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I loved this book. I didn't realise how much they had been through as a couple. All the haters and threats. Eva has come out of this still feeling very much positive as she did at the beginning. I loved Stieg's books on The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo trilogy, it opened my eyes to a whole new government that was corrupt, and perhaps continues to be.
The Girl with the Dragon tattoo  (2009)
The Girl with the Dragon tattoo (2009)
2009 |
7.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Oh actually, I liked The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I didn’t really expect to, and I really did. I thought it was really well done. I liked it much more than I thought I would. That sounds like faint praise, but my expectations were that — like most big American studio films — it would be watered down and essentially de-toothed, de-clawed, whatever."

8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my second book by the author, the other being P.S. I Hate You which I read a few months ago and, if I'm honest, I wasn't all that impressed with. I blame it on the written letters in the book. I do like to try an author more than once, though, as it could just be the storyline that I couldn't get into so here's my second try of Winter Renshaw.

So Madden is a tattoo artist who gives Brighton her first very discreet tattoo, hidden so her parents don't give her the third degree/make her get it laser removed for daring to do something like that to herself. They are very...controlling, the type who make it known when they disagree with something you've said or done. Buy clothes for you to wear to outings. Want to know where you are at all times, etc. Anyway, Brighton gets the tattoo and becomes fascinated with the inkless artist, Madden, while Madden becomes obsessed with the pretty rich girl. And so their story begins.

I really liked this book. They try the whole friends-with-benefits-while-pretending-to-be-together thing and it works really well with them. They are actually really great together. But of course, feelings grow and the guy who told her not to fall for him starts to pull away.

I liked these two characters. They have a connected past that makes itself known towards the end and it's a little sad but they make it work--just not without being apart for a while. I actually really liked the fact that her dad got his comeuppance in the end.

I like how he dubbed her "The Girl with the Butterfly Tattoo" in his phone, too. Another plus for Madden.

So it seems that this book hit a lot of the right notes for me and I will be looking out for more books by this author in the future.

Sloane Crosley recommended The Red Shoes (1948) in Movies (curated)

The Red Shoes (1948)
The Red Shoes (1948)
1948 | Classics, Drama, Musical
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This is the finest movie ever made about art and the romantic choices made by artists. I blame it only for the total crap it’s spawned on the same subject, some very recent. It’s almost too beautiful and too heartbreaking to think about, which only makes me want to stop typing and see it again. I know nothing about ballet or cinematography, but even I can tell when a movie is not merely a movie but an indelible imagination tattoo."


Ross (3284 KP) rated Blindspot - Season 4 in TV

Jun 28, 2019  
Blindspot - Season 4
Blindspot - Season 4
2018 |
Gone are the puzzles. Now just a brain-deadening copy of 24
Blindspot started with such a strong premise - a woman found with no memory and covered in tattoos and each tattoo turning out to be a puzzle which leads the FBI to solve a crime or stop a terrorist attack. As with so many TV shows, however, the original premise of strong, isolated episodes was gradually eroded in favour of an over-arching larger plot.
Here we have that same issue, while the season 3 villain has been ousted, lo and behold a new one has cropped up to take his place. This relegates the show to be something of a low quality reboot of 24 as the team struggle with conspiracy, terrorism, underworld shenanigans and corruption to try and stop the eventual attack.
However, the producers seem to have set the number of episodes in advance and then struggled to fill the 22 episode series with quality output. So instead we get a number of rejected 24 scripts hashed out with implausible solving of tattoo puzzles that generally add nothing to the overall series. So many times, the team seem to have been staring at a puzzle for months, only to suddenly realise that if they convert the numbers to letters, turn those into chemical symbols, add up their periodic table entries and divide that by the square root of the number of bananas produced per annum in the Caribbean and lo and behold it gives the password to a Hotmail account of an international terrorist who literally just landed in the country. Almost every episode has one of these mind-farts where so much is just shat out the screen in lazy exposition. The writers should have abandoned the tattoo nonsense a long time ago as tired and exhausted.

Frank Turner recommended First Four Years by Black Flag in Music (curated)

First Four Years by Black Flag
First Four Years by Black Flag
1983 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"To me, there is a holy trinity of hardcore bands, and the first among these is, obviously, Black Flag. They pretty much invented the genre, and as much as it's become boringly de rigeur to be "into" Flag and have a tattoo and a t-shirt (guilty on both counts), and as much as Greg Ginn seems intent on fucking their legacy to death, this record is still pretty untouchable, not just as a groundbreaking musical statement, but also because of the raw fucking attitude in every cut."


Stevie Nicks recommended The Little Prince in Books (curated)

The Little Prince
The Little Prince
8.7 (32 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I first discovered The Little Prince when I was in high school and fell in love with the book straight away. My make-up artist has a tattoo of the Little Prince on the side of her leg, so I’m often reminded of what a beautiful story it is. It’s a sweet fable about the relationship between a little boy and his love for a rose. There is such a strong philosophy of love and loneliness running throughout the book that I can’t help but return to it again and again"

The Mummy Returns (2001)
The Mummy Returns (2001)
2001 | Action, Horror, Mystery
7.0 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Brendan Fraser (6 more)
Rachel Weiss
John Hannah
Oded Fehr
Arnold Vosloo
Continuity of cast
Not as good as the first one, but still better than the next....
Introduction of concepts and elements that weren't present in the first - reincarnation, Rick's tattoo and it's significance, etc (1 more)
The Scorpion King's introduction looks like a PS2 cutscene.
A solid sequel
This is a solid sequel, even if it falls short of the mark set by it's predecessor. The entire (surviving) cast returns, which I appreciate in a franchise, and the story mostly delivers. There are a few frustrating elements, such as all of a sudden adding concepts such as reincarnation (especially given that the concurring reveal would have been relevant to the story of the first film) or Rick's tattoo that he's had since his childhood, except that he didn't have it in the first movie. Where this film really falls short, though, is a couple bad animation moments. Mostly the film is a lot like the first in terms of effects - decent animation for 2002, if occasionally dated, but a couple of sequences are jarringly bad, especially the Rock's entrance as the Scorpion King. Is it enough to keep me from watching? No. But I still cringe at that point every time.
Fantasy Island (2020)
Fantasy Island (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Guilty pleasure...
399. Fantasy Island. It's pretty amazing, no not the movie. It's pretty amazing when you go into something with low expectations they are usually met. And this was no different. With that mindset, I enjoyed it. I remember watching the show as a kid, but it somehow gets meshed with The Love Boat, so I remember Tattoo saying 'de plane, de plane' and Mr Roarke saying 'Welcome to Fantasy Island' that's about it. Minus Tattoo, Mr Roarke welcomes this group of 5 people to the island and explains the rules. Live out your fantasy until it's natural conclusion. Natural conclusion heh? We get two brothers on the Island simply wanting to have it all. Another guy's big dream is to enlist in the military like his daddy. Another guest's fantasy is to get revenge on her high school bully, and the final guest wants to say yes, instead of no at her wedding proposal. And everything is pretty freakin sweet for awhile until they realize that the fantasies are a little too real. Whats wrong with that? Small example: The guys that simply wanted it all. When you have it all, other people usually want to take it from you, including armed masked men! Fantasies with consequences, whats up with that??? I'd want a refund! A movie so bad, it's good. Maybe, maybe not. Guilty pleasure, sure! Filmbufftim on FB
The Hangover Part II (2011)
The Hangover Part II (2011)
2011 | Comedy
Why was this movie even made? It was just a money grab. The Hangover was hilarious, and they tried to make lightening strike twice. It did not work, at all. For one thing, the facial tattoo on Stu... Why wouldn't Mike Tyson allow it to be an exact copy? It was weird, considering Tyson was in the first one.
The funniest thing that I remember from this movie is when Alan calls Thailand 'Thi-land'. Other than that, blah. Bradley Cooper was nice to look at throughout, which is the only reason I'm rating it as high as I did.
I did not see the third one, and I'm content with never seeing it.