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Grail Knight: (Outlaw Chronicles, #5)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book number 5 in Angus Donald's 'The Outlaw Chronicles' series, and by now the pattern is well established in that all the stories are split into sections, with each section presented as the elderly Alan Dale recalling his younger days spent with that (now) most-famous of all English outlaws: Robin Hood himself.

At the start of this, Alan is newly married and enjoying life in his new manor with his wife. It's not long, however, before he is thrust back into action when word comes that The Knights Templar are holding himself responsible for gold stolen (by Robin, in a previous novel - possibly [b:King's Man|943289|King's Man (Viking, #3)|Tim Severin||928226]) as it was his promissary note that Robin copied and forged.

Following the burning down of his manor, and with the failing health of his wife who is carrying his unborn child, Alan, Robin and a bunch of assorted misfit companions go off in search of that most medieval of all legends: the Holy Grail itself. In Alan's case, he hopes it can save his wife; in Robin's case: well, he's just after the money!

Another solid entry, even if (to my mind) none have been as strong as [b:Outlaw|17333533|Outlaw|Ted Dekker||24064806].