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Meik & Sebastian (Obsessed #4)
Meik & Sebastian (Obsessed #4)
Quin Perin | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a very fitting end!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Obsessed series, and you MUST read book one through three before you read this one. You need to know how Meik ended up in this position. And they are all 5 star reads from me! I would STRONGLY recommend you don't read these unless you have all 4 parts in your possession. They are addictive, and cliffhangers and you will NEED that next part so badly, it will hurt. So, yeah, all FOUR parts, ya hear me??

But this one?? Not so much. Still really great, just not quite hitting the spot that the others did.

Why?? Because I was CONFUSED!

At the beginning of this book, Meik is drowning his sorrows in booze and sex. Or at least he's TRYING to. The sex thing seems not to be working so alcohol is his drug of choice. What I was confused about was WHY! At the end of book 3, Sebastian tells Meik he loves him, and Meik responds. . .not badly, but with the wrong words. Here, Sebastian is just GONE!!! It took me far too long to figure out Sebastian must have left Meik, and that was why he is drowning in galleons of whiskey. FAR too long, and it spoilt it slightly for me.

BUT!!! We get another side of Meik, while he's drowning his sorrows: the loving, sweet teenager about to have his whole world broken by the loss of Gabe. We get all that, in the memories that flash up between the now bits. Gabe's illness and diagnosis. His failing health as time goes on. Meik and Gabe's growing physical relationship, despite Gabe's illness. The total and utter LOVE that Gabe and Meik have for each other screams at you in every snippet of those memories. And you get to understand a little bit more why Meik fights so bloody hard against the love that he has for Sebastian. So bloody hard! He doesn't want to feel that kind of pain again.

And he does LOVE Sebastian. He just needs to find him to tell him. Pulling himself out of a week long bender took some doing, but I'm so glad that boy did it! Just when he thinks he's lost Sebastian for good, he finds him. And with the RIGHT words, tells Sebastian he loves him.

It would be nice to catch up with these two later down the road, it really would. But for now, a very fitting end to the story of Meik's Obsession with Sebastian.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
I usually try to stay away from books featuring short stories because usually they aren't that great. However, there was something about Snuggle with the Strange: 9 Twisted Tales by Liane Carter that jumped out at me. I felt compelled to read it, and I'm glad I did. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and all the short stories.

I didn't really know what to expect with Snuggle with the Strange except that the stories would be a bit out there. The first two stories gave me Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz vibes but for adults. These stories were more paranormal/supernatural in nature, and I really enjoyed them. The next six stories were more realistic in the fact that they could actually happen to anyone (which is a scary thought!). The last story returned to being supernatural again. I loved each and every story, and I thought the pacing and world building for each was done very well. Each story has an original feel and isn't like any of the other stories in the book. Even though this is a fairly short book, all the suspense makes it seem as if time has stood still. My favorite stories in Snuggle with the Strange were "Life in the Shed" and "He Looked Like My First Mistake." Although all the stories are written very well, I just loved those a little extra. Oh, and something else I loved was that the cover of the book links each of the nine stories. I thought that was very cool!

All of the characters are well fleshed out in each story. There's just enough information on each character so you can love them or love to hate them. At times, I felt like I was the main character in the story!

As this is an adult horror book, there are quite a few trigger warnings for Snuggle with the Strange which include demons, underage drug use (a few mentions of marijuana), implied rape, implied child rape, attempted rape, death, murder, violence, attempted murder, domestic abuse, child abuse, and profanity.

Overall, Snuggle with the Strange is a breath of fresh air for those who love the genre horror. With it's interesting cast of characters and original short stories, this is one book that every horror lover should read. I would definitely recommend Snuggle with the Strange: 9 Twisted Tales by Liane Carter for those aged 16+ who like their horror with a flair of originality instead of rehashed fiction. If that sounds like you, this is your kind of book!
(A special thank you to Liane Carter and Lola's Blog Tours for providing me with a paperback of Snuggle with the Strange: 9 Twisted Tales in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
The Craftsman (The Craftsman, #1)
The Craftsman (The Craftsman, #1)
Sharon J. Bolton | 2018 | History & Politics, Paranormal, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
My Queen of crime and thrillers is back, with another marvelous story to tell. I read all her books, and every time she surprises me with something different and original.

The story is set in a small town with a hill, where witches were meeting since the 16th century. As you can see in the description above, this story is told in two different times – 1969 and 1999. In 1969 Florence was a WPC in the local police station, which she recently joined. Moreover, she was the first woman in that station, surrounded by men, who are not very friendly. She is assigned a disappearance of three teenagers, but what she discovers is way more complex and sinister than she could imagine.

Florence is the protagonist of this novel, and this story is told from her perspective. I love strong, smart and rebellious female leads in the books, and I absolutely loved Florence. Even though she is facing cruel workplace bullying and constant demeaning behavior, she is still fighting for what she believes to be right, and she wipes noses to those stuck up men. BRAVO! 😀 I really liked the wide variety of characters, which Bolton offered in this novel. All of them were very well rounded and unique personalities, who brought more richness to the book.

The narrative of this book was very well planned out and delivered. I was sucked in from the first pages of this book, I just wanted to find out what in a world was going on there! I really enjoyed all the twists, turns and diversions which Bolton creatively incorporated in this book. Sharon Bolton always follows an intriguing topic in her novels, and I am very glad that she was discussing workplace bullying and sexism, alongside witches and witchcraft. Even though I am not a believer in witchcraft, It was amusing to read about the people who believe in it and practice it.

Sharon Bolton is a very talented storyteller, she has a very absorbing and suspense building writing style, which I thoroughly enjoy every time. I loved the setting of this book, it compliments the atmosphere of this book with all those mills, hills, cemeteries and complex houses. The pages just fly while reading those short chapters. The climax was absolutely unexpected and left me very surprised. So, to conclude, for now, this book was the best read of 2018 for me. I enjoyed it from first to the last page, I think it has very intriguing and absorbing characters and very well crafted narrative, which is fast paced and very amusing. I do strongly recommend this book, I think you are in for a treat. Enjoy! 🙂
The Emoji Movie (2017)
The Emoji Movie (2017)
2017 | Animation
I decided to ease into August with The Emoji Film. Now, I went on to Rotten Tomatoes after seeing some talk online about it getting a zero rating. Currently it stands at 6% with the critics... what a bunch of party poopers.

Gene lives in Alex's phone in Textopolis, a digital city where all the emojis live and work. When you've honed your emoji skill you can go and work in the cube, and be there for Alex every time he wants to send a message. Gene longs for that day, but there's one slight problem... Gene is a meh, and he's anything but meh. His parents are both experts at meh, and at his first day at work they're rather nervous... not that you could tell from their expressions.

On his first go in his cube he manages to pull the wrong face and sets off a chain of events that lead Smiler to conclude that he's a malfunction who needs to be dealt with. Gene and High Five embark on a journey to the Piracy App to meet someone who can reprogram him to be a better meh. But as they make their way there they cause a few issues on Alex's phone that makes him take the bold decision to take it back to the shop for a factory reset.

Can they reprogram Gene and have everything back to normal before that happens?...

So the critics panned it with a resounding thumbs down emoji, the general public were a little more generous, and left it at around the 50% mark.

Was the film entertaining? Yes. Will it win awards? No. But it does what you expect it to do, it makes you laugh and smile, and it got my toe tapping. I love the idea that my apps are all having a good time when I'm not using them, especially that poor little Stocks app... I mean does anyone ever use that?

There are a lot of recognisable voices in the mix. Patrick Stewart as the Poop emoji, possibly the most amusing of all.

Probably my only criticism of this is that it's not really a kid's film, and it's not really an adult's film. Which makes it a bit difficult to ever recommend to anyone. It's not worth a full price ticket at the cinema, especially as in all likelihood it'll be an adult and a child going together at the very least. I wouldn't even recommend buying it as a DVD when it comes out straight away. At some point though it will be £1 in Poundland, and then it will be worth buying. Or you can of course stream it from somewhere like Netflix or Sky before that point.
Battle of the Sexes (2016)
Battle of the Sexes (2016)
2016 | Biography, Comedy, Sport
Good storytelling (2 more)
Amazing Cast
Tennis shots were done very well
Too many close up shots (0 more)
Sports with a hint of romance
This is another sports movie I had no knowledge of going in to and I watch a lot of sports. Tennis is one that I play more then I follow. Sometimes it is fun to watch a tennis match or 2 on tv but not all the time. This match though would have be amazing to see and live through. The story of Billy Jean King is like any other women making history by doing something great in the 70's. It has been told several times using different backgrounds. The big difference with this movie though is they did not overly portray her as the victim being driven down by the man. She always had her head held high and new she could win. You never really felt sad for her during the course of the movie. She had a goal set forth and took it head on.

This movie had a story to tell and like most Based on True Story movies they add way to much drama. This movie was the opposite. It told the story from her perspective and Bobby's perspective and really kept unnecessary drama out of it. The biggest drama points was Billy's female lover. Some of it felt way over the top and you just knew what was coming. I don't mind gay couples in movies, but what I don't like is if it feels forced on to screen just for the sake of adding it. This was part of her story, just put it in there, you don't have to tease the audience that it is going to happen.

The sports part of this movie was my favorite. The back at forth on the court felt real. Which is a good thing because you never want to see look fake. There were very few cuts during the action sequences which means they were really playing tennis, unless they were professionals dressed like them. I would not be disappointed if that was the case, but it would be great if it was the real actors doing it.

All in all this was a fantastic and think everyone, men (from the 70's and earlier) and women should go and see this movie. If you know the story already you may not like it as much but see it anyway.
The Alchemist
The Alchemist
Paulo Coelho | 1993 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (35 Ratings)
Book Rating
I struggled through the first half of the book. It wasn't bad, just not what I was expecting after all of the positive reviews I'd heard or following an interview I had seen with Paulo Coelho that had me intrigued.

Despite my apprehension, I kept reading and I'm glad I did. Once the boy set out on his adventure and began to learn and understand the language of the world, I understood what all the fuss was about. This is one of those books, that if read at the right time in your life, can have a profound impact. I found myself bookmarking every other page at one point, for some pearl of wisdom or a lesson that I had only recently learned myself and held so much relevance in my life.

I can relate to the boy because I feel like I'm on a similar sort of journey right now, learning the same lessons about life and being open and aware of what it is trying to tell us. It is not always easy to listen to our hearts or follow our dreams. Many of us go through life like the shopkeeper, holding on to our dreams to motivate us to get through the mundane lives we live, but never having the courage to go after them for fear of having nothing left to live for once the dream is reached or perhaps even fear of failure.

Even after I got past the first half, I took my time reading, letting the words sink in. Too often, I fly through books and months later if someone asks me about a particular scene I have trouble recalling it. I wanted to retain what I was reading. And for the first time in my life I wanted to buy the book just so that I could highlight passages and make notes in the margins. I had always thought of this as defamation before, like it was a sacrilege to mark up a book like that.

I would recommend this book to anyone that is feeling like there has to be more to life; someone who feels the potential of their destiny but is at a loss as to how to achieve it. The book doesn't have all of the answers, but it helps you understand that the only thing truly standing in your way is you.
Skyscraper (2018)
Skyscraper (2018)
2018 | Action
Tower inferno
#skyscraper tries so hard to be the new #diehard but instead comes crashing down in a fiery mess. I wasn't particularly hoping skyscraper would be any good but I was at least expecting a #fun time with some #cool #action set pieces, instead what I got was a totally generic below average action #movie. Before you go & see this ask yourself this question "Do I like cgi fire?" because I can tell you now a good 80% of this film is either cgi fire or explosions (& not the good kind). The problem with all the action being cgi is its not very believable, #dwaynejohnson could be in #danger multiple times but if it doesn't look like he is in danger the #fear & tension is lost instantly in every scene. Most of the action falls flat because of this & leads to all the big set pieces blurring into one big boring repetitive mess of orange #fire & bad motion blur effects. As a building #thepearl looks great & its well designed too its just to bad we dont get to see much of what it really has to offer internaly (e.g we are shown inside the sphere at the top early on knowing full well it will come back into play later, problem is when it does its poorly filmed, not very interesting & a huge missed opportunity to #dazzle or do something visually clever with this scene). Writing & dialog wise its terrible too & characters lack depth & #emotion with some (the police officers mainly) feeling like wooden planks just put in to move the plot forward faster. Characters also constantly spill exposition & frustrate by falling in & out of trust with each other in seconds or guessing the solution to problems instantly without any thought process or reason except assumption. The #villain is also non threatening & disposable with poor motives too. Its just a very flat, #boring & repetitive #film with no real reason to keep you invested & because of this I either found my mind wondering or myself starting to nodd off. I cant recommend Skyscraper at all especially when Die Hard has just been released on #4k so it seems #silly to go see a film like this when one that does it so perfectly already exists. #odeon #odeonlimitless #therock #sundayfunday #silly #funny #ripoff #filmbuff #filmcritic
Roll Player
Roll Player
2016 | Dice Game, Fantasy
Are you up for some role play? If so, you’ll have to find a different website for that. But if you’re up for some *roll* play, then you’ve come to the right place! Welcome to Roll Player – a strategic game of dice rolling, card drafting, and character creation!

On your way into town, you bump into a mysterious stranger. He tells you that he’s on a quest and is looking for companions to share in the journey (and loot!). A sneaky rogue like yourself might just pick-pocket the man and be on your way. But as a warrior, maybe you’ll go along for some action! What? You’re a wizard? That’s ok! Every good adventuring party needs a character knowledgeable in the mystical arts! The point is, your character is what you make it, and that is exactly how Roll Player works – think RPG character creation, but game-ified!

You take turns rolling dice and drafting cards to hone up your skills and attributes – the player at the end of the game with the best adventurer (determined by Victory Points) is the winner! You start with a set race, class, and backstory that determine your end-game attribute goals, and any extra Victory Points are up to you! How will you manipulate your dice to achieve your goals? How can you draft the perfect skills to outperform your opponents? The possibilities are endless!

Having played Roll Player at least a dozen times, I can honestly tell you that I thoroughly enjoy it. Rolling dice and drafting cards seems simple enough, but the amount of strategy needed to try to meet all of your end-game goals is what makes Roll Player a fun challenge. This game requires more thought than others, but I don’t think that necessarily makes it any harder to learn or play. I’ve found that once I help walk a new player through their first turn, the rest of the game is fine, and turns generally pass quickly enough too (as long as your opponent doesn’t suffer from AP…) so that the game doesn’t actually feel that long.

All in all, Roll Player does make you think, but it’s not such a heavy game that it’ll feel super serious. Purple Phoenix Games gives it a 17 / 18 (Josh has yet to play it).

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Jun 12, 2019

I was lucky enough to learn the game from the designer.... I'll never forget it.... sorry for the humble brag.