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Ruin and Rising (The Grisha #3)
Ruin and Rising (The Grisha #3)
Leigh Bardugo | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sad to see this series end
Contains spoilers, click to show
***Spoilers. You’ve been warned***

The plot was a pretty fast paced one, just like the first and second. This one’s got more heartbreaking moments and I’m glad to see the romance drama has cleared as well. You still feel the awkward tension between Mal and Alina and it does induce moments of eyeball rolling but the heartbreaker comes when hell breaks loose and Nikolai gets taken away and becomes corrupted by the Darkling.

Did I ever want to cry out loud in horrifying rage.

Of all people Nikolai just HAD TO BE THE ONE. Just when things were getting a little better, when it looks like he might have snagged Alina and they might be together (just maybe?) but noooo! He had to be corrupted and although he valiantly did try to fight it my heart broke into two. (I guess you could say I’m all for Team Nikolai) Which of course clears the path for Mal and Alina to try again and rekindle their love.

This love triangle was one where I was happy with who she would end up being with either way. Of course I would have preferred Nikolai because I loved his character and personality. But now that Mal stopped his stupidity the chemistry was back between himself and Alina. It just felt right.

I loved how everything just came to full circle to close this series. How in the end, Mal and Alina go back to recreate the orphanage to house children just like how they used to be when they were young. It was sad to see Alina decline to be at Nikolai’s side, but also to decline to be at court with the other Grisha but, it was for the better. Alina had never felt like she was part of them, neither did Mal. It was touching when she received the kefta with the note (yeah I got a little something in my eye with that moment)

And even though the Darkling didn’t deserve it, kudos for Alina to take the high road and giving him a proper ending.

I enjoyed reading this series. I’m sad to see this series come to an end. I didn’t realize how attached I were to some characters. It was a nice sigh of relief at the end though. When I closed the book after reading the final page. It was a beautiful but bittersweet ending.

(David and Genya!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!) :D
Dead as a Duck (Washington Whodunit #7)
Dead as a Duck (Washington Whodunit #7)
Colleen J. Shogan | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kit Marshall seems to have a knack for finding dead bodies and solving their murders.
Kit Marshall seems to have a knack for finding dead bodies and solving their murders. She came into Duck, South Carolina as part of a town hall meeting for her boss, a congresswoman who is considering a run for the senate. She fully intends to take a few much needed days with friends and family in this popular destination beach town. When the town hall gets out of hand, exposing a rift between the town mayor and his constituents and then the mayor shows up dead, her vacation is going to have to wait.

I figured out whodunnit fairly easily, though of course, I didn’t know why. By the time Kit worked her way around to it, I had forgotten that I suspected that person, and I had just gotten caught up in the story. Kit is a great protagonist with a clever inner circle. If more Washington insiders were like her and her boss, the country would be in great hands.

There are plenty of twists and subplots throughout that keep the story fresh and mystery front and center. I love when I can get lost in the minutia of small town living and let the puzzle take a back seat to a really good tale.

Though this the latest in a robust series, it is the first of it that I have read. It read well as a stand alone and managed to convince me I wanted, rather than needed, to read the series from the beginning. I am looking forward to that.

Rating: 4 out of 5.
I received an advance review copy for free through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and I am leaving this review voluntarily

Merissa (11758 KP) rated Wilde Moon (Wildeward Academy #5) in Books

Dec 6, 2021 (Updated Jul 9, 2023)  
Wilde Moon (Wildeward Academy #5)
Wilde Moon (Wildeward Academy #5)
Gwyneira Blythe | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
WILDE MOON is the fifth and final book in the Wildeward Academy series (so far; I'm holding out hope for more) and we start where we finished -- with Victoria and her Coterie in London, plenty to prove and so many opportunities to do so, whether they want to or not.

My word! Hold onto your hats, folks, because you're in for a bumpy ride. And please take a deep breath as you're going to need it! This book doesn't stop! You know how in some books, you have moments of action, followed by moments of rest? Yeah, well, that doesn't happen here. It's all-go from the very beginning. And although I felt worn out afterwards, I wouldn't change a single moment.

Achoris is the 'main guy' in this book but, don't worry, you'll get plenty of the others too, plus some action with all of them. Phew! It's hot in here. There is no chance of confusing these guys either. They are so individual and make their voices heard amongst the tumult of Victoria's crazy life.

There are plenty of loose ends to tie up in this novel, and Ms Blythe does so admirably. And she kept me waiting until near the end but then... MY PLEAS HAVE BEEN HEARD!!!! The Lodge returns! I'm so happy with the way things turned out. The Coterie gets larger but the inner circle remains as is, although the bonds are tighter once Achoris accepts he may not know everything after all.

What a finale! I loved every word and really didn't want it to finish, but I'm glad it has, in the way it has, if that makes sense?! This was an outstanding series with quirks and individuality in a genre that can become almost boring.

This author is definitely on my go-to list, and I highly recommend this book and this series but, please, start from the beginning and lose yourself in a world of blood, sex, and magic.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 6, 2021
Scream 4 (2011)
Scream 4 (2011)
2011 | Horror, Mystery
11 years after Scream 3 "graced" cinema screens, Wes Craven returned to his meta horror series in an era where the genre had gone into full remake mode.

I'm not convinced that Scream 4 needs to exist, especially after the underwhelming way the third film closed out the original trilogy, but this entry is definitely a step up.
The Meta side of things is again a little over the top, but it's good to see Ghostface in a more modern setting. This Ghostface is brutal as well, and Scream 4 is arguably the goriest of the franchise, making it's iconic masked antagonist more intimidating than ever.

The returning cast are back again - Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox, and David Arquette - and have somehow survived all of the Scream movies - as per usual, it feels like a homecoming with them in tow. It's not often in horror you have one person make it this far, let alone three. It gives the series a uniqueness that I can appreciate.
The new characters are all written like typical cannon fodder slasher victims but they all serve there purpose well. Hayden Panittiere is a welcome addition, and it's nice to see Anthony Anderson in a pre Black-ish role.

The plot is so so. It's all ground that has been relentlessly trodden by this point, but it still works. Sidney is back in town. People start getting stabbed. Everyone is a suspect. Rinse and repeat.
The killer reveal in this one isn't too shoddy either, and makes more sense that the reveals in Scream 2 and 3, and there's a lot of direct homage to the first movie in how it's all executed (coming round full circle to the remake commentary)

All in all, Scream 4 is a bucket load of fun, even if it doesn't quite hit the heights if the original. It will be interesting to see how the upcoming sequel will turn out following Craven's death, but I have the feeling it won't quite be the same. Long live Wes Craven!
Twin Peaks - Fire Walk with Me (1992)
Twin Peaks - Fire Walk with Me (1992)
1992 | Drama, Mystery, Documentary
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"There are a few different ways to experience the Twin Peaks franchise. One is as pure vibes—as Brenda Walsh puts it, “it’s not hippie witch, it’s Twin Peaks and it’s very in.” That’s easy to dismiss, but honestly it’s often what gets me to watch. Another way, and this seems to have gotten increasingly dominant lately, is as a puzzle-box mystery-mythology, a more arcane Lost. And that’s wonderful, if only because it encourages a communal conversation to untangle it. But Twin Peaks is also about a teenage girl who was repeatedly raped and ultimately murdered by her father. About how the ongoing abuse shaped her whole world, creating desires and addictions that terrified and excited her, and drawing in a circle of men fascinated by the prospects of saving and/or exploiting her. About how the tortured energy she exuded made the other girls, even her best friend, jealous. It’s a scenario so human and awful that those people—or a viewer—might need a whole fantastic mythical framework just to be able to take it in. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me foregrounds this last aspect. And that’s why, to me, it’s the beating heart of the series."

True Born (True Born Trilogy, #1)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic read! Well written with a great plot and characters. It took me a few chapters to get into this book, but once I did I couldn't put it down. I feel it is a cross between X-Men, Divergent and the 100. Lucy and Margot Fox are twins and they have a unique bond. They are daughters of the Chief Diplomat of Nor-Am. Being born to the Upper Circle sets Lucy and Margot apart from the rest of her dying world. The world has fallen victim to the plague. The breakdown of society wasn't fast, but it was messy, leaving three types of people in the world: Lasters, the ones who don't survive the plague. Splicers, humans whose bodies can be spliced with alternate genes to help them fight off the plague and survive. And the True Born, those who are immune to the plague, but they come with animal attributes (fins, claws, fur...). People don't learn if they are Lasters, Splicers, or True Born until their reveal on their 18th birthday. Lucy and Margot's 18th birthday is coming and they don't understand why they keep having to go through Protocols to determine their path in life. Lucy meets True Born Jared and do they have chemistry. Lucy and Margot's new security detail, is the True Born leader Nolan Storm. I love this series already! I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book from Netgalley.
The Inquisition (Summoner, Book 2)
The Inquisition (Summoner, Book 2)
Taran Matharu | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Justice for Fletcher (3 more)
Past uncovered
Return of Othello, Sylva
Gremlins, Blue
It got better!
Once more I’m impressed with the Summoner books because even though I am late to the game on this series so the suspense of Fletcher’s fate was not as intense it was still thrilling to see how he would escape these false accusations and unfair trails. One can argue Fletcher has sort of put himself in this tight spot, but due to his actions in the previous book he has friends and teachers who stand by knowing there is more to what he is being accused of than what the other side would like to admit. Fletcher has become to center of a far bigger game because of who he is and the power he holds in his attempts to tie races together. Furthermore, without spoiling anything for anyone else, due to a charge which does threaten his life Fletcher is able to learn who he truly is, but he will always be Berdon’s son.

Despite the fact Fletcher was in imprisonment for a year he is game to accept a new mission that will aid Hominum in the war with the Orcs. He’s even willing to accept the challenge that comes with it to prove Elves and Dwarfs can work together in the hopes it will fix the strain on the Dwarven and Elven ties with Humans due to events that took place while he is in the hole. Results he does not doubt the Triumvirate had their hands in. All Fletcher and his friends have to do is go into Orc lands with three other teams to put an end to a Goblin breed.

It can never be easy for Fletcher.

Now, that’s all I really want to cover as important points in [i]The Inquisition[/i] because it should pull you in if my next words do not. To circle back I enjoyed the second book far more than [i]The Novice[/i] yet found a new appreciation for the first book as I realize now all the set up there is the reason the second summoner book is successful and was able to focus on the race issue a bit more

To circle back, my enjoyment of the second summoner book is due to the writing by Matharu because of how he set up [i]The Novice[/i] and there is more appreciation to be had for the first book of the series because it is after the second I realized how much had been done for [i]The Inquisition[/i] to be successful. It is within the first summoner book we’re introduced to key characters, plots (minor and major), lives of the characters, and the issues which will drive Fletcher in the second. If anything, [i]The Novice[/i] was an thick introduction to the events to come in [i]The Inquisition[/i]. So I would say be mindful if you’re thinking to begin the series of what occurs and how it will relate later.

However I want to say the character growth is still alive, for better or worse. We’re even given new characters and demons to grow fond of, or hate. Somehow 350+ pages were not enough and yet were perfect to convey where we needed to go then set up the points for the third book. And I have to say there are some twists in here I did not catch, which is nice for someone who had read so much and can predict so much to come. Even though there is some betrayal to me it was worth it as due to Fletcher’s nature we’re able to gain perspective from another race no one has probably given much thought to.

So, if you have yet to get into the Summoner Books then I suggest you go if you’re for fantasy and magic. If you’ve yet to pick up [i]The Inquisition[/i] then I have to say I have no clue what you are doing because I’m peeved at myself for not getting to it sooner. Honestly, it’s a good series to get lost in and yet think about real world issues we have today even if they’re painted a little bit different.
The Everlasting Circle (Everlast #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
Well, it’s about bleeping time – okay, that probably sounds a tad bit rude (my language was totally in check).

Anyways, it’s been two – two! – years since the second book came out, and I’m kind of over the top excited to return to the world Juliana Haygert built several years ago.

The greatest thing Haygert provides at the very beginning of bringing us back to the world of Everlast is a recap of the first two books up to the point of preparing for war with Imha and Omi (among others). There’s also a lot of tension between Micah and Nadine from the second book carrying over to the final book, and I have to say… I don’t really mind the tension. After Micah got his own novella back in the Cup of Life, I kind of have a fondness for him and it was an absolute delight to take some peeks into Micah’s mind in The Everlasting Circle.

The last book in the Everlast trilogy brings a nice close to the entire series with a HEA and many, if not all, questions from the prior books answered.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Siren&#039;s Fury
Siren's Fury
Mary Weber | 2017 | Children
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
**Please note that this is the second book in The Storm Siren Series. While I always strive to keep my reviews spoiler-FREE, if you have not read the first book, you MAY encounter unknown information in this review**

Mary Weber's unique world is completely incredible. Rich with colorful descriptions and details, I feel like this is a real place I would read about in my history books. Granted...the magical elements kind of give it away as being fiction.

One thing that I have come to appreciate in Young Adult Fiction is the use of symbolism. Reminds me a lot of Ted Dekker's circle trilogy. The evil and darkness vs. The good and pure. The struggle that can occur when we open ourselves to the darkness...And the power that it can have over us IF WE LET IT! Ahh! SO GOOD!!!! And this story just keeps getting more and more intense. This book has a much more steam punk feel to it vs the first book. Different country, different culture, different feel. I LOVE IT!

I do enjoy a book series that continues the story line because it gives the author a chance to develop the characters and thicken the plot. And also makes me glad that I usually wait till these books are all released before I dive into them...So I can, you know...BINGE READ!!!

As Nym continues on her journey of harnessing her powers and stopping a war before it starts...We meet a few new characters and a few old ones tag along. Forget everything you think you know.......And be prepared to be enchanted by this tale of good vs. evil. Make sure you have book 3 ready to go before you start this one...TRUST ME...You are going to want to keep reading.

I found Siren's Fury at my local library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Storm Wolf (Arctic Brotherhood #3)
Storm Wolf (Arctic Brotherhood #3)
Jane Godman | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Storm Wolf (Arctic Brotherhood #3) by Jane Godman
Storm Wolf is the third book in the Arctic Brotherhood series, and this one features my favourite of the bunch - Dan Lowell. He is the environmental geek, the one who everyone goes to when they want some historical knowledge. In short, he's HOT!!! He finds out that Odessa Santin is poisoning the Arctic Circle, and she just happens to be the daughter of their old enemy. He goes to confront her, but things don't go according to plan ;) Instead, he finds out that both the Arctic Brotherhood and Odessa are being played, but they not sure by who. Luckily, both Odessa and Lowell have alibis in each other even though there is video proof otherwise. Lowell calls together the Brotherhood, determined to figure out what's going on. With the return of an old enemy, the Brotherhood will have to work to defeat him this time.

This instalment is just as well written as the previous books, and you do get to see old favourites too. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and I thoroughly enjoyed the interaction between the male Brotherhood, and Jenny, Violetta, and Odessa. Keeping my fingers crossed that Lowell doesn't disappear from the Brotherhood now. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!