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The Wanted
The Wanted
Robert Crais | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Elvis Save the Wanted?
Elvis Cole thinks his current assignment will be easy. Single mother Devin Connor has hired him to find out where the money, clothes, and fancy watch that her teenage son, Tyson, have are coming from. She thinks that Tyson has started selling drugs, but it isn’t long before Elvis determines that Tyson is part of a trio that is robbing houses in the LA area. While Devin isn’t happy with the news, she’s preparing to deal with it, and Elvis thinks the assignment is over. However, that night Tyson disappears and a frantic Devin asks Elvis to find him. As Elvis once again begins to hunt for the teen, he discovers that someone else is after the teen and his friends, someone leaving dead bodies in their wake. Will Elvis be able to find Tyson in time?

This is yet another satisfying thrill ride from the pen of Robert Crais. The story starts strong and keeps us going until we reach the end. Unfortunately, it does have a few trademark Robert Crais issues, including Joe Pike acting a bit like a deus ex machina, although it isn’t as bad as in some books. Also, parts of the book rely on characters being too stupid to live (I was rooting for one to die, in fact). The characters could all be stronger, for example I couldn’t keep the main villains straight at all. But they are developed enough that I cared about the outcome. This is one of those books where it is easy to pick apart the flaws, but it is such a fun thrill ride that I’m glad I read it.
The Invisible Man (2020)
The Invisible Man (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
403. The Invisible Man. One of the most uninteresting versions of this tale I've seen. It should be called The Woman that fled the Invisible Man, well he's not invisible during the actual fleeing, which is right at the start of the film. Cecilla wakes up in the middle of the night and books it from the compound, um, home, that she and husband Adrian share, because he's a controlling abusive dick, this has all happened at this point already. So with the help of her lawyer sister she escapes her psychopath boyfriend by stashing her with a cop friend James and his teen daughter. So they are totally safe here, I mean Cecilla can't go outside due to crippling fear, and the teen girl,are perfectly safe and can take care of themselves if Adrian, the psychopathic, rich genius could never get at them while policeman James is at work. But then, Adrian kills himself, and leaves Cece 5 million bucks. Yay she's safe. Then for the next hour, she stares into corners and hears things, and thinks Adrian is there but invisible, because he's a rich genius and has a thing in his basement that looks like you can strap a person into it! But when this invisible Adrian starts killing people and guess who's going to get blamed? Elisabeth Moss did great with what she had to work with, which wasn't much. Lots of logic goes out the window with this one. And the trailer for it, is literally the whole movie! Watch a few a those stringed together and save yourself 2 hours! Filmbufftim on FB
There's Someone Inside Your House (2021)
There's Someone Inside Your House (2021)
2021 | Horror
5.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Movie starts with a young teen coming home, the house is empty but the egg timer is ticking away, he calls out to see if anybody is home but there is no answer and he thinks nothing of it, finishes his phone conversation and goes to sleep. He is woken up in the middle of the night by the egg timer which is now in his room, this freaks him out and he calls the police, but is interrupted by random photos placed around the house of a secret he has been keeping and we soon have our first kill. A video of his secret is then sent to everyone and as this video also contains another jock, that jock is shunned at school and ends up sitting with a different group of teens, which is who the movie follows.
After the second kill, everyone becomes aware that the killer is going after those with a secret, meaning bad news for one of the teens.

This movie has many cliches used in teen Slashers, such as running anywhere but outside when trying to escape the killer, going to parties despite a killer being on the loose, the killer wearing a mask, people blaming each other and of course the killer having a plan to frame someone. Despite this (and the look a like masks which bared no resemblance to the victims) I did enjoy this movie. The acting wasn't spot on all the time but good enough for me. I also felt that the music wasn't right for the movie as it had more of a strangers things vibe than horror.
The Forlorned
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a free copy of this book via Clean Teen Publishing Elite Reviewers which I am a member of. I made no guarantee of a favorable review.

If you are looking to read a book that will creep you out then look no further because this one will do just that. There's even a scene in the story that had me quickly getting out of the bathtub and I LOVED it!!!

This is horror and supernatural at its extreme best. The author's unique and creative story telling ensnares you from the very beginning and the heart pounding scares will keep you glued to the book until the outstanding end. I hope the movie version does this book justice. I can't wait to read more books written by this extremely talented writer.
Jenny Pox (The Paranormals, #1)
Jenny Pox (The Paranormals, #1)
J.L. Bryan | 2010 | Paranormal
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
[Jenny Pox]by [J.L. Bryan] is a different twist on teen paranormal. No stupid sparkly vampires here! Instead teens with special powers all in the same small town.

Jenny can kill with a touch but does her best to protect everyone even though it brings her ridicule and bullying.

Seth can heal people with his touch.

Ashley can control people with hers and she does for her own benefit.

No one knows about these powers except the person with them until an accidental encounter between Jenny and Seth. All the pieces begin to fit.

This was a really enjoyable story and the fact that the teenagers had normal teenage personalities and issues made it all the better. I look forward to reading the other books in the series.