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Max Winslow and the House of Secrets (2019)
Max Winslow and the House of Secrets (2019)
2019 | Family, Sci-Fi, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Max Winslow and the House of Secrets is a family film, very much in the vein of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Maxine Winslow (Sydne Mikelle), or Max for short, is our Charlie Bucket, coming from a single-parent family and living with a mother who is struggling with debt. Tech-savvy Max is also a skilled hacker, demonstrating this by taking control of her neighbours video doorbell and making it ring so that he comes running outside. Kind of like a modern-day Knock-Down Ginger.

Max heads into school, where we’re introduced to some more teens who are set to join her later on, including a social-media obsessed girl, a boy addicted to gaming and a boy who enjoys trolling people online. As they settle down at their desks, the face of eccentric billionaire Atticus Virtue (Chad Michael Murray) takes over all of the TV screens throughout the school. He tells them that five students are to be selected to spend the night in his high tech mansion, and undertake a series of games, with the winner becoming the new owner of the mansion. When the confirmation text messages start coming through to the student phones later that day, we already know most of those that receive the big green tick on their screens, so they head off to the mansion, ready to spend the night.

Atticus himself isn’t at the mansion to greet the group. Instead, an AI named Haven (voiced by Marina Sirtis) opens the door for them, orders a takeaway delivery and gives them their instructions for the night. Basically, whoever solves the most puzzles and earns the highest score wins the mansion!

The puzzles start off ridiculously hard, with a locked door requiring a six-digit code to open, and only three attempts allowed. Max spots three jars of candy in the room and automatically decides that the total pieces of candy in each jar can be combined into a six-digit number, obviously. And you’re not supposed to think about how she managed to get them in the right order, or why the plate of cookies on the table wasn’t included in the code…

From there, the points come a lot easier for the team, such as simply putting on a pair of sunglasses(!), before turning slightly sinister as the group separates and everyone heads off on their own. Haven begins to go a little bit rogue, although with her monotone delivery of thinly veiled threats, she never really comes across as scary as I think she is meant to be. The games become a way of showing each individual the error of their ways - narcissistic Sophia is trapped in a bathroom talking to her mirror reflection, which has now turned into a nastier version of herself, while others are trapped in VR scenarios designed to show them where they’ve gone wrong in life.

It’s at this point that the movie struggles. The VR recreations are mostly dull, while other scenes utilise some pretty dodgy VFX and there’s never any real feeling of peril or threat. The young cast, for the most part, give some pretty good performances. However, with a mediocre script, none of them is really given very much to work with. Consequently, some of them, particularly the character of Max, feel a little wasted, not fleshed out enough.

While entertaining at times, Max Winslow and the House of Secrets is too scary for young children and not dramatic or scary enough for adults to really enjoy. Hopefully, though, the teen audience that this is squarely aimed at will pick up on the strong moral messages at the heart of the movie and will manage to gain some enjoyment from it.
A Single Source
A Single Source
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Veteran BBC reporter William Carver is in Cairo, bang in the middle of the Arab Spring. 'The only story in the world' according to his editor. But it isn't.
There's another story, more significant and potentially more dangerous, and if no one else is willing to tell it, then Carver will - whatever the consequences.
A Single Source tells two stories, which over a few tumultuous months come together to prove inextricably linked. There are the dramatic, world-changing events as protests spread across North Africa and the Middle East, led by a new generation of tech-savvy youngsters challenging the corrupt old order. And then there are two Eritrean brothers, desperate enough to risk everything to make their way across the continent to a better life in Europe.
The world is watching, but its attention span is increasingly short. Carver knows the story is a complex one and, in the age of Facebook, Twitter and rolling news, difficult stories are getting harder to tell. If everyone is a reporter, then who do you believe?

I have to say this book was a complete departure from the types of books I've been reading recently.
A Single Source is set in 2011 in a time that came to be known as the Arab Spring. Carver and his producer Patrick are in Cairo’s Tahrir Square to report on the January 25th uprising. There are three strands to the story the one set in Egypt, another revolving around the foreign office and the third set in Eritrea. Gradually these three strands are woven together..
A slow starter which I found very difficult to get into maybe because this is not my usual type of reading material.
This book is well written and descriptive and the author has done a lot of work and research.
Unfortunately just not my cup of tea but do recommend if political thrillers is what you like.

Many thanks to the publisher and Net Galley for the opportunity to review this book.

Review copied to Amazon UK but link not available yet.

Dana (24 KP) rated Nimona in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Noelle Stevenson | 2015 | Children, Comics & Graphic Novels
10.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a fun, quirky, and cute graphic novel that I absolutely adored.

The charm of it was split fifty-fifty between the writing and the drawings. I don't know why, but I am obsessed with the character drawings from this novel! They are so cute and amazing and I love them.

I love how it was so successful as a web comic that Harper decided to turn it into print. Things like that make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

This comic had me straight out laughing out loud (to the point where my roommates thought something had gone wrong with me). I loved how Nimona had so much spunk and actually *minor spoiler* was more villainous than the actual villain of the story.

Speaking of, the relationship between Nimona and Blackhart was awesome! It was cool to see the father-daughter relationship as well as the villain-sidekick and overall besties vibe from the pair.

Goldenlion was fun, too. Even though he was the :hero" of the story, he was still able to see the good in Blackhart and question the Institution and their motives and actions.

I liked how this isn't really just one genre. It has elements of fantasy, science/tech, and medieval genres but also had a very modern take on certain parts. I have always wanted to read something set in a distant time period that also has a lot of modern aspects.

The story line was cute, but it also got really deep at times. It allows readers to start questioning their own country's "heroes" and Institutions. It also calls into question how far testing and militarization should be allowed to go.

Overall, I really enjoyed this fun and very quick read.

If anyone is in a reading slump or just need to get into a better mood, I definitely recommend this to you.
Fantasy in Death (In Death, #30)
J.D. Robb | 2010
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Fantasy in Death</i> is an interesting take on the death-by-gaming plot that has previously been done by a couple of fantasy and science fiction authors, most notably in Niven and Barnes' Dream Park series. I doubt that most of Robb's readers will be familiar with the other books, as they're probably coming from the romance world (crossing over from her Nora Roberts titles) instead of the science fiction genre.

What hit me the most, though, was nostalgia for the dot com boom. The portrayal of the hot start-up company with its open, cheerful offices full of tech toys and energy, well-paid employees on fire with ideas and enthusiasm happily burning the midnight oil to work on exciting projects&mdash;I remember those days! Okay, the technology wasn't as advanced as the stuff in the book, but I can relate.

I always enjoy the portrayal of Dallas and Roarke's relationship as a mature partnership. It is a bit clich&ecuted at this point that every case has some aspect that justifies bringing in Roarke as a civilian consultant, but it's part of the formula. The sex is somewhat paint by numbers by now, too, but as prolific as Robb/Roberts is, I'm wondering if she has templates for different series and she has her own <a href="">Stratemeyer Syndicate</a>-type operation going on somewhere. (I've never read anything but the Eve Dallas books, so please take that as the joke it's meant to be!)

I was a little disappointed in the reveal, as I felt that the bad guy was too obvious. I won't say more, as I don't want to give anything away. I'll probably continue reading the series, but I'm past feeling an urgent need to grab them as soon as they come out, and this definitely isn't one of the few series that I could re-read and enjoy.

Kevin Wilson (179 KP) rated Black Mirror - Season 3 in TV

Jul 14, 2018 (Updated Jul 14, 2018)  
Black Mirror  - Season 3
Black Mirror - Season 3
2014 | Sci-Fi
Interesting and frightening stories (2 more)
So many twists
Fantastic acting
There will always be some hit and misses with episodes (0 more)
The series just keeps getting better
This series I feels just keeps getting better and better. I loved season 3. There were definitely some episodes that stood out as the best you will see on TV altogether.

It also felt completely relevant to what is actually happening in the world today. The first episode was about how your perceived through social networking and how your judged through being rated. 1 about the dangers of downloading unknown programs that may contain viruses and another about how the technology behind VR is progressing. As a gamer that was most interesting.

As far as acting goes, the episode that really stood out was the 4th called San Junipero. I'll be honest I spent a majority of the episode confused because it seemed to be set during time period but then it all made sense. The twists and the emotion in the scenes were incredible and I was in tears by the end.

The 5th was good, it reminded me a lot of startship troopers for a while and the twists were great. Twists seems to be where black mirror thrives. I don't like giving spoilers usually so trying not to say much. It's all about the army and blindly following orders without question.

The last episode I could take or leave. It was good but I wasn't as invested as the others. It was about killer machincal bees I guess I can say.its basically a cop drama episode about someone solving a murder. Bees are not the twist to be honest.

What I love about black mirror is how all this is actually possible. It's something that could happen 1 day and that terrifies me. It's a frightening concept and It feels it's all set now but with added tech. You don't need to watch these in any order but I'd still recommend watch every episode.
Piranha (Oregon Files #10)
Piranha (Oregon Files #10)
Clive Cussler, Boyd Morrison | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let's be honest here some of the Cussler franchises are getting a little tired and in need of some fresh momentum. Who better to take up the baton of the secret spy ship Oregon than Boyd Morrison? His characterisation and love of technology and gadgets fits perfectly with plots that require several different protagonists in play (there are 4 main 'bad guys' alone in this book, not mention a ship full of the good guys) and high-tech confrontations.

Morrison does indeed tackle this book with gusto. This is mostly action from cover to cover with very little time to catch breath between and exposition being done on the move. There is certainly no feeling that the narrative is moving from set piece to set piece without much momentum or reason.

The main plot is also interesting - what if someone always knew what you were going to do, as if they had an omniscient eavesdropping device. How would you counter that? Add in a vengeful Venezuelan Navy captain and some particularly nasty henchmen and you have the basics for a real thrill ride.

I do like Morrison's work (if you have never read any of the Tyler Locke series I recommend that you do) and expected to like this book, but it exceeded my every expectation. Our heroes are assaulted on all sides - and notably often not under the protection of the Oregon - and the only way they win through is by simply being good at what they do - there are no escapes due to fortunate circumstances.

This is definitely one of the most impressive Cussler brand books for years, probably the best Oregon Files book there is. Although mention is made in passing of various previous exploits, reading the previous novels is not required to enjoy this book.

If you like fast paced adventure with plenty of thrills then you can't go far wrong reading this

JT (287 KP) rated The Losers (2010) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Losers (2010)
The Losers (2010)
2010 | Action, Drama, Mystery
7.3 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If you want an action film that does precisely what it says on the tin, then this is clearly going to be the film of choice for you.

It’s thoroughly enjoyable without taking itself too seriously as other films of this genre do, and includes one of the funniest scenes I have seen for sometime. Hats off to the talented Chris Evans for that one.

The story is as straight forward as it could be, a group of CIA black ops narrowly miss being assassinated after a smash and grab rescue mission in the Bolivian jungle. So of course they want pay back, who wouldn’t, and they link up with the beautiful Aisha (Saldana) who has motives of her own.

The group are a somewhat mismatched bunch, but then any good special ops team is a mixed bag of personalities, just look at the A-Team.

It’s thoroughly enjoyable without taking itself too seriously as other films of this genre do

Jeffrey Dean Morgan leads the way as Clay a straight talking no nonsense commander, Jensen (Evans) a wise cracking tech, Idris Elba as the not to be believed Roque, Pooch (Columbus Short) whose handy at the wheel of anything with a motor and Cougar (Óscar Jaenada) who is deadly at long range with the sniper rifle.

The villain of the piece is Max (Jason Patric) a billionaire with plans for world domination, he dresses smartly and even has a villains affliction in the form of a damaged hand which he covers up with a variety of classy gloves. There are times though in a plot that is loosely built around a sonic bomb, that they better developed an ending worthy of a film that had everything in it.

Still, you won’t be overly bothered too much and when the adrenalin levels increase and the sharp shooting beings you’ll be keeping your fingers crossed for any signs of a possible sequel.
The Circle (2017)
The Circle (2017)
2017 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Totally watchable. Before 2020 this would have played as a cockamamie exercise in "in-what-universe-would-this-actually-happen-?" filmmaking (and believe me this still pushes it), but after the anti-mask protests and general shrugging off of the coronavirus pandemic I'd now believe you stupid mfs would do *anything*. I'm not saying this is all brainless - there are some really sturdy ideas in here that aren't all executed terribly. The way it portrays big ticket corporations sliding their hands into every pocket they can find by way of offering up a "likable mascot" rather than a "founder" (played perfectly by Hanks as a clear riff on [a more likable and somehow less disingenuous] Steve Jobs - but what a waste of a perfectly good Oswalt) and "quotable quips" rather than "talking points" so they don't even have to attempt to hide it is sound. The scene where Hanks straightup manipulates Watson's bland cypher *on* stage to the point of tracking down live human beings to an adoring crowd is horrifying - but this is all still rather diluted, clunky, and bizarre in translation from the book. Looks phenomenal though, and is a notable return to form for Danny Elfman (in general every piece of music here slaps). Fine dumb fun imo, cheesy and laughable but not without some wit. But as a final defense - speaking as someone who has spent months in these cliquey millennial tech circles - the fact that no one acts like a live human being here would be way too on the nose if holy mother of God did they not actually act like this. The extended segment of those two overbearing recruiter types indirectly-but-very-directly pushing that "optional" and "extracurricular" really means "mandatory" is pure nightmare fuel because I have been in those situations - in spades - firsthand irl. Moments like that save this still moment-to-moment entertaining diet pulp when it actively refuses to explore anything else it offers up. Doesn't really have enough oomf but still miles better than your average "Black Mirror" episode.
The Mitchells vs The Machines (2021)
The Mitchells vs The Machines (2021)
2021 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
8.9 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Brilliantly original animation (1 more)
Fantastic laugh-out-loud gags throughout, many with a movie nerd bias
Dog-Pig-Dog-Pig-Loaf of Bread… KERBOOM!
Katie Mitchell (voiced by Abbi Jacobson) dreams of being a great film director (joining her icons on her version of Mount Rushmore!). She's about to travel to a west-coast film college when her dad Rick (Danny Mcbride) decides to cancel her air ticket and try to re-engage with her through one last epic road trip. Together with wife Linda (Maya Rudolph), dinosaur-mad son Aaron (director Michael Rianda) and cross-eyed pug Monchi (Doug the Pug!) they set off on their journey.

But the world is set to change forever, as sentient operating system PAL (Olivia Colman) and her army of robots take over the world and prepare to launch human-kind into deep dark space. The Mitchell's, as the world's unlikeliest Avengers, appear to be the only ones available to prevent the evil plan!

- In my review of the lamentable "Thunder Force", I commented that it failed my "six laughs test" for a comedy. I only laughed 3 times in the whole film. In contrast, this movie hammered home guffaw-generating lines and scenes about six times a minute! It's hilarious. It's one of those films (like the best Pixar ones) with so much hidden detail buried in every shot. You could watch it a dozen times and still find new hidden gags.
- This is a movie that is the perfect family film. A film that kids will love for the knockabout comedy and a film that adults will also fall in love with. This comes from three different angles:
   -- Excellent character development of the whole family. Katie feels like a fully rounded stroppy teen: she seems to be struggling with her identity (lesbian? - "It took me a while to figure myself out"); and she is struggling towards her personal goals despite the well-intentioned but destructive doubts that her rough-and-ready father keeps sowing. This feels like a journey that the family is on towards enlightenment, before it's too late.
   -- This is also a film with considerable emotional heft. It channels at times some of the best elements of the Toy Story films (most notably "Toy Story 3" with Andy's departure for college). (Any parents who have never experienced that joyous yet dreadful day when you drive your chicks to university or college for the first time: brace yourselves!)
   -- It's a dream for film fans. Like "Ready Player One", it's populated with lots of fun movie easter-eggs scattered throughout. Katie's 'Mount Rushmore' by the way has Greta Gerwig, Céline Sciamma (from "Portrait of a Lady on Fire"), Lynne Ramsey and Hal Ashby as her directorial inspirations.

- And finally, it's a film for adults appreciative of some truly great satirical one-liners, including some razor-sharp zingers at 'big tech'. For example:
"It's almost like stealing people's data and giving it to a hyper-intelligent AI as part of an unregulated tech monopoly was a bad thing"

- My only minor criticism - and its a debatable one - might be the running time of 113 minutes. It might be a little too long for younger kids' attention spans. A 90 minute, more condensed, movie might have ticked the 'perfection' box.

Summary Thoughts: I don't normally "go" for animated films much. But this one is a different breed. An instant classic. It knocks you round the chops and forces your respect by being like no animated feature you've seen before. Witty, irreverent, gloriously entertaining it's a no-brainer that this gets 5-stars from me.

I said in my review of "Nomadland" that although that wasn't a 5* film for me, I could see why its brave and different slant at film-making earned it the Best Film Oscar. Well, almost regardless of what epically beautiful production Pixar might bring out before the end of the year, if the Academy doesn't vote this Best Animated Feature at next year's Oscars, then some sort of crime might have been committed.

(For the full graphical review, please check out the One Mann's Movies review here - Thanks.)
The Big Kahuna
The Big Kahuna
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Big Letdown
Unlikely duo FBI agent Kate O’Hare and former (maybe) conman Nick Fox have been asked to look for a tech billionaire known to pretty much everyone as The Big Kahuna. He disappeared a few days ago, but Kate and Nick are shocked to find that both his wife and his business partner are already hoping to have him declared dead. Kate and Nick aren’t willing to declare him dead yet; they think he might be hiding out in Hawaii. With Kate’s father and Cosmo, another FBI agent, tagging along, they set out to see if they can find him. However, it appears someone wants The Big Kahuna dead. Can they find him in time? Or will they lead the killers right to him?

The last book in this series was three years and a different co-author ago, and it shows. Nick and Kate are shadows of themselves, with Kate going to Nick for plans on everything instead of them working as partners. Their romantic relationship has gone back several books, too, and yet they don’t appear to be hiding the fact that they work together professionally. Kate’s dad is just a caricature now, and the new characters are one note jokes, per se, which makes spending so much time with them painful. While the plot does include a couple of small cons, it is nowhere near as elaborate and therefore fun as the previous books. Really, any group of characters could have been the stars of this plot. The pacing is uneven, especially early on when we get travelogues of Hawaii. We could have easily cut 30 pages without noticing at all, and in a book that already reads short, that is saying something. I did get hooked as I went along, but I think the flaws would have been more frustrating if I hadn’t been able to knock the book out in a couple of days. I borrowed this book from my local library, but I’m not sure even that price (free) will be enough to get me to come back if Nick and Kate have any more adventures.