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Our House
Our House
Louise Candlish | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Clever narrative that flips through different mediums (0 more)
So. Much. Talking. Ending was blah. (0 more)
Started great - fell flat quick.
What sh*tshow these people's lives are!! I cannot even start to fathom the choices some of these characters made, but hey - it makes for a great story! What would you do if you came home one day and people were moving into your house? All your stuff is gone (including your estranged husband - totally missing) and the moving truck is backed up to your front door and unloading someone else's stuff??? Bonkers. Totally bonkers.

Safe to sat Fiona Lawson is about to lose her mind. Who are these strangers and how on Earth did they find, purchase, and move into her house when she was just away for the weekend! And um... where the F are her kids?!?! Her missing husband may or may not have something to do with it. And the secrets! They just come spewing out from every side, every angle, and everyone!

SUCH an interesting way to tell a story, too! I really enjoyed the back and forth, and different mediums used - though normal narrative - past and present, podcasts (with listener comments and hashtags too!) and even a suicide note... so crazy! This was shaping up to be a definite 5 star read for sure.. but meh. The end was SO abrupt. I was like, "um... did someone remove some pages in the back of my book? Did the printer run out of ink?" OK, OK I get that it's one of those, 'whats gonna happen?' type endings maybe? But too much unanswered for me, too much left up in the air, that I almost felt like there was no direction or solution to things so let's just STOP. Eh, no. I was all-in until the last few chapters - and then totally bummed.

Overall, a really cool story, great narrative, clever twists - but the abruptness of that ending just made feel like someone got a bit lazy.
Wanted- Bad Boyfriend (Island Classifieds #1)
Wanted- Bad Boyfriend (Island Classifieds #1)
TA Moore | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a great easy read
I was gifted my copy of this book, that I write a review was not required.

Everyone thinks Nate should have a boyfriend, NEEDS one to be happy. But is ok by himself, mostly. So he hatches a plan with the island's resident bad boy. Pretend to be together for a bit, the Flynn can do his thing, dump Nate and everyone will leave him alone. Only, there are a couple of problems with said plan: both are surprised by the chemistry between them, and actually, Flynn turns out to be quite a good boyfriend. And it becomes a case on not pretending.

I LIKED this book. I did not love it though, and *insert wailing sound* I don't know why!

It's well told, from both Flynn and Nate's point of view, in the past tense. It has some sexy bits, some funny bits, some difficult reading bits and some emotional bits.

We don't get all of Flynn and Nate's history in one go, it comes along bits at time. In fact, much of Flynn's history is still unexplained. I still don't know which of those rumours were true, and just why he did not return for his father's funeral.

It does throw a CORKER twist at you though! I did NOT see that one coming, not at all!! There I was, merrily reading away *don't tell anyone* on a quiet Sunday afternoon at work, and BOOM!!! Moore throws that at me and I'm like SAY WHAT NOW!?!?!?!?!? Out loud! I rarely am vocal when reading (more so when listening) and my colleague is like "Are you okay?" And I'm like "but look what she did!" Seriously well played with that Ms Moore, very VERY well played!

Like I said, it's well told, well written and well delivered. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading experience and I read it in that one afternoon.

I'm just sorry I didn't love it though.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
I can't tell you how precious the Bradford family is. A history of heartache, bonds that no one can beak, loyalty, love, forgiveness...As we learn more about the sisters and the family, we come to see that even though these are fictional characters, God's plans can take even the worst situations and turn them into good for His glory.

It was interesting reading Willow and Corbin's story because although the details were vastly different, my husband and I have a similar story. We dated for a while, broke up, I moved to Africa and he went off to boot camp...But God wasn't done with us yet. Through God's grace and forgiveness, He brought us back together and we are now going on 7 years of marriage. 😍 Corbin and Willow go through so much in this book. Willow's battle with unforgiveness (not only for Corbin but for herself) is something that I think many of us can relate to. We know God forgives us, but can we forgive ourselves? Can we truly believe that our loving Father wants to BLESS us with immeasurable joy? Or do we think we are unworthy of such love?

I love that Becky Wade infuses her stories with a bit of mystery alongside the romance. I love trying to solve the problems alongside the characters. She writes her stories in such a way that you just HAVE to read ONE more chapter!!!

Set in my home state, I love the setting she chose for Bradfordwood. It's truly a beautiful area. Even if it is the "rainy" side. LOL!

Filled with Biblical truths, heartache, mystery, romance, and forgiveness, Falling for You will sweep you off your feet and I pray open your eyes of the love and forgiveness that our heavenly Father carries for us all. YES....even you!

I received a complimentary copy of Falling for You from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Midnight's Daughter (Dorina Basarab, #1)
Midnight's Daughter (Dorina Basarab, #1)
Karen Chance | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
I adore the Dorina Basarab series. To truly appreciate them I recommend reading alongside Karen's other major series the Cassie Palmer series.

Dorina is a 500 year old dhampir with some serious memory problems from most of her life, so while she has experience and fun stories to tell she is still very modern and youthful. An outcast to both vampire and human world's, and repeatedly mocked and attacked by them too, Dory shows how 500 years helps build a thick skin. But deep down we still get a sassy, strong woman than Chance is known for writing.

The reason I love Dory starts in Midnight's Daughter but grows in the series. And that is because Dory is relateable. She is strong. She knows she is strong. She is confident in her strength. She knows her limitations. But she is also afraid. This internal dialogue you read is so very real and lifelike.

She is also hilarious and Karen chance style of writing will have you laughing as well as scream for the safety of for favourite characters.

Midnight Daughter as a book is well writte . With attention to detail throughout the history and action scenes that you will be holding for more at the stench or getting rather flustered at some romantic encounters. There is a good balance and it is infused with emotion and sensation so you aren't just stuck with a dry sex scene, it is romance not boring bedrooms with flat description or over the top swooning.

The romance plays key files in the plot and not just the sake of it being a romance. Much like in the Caddie Palmer series.

The storyline is very much a scene setter for the rest of the books. While a lot happens it is breaking the mold set by Carrie Palmer.

All in all a fun battle in both bar brawls and bedrooms with deep undercurrents of isolation, stigma and abandonment covered. Read it. Read it now.
Machete (2010)
Machete (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery
This is the film your parents did not want you to see as a child. Violent, vulgar, and more than a little offensive Machete is shocking, not just for the eyes but also to moral sensibilities. Yet, it is also undeniably funny.

This make believe movie trailer highlighted in the movie Grindhouse was, due to its popularity, turned into a full length feature packed with ridiculous fight scenes and some of the most simplistic dialogue of any modern action film. The visuals stay with you. The action is impressive. This is not just another trip to the movies but a wild chaotic journey at the end of a giant blade.

Director and co-author, Robert Rodriguez, has mixed classic Tarantino styling, the wild world of B movies, and his own flair for dramatic character creation to create a film that is violently astonishing. The fight scenes are engaging from weapon selection all the way to last man standing, and do I really need to tell you who that man is? Of, course not.
Machete is not just your typical anti-hero, he is the vision of an anti-hero with ladies and one-liners in tow. While Danny Trejo (Machete) steals the show he is not the only big name appearing on this cast list. The film is packed with stars such as Jessica Alba (Sartana), Michelle Rodriguez (Luz), and Lindsey Lohan (April), who all play critical characters in this bizarre tale. And so far as the men go, there are also quality performances from Robert De Niro (Senator McLaughlin), Don Johnson (Lt. Stillman), Steven Segal (Torrez) and Cheech Marin (Padre).

Moreover, it is not a stretch to say that this film abruptly addresses some significant stereotypes. In fact Machete doesn’t just confront these issues, it wields a large blade of sarcasm in their direction. Giving a new base line for “over the top,” Machete is sure to be a hit with anyone who is not easily offended.
The Du Lac Princess (The Du Lac Chronicles #3)
The Du Lac Princess (The Du Lac Chronicles #3)
Mary Anne Yarde | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Du Lac Princess is the third book in The Du Lac Chronicles, and we start off how it The Du Lac Devil ended. Back in the 6th Century, the world was a harsh place, and Amandine learns this more than most people do. She goes through horrors that you would not believe, but still somehow holds onto life. Merton, now known as Galahad, has been told that she is dead. Together with his own horrific injuries, he doesn't want to live without her, but also clings to life. Garren has returned, Josephine is a poisoned viper, Budic is a bully. All the characters we have grown to love (or hate) are here, and the story will pull you in and not let go until the last page has been turned. Even then, you will want for more!

There is one new character that needs her own mention, and that is Tegan. She was a knight in Arthur's court, in love with Lancelot. She has her own tale to tell, and her own way of telling it, so I won't even try. All I will say is that Tegan wriggled into my heart, and I was sad when we heard no more about her. I am fervently hoping that she will make a reappearance in the next book.

Exceptionally written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, The Du Lac Princess is an astounding read of the highest quality. With impeccable research and honour to traditions of a time gone by, this book and series continue to fascinate. I am happy to learn there will be more in this series, and can't wait to continue. Absolutely and utterly recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) rated 9-1-1 in TV

Jul 8, 2019 (Updated Apr 4, 2021)  
2018 | Drama
Racially-diverse cast (0 more)
Stiff acting (4 more)
Fake fake fake fake fake
Scenarios no professional first responder would ever get into.
Terrible writing
Are there no medical director/firefighter/police officer technical advisers to tell them the correct way to do ALL OF THIS?
I like Connie Britton, who was a cast member during the first season of this show. However, she is no longer there and there is nothing to hold my interest and many, many things to make me lose interest. 911 has stiff acting and outrageously fake scenarios. She was replaced by Jennifer Love Hewitt, whom I'm neutral on for the most part, but I don't like her character, the scenarios she gets into, or her lines. Her acting isn't that great in this show, either, come to think of it. The manufactured drama is too forced. I've seen her do a better job with drama so I don't know if it's the director's choice or if she's taking dramatic license, but either way, her character isn't great. The characters, for the most part, are not believable or likable. It's just not a good cast. I like the diversity of the cast. There are several black cast members, an Asian cast member, and at least one Latinx cast member, which is so much better than most other shows, and let's face it than most of society. Come on, people, Let's mingle and mix things up.

I recently tried to watch 911 due to a draught of medical dramas and I ended up yelling at the tv about all the technical mistakes the EMTs and firefighters were making. I mean, they took an elevator up to an upper floor when the building was unstable and at risk of collapse or having a power outage. It was ridiculous. Who does that? If you are good at suspending belief, maybe you can tolerate this show. But as a hard-core medical freak, I cannot.

Jules (151 KP) rated Atypical in TV

Nov 24, 2019  
2017 | Comedy, Drama
This show has really opened my eyes on the struggles Autism can cause in every day life. It not only follows Sam and his journey to find love, and then his life changing as he moves on to University, but it also follows a small story line around his parents and his younger sister has her own, fairly prominent story line.

Sam has Autism and doesn't always understand things well. The show really brings into life a few of the problems he may face, and how he deals with them.

Its mostly light-hearted and has a few comical characters, while still being serious at times and helping people understand what is going on.

Casey, Sams sister, understands his autism but always treats Sam as if he doesn't, in a good way. She still treats him with love and affection, but also annoys him and gets on his nerves, just as any sister would do.

The show also follows her story line, of starting in a new school and her track running. The show has some awesome characters, who show full understanding and love and care for Sam. One of the best being Sam's best friend,Zahid. Zahid is a funny and relatable, for the most part, character. He brings humour to the show in new ways, while always looking out for Sam. In ways, he shows Sam how to be 'Normal' though he's rather weird himself.

Zahid is not only Sam's best friend, but also the person he looks up to the most. The two characters have some very moving moments in the show. The show also combats toxic masculinity, with male characters seen crying, expressing feelings and hugging each other and expressing love for each other.

Overall, it is a brilliant show, that is enlightening and full of brilliant characters from all walks of life. It shows some real life problems and how a family deals with them, while taking care of each other. I would tell anyone to watch this and I imagine it would be enjoyed by all.

Andrew Sinclair (25 KP) Nov 25, 2019

I couldn't agree more! It's a wonderful show!

Chloe (2010)
Chloe (2010)
2010 | Drama, Mystery
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Decent Beginning Then All Downhill
A woman struggling in her marriage hires a call girl to come on to her husband to see if he will cheat. If Chloe sounds like a recipe for disaster in real life, just wait until I dive into the movie! It’s not a complete failure, but it fails enough for me to highly recommend avoiding it.

Acting: 9

Beginning: 7
All the players are introduced in the first ten minutes doing their respective jobs. You can tell the movie will be shrouded in a bit of mystery. I didn’t hate the way it started, but I was looking for a bit more originality.

Characters: 10
Chloe (Amanda Seyfried) is an intriguing character in and of herself. I was drawn to her and I couldn’t figure out why. Is she crazy? Misunderstood? Is she making everything up? What the hell is with this woman? The other characters are merely a moth to her flame. It’s not to say I didn’t like them, but they would fall flat without Chloe at the helm.

Cinematography/Visuals: 9
As you’re watching this movie, you definitely get the erotic thriller feel which I think is exactly what director Atom Egoyan is going for. There are certain scenes that seem to jump off the screen with sensuality and intrigue. It keeps your eyes rooted to the screen while little details are shot to keep you guessing.

Conflict: 7

Entertainment Value: 7

Memorability: 6

Pace: 6

Plot: 3
Remember my description in the opening paragraph? Yeah, it somehow manages to get even dumber than that. It’s a shame because I think the movie definitely could have been redeemed with a slightly better storyline.

Resolution: 5

Overall: 69
Going back over my notes for Chloe, I notice I have a lot of whats, whys, and hows. That’s usually not a good sign. Few loops were closed here which is a burden for a viewer already sitting through a wandering story. Close, but no cigar.

JT (287 KP) rated Anna (2019) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Anna (2019)
Anna (2019)
2019 | Action, Thriller
Tell me if you’ve heard this one before? A young woman is pulled from a life of drugs and abuse and given a fresh start as a deadly assassin. Once on the inside, she uses her skill set and good looks to complete various assignments while falling for her handler. She then decides that her new life is not for her after all and wants out.

Writer/director Luc Besson has pretty much rehashed the script for Nikita (aka La Femme Nikita). That film had a remake too, Point of No Return, which starred Bridget Fonda and Gabriel Byrne. This latest offering doesn’t do anything new whatsoever. There are several well choreographed and extremely violent fight scenes as well as a car chase which seems to be a staple part of any Luc Besson film.

It’s not the most intelligently written action thriller. And there are plot holes all over the place.

The sexual exploitation is not as fierce as Red Sparrow. Anna uses an array of colourful wigs and lingerie to entrap her victims before ultimately putting a bullet in them. This only seeks to justify her sex appeal. The supporting cast is OK but nothing special. Helen Mirren is probably the stand out of the bunch, although her character has a striking resemblance to Edna from The Incredibles – or maybe that’s just me?

When Cillian Murphy‘s CIA agent gets involved it becomes hard to know who is double crossing who, and the extra plot strand threatens to confuse things. What results is a kind of Cold War love triangle which gravitates towards an interesting finale only ruined by predictability.

It’s not the most intelligently written action thriller. But it is fun and film fans should appreciate Besson’s high energy and European flair. I prefer him as a writer than director. Anna doesn’t shy away from bringing graphic violence in a Wick-esque style which is often lost with Hollywood blockbusters, so that gets a big tick. But it’s hard not to look past a regurgitated storyline.