealed. Both are flawed in their own way, but also looking for redemption and validation that their time on Earth has meaning.

I was totally blown away by the smart, completely interesting story and hope I can convince others to view. Mesmerizing!

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Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 8, 2019

I love those types of films!


Versusyours (757 KP) Nov 8, 2019 (Updated Nov 8, 2019)

Yeah mind melters lol


Leigh J (71 KP) rated The loved ones (2009) in Movies

Nov 8, 2019 (Updated Nov 8, 2019)  
The loved ones (2009)
The loved ones (2009)
2009 | Horror, Thriller
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Everything! (0 more)
Nothing! (0 more)
Put my faith back in Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
For a period of time the other year, I had truly lost faith in Horror. Every Movie I was watching was like another nail in the Horror Coffin and I had got to the point where I didn't even want to watch Horror anymore. I. Was. Done. But one day whilst in a store, a Movie I had been meaning to check out was there (and reasonably priced!) I picked it up, flopped pessimisticly onto my Sofa and got ready to watch... The Loved Ones was the Movie, and it blew me away. It was the spark that reignited my Horror love, and it injected something fresh back into a Genre that I felt was getting tired.
So, The Loved Ones is about a young guy called Brent who is in a downward spiral due to the untimely death of his Father. An accident that Brent, himself, was involved in and feels guilty about as he was driving the Car and swerved at the last minute to avoid a dazed and injured boy in the Road. At School he is asked to Prom by a seemingly innocent looking girl called Lola, who he turns down as he already has a Girlfriend. Lola does not take this well (especially when she finds Brent in a steamy tangle with his Girlfriend in a car) and enlists the help of her equally psychotic Dad to kidnap Brent for a Prom Night that he'll never forget...
I really, really enjoyed The Loved Ones, and each time I watch it is a pleasure. It had some great creepy details (SPOILERS: such as the very unsettling relationship between Lola and her Dad, Lola's jealousy and pettiness towards her "Mum"; who has pretty much been lobotomized, the "others" twist that you never see coming) and it all ties together in a neat, possibly Pink, definitely Bloodstained Bow! It's a Movie that definitely deserves a watch, and even merits a few watches to pick up on all the awesome details. Amazing.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Dead Don't Die (2019) in Movies

Jan 7, 2020 (Updated Jan 29, 2020)  
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
Several Wild Animals
The Dead Don't Die is truly a bizarre experience.

Jim Jarmusch has crafted a gratuitously deadpan and self aware zombie film that tackles tired genre tropes in unique and confusing ways.
Truth be told, I was ready to hate it. I knew that it wasn't the same style of zombie-comedy as Zombieland, or Shaun of the Dead, and I expected to be bogged down in pretentiousness - I'm happy to admit that I was wrong in this case.

A lot of the complaints I've seen about TDDD is precisely that. That, and the fourth wall breaking, but those are two aspects that I actually really liked.
The humour is really subtle for the most part. The dead pan delivery of a lot of the script was quite jarring at first, but it didn't take long for it settle, and I actually ended up finding it pretty funny, just not in-your-face funny (which is a good thing).
The fourth wall stuff verges on being too-clever-for-its-own-good but it just about pulls it off, and gives an interesting alternate thought process to the general narrative.

The cast is brimming with people that I like and love - Bill Murray, Adam Driver (surely a full blown man crush by this point), Chloë Sevigny, Steve Buscemi, Danny Glover, Tilda Swinton... God damn I even love Iggy Pop. It's a great cast list for sure, and the charming and witty script gives them all a lot to do, even if some of the many characters feel under developed at times.

The zombie aspect is a bit if a back seat for me. I was certainly more invested in the aforementioned cast, than any actual zombie action, but I enjoyed the 'classic' shuffling zombies in a small town setting for what it's worth.

I'm not sure what I expected from The Dead Don't Die, but it certainly wasn't what I got, and that precisely why it stands out.
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