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The cookbook opens with an introduction about the author and why she decided to write this book, along with an explanation of the nickname "Healthy Girl." What I like most about this is that Potter explains that by changing her lifestyle to be more healthy, she lost 85 pounds, a fantastic feat! Every recipe includes the nutritional data gathered from based on one serving, and the back of the book includes a list of staple ingredients that Potter used in all of her recipes, as well as four weeks of planned dinners complete with grocery lists. While flipping through the recipes, divided under the headings of Breakfast, Entrees, Sides, and Desserts, I discovered that most of the ingredients that she uses are things that I already have and use in my own kitchen. Many of the recipes are familiar, but a few new ones gaves me ideas on how to tweak my own recipes, such as Chocolate Oatmeal, that melts dark chocolate in with cooked oatmeal; the Garlic Burger, that uses english muffins in place of hamburger buns; or the recipe Mozzarella Meatballs over Pasta that stuffs cheese inside of meatballs. This is not your typical gourmet cookbook with strange, unpronounceable ingredients and methods that require devices not found in your typical kitchen. The only device that Potter really recommends having is a bread machine, for recipes such as Chocolate S'mores Rolls and Almond Stuffed Bread. Many recipes included canned and frozen ingredients, as well as prepared mixes, like brown gravy mix and biscuit mix, to shorten preparation time. I also found it interesting that even though this is supposed to be a "healthy" cookbook, Potter still uses less healthy ingredients like butter, full-fat cheese, and bacon, just in smaller quantities. Many common dishes are made healthier by replacing certain ingredients with healthier versions, such as white flour with whole wheat flour, whole milk with skim milk, and vegetable oil with olive oil and canola oil. Overall, I would recommend this cookbook for those who want to eat healthy without having to sacrifice on taste, budget, or time.
The Pirates! An Adventure With Scientists (2012)
The Pirates! An Adventure With Scientists (2012)
2012 | Action
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Ardman Animation returned to the big screen in 2012 with this adaptation of the Children novel series, The Pirates!.

After building model sets in order to plan out a CGI animation similar to their 2011 Arthur Christmas, they quickly decided to return to their roots and this 3-D adventure was filmed as a stop-motion movie and is much the better for it.

The story itself, whilst following real life characters such as Queen Victoria and Charles Darwin, is pure, adulterated fiction, not quite from the school of Ridley Scott in which he claims to be making historical epics whilst taking liberties, I grant you, but still, I’m still having to explain to my 5 year old daughter that Queen Victoria was a super villain as portrayed here! We follow a crew of Pirates, lead by The Pirate Captain (Hugh Grant) as he attempts to win the converted pirate of the year but to no avail.

After an encounter with Charles Darwin (David Tennent), he learns that the ships “parrot”, Polly, is in fact a thought to be extinct Dodo and the pair along with his crew, return to England in order to win Scientist Of The Year as well. But Queen Victoria wants the bird, in order to eat it with other world leaders who gather to taste rarest cuisine.

My main issue with this film is that Victoria is presented a villain and this is now how my 5 year old daughter, who loves this film by the way, now looks upon as a baddie! But other than that this is a witty film built on wit. Every frame contains a joke of some kind, whether it be in the background, audible or part of the action.

Ardman’s style is unmistakable and quintessentially British and I suspect that whilst some international audiences will find this quaint, it will probably be lost on many.

But this is an underrated adventure, with lovable characters, villains and all told at a good pace.

Not something to be used for your history homework but still and enjoyable romp none the less.
Climax (2018)
Climax (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Musical
Does it satisfy?
#climax is a highly #depressing character study/a stomach churning look into darker human traits. As a huge #gasparnoe #fan I know his work is often dissmissed for being vulgar, #discusting, explicit, grotesque & pretentious but I actually find him to be a master of portraying human #emotion, relationships, #sex & #violence truthfully, realisticly & passionatly on screen. Climax is no diffrent & a fantastic mash up of #horror & #musical with such raw style/talent its hard not to get lost in its harsh madness. We are introduced to a diverse range or characters all with intricatly woven personalities & surrounded by books/movies that give us as an insite into Noes inspirations as a film maker & a taste of whats to come later. We learn from this that every one has thier own fears/problems, is searching for happines or has pent up anger, #fetishes, predatory traits, innocence, #passion, #lust or desires. They all also seem to use #dance as an escape, a display of emotion/personality, to make a statement or to evolve, #empower or rebell too. What follows is a simple story of what happens when #drugs are added in to this mix. Kind of like a messed up social experiment the #drugs highten personslity traits, magnify social problems & intensify eratic behaviours/emotions sending people spiriling out of cotroll. Just watching this group self distruct is nausiating & gaspar manages to filp from #happy into an atmospheric, unnerving real life horror movie with terrifying situations many of us have actually experienced before. Filmed in long takes & acompanied by such an impressive soundtrack & #beautiful cinimatohraphy the work gone into this film is simply stunning & much like a flawless dance routine itself. Sex plays a big part here too & as the dancers frequently use #sex/#sexually to express themselves we start to see the likening of dance to the act of vilolence as the #sexual tension ramps up with things like #trust, temptation, jelousy, infatuation, #passion, aression, manipulation, betrayal & animalistic urges present in both acts. A stunningly intricate piece of work that left my #heart pounding/my emotions attacked proving again that Gaspar really is an #artist.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Fantastic ending (2 more)
Great fan service
Character exploration best from any marvel film
Too much fan service at times (1 more)
Plot allows for problems in future
Excellent end with a couple of annoyances
Contains spoilers, click to show
I'm sure there have been many reviews of this film so I will do one myself. This film is the ultimate in fan service. 11 years, 22 films and a host of stick out moments are brought to this moment right here. It felt amazing watching this, midnight showing with infinity war double bill, knowing I was one of the first to watch it, in the UK anyway. Now the dust has settled it may not have been as fantastical as the first 3 days after but its still great.
The final act is non stop, as many people thought it would be, and I think that's how many people wanted it, including me. It made time for most of the big names, apart from maybe groot, and even has an A-Force moment, which is not to everyone's taste, but I enjoyed it. It concluded well, i think i was the only person in my screen not to cry, and was paced very well and was equally sublime, ridiculous and brutal, giving and ending suitable for the 3 main characters ending story arcs.
The first act, possibly my favourite part of the film, is a character driven piece, based around the aftermath, if you ignore the introduction/ending of infinity war in the first 20 or so minutes, of the snap. Chris Evan's, RDJ and Scarlet Johannson are excellent and it is probably the best acting seen in the entire series. The contrast in tones throughout this opening third is fantastic and could almost be compared with Logan in terms of melancholy, grief and hope.
Finally the middle third. For me this is were the film loses it's way a little. Time travel explanation is interesting but breaks it's own rules, the nudges and winks are a little much at times and humour for humours sake make this a bit of a trudge but still some excellent fan service at times.
All in all great film, kept from excellence by niggles and too much self awareness. Fitting end to a great saga.
Lords of Chaos (2018)
Lords of Chaos (2018)
2018 | Drama
This Was a Miss For Me
Lords of Chaos is the tragic story of a teenager trying to bring Black Metal to Norway. Let’s get this out of the way now: The movie is a mess. I didn’t feel enriched after watching it in any shape, form, or fashion. Instead, I left with a very bad taste in my mouth and a desire to cut on a comedy after watching something so morbidly depressing.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 2
”What are you watching?” my wife asked from the other room. “Sounds awful!” She wasn’t wrong as the beginning attempts to explain all the W’s to the backdrop of hardcore, in-your-face metal. The music isn’t the problem, but I feel like they should have chosen one or the other: Either jump right into the metal music and set the tone or narrate the backstory first. Both made for a horrible mix.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 4

Conflict: 5

Genre: 3

Memorability: 4

Pace: 1
Show a gruesome suicide. Burn 100 churches. Stab a man in the woods. There was nothing that could be done to really get me interested in this movie. A lot of the film felt like shock value which diminished my interest in what was happening. My eyes spent more time running from what was happening than being engrossed in it. Pacing is one of the most important parts of a movie. You screw that up and it spells doom for the rest of the movie.

Plot: 7

Resolution: 3
One of the worst endings I’ve seen in movies. The worst part is you absolutely know it’s coming, but director Jonas Akerlund decides to make you sit through it anyway. After it was over, I felt like I had been skunked.

Overall: 49
There are some things that this movie did well. As you watch these characters go off the deep end, it definitely feels genuine and real. Unfortunately, for every one good thing I can name about Lords of Chaos, I can think of ten bad. This was a miss for me.
Queen Naija by Queen Naija
Queen Naija by Queen Naija
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Queen Naija is a famous Youtuber and an R&B/Soul singer-songwriter out of Detroit, Michigan. Not too long ago, she released her beautiful self-titled debut EP.


The video finds Queen Naija, dressed in yellow attire, reading text messages on her phone. She confronts her man when he enters the room and addresses his cheating ways. Later, she gives him a taste of his own medicine.

The song was crafted during a detrimental time in Naija’s life when she was having problems with her ex. People wanted to know if she was staying with him or leaving. She recorded “Medicine” and perhaps her entire EP as a response.


The video was captured inside Capitol Records’ Studio A. It finds Queen Naija in a pinstripe outfit singing her heart out about moving on from being hurt.

Her relationship turned sour after her ex-man started making money and got a sudden case of amnesia. He replaced Naija with a bunch of promiscuous women. So she applauded him for doing that by saying, “Congratulations to you, what you wanted is what you got now.”


Queen Naija dedicates a lovely song to her son. She promises to give him everything and encourages him to have optimistic thoughts about the future. But most importantly, she wants him to put God first and never let go of her hand while they travel through life and its unexpecting journey.


Queen Naija bears her soul, revealing she’s deeply in love. With perhaps someone new? She gets butterflies in her stomach whenever she sees him. Also, she’s thinking about getting into a relationship because she can’t let go of him. Ever since he crossed her path, her life hasn’t been the same.


Queen Naija reveals she’s a good girl and this is her first time being in love with a bad boy. Although she loves their connection, she knows she has to be cautious and take her time. Also, she feels, maybe, her goodness will cause him to change for the better.


Queen Naija’s self-titled debut EP is a solid body of work. Produced entirely by 30HertzBeats, it contains charismatic instrumentation, soulful vocals, and charming melodies.
Magic Study (Study, #2)
Maria V. Snyder | 2006 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I greatly enjoyed this book and seeing all these hateful, negative reviews honestly puts a bad taste in my mouth. I can understand if it’s not someone’s cup of tea but some of the things people are complaining about are just nonsensical. I feel that they have never been in the situations these characters have and therefore judge them in ways that are ignorant and unfair.

I didn’t feel like Yelena was a Mary-sue. In fact, she had her butt handed to her on more than one occasion. Most of the skills that Yelana has, she developed herself through hard work and practice. I also feel people misinterpreted her relationship with her brother and her brother’s behavior. It clearly states why she was upset with him, and I agree with her. I also understand why her brother acts the way he does and it is not unrealistic considering the circumstances.

And heaven forbid people have faults. Any time a character has a negative trait or does something wrong, etc. people down them for it. I feel it made the characters more human and realistic. People have faults and mess up sometimes. That’s life!

I would also like to point out that this series is about Yelena. Not Yelena and Valek. It is not about them or their romance. Therefore, it didn’t bother me that Valek was only present for the last fourth of the book. If you go into this book hoping for more than that, then yes you are going to be disappointed. But you should have expected it from the way Poison Study ended and the synopsis.

I will agree, however, that there are a lot of similarities between Magic Study and Poison Study in terms of villains and their actions, but I don’t think the author was lazy about it. It didn’t detract from enjoying Magic Study whatsoever.

I understand there are a lot of bad reviews for the book, but I honestly think that this is one book you need to ignore the reviews and just read for yourself and come to your own conclusions.
A Darker Shade of Magic
A Darker Shade of Magic
V.E. Schwab, Victoria Schwab | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.2 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first book set up the idea of the different Londons: magic-less grey London, vibrant red London, starving and desperate white London, and decimated, dead black London. Each built upon a foundation of London but developed in completely different fashions. Their cultures, religion, speech, manner and being is so unique in each world.

It was a really intriguing way to build the world and immediately fascinated me. Good world building is so important to books because it is immersive, it pulls you in and makes you forget that it’s not real. You are living the story with the characters. She even created languages that were utilized by characters from different places, from the magic language of the Antari to the flowing words or harsh tones of the neighboring lands. It shows a passion for authenticity and true love of what she has created.

I love the characters. Rhy with his charm always brightens the room (or a scene). Lila is cunning, ruthless, ambitious and a thief. She doesn't need anyone and she would never admit to needing anything. She takes or does what she wants, no matter the cost with no regrets. She is tough as nails and her grit is inspiring. Her first instinct is to protect herself above all.

Many people may not agree with me, but Lila was probably my least favourite of our main characters. She was smart and tough, but a little too ruthless for my taste. Kell was the character that I liked/related to the most, even though he was a powerful magic user he seemed the most down to earth.

Not only does she introduce us to unique main characters, but she brilliantly gives depths to those in the background. There are some supporting characters that at times I liked even more than some of our leads.

Overall the story is more of a slow-burn/build rather than quick action packed scenes. I think that it worked really well for this story and have no complaints. Highly recommended to young adult/teen readers who enjoy fantasy or magic books with characters that have very diverse personalities/outlooks on life and great world-building.
The Breakfast Club (1985)
The Breakfast Club (1985)
1985 | Comedy, Drama
Classic 80's
Five teenagers form a bond while dealing with their personal issues during Saturday detention.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 7
The Breakfast Club gets off to a decent start as you're introduced to all the players, quickly getting a small taste of each of their personalities. Principal Vernon (Paul Gleason) gets off to a roaring start where you come to hate him fairly quickly. The first ten minutes was enough to make me want to learn more about each of these characters and what in the world landed them in detention in the first place.

Characters: 10
All six of the primary characters had a solid foundation with their own personal story that made them unique. It fleshes out the idea that you never know what people are going through no matter how great their life must seem. Andrew Clark (Emilio Estevez) was the star wrestler and one of the most popular kids at his school. On the surface, he seemed to have it all together but ultimately he was suppressed by the desire to make his father happy. The characters all had their own story that defined them.

I appreciate that each of the characters had their share of flaws as well. I found myself hating them and loving them at the same time, sometimes with only a few minutes in between. It's the mark of real, well-developed characters you can actually get behind.

Cinematography/Visuals: 7

Conflict: 10

Genre: 8
What are we calling this? Comedy? Drama? 80's film? While it certainly has its share of funny moments, I would consider it more of a drama. As dramas go, particularly 80's dramas, I think the film ranks right up there as a solid one that provides its share of conflict and depth.

Memorability: 9

Pace: 10

Plot: 9

Resolution: 5

Overall: 85
While The Breakfast Club hit me with the typical 80's vibe, it steps it up a notch by hitting you with serious issues to chew on. There are real moments here that leave an impact.
The Blue Room (2014)
The Blue Room (2014)
2014 | Drama, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not Bad
Two lovers involved in an affair explore the possibilities of murder.

Acting: 10
Top to bottom the acting is absolutely magnificent. Each actor/actress excels in their role and gets you completely wrapped up in the story. There is so much intrigue and passion to convey in a story like this and this stellar group didn’t disappoint.

Beginning: 10
A steamy beginning introduces the characters and gives you a taste of what you can expect from the film. Again, this story succeeds by intriguing you from one moment to the next. The tone is set from jump, capturing your attention with the intro to the lovers and a police case we have yet to uncover.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 6
This is where the story loses me a bit. You can tell things are bubbling up behind the scenes, but I always had the strangest feeling that I was in for a let down. There wasn’t as much implosion as I was hoping for or that should come with a story of this magnitude. This man’s world is falling apart, yet it felt like the movie went through the paces for me at times.

Genre: 9
I think this scoring might be more of a result of not as many strong films in the genre. I classify this as an erotic drama or a drama centered around sexuality. It’s not a genre I’m well-versed in, but I will say that it’s one of the best I’ve seen considering the strong cast and overall appeal.

Memorability: 9

Pace: 5

Plot: 5

Resolution: 1
Shoddy and predictable. This film deserved better. Perhaps if it had gotten better, The Blue Room would have moved from decent to great. Seriously, it made the entire movie feel like a waste of time due to a lack of payoff. I don’t know what I expected…but it wasn’t this.

Overall: 75
While the film definitely gets a lot of things right with solid acting and beautiful shots that stand out in your brain, it lacks the proper punch to get it over the hump of mediocrity. While I would watch it again, The Blue Room won’t go down as one of my favorites.