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American Made (2017)
American Made (2017)
2017 | Mystery
Story: American Made starts as Barry Seal (Cruise) a pilot gets offered a job by the CIA agent Monty Schafer (Gleeson) to fly over different parts of Northern and Southern America to take photos for the CIA, the job is exclusive but as his family grows with Lucy (Wright) having children, he needs more money.

When one if his flights takes him to South America he meets businessman Pablo Escobar (Mejia) and his partners who recruit him to smuggle drug into America. Before long Barry is getting pushed into other forms of smuggling both to and from America.


                            Thoughts on American Made


Characters – Barry Seal was a small-time cigar smuggling pilot before he gets recruited by the CIA to fly over other parts of the Americas to spy, soon he becomes involved in large scale smuggling across America both in and out, he believes he is working in the CIA but always seemed to be getting slightly in deeper than first thought. He struggles to keep his personal life together with his wife and children suffering his sudden changes in location. Monty is the CIA agent that recruits Barry to smuggle, he believes he is in control of the whole situation as he bails Barry out of trouble and gives him the instructions from the American side of the events. Lucy is the wife of Barry that must deal with his lifestyle but once there is a large amount of money involved she embraces the life of luxury for her family. We do have the drug dealing side of the characters that Barry deals with but we only see them in the dealing side of the story.

Performances – This is another Tom Cruise vehicle where he shows just how talent he is, this helps his credibility after the disaster which was The Mummy, this could be his best full ranged acting performance in years. Domhnall is great in his supporting role showing he can work in nearly any genre right now. Sarah Wright is good but we don’t get to see enough of her characters struggle or enjoyment of the money.

Story – The story follows Barry Seal and how he went from small-time cigar smuggler into one of the most infamous drug and gun smugglers in modern American history. We follow the events from how he remembers them explaining how he just didn’t seem to know how things just kept falling his way but he went with the flow and how the government helped support the international gun trade. This was a lot more interesting that I could imagine showing us just how corrupt the government could be when it needed to be.

Action/Biopic/Comedy – The action comes from how Barry would get the job done, he has edge of the seat moments of when it comes to the flight sequences, the comedy is lightly toned into the story which sounds like a comedy over a real story but seeing the story of Barry Seal and his smuggling makes for an interesting biopic.

Settings – The film does take us across difference parts America to show where Barry ends up going to which all look like the time being presented in the film.

Scene of the Movie – Emergency Landing

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It does make the idea seem like a good thing rather than a criminal in action.

Final Thoughts – This is an entertaining biopic that shows how a smuggler ran a multi-million-dollar organisation that even the government supported.


Overall: Enjoyable movie all around.
The Rose and the Thorn (The Riyria Chronicles, #2)
The Rose and the Thorn (The Riyria Chronicles, #2)
Michael J. Sullivan | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As soon as I finished the first book I immediately order this book. I couldn't wait to dive back into this world and follow Hadrian's and Royce's adventures. And as you can tell by my rating I didn't like it as much as the first one.

[Warning this review contain spoilers]

Things I liked:

-It was so nice to be back with the boys, their dynamic and their friendship. I can't get enough of it.
-The book was a little more focused on Royce this time instead of Hadrian. I tend to have a little soft spot for the "broken" man trope, hence I love Royce (I need to point out that I don't like the "broken" man trope that uses his past as an excuse to be a d*ck and borderline abusive to his love interest). And do you know what I like even more than the "broken" man trope? The "broken" man that put his guard down for the woman he loves. I like that Royce was sweet and nice to Gwen and to her only, and then take his knives out and cut anyone that dares to hurt her. I loved seeing him trying to hide his feeling and yet being so obvious. My heart melted.
-Reuben was also a sweetheart. I like his character overall and his arc. The mystery around his mother kept me guessing
-I was pleasantly surprised to see the relationship between Reuben and the Price being genuine. When this subplot started I would have bet that the Price will end up being a jerk to Reuben and use him for his own purposes but it didn't go that way.
-The plot was interesting and fast pace. There were twists I guessed from the get-go and others I didn't see it coming. Also from what I gathered from other reviews and discussions in this book, we have a lot of characters that are also present in the original series The Riyria Revelations and I think readers who have read the first series will appreciate that.

Things I didn't like:
Unfortunately, there were two major points that kind of ruined my enjoyment a little.

-I picked this book because I wanted more Hadrian and Royce adventures. But this story felt very, very much Reuben's once instead. We spent so many pages following him that I was counting the chapters until we go back to my two beloved characters. I felt like their story was just a subplot.
-Because the story of Hadrian and Royce felt like a subplot I was expecting at the end the two stories to connect in an epic way that will redeem the fact that I spent so little time with them. But it didn't. In the end, although the stories where connected (Hadrian and Royce looking for Rose and Reuben I knew were Rose was) it didn't matter. No matter what Hadrian and Royce did it barely affected the story main story. [SPOILER] They didn't save Rose and they didn't kill the guy that killed her. The only thing they did is scared another character and force him to protect Gwen and her business. What? That's it? If you take them out of the book it will make no difference and won't really affect Reuben's story. I don't know, maybe I missed something but I was left disappointed.
The little mermaid (2023)
The little mermaid (2023)
2023 | Fantasy, Musical
5.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
You Will Want To Go Under The Sea
Back in 2013, the Baltimore Ravens won the Super Bowl with a QB, Joe Flacco, who was a “game manager”. His reputation was that he was NOT spectacular and wouldn’t win a game for you, but he also wouldn’t take chances and LOSE a game for you.

Such the same can be said of newcomer Halle Bailey as Ariel in Disney’s Live Action remake of THE LITTLE MERMAID. She produces a competent, steady (but unspectacular) performance that doesn’t really add all that much to the film, but (more importantly) it doesn’t detract either.

And that is a GOOD (enough) thing as Director Rob Marshall (Chicago) populates this remake with some wonderful performers/performances to go along with better-than-average CGI and some new songs that actually work well (and don’t just seem like “add-ons”). All of this adds up to a very enjoyable family time at the movies.

Following the plot of the Disney Animated film from 1989, this Little Mermaid does not sway too far from the basic plot, though it does cut down (a bit) on the musical numbers. But when it swings big, it swings BIG and these swings connect.

Daveed Diggs (Broadway’s Hamilton) almost steals the film as the voice of Sebastian the Crab and his UNDER THE SEA number is a visual and audible delight while Awkwafina (CRAZY, RICH ASIANS) fills in very well in the Buddy Hackett role as the bird Scuttle. Surprisingly, young Jacob Trembley (ROOM) more than holds his own in this crazy trio of sidekicks as the young fish Flounder. These three work together quite a bit more in this film than in the previous, animated one and they work well together.

But, make no mistake, this film is Melissa McCarthy’s and as the evil Sea Witch Ursula, she demands you pay attention - and keep paying attention - to her. Her big number, POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS is deep, rich and powerful while her performance throughout the film is just enough over-the-top to work. Credit needs to go to both McCarthy and Marshall to understand when enough was enough or when they went too far and reigned it in.

Javier Bardem (NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN) also populates this film as Ariel’s father, King Triton, and while it looks like Bardem is trying very, very hard to audition for a serious Shakespeare role, it works well here.

Finally, the biggest surprise to me in this film is Jonah Hauer-King (he played Laurie in the Saoirse Ronan/Emma Watson/Florence Pugh LITTLE WOMEN) as Prince Eric. In the animated version of this film, poor Prince Eric has very little to do, except to be Ariel’s “Prince Charming”. In this version, writer David Magee (LIFE OF PI) turns Eric into a real character with some depth - and a song! The 2nd half of this film was as much about Prince Eric as it was about Ariel.

And, that is okay, for the ending of this film needed some energy in addition to Bailey’s to make it rise above the rest of film and with the help of all those other wonderful performers, it rises well above (and not under) the sea.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
The Sugarless Plum
The Sugarless Plum
Zippora Karz | 2009 | Biography
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zippora’s memoir is touching, inspirational, dramatic, and profound. I felt 100% in her shoes through her story, not just because I am a dancer and can relate to a lot of the experiences, but because of the way she has written it. She writes like the whole thing is magic—because Ballet is magic. I just can’t think of words to describe how much I loved this book.

There was a lot of information about Diabetes in the text, and I did skip over a paragraph occasionally. But for the most part it all fit in perfect. She described how she worried about how much Insulin to take before a show so that she wouldn't faint on stage. She told about how she was in complete denial for a while. She told about the horror to find that after she broke down and tested her blood after eating off-diet for so long, and her reading was off the charts—and another time, while she was having short black-outs, her reading was so low she didn’t know that a human’s blood sugar level could get that low… and how she felt in all those situations.

How Zippora felt was a key element running through the book. It wasn’t just “this is my story, hope you enjoy.” No, it was “First this happened. It looked like this, it felt like this, it smelled and tasted like this. Then this happened!”

Would a non-dancer relate to this book? Yes I believe they would. Maybe they wouldn’t have the same respect for what she went through as I do, but they would still relate. I danced through injuries and illnesses and partnered people who could at any moment throw up all over me and had six hour rehearsals en pointe and stayed at the studio from 8:00am to 7:30 pm with only a few crackers and water keeping me alive and ate dinner at 11:30 at night. I remember how it feels. But Zippora’s memoir tells us how it is in the professional world—which is all that I mentioned to a higher degree—and does it in a way that you don’t have to have that background to understand and relate to it and feel it (Although dancers will know what a pirouette or a tendue is without the explanation that she gives. At least the better if they call themselves dancers :).

THE SUGARLESS PLUM wasn’t just for dancers. It’s for anyone who dreams of the stage. Any athlete who suffers from an illness or an injury, either Diabetes or otherwise. It shows people that although they may not be able to overcome or fix a chronic disease, but it is possible to achieve your goal and cope with it and still achieve what you dream of most.

Content: There is one scene with brief mention of sex but no explicit details, and there is no language.

Recommendation: Ages 12+ to anyone who has ever dreamed about the stage, any athlete who suffers from Diabetes and needs encouragement, or anyone who loves a touching and inspirational memoir.
Twisted Luck
Twisted Luck
Mia Downing | 2017 | Contemporary, Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twisted Luck was one of them reads where I'm slightly on the fence in regards to its characters It did keep my interest but there were just a few niggles that dragged it down a star for me.
This for me is more of an individual preference than a black mark for the book and this no way takes away from the flow of the writing as Twisted Luck was expertly written, It is just a personal opinion and might not be an issue for anyone else reading this.
So here we go, Olivia has had a string of bad luck, enter Leo WELL WELL!!! upon first meeting Leo as Oliva is drowning herself in tequila at a local bar I thought, here we go, real bad boy, won't take no crap from no one yay my type of anti-hero this is going to be epic and here lies my problem, apart from the fact that Leo is an honest to god Demon and not just in the sack I found him just a bit, well, wussy. I wanted him to stand up to his kind of a dad Sam and stop wimping out, grow a pair you're a demon for god's sake.
 I also didn't think our Leo would have forgotten how to have a pee even if it has been years this is just something that you don't forget and finally the use of the word the magic, it was the magic this, the magic that, it got a bit irritating after a bit, would have liked to see a different word occasionally maybe my powers or I would have even settled for Va Va Voom for a change rather than the magic.
now I have that out of the way I'm going to explain why you should read this. Twisted luck was apart from my above points a page turner. I may be slightly biased in regard to Leo as I prefer a slightly darker hero or in my case anti-hero to drool over, but if you like a more human hero this book is for you.
I really do get what Mia was trying to convey Our Demon Leo transforming into a more human version of himself in a way un-demonising Leo and showing a warmer more flawed version of him as he slowly learned what it was like to love and be loved by Olivia and also reside without the use of here we go lol THE MAGIC!!!!.
And this was accomplished and pulled off with finesse and humour so if you like stories where the girl redeems the guy and they live HEA then this is the book for you I passed a very enjoyable few hours immersed in this and that's what Twisted Luck is Enjoyable and not too hard, an easy warm read that you can snuggle up with when you just want some R & R and some downtime.
I received an e-copy of this book free from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

Zuky the BookBum (15 KP) rated Siren in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read my review here:

<b><i>Don’t play the hero, Roisin. Make sure you have your back covered. But when the moment’s right, make your move.</i></b>

This is a bit different to the sorts of thrillers I’m used to reading. With a lean towards politics, this feels a little more highbrow than the normal the-boyfriend-did-it kind of books I’m used to. I don’t know anything about about the Northern Ireland Troubles, so it was interesting to get a glimpse into the history of it in this novel.

I liked our characters in this novel. It was nice to have someone like Boyle in this. Homeless, stinky and a bit of a pervert, yet still kind of likable. Though I felt like his story wasn’t told all that well. Roisin was a well built out character and Neary was really good at making us empathise with her the whole way through.

The plot, overall, was good. As some other reviewers have stated, the thrill subsides a little bit towards the middle and end, but I was still interested in knowing what was going to happen to really take much notice at the slowing pace. When we’re flashbacked to Roisin’s past, I was initially interested, but then things got a little drawn out. I felt like that section of the novel could have easily been shortened so we could have gotten back to the current day situation and learnt a bit more about Boyle and the Dutchman, but, hey.

One of my issues with this novel was the situation between Roisin and The Dutchman. Considering she was so wary of everything and kept completely to herself, it didn’t make much sense to me, that she let herself get so close to The Dutchman and so quickly. That part of the story felt very inaccurate to how it would have really played out, had this been a true story.

The writing in this novel is well done, with good descriptive imagery, believable dialogue and well developed characters. There are quite a number of Irish terms used that I’m not used to, but they’re easy to get. A thing not so well done in this novel was the layout. Within each chapter, we are presented with several POV’s that aren’t very well separated. The only suggestion that our character perspective has changed is a paragraph break, but then sometimes there are paragraph breaks that will carry on with the same character as before. I’m hoping it’s only this confusing as I’ve received an ARC copy from Netgalley, because if not, it’s a major flaw in the editing.

I’m a bit miffed at the ending, to be honest. It seemed abrupt and it was unsatisfying after all we went through with Roisin and her story.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>
Watching Edie
Camilla Way | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also find my review here:


<b>TRIGGER WARNING: <spoiler>Rape</spoiler></b>

Firstly I’d like to thank Netgalley and HarperCollins UK, HarperFiction for the opportunity to read this book in an exchange for a review.

<b><i>"... they do remain a part of us, those people who have hurt us very deeply, or who we have hurt, never letting us go, not entirely."</b></i>

This is the tale of a fractured friendship between two young ladies from broken families. Edie is popular and beautiful, Heather is awkward and shy. To begin with they seem to be the best of friends, but one night, something terrible happens that tears them apart. Fast forward 17 or so years and Edie is alone, working as a waitress and struggling to cope with new motherhood. Luckily, Heather steps out of Edie’s past and into her present, just at the right time to keep Edie afloat. But, something’s not right, there’s a darkness in their past that can’t be overlooked in the future.

From the get go, I thought this wasn’t going to be my sort of book, I’m not really into thrillers where the past and present are skipped between and an intense love story is the main focus. I tend to find them samey and cringey - the love of an 18 year old still haunting lives at the age of 33 just seems to only happen in novels. But, this one intrigued me a little more than the others have done. At 50% I started getting a little more excited at what was going to happen next. In the end, I actually got quite into the book, reading it in 24 hours.

Our two main characters of the novel, Edie and Heather, have really terrible stories attached to them and we can sympathise with them both, but it’s difficult to pick a side…. Let’s just say that what you’re thinking throughout the book may be completely turned on its head once the twist has come out.

There were aspects of this book that were very predictable and for a while the only reason I wanted to continue reading was because I wanted to know the full details of what happened that night at the quarry, so it had me more interested than <a href="">In a Dark, Dark Wood.</a> But then <b>BAM</b> we’re smacked with the truth of that awful night and we have to take the book and its characters in a whole new light. The twist in the novel is so far from what I was expecting it to be, it’s absolutely brutal in comparison to other novels with the same kind of plot.

I ended up really enjoying this after being so skeptical to begin with and I think it’s an excellent fast paced, twisty-turny read but I know it won’t be for everybody, it features too many dark subjects for all psychological thriller lovers to enjoy.
You May Now Kill the Bride (Return to Fear Street #1)
You May Now Kill the Bride (Return to Fear Street #1)
R.L. Stine | 2018 | Horror, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Plot (3 more)
The Characters
The Pacing
The World Building
R.L.Stine Does It Again!
I was a huge R.L. Stine fan back when I was in school. I was constantly reading every book I could read by R.L. Stine. I credit him with my love of horror books. Anyway, when I heard R.L. Stine was writing new Fear Street books, I had to read them! The first in this series is You May Now Kill the Bride. I absolutely loved it!

The pacing for You May Now Kill the Bride is fantastic! This book really was a page turner. I found myself not wanting to put it down. Each page had me hungry for me.

I really enjoyed the plot of You May Now Kill the Bride. Part of this story takes places in 1924 where we learn about the Fear/Goode curse. A Fear wedding takes place, but it really doesn't good as planned and tragedy ensues. The other part of the story takes place in present day. Another Fear wedding is about to take place, but it doesn't happen because the bride has gone missing. Will this Fear wedding end in tragedy as well? There were a few plot twists which I really enjoyed even if a couple of the plot twists were somewhat predictable. Even though You May Now Kill the Bride is part of a series, it can be read as a standalone. There were no cliffhangers at the end of the book, and all of my questions were answered.

R.L. Stine did an amazing job with the world building like always. I always felt like I was part of the story. Even though this is a work of fiction, everything felt real. I found myself even holding my breath at the most climactic parts of You May Now Kill the Bride.

I felt that all the characters in You May Now Kill the Bride were fleshed out very well. I enjoyed all the characters very much. My favorite character was Ruth-Ann. It was hard not to like her as I could really relate to her on a personal level. However, all the characters were interesting to read about even the minor characters. Most of the story is told in first person from Harmony's point of view. While I did find Harmony annoying right at first, I quickly ended up liking her.

Trigger warnings for You May Now Kill the Bride include magic, the occult, murder/death, and minor violence. There's also one scene where a character hurts their hand which isn't overly graphic, but those who are a bit squeamish may not like it too much. There's also another scene about a body being found after being found at the bottom of a cliff. The description isn't very graphic, but some may find it unsettling.

Overall, You May Now Kill the Bride was such a really good and quick read. The plot is fantastic, and the characters are written very well. Fans of R.L. Stine will truly love this story especially those that loved the original Fear Street series. I would definitely recommend You May Now Kill the Bride by R.L. Stine to everyone aged 15+. It was so good!
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The Flash  - Season 3
The Flash - Season 3
2016 | Action
Predictable (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
This season was painfully predictable. It had so much potential but with clumsy wording, all of the surprise twists were almost immediately obvious.

I am not a huge fan of shows that take a couple of seasons to build a world and characters, and then in some small twist of fate completely change the characters, and their lives. I think Fringe was one I hated the most but it made it so much more poignant and upsetting, which is why I stuck around was completely absorbed by that show - The Flash doesn't achieve this love.

I understand that they would want to tackle the Flashpoint story arc at some point but the way they handled the fallout of this was somewhat straightforward in this season.

The introduction of a single new character, and a single new villain in the first half of the season, made it hard to ignore who it would be 🤷🏼‍♀️
For the latter half of the season they quite literally told you who it was, a few times at that, and plainly showed you how easy it would be for that character to become the main villain.

The dreaded musical episode (and usual loose Supergirl crossover) was included in this season. It is rare enough that a show can achieve a truly plausible storyline that you want to follow with musical numbers, and this one was a non-start for me, honestly you could probably skip it, as there is hardly any story progression, and you'll catch up soon enough in the next episode.
Musical episodes I've enjoyed previously: Buffy (the OG, and mother of so many genre specific episodes) or Scrubs.

   ****Real spoilers from here****

By the last episode I was just watching to get to the end of the season, and am hoping that the team will get back to doing what they do best, which is adapting to new metas and dealing with these.
There is so much potential for alternate Earth storylines, and I would love to see Cisco and Wally have some more complex stories, and character layering.

As I had kind of stopped caring by the end of the last episode I actually wanted Iris to die, and was genuinely shocked and seriously annoyed that she didn't.
So bravo to the team for making me care so little I didn't see the obvious final twist, as again they gave you all the clues, shown in a quick series of flashbacks, just to show you how little you cared that you missed it.
But I also have to commend them, as it was more heartbreaking than what we assumed was the inevitable.

Fingers crossed that the writers will break their usual Flash formula, and come up with some more original content in the coming seasons.

The Flash formula:
Work as a team >> secrets/lies >> mistrust, can't possible forgive >> someone does something stupid on their own >> big impassioned speech >> team comes together >> side character (which deserves more) gets killed, or worse >> kinda saved the day >> rinse and repeat until the end of time!!