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Final Fantasy XIV Online: Stormblood
Final Fantasy XIV Online: Stormblood
Massively Multiplayer, Role-Playing
Main story quests are great (2 more)
Music for the different areas and the game are great overall
Variety of job classes to choose from
Duty Finder wait time can be really long for damage dealer job classes (2 more)
End game can be a bit of a boring grind
Some of the dungeons are hit or miss
I played Final Fantasy XI for a long time and loved it, then made the switch to Final Fantasy XIV after they revamped it with A Realm Reborn. I really enjoy the game. There are a variety of job classes to choose from and with the addition of Samurai and Red Mage for Stormblood it increased. Playing the game with friends is definitely more fun. With a good Free Company (guild) and linkshell you can get a lot of the story quest and side quest dungeons done in no time. The music for the game itself is beautiful and the areas in the game look great. Some of the dungeons are hit or miss and sometimes they can be a bit boring, but it helps to go with friends who make it fun. There's other things you can do besides questing and leveling like crafting and mini games so there's always something to do.
I received this book from the publishing company through Goodreads for free in return for an honest review.

As a person who loves historical fiction I was excited to et my hand on a new book that was within a genre I enjoy.I have read previous books that Janette Oke wrote which I enjoyed immensely. At the core, Where Trust Lies, is about relationships. Relationships between mothers and daughters and sisters.

In general the character, Elizabeth, was boring but she made up for it with her kind and loving heart. I like seeing the relationships between the different characters and how their choices effected their life. At the end of the story the plot changed and not for the good but even still the family held on their strong faith in God.

One of my biggest frustrations in a book is when it is predictable. When a book is predictable I am easily distractible and do not want to finish the book. Oke did a great job of ending the book, especially is a nice romantic way.
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror
Slaughterhouse Rulez is a textbook example of a swing and a miss. It tries to give us a nice slice of comedy horror, but executes it pretty miserably.

A few things I liked...
- The fracking company were moustache twirling type villains, and were fairly amusing in the tiny amount of screentime dedicated to them.
- The CGI for the monsters is pretty decent, and the practical effects for close ups are also good.
- The whole final act when the monsters eventually turned up was effectively entertaining


It takes a painfully long time to get to that bit. The hour plus of runtime preceding the monsters attacking is mostly boring setup, messy pacing and dialogue and a waste of a good cast.
The younger cast are fine, but it's hard not to feel that Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Margot Robbie and Michael Sheen are just severely under utilised, in a sometimes humorous comedy that is trying ball achingly hard to be an Edgar Wright movie.

Slaughterhouse Rulez isn't awful by any means, more accurately frustrating because it feels like a much better movie is buried somewhere beneath the final product.
The Two Towers (The Lord of the Rings, #2)
The Two Towers (The Lord of the Rings, #2)
J.R.R. Tolkien | 1954 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (39 Ratings)
Book Rating
See the latest and more detailed review over on Ramble Media

I'll keep this brief, as with the other review, because quite frankly, I'm a busy bee and there are hundreds of more detailed and in depth reviews out there for you all to peruse at will!

So, the company is sundered, we finally get our first tantalising glimpse of Mordor and come across some wonderful creations, both good and evil, of what must have been a very active imagination. Yet for some reason, this book is a lot harder to read than its prequel.

If I'm totally honest, I'm being over generous with my fourth star. At times, this book really dragged, it felt like a chore to read, was hard to keep events straight and in chronological order, and quite honestly could have been a whole lot shorter. Regardless of that, there are some redeeming features that have me literally dying to get started on the final instalment.

If nothing else, Tolkien is a master of cliff hangers! He has written a fantastic collection of books that always, without fail, leave you hanging on to the last word of the book, trying to glean as much information as you can from it, to make the short wait to finding the next part more bearable. I honestly cannot imagine how this must have been for those reading when the book was first released, I'm struggling to wait a few hours to find out what happened to Frodo, back then they probably waited a few months at least!

The mystery over what the other half of the company are up to whilst you're reading about the others is a great motivator to carry on. I have to say, I find Frodo and Sam very dull at times, it required Gollum to perk up their half of the book, but I find Aragorn and his side of the company much more compelling to read. Maybe it's simply because I'm a closet hobbit and I don't enjoy reading about them because of that, or maybe it's because an Elf, a Wizard and a descendent of a mighty lineage are just much more interesting and impressive. I don't know, but Frodo is boring me.

And on that note, I suppose I should really call it a day before I go and rant for thousands of words about what I don't like about Frodo. It's a good book, slow at times and hard going, rather like their journey, but it redeemed itself towards the end (even if Shelbob will be giving me nightmares for the foreseeable future).
Seven by Jacqueline Leo
Rating: 3/5

Seven is an intriguing book about the phenomenon of the number seven, the appeal we feel for it, the psychology behind the appeal, and so on. Unlike some non-fiction, Seven is very readable and interesting, and is written in a way that doesn’t make it funny or witty, but doesn’t make it dry either. There is the perfect balance of information and interest to make it quite enjoyable.

Seven is filled with interesting stories, ranging from Tiger Woods’ religion to Josh Waitzkin’s martial arts experience to robot’s facial expressions. Seven has many lists of sevens that make a lot of sense—seven reasons why people still smoke, seven strategies for a successful start-up in a company, comparing the seven media items in 1956 to the thirty-five (at least) in 2008, and so on.
Seven is a thought provoking book that will hopefully give its readers insight into the psychological attraction to numbers, and also some valuable advice for day to day life.
Recommendation: Ages 12+. I would recommend reading a chapter here and there on a lonely boring rainy day (hey, it worked for me!) with a cup of hot tea at your side. Leave plenty of time for musing and meditation while you read this one, and be prepared to entertained by this read!

**Thank you to Anna from Hachette for providing my review copy!**
Traveller-Inceptio ( Traveller Book 1)
Traveller-Inceptio ( Traveller Book 1)
Rob Shackleford | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was the one member of the original team who was largely responsible for the creation of the transporter never claimed it. (0 more)
There was a lot of technical speak, along with war and battle pans that were confusing and boring. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Traveller Inceptio: Traveller Book 1 by Rob Shackleford is a hard book to put into just one genre. It is both an adventure and a romance while also being science fiction and historical fiction. Overall an odd combination.

 A group of friends working towards advanced college degrees decide to work on some research together. They are even able o secure funding from a major security company, Helguard. Their goal is to create new scanning equipment to be used by security in places such as airports. The team works extremely well together and soon they have a working prototype. However, something goes wrong with the machine and a mass of wires fuse together, causing a completely different result. When they turn the machine on and tell it to scan something, the item disappears instead.

 After some research, it is discovered that the machine is sending items to the exact same location, just 1,000 years into the past. This discovery naturally gets the attention of governments around the world and the military who try to take over the project. Military men are trained in the ways of the Saxons and are sent back in time to become part of their society and provide reports and pictures of a time period that was originally poorly documented. There are many dangers that the travelers face for this project, but the main one is that the Saxons are currently at war with the Vikings.

 What I liked best was the one member of the original team who was largely responsible for the creation of the transporter never claimed it. I am unsure if this is because he remains unaware of what he did, or out of fear because he was messing where he did not belong, either way, this is what stuck with me the most. There was a lot of technical speak, along with war and battle pans that were confusing and boring. The war or battle aspect of the book was very drawn out, though I have never been one to enjoy play-by-play fight scenes.

 This is more of an adult book. The length and technical stuff would probably be a bit daunting for younger readers. It is also rather detailed in the more graphic fight scenes (gore) and rape, which might make some readers uncomfortable. I rate this book 2 out of 4. The more interesting parts of this book, such as when Michael is becoming part of the Saxon culture moves quickly and is enjoyable. The duller areas such as the fights and technical speak are dry and really bring this otherwise interesting book down.
Buffalo '66 (1998)
Buffalo '66 (1998)
1998 | International, Comedy, Drama
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Billy Brown has just been released from prison, he has had his own problems which led to him being in prison and it isn’t long before he goes to the extremes to impress his family. He is painted as an aggressive man that believes that woman are just objects and has built his world in lies. Layla is the tap dancer that gets kidnapped, she starts to play along with what Billy wants and even enjoy his company the more time they spend together. Jimmy and Jan are his parents that have both been either distracted or strict in raising Billy, as he wants to impress them now. The Bookie is the man that put Billy in jail as a result of the debts he owed him, he gave him a choice with jail being the only one that didn’t hurt anyone.

Performances – Vincent Gallo doesn’t bring us a very interesting character, it isn’t written well or directed to make us interested in him, he just can’t make this character work. Christina Ricci was trying to break out of the child star roles by now, this is different to what we had seen before, though she does look bored through the film. the rest of the cast struggle too, it is just poorly written to give the actors a chance.

Story – The story follows a gambler that had paid the price for his addiction and now is free, he wants revenge only he spends the time with his kidnap victim as we get to see the difficult life he has had which led him to the life of crime. Well I think that is what we are meant to be seeing, the story does drag along at an awfully slow pace with nothing much happening, trying to make us believe the two could be falling in love, though he is abusive with his actions and spends more time running around looking for a toilet than showing any sort of emotion.

Comedy/Crime/Romance – If this is meant to be a comedy, the jokes miss big time as you will struggle to get a laugh out of this film, while the crime only seems to focus on the kidnapping, which she could have escaped from with ease plenty of times, so that never feels like a threat, the romance just feels awkward for the most part of the film because there is zero chemistry between the two.

Settings – The film is set in the Buffalo area, which is meant to be about the passion of the locals, it could easily be any town with a big American football team.

Scene of the Movie – The first look at the dinner table makes it a clever shot, until it gets boring.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – We spend more time looking for a toilet.

Final Thoughts – This is just a dreadfully dull movie that has no direction in anyway, it fails to capture any attention from the audience with a truly unlikeable main character.


Overall: Dreadfully boring.
The Suicide Squad (2021)
The Suicide Squad (2021)
2021 | Action, Comedy, Crime
James Gunn returns with the sequel to 2016’s Suicide Squad. This time, the nefarious company woman Amanda Waller (Viola Davis), returns to Belle Reve to recruit the next iteration of Task Force X. Initially, we are introduced to the new recruits: Savant (Michael Rooker), Blackguard (Pete Davidson), Javelin (Flula Borg), Mongal (Mayling Ng), T.D.K. (Nathan Fillion) and The Weasel (Sean Gunn). We meet our favorites from the first film: Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Captain Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman), Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney). They have signed on to be dropped into a small island nation, Corto Maltese.

This country, just taken over by a military coup has a lab with a 30-year secret weapon. Ms. Waller offers them years off each team member’s sentence to “Save the World”. Or, in this case, infiltrate Corto Maltese to find and destroy the project. Our hapless but highly skilled group lands and takes on heavy fire.

Meanwhile, we have Team B led by Bloodsport (Idris Elba), Peacemaker (John Cena), Ratcatcher 2 (Daniela Melchior), Polka Dot Man (David Dastmalchian), King Shark (The physical, John Economos with the voice of Sylvester Stallone). As the separate teams go forth and bond in violence, we find out more about their personal childhood traumas that made them the criminals they have become.

This sequel has James Gunn’s DNA all over the film. He raised the bar from the first film by providing bright, visual treats. The action is violent in a cartoonish manner that buffers the impact when one looks at the many ways one can dispatch a human. The story goes from sarcasm, dry wit, demented clown to the stooges’ physical hilarity. As we watch the Squad fight their way across the island, there are points where these characters are skilled killers despite the humor in their murderous madness.

I was laughing throughout the film, it certainly felt like a panacea for these challenging times. Pay attention, there are little moments of snappy comebacks that feel like they’re from old-school Mad Magazine. The pace runs steadily which helps the dissonance become more impactful. The Suicide Squad was not boring, it was very entertaining and such a campy ride. FYI: there are TWO after-credit scenes.

The Soundtrack is so very good from the first shot, to the after credit, shotsThis Summer Blockbuster certainly delivers the entertainment.

4.75 out of 5 Stars
Christopher Robin (2018)
Christopher Robin (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Pooh and the gang (0 more)
Hayley Atwell is very underused (1 more)
Not really much of a kids movie
A good dose of warm fuzzy feelings
After recently reading a fair few uncomplimentary critic reviews for Christopher Robin, I wasn't sure what to expect from this. But, I was actually pleasantly surprised. And my wife absolutely loved it!

The movie begins with Christopher Robin as the child we all know from the stories. He's having a farewell tea party with Pooh and the gang in the hundred acre wood - a chance to see this latest incarnation of them all, beautifully rendered, different from what we're used to, but still very familiar. Christopher Robin is leaving them to head off to boarding school, so it's going to be a while before we see them all again.

From there we quickly skip through the next few chapters of Christopher's life, while the opening credits play. Boarding school, the death of his father, meeting his wife (Hayley Atwell) and heading off to fight in the war, before returning home. We pick up again with him while working for Winslow, a luggage company. His manager (a brilliant performance from Mark Gatiss) is putting pressure on him to come up with cost saving measures, in order to save the failing company, and demands that he work the whole weekend in order to come up with a solution. Christopher was due to go away with his family that weekend to his childhood home in Sussex, so must let them down once again in favour of work. Hayley Atwell is greatly underused in this movie, but plays the disappointed wife very well. Daughter Madeline doesn't think her dad ever was a child as all he wants her to do is work hard in order to go to boarding school, read her boring books instead of fun books and work instead of play. He's a far cry from the young Christopher Robin we know.

The whole movie is very dark and gloomy looking, with bright vibrant Disney colours rarely to be seen, even more so in this first part of the movie. Aside from some small comedy moments, this isn't really a kids movie at all.

When Pooh arrives in London, seeking out Christopher Robin having lost Tigger and his other friends, the tone of the movie immediately changes. The wonderful, soothing, familiar voice of Jim Cummings bringing this silly old bear to life as he tries to adjust to Lon-don life. There are some wonderfully funny moments, full of heart, even more so when the whole gang are finally reunited and all causing chaos in London.

While never quite reaching the dizzyingly high standard set recently by the amazing Paddington 2, Christopher Robin still manages to provide you with a warm fuzzy feeling inside and a very funny, enjoyable experience. And with a lesson in making sure your embrace your inner child thrown in too!
Heather, the Totality
Heather, the Totality
Matthew Weiner | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>2.5 stars</b>

I can understand the negatives reviews for this book because it was underwhelming.

People are complaining about the writing style but it didn’t bother me that much. I guess this just felt like a slightly bulked out storyboard for a TV show, which would make sense as the author wrote Mad Men.

Some people think there is no character development in this novella, but I can’t say I agree. Mark and Karen are well described throughout the book and though you don’t get much history into each character, you learn enough about them as they grow older together and have a child. Same goes for Bobby. Heather, on the other hand, is more difficult to get to know. We didn’t really get the chance to learn much about her.

I honestly feel like this book was a little above my level of understanding and maybe I didn’t get the bigger picture, but to me this just felt like a slow story of overbearing, selfish parents, their confused golden child, and the obsession of a disturbed man. I know I’m probably getting this all wrong but hey, what can you do.

I enjoyed Bobby’s monologue, even though it was filled with sick and depraved rape imaginings. I guess because he was the only character that had any character, it made his part of the story worth reading. Other than that, it was pretty boring.

I agree with reviewers who said this felt cut off all of a sudden, because it does just seem to end out of nowhere, and in a pretty dull manner.

This novel reminded me of Hubert Selby Jr’s work. Depressing, bleak, dark and slow. (But with worse characters and a less captivating plot).

<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Little, Brown and Company for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>