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Witch Hunt (The Witch-Game, #2)
K.C. Blake | 2012
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC via Clean Teen Publishing Elite Reviewers which I am a member of. I made no guarantee of a favorable review and the opinions expressed here are my own.

Kasi Blake has once again out done herself and I loved reading this book. This well written story line has us tagging along with high school news reporter Starr who has a knack for digging up the truth no matter what the cost. Her latest news report has made her a complete outcast and the majority of her classmates now despise her. Thankfully, she still has her best friend Lily.

Now Starr has set her sights on the Squad which her love interest Dylan is a part of and once she hears that the game of the fox and the hounds is about to start she knows something is definitely up and nothing will get in the way of her learning what the Squad is truly up to. Starr has no idea of the shocking truths she'll uncover along the way.

This stand alone book is a fast paced read and the characters are outstanding. Get ready to get tangled in this author's web.
The cover and summary were misleading for this book. I expected stories that were related to different interesting meetings and occurrences, screwy relationships, typical teen drama.

Instead I got a very strange and rather awkward mix of sex-addicts, homosexuals, transgender, and native Americans.

I'm not saying I don't like those stories, I'm just saying I wasn't expecting it.

The above reasons are not why I didn't like the stories: those are just facts about the characters. The stories themselves just didn't seem to connect to me, I couldn't relate to any of them. Maybe it's because I'm one of those weird girls with a completely functional romantic relationship, but a lot of the content in this book was just like "uh… why are they acting like that?"

Anyway, it felt awkward. that's the only word I can use to describe it. Some of them were good, some of them sucked. Most of the writing was mediocre.

I guess all I can say is… this is probably the worst short story collection I've ever read. Sorry, I wanted to like it… It was just awkward.

*This review is copyright Haley Mathiot and Amazon Vine*
13 Reasons Why  - Season 1
13 Reasons Why - Season 1
2017 | Drama
Deep personal story, gripping drama
On the surface this series looks to be all angsty teen drama. However from fairly early on, we see how a few instances of a nice sensitive person being slighted by the wrong people, or by those she trusts, can start to snowball.
Some of the "reasons" may seem fairly small and on their own not a reason for someone to take their own life. However, as the series tries to say, we never know what someone else is thinking or feeling. Without knowing that, and without true care over our own actions and interactions, small things can easily build up.
Small actions can have larger consequences and can make other people do things they wouldn't otherwise have done.
The cast are superb with all the main sterotypes of school personae covered (the rich kid, the poor but gifted kid, the nerd, the bookish girl, the talented jock etc). However, these aren't cartoon versions of those and are portrayed in a more human way than I've seen before. They all have their failings and in one way or another let someone down and resulted in them killing themselves.
The Upside of Unrequited
The Upside of Unrequited
Becky Albertalli | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (25 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Upside of Unrequited follows Molly, a girl who has had 26 crushes (and counting). She’s never been brave enough to put herself out there, never told any of her crushes how she felt and has never been rejected. But will everything change with crush 27?

This book is great because it has diverse people represented and seems authentic to each of their individual personalities and struggles. It is nice to see such a well-developed collection of people introduced to readers because sometimes readers aren’t always able to find a character they can relate to in a book. I hope that this book is not one of them.

Although Molly thinks she might like two different boys at one time, this isn’t a book that revolves around a love triangle. Molly struggles with her changing relationship with her twin sister. Her sister explores her own romantic feelings. Her parents balance their lives with a new baby and a very happy occasion on the horizon.

This is a cute, quick read about crushes, first loves, family, friends, and life. Highly recommended to young adult/teen readers who enjoy happy contemporary books.
Black Moon (Zodiac, #3)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Black Moon is the third book in the Zodiac series. I've enjoyed the series thus far, so I was intrigued to see where it would go. Sometimes it felt like the plot jumped around, but where the book really shines is in world building. The solar system is populated by 12 houses of people with many more planets and moons. Each house has its own personalities, physical attributes, and fascinating celestial bodies. She describes the various cities that Rho goes to with wonderful detail, building whole worlds in your mind. Each house is home to such varied peoples from the underwater dwelling Scorps with their pale skin and red eyes that allow them to see more in the dark, but cause discomfort in strong light to the tan Cancrians with their blonde hair. Each house embodies a specific attribute and we see that expressed in their people like the ever questioning Sagittarian or the balancing Libran. There's not much to say about the book itself as this is the third in the series, so anything would be spoilers. Highly recommended read for teen/young adult readers who are fans of fantasy, science fiction, and expansive world building.
Star Island (Skink, #6)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Teen pop sensation Cherry Pye is about to release a comeback CD – her second. Her entire future is riding on its success, however her partying is getting in the way of preparing for the tour. In fact, her family has hired Ann DeLusia, a look alike, to fool the paparazzi. Unfortunately, for Ann, she’s about to be kidnapped. With everything spinning out of control, what will happen?

I’d been curious to try one of Carl Hiaasen’s books for a long time, and when I needed an audio book, I decided this was the best chance. Sadly, I didn’t care for it. Outside of Ann, there weren’t any sympathetic characters. Oh, I get that we are supposed to find them crazy, especially with how whacky some of them are, but I did. Especially since several of them were self-destructing before our eyes. The plot was interesting enough to pull me in, but the characters got on my nerves. I won’t be revisiting this author.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Murder on Mulberry Bend
Murder on Mulberry Bend
Victoria Thompson | 2003 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder of a Poor Teen
Midwife Sarah Brandt has gotten involved with the work of the Prodigal Son Mission which helps teenage women learn skills to keep them off the streets. That’s how she is able to identify the body that Detective Sergeant Frank has found in a park – it’s one of the girls from the mission. With no one to push the police to find justice for this girl, Sarah insists that Frank figure out what happened, with a little help from her. Will they find the killer?

I was compelled to read this book soon after I read the previous one with the promise of an update on an ongoing storyline. We do get quite a twist there before this book is over. The main mystery was a little weak, however. I didn’t feel like it had the twists we normally get, although maybe that’s because I had an idea what was going early in the book. The pages still flew by since the characters are strong and the time period comes to vivid life. Any time spent in this series is time well spent.
That Touch of Ink
That Touch of Ink
Diane Vallere | 2014 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
More Than a Touch of Fun
When decorator Madison Night receives a five thousand dollar bill in the mail, she realizes this rare denomination is a message from her past. Sure enough, her ex-boyfriend Brad is soon back in her life trying to reconcile even after he lied to her to get her out of her life. But Madison has other things to worry about, like the dead body she stumbled upon. What has Brad gotten her involved in?

Warning: allow plenty of time when you pick up this book because you will not be able to put it down. The story is filled with twists and turns that will keep you engaged from start to finish. The plot is a bit more teen sleuth than usual cozy murder mystery, but that’s not an issue at all, and everything makes sense by the end. This is combined with fantastic characters, led by Madison who gets some real growth here. Fans of Doris Day will spot a couple of winks to the movie That Touch of Mink here, but if you haven’t seen the movie, you are still in for a delightful read.
Rogue Lawyer
Rogue Lawyer
John Grisham | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Character Study that Left Me Cold
This book introduces us to Sebastian Rudd, a lawyer who handles the clients no one else wants to take on. We’re talking about an older teen accused of a horrible crime and convicted by the people of his town. Or a mobster on death row. With enemies from the ranks of the police and the clients he hasn’t been able to get off, can Sebastian navigate his life?

The book is really more of a character study with several cases taking the foreground at various points. It reads like these stories were originally published separately and brought together for this book, although I haven’t researched to know if that is true or not. The ending definitely leaves things open for more books. My issue is that I had a hard time liking many of the characters and found myself actively rooting for Sebastian to lose some of his cases. The fact that all the cops were over the top corrupt didn’t help any at all. Plus Sebastian came across as a knock off of Michael Connelly’s Mickey Haller character, and that certainly didn’t help matters at all since I love Mickey.
Three Dark Crowns
Three Dark Crowns
Kendare Blake | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.8 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
The twists between the 3 dialogues (0 more)
Captivating and unique
I was really captivated by this book and it’s sequel. I like the complexity of the 3 intertwined stories and how they unravel throughout. I didn’t find it difficult to follow or get bored which often is the case with teen fiction.

The story follows 3 very unique girls with unique abilities, you never quite know what the story is going to throw at you. I was surprised by most of the twists and really enjoyed not knowing. Each girl really draws you in, each in different ways, there’s no way to have a favourite (at least I didn’t have one).

You will feel their pain but also their joy, I really hope more books will be released as I thoroughly enjoyed every moment and personally wished that the books were longer and in more depth.

If you choose to read this book you need to take your time and get to know each person as they all have a massive impact on the story and they will provide better insight into everyone else. I promise you’ll love this book as much as me.